+\chapterauthor{Pierre Fortin}{Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6, University Paris 6}
+\chapterauthor{Rachid Habel}{T\'el\'ecom SudParis}
+\chapterauthor{Fabienne J\'ez\'equel}{Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6, University Paris 6}
+\chapterauthor{Jean-Luc Lamotte}{Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6, University Paris 6}
+\chapterauthor{Stan Scott}{School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering \& Computer Science,
+The Queen's University of Belfast}
+\newcommand{\fixme}[1]{{\bf #1}}
+\chapter{Numerical validation and performance optimization on GPUs of
+an application in atomic physics}
+As described in Chapter~\ref{chapter1}, GPUs are characterized by hundreds
+of cores and theoretically perform one order of magnitude better than CPUs.
+An important factor to consider when programming on GPUs
+ is the cost of
+data transfers between CPU memory and GPU memory. Thus, to have good
+performance on
+GPUs, applications should be coarse-grained and have a high arithmetic
+($i.e.$ the ratio of arithmetic operations to memory operations).
+Another important aspect of GPU programming is that floating-point
+operations are preferably performed in single precision, if the
+ validity of results is not impacted by that format.
+The GPU compute power for floating-point operations is indeed greater in
+single precision than in double precision.
+The peak performance ratio between single precision and double
+precision varies for example for NVIDIA GPUs from $12$ for the first Tesla
+GPUs (C1060),
+to $2$ for the Fermi GPUs (C2050 and C2070)
+and to $3$ for the latest Kepler architecture (K20/K20X).
+As far as AMD GPUs are concerned, the latest AMD GPU (Tahiti HD 7970)
+presents a ratio of $4$.
+Moreover, GPU internal memory accesses and CPU-GPU data transfers are
+faster in single precision than in double precision,
+because of the different format lengths.
+This chapter describes the deployment on GPUs of PROP, a program of the
+2DRMP~\cite{FARM_2DRMP,2DRMP} suite which models electron collisions
+with H-like atoms and ions at intermediate energies. 2DRMP operates successfully on serial
+computers, high performance clusters and supercomputers. The primary
+purpose of the PROP program is to propagate a global
+R-matrix~\cite{Burke_1987}, $\Re$, in the two-electron configuration
+The propagation needs to be performed for all collision energies,
+for instance hundreds of energies,
+which are independent.
+Propagation equations are dominated by matrix multiplications involving sub-matrices of $\Re$.
+However, the matrix multiplications are not
+straightforward in the sense that $\Re$ dynamically changes the designation of its rows and
+columns and increases in size as the propagation proceeds \cite{VECPAR}.
+In a preliminary investigation PROP was selected by GENCI\footnote{GENCI: Grand Equipement National
+ de Calcul Intensif, \url{www.genci.fr}} and
+CAPS\footnote{CAPS is a software company providing products and solutions
+ for manycore application programming and deployment,
+ \url{www.caps-entreprise.com}},
+following their first call for projects in 2009-2010
+aimed at
+deploying applications on hybrid systems based on GPUs.
+First CAPS
+recast the propagation equations with larger matrices.
+For matrix products the GPU performance gain over CPU increases indeed
+with the matrix size, since the
+CPU-GPU transfer overhead becomes less significant and since CPUs are
+still more efficient for fine computation grains.
+Then, using HMPP\footnote{
+HMPP or {\em CAPS compiler}, see: \url{www.caps-entreprise.com/hmpp.html}},
+a commercial
+hybrid and parallel compiler, CAPS
+developed a version of PROP, in
+which matrix multiplications are performed on
+the GPU or the CPU, depending on the matrix size.
+Unfortunately this partial GPU implementation of PROP does not offer
+significant acceleration.
+The work described in this chapter, which is based on a study presented in \cite{PF_PDSEC2011}, aims at
+ improving PROP performance on
+GPUs by exploring two directions. First, because the original version of PROP is written
+in double precision,
+we study the numerical stability of PROP in single precision.
+Second, we deploy the whole
+computation code of PROP on
+GPUs to avoid the overhead generated by
+data transfers
+and we propose successive improvements
+(including a specific one to the Fermi architecture)
+in order to optimize the GPU code.
+\section{2DRMP and the PROP program}
+\subsection{Principles of R-matrix propagation}
+2DRMP~\cite{FARM_2DRMP,2DRMP} is part of the CPC library\footnote{CPC:
+Computer Physics Communications,
+It is a suite of seven
+programs aimed at creating virtual experiments on high performance and grid
+architectures to enable the study of electron scattering from H-like
+atoms and ions at intermediate energies. The 2DRMP suite uses the
+two-dimensional $R$-matrix propagation approach~\cite{Burke_1987}.
+In 2DRMP the two-electron configuration space ($r_1$,$r_2$) is
+divided into sectors.
+Figure~\ref{prop} shows the division of the two-electron configuration
+space ($r_1$,$r_2$) into 4 vertical $strips$ representing 10 $sectors$.
+The key computation in 2DRMP, performed by the PROP program, is the
+propagation of a global
+$R$-matrix, $\Re$, from sector to sector across the internal region, as shown in Fig.~\ref{prop}.
+\caption{\label{prop} Subdivision of the configuration space
+($r_1$,$r_2$) into a set of connected sectors.}
+\caption{\label{domain} Propagation of the R-matrix from domain D to domain D'.}
+We consider the general situation in
+Fig.~\ref{domain} where we assume that we already know
+the global $R$-matrix, $\Re^{I}$, associated with the boundary defined
+by edges 5, 2, 1 and 6
+in domain $D$ and we wish to
+evaluate the new global $R$-matrix, $\Re^{O}$, associated with edges 5, 3, 4 and 6
+in domain $D'$ following propagation across subregion $d$.
+Input edges are denoted by I (edges 1 and~2), output edges by O (edges 3 and 4) and
+common edges by X (edges 5 and~6).
+Because of symmetry, only the lower half of domains $D$ and $D'$ has to be considered.
+The global $R$-matrices, $\Re^{I}$ in domain $D$ and $\Re^{O}$ in
+domain $D'$, can be written as:
+\Re^{I} = \left(\begin{array}{cc}
+ \Re_{II}^{I} & \Re_{IX}^{I}\\
+ \Re_{XI}^{I} & \Re_{XX}^{I}
+ \end{array}\right)
+\ \
+\Re^{O} = \left(\begin{array}{cc}
+ \Re_{OO}^{O} & \Re_{OX}^{O}\\
+ \Re_{XO}^{O} & \Re_{XX}^{O}
+ \end{array}\right).
+From the set of local $R$-matrices, $\mathbf{R}_{ij}$ ($i,j\in \{1,2,3,4\}$)
+with subregion $d$, we can define
+ \mathbf{r}_{II} = \left(\begin{array}{cc}
+ \mathbf{R}_{11} & \mathbf{R}_{12}\\
+ \mathbf{R}_{21} & \mathbf{R}_{22}
+ \end{array}\right), \label{eqaa} &
+ \mathbf{r}_{IO} = \left(\begin{array}{cc}
+ \mathbf{R}_{13} & \mathbf{R}_{14}\\
+ \mathbf{R}_{23} & \mathbf{R}_{24}
+ \end{array}\right), \label{eqbb}\\
+ \mathbf{r}_{OI} = \left(\begin{array}{cc}
+ \mathbf{R}_{31} & \mathbf{R}_{32}\\
+ \mathbf{R}_{41} & \mathbf{R}_{42}
+ \end{array}\right), \label{eqcc} &
+ \mathbf{r}_{OO} = \left(\begin{array}{cc}
+ \mathbf{R}_{33} & \mathbf{R}_{34}\\
+ \mathbf{R}_{43} & \mathbf{R}_{44}
+ \end{array}\right),\label{eqdd}
+where $I$ represents the input edges 1 and 2, and $O$ represents
+the output edges 3 and 4 (see Fig.~\ref{domain}).
+The propagation across each sector is characterized by equations~(\ref{eq1}) to (\ref{eq4}).
+\Re^{O}_{OO} &=& \mathbf{r}_{OO} - \mathbf{r}_{IO}^T (r_{II} + \Re^{I}_{II})^{-1}\mathbf{r}_{IO}, \label{eq1} \\
+\Re^{O}_{OX} &=& \mathbf{r}_{IO}^T (\mathbf{r}_{II} + \Re^{I}_{II})^{-1}\Re^{I}_{IX}, \label{eq2} \\
+ \Re^{O}_{XO} &=& \Re^{I}_{XI}(\mathbf{r}_{II} + \Re^{I}_{II})^{-1}\mathbf{r}_{IO}, \label{eq3} \\
+ \Re^{O}_{XX} &=& \Re^{I}_{XX} - \Re^{I}_{XI}(\mathbf{r}_{II} +\Re^{I}_{II})^{-1}\Re^{I}_{IX}. \label{eq4}
+The matrix inversions are not explicitly performed. To compute
+$(r_{II} + \Re^{I}_{II})^{-1}\mathbf{r}_{IO}$ and $(\mathbf{r}_{II} + \Re^{I}_{II})^{-1}\Re^{I}_{IX}$,
+two linear systems are solved.
+While equations (\ref{eq1})-(\ref{eq4}) can be applied to the
+propagation across a general subregion two special situations should be
+noted: propagation across a diagonal subregion and propagation across
+a subregion bounded by the $r_{1}$-axis at the beginning of a new
+In the case of a diagonal subregion, from symmetry considerations,
+edge 2 is identical to edge 1 and edge 3 is identical to edge~4.
+Accordingly, with only one input edge and one output edge equations
+(\ref{eqaa})-(\ref{eqdd}) become:
+\mathbf{r}_{II} = 2\mathbf{R}_{11}, \
+\mathbf{r}_{IO} = 2\mathbf{R}_{14}, \label{eq4b}\\
+\mathbf{r}_{OI} = 2\mathbf{R}_{41}, \
+\mathbf{r}_{OO} = 2\mathbf{R}_{44}. \label{eq4d}
+In the case of a subregion bounded by the $r_1$-axis at the beginning
+of a new strip, we note that the input boundary $I$ consists of only
+one edge. When propagating across the first subregion in the second
+strip there is no common boundary $X$: in this case only equation
+(\ref{eq1}) needs to be solved.
+Having obtained the global $R$-matrix $\Re$ on the boundary of the
+innermost subregion (labeled $0$ in Fig.~\ref{prop}), $\Re$ is propagated across
+each subregion in the order indicated in Fig.~\ref{prop},
+working systematically from the
+$r_1$-axis at the bottom of each strip across all subregions to the
+\subsection{Description of the PROP program}
+ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{0.09\linewidth}{\centering Data set} &
+ \multirow{2}{0.15\linewidth}{\centering
+ Local $R$-\\matrix size} &
+ \multirow{2}{0.07\linewidth}{\centering Strips} &
+ \multirow{2}{0.09\linewidth}{\centering Sectors} &
+ \multirow{2}{0.19\linewidth}{\centering Final global \\$R$-matrix size} &
+ \multirow{2}{0.15\linewidth}{\centering Scattering\\energies} \\
+ & & & & & \\
+ \hline
+ Small & 90x90 & 4 & 10 & 360x360 & 6\\
+ \hline
+ Medium & 90x90 & 4 & 10 & 360x360 & 64\\
+ \hline
+ Large & 383x383 & 20 & 210 & 7660x7660 & 6\\
+ \hline
+ Huge & 383x383 & 20 & 210 & 7660x7660 & 64\\ \hline
+\caption{\label{data-sets}Characteristics of four data sets}
+The PROP program computes the propagation of the $R$-matrix across the sectors of the internal region.
+Table~\ref{data-sets} shows four different
+data sets used in this study and highlights the principal parameters of the PROP program.
+ PROP execution can be described by Algorithm~\ref{prop-algo}.
+First, amplitude arrays and
+correction data are read from data files generated by the preceding
+program of the 2DRMP suite.
+Then, local $R$-matrices are constructed from amplitude arrays.
+Correction data is used to compute correction vectors added to the diagonal of the local
+$R$-matrices. The local $R$-matrices, together with the input $R$-matrix,
+ $\Re^{I}$,
+computed on the previous sector, are used to compute the current output
+ At the end of a sector evaluation,
+the output $R$-matrix becomes the input $R$-matrix
+for the next evaluation.
+%% \begin{algorithm}
+%% \caption{\label{prop-algo}PROP algorithm}
+%% \begin{algorithmic}
+%% \FOR{all scattering energies}
+%% \FOR{all sectors}
+%% \STATE Read amplitude arrays
+%% \STATE Read correction data
+%% \STATE Construct local $R$-matrices
+%% \STATE From $\Re^{I}$ and local $R$-matrices, compute $\Re^{O}$
+%% \STATE $\Re^{O}$ becomes $\Re^{I}$ for the next sector
+%% \STATE Compute physical $R$-Matrix
+%% \end{algorithmic}
+%% \end{algorithm}
+On the first sector, there is no input $R$-matrix yet. To bootstrap
+the propagation, the first output $R$-matrix is constructed using only
+one local $R$-matrix. On the last sector, that is, on the boundary of
+the inner region, a physical $R$-matrix corresponding to the output
+$R$-matrix is computed and stored into an output file.
+In the PROP program, sectors are characterized into four types,
+depending on the computation performed:
+\item the starting sector (labeled 0 in Fig.~\ref{prop})
+\item the axis sectors (labeled 1, 3 and 6 in Fig.~\ref{prop})
+\item the diagonal sectors (labeled 2, 5 and 9 in Fig.~\ref{prop})
+\item the off-diagonal sectors (labeled 4, 7 and 8 in Fig.~\ref{prop}).
+The serial version of PROP is implemented in Fortran~90 and uses
+for linear algebra operations BLAS and LAPACK routines
+which are fully optimized for x86 architecture.
+serially propagates the $R$-matrix for
+all scattering energies.
+Since the propagations for these different
+energies are independent, there also
+exists an embarrassingly parallel version of
+that spreads the computations of
+several energies
+among multiple CPU nodes via
+\subsection{CAPS implementation}
+In order to handle larger matrices, and thus obtain better GPU speedup, CAPS
+recast equations (\ref{eq1}) to (\ref{eq4}) into one equation.
+The output $R$-matrix $\Re^{O}$ defined by equation~(\ref{eq:RI_RO}) is now computed as follows.
+\Re^{O} = \Re^{O^{\ \prime}} + U A^{-1} V,
+{\rm with} \
+\Re^{O^{\ \prime}}= \left(\begin{array}{cc}
+ \mathbf{r}_{OO} & 0\\
+ 0 & \Re^I_{XX} \end{array}\right), \
+U= \left(\begin{array}{c}
+ \mathbf-{r}_{IO}^{T}\\
+ \Re^I_{XI} \end{array}\right),
+A= \mathbf{r}_{II} + \Re^I_{II} \ {\rm and} \
+V= (\mathbf{r}_{IO}\ \ \ -\Re^I_{IX}).
+To compute $W=A^{-1}V$, no matrix inversion is performed. The matrix
+system $AW=V$ is solved.
+This reimplementation of PROP reduces the number of equations to be
+solved and the number of matrix copies for evaluating each sector.
+For instance, for an off-diagonal sector,
+copies fall from 22 to 5, matrix multiplications from 4 to~1 and calls
+to a linear equation solver from 2 to 1.
+To implement this version, CAPS
+used HMPP, a
+commercial hybrid and parallel compiler,
+based on compiler directives like the new OpenACC standard\footnote{See: \url{www.openacc-standard.org}}.
+If the matrices are large enough (the limit sizes are experimental parameters),
+they are multiplied on the GPU, otherwise on the CPU.
+ used the MKL BLAS implementation on an Intel Xeon
+x5560 quad core CPU (2.8 GHz)
+and the CUBLAS library (CUDA 2.2) on one Tesla C1060 GPU.
+On the large data set (see Table~\ref{data-sets}), CAPS
+ obtained a speedup of 1.15 for the GPU
+version over the CPU one (with multi-threaded MKL calls on the four
+CPU cores). This limited gain in performance is mainly
+due to the use of double precision computation
+and to the small or medium sizes of most matrices.
+For these matrices, the computation gain on
+the GPU is indeed
+strongly affected by the overhead
+generated by transferring these matrices from
+the CPU memory to the GPU memory to perform each matrix multiplication and then
+transferring the result back to the CPU memory.
+Our goal is to speedup PROP more significantly by porting the whole
+code to the GPU and therefore avoiding
+intermediate data transfers between
+the host (CPU) and the GPU. We will also study the
+stability of PROP in single precision because
+single precision computation is faster on the GPU
+and CPU-GPU data transfers are twice as fast as those performed in
+double precision.
+\section{Numerical validation of PROP in single precision}
+ \hline
+ relative error interval & \# occurrences \\
+ \hline
+ [0, 1.E-8) & 18 \\
+ \hline
+ [1.E-8, 1.E-6) & 1241 \\
+ \hline
+ [1.E-6, 1.E-4) & 48728 \\
+ \hline
+ [1.E-4, 1.E-2) & 184065 \\
+ \hline
+ [1.E-2, 1) & 27723 \\
+ \hline
+ [1, 100) & 304 \\
+ \hline
+ [100, $+\infty$) & 1 \\
+ \hline
+\caption{\label{sp-distrib}Error distribution for medium case in single precision}
+Floating-point input data, computation and output data of PROP are
+originally in double precision format.
+PROP produces a standard $R$-matrix H-file \cite{FARM_2DRMP}
+ and a collection of Rmat00X files (where X
+ranges from 0 to the number of scattering energies - 1)
+holding the physical R-matrix for each
+The H-file and the Rmat00X files are binary input files of the FARM program \cite{FARM_2DRMP}
+(last program of the 2DRMP suite).
+Their text equivalent are the prop.out
+and the prop00X.out files.
+To study the validity of PROP results in single precision,
+reference results are
+ generated by running the serial version of PROP in double precision.
+Data used in the most costly computation parts are read from input files in
+double precision format and then
+cast to single precision format.
+PROP results (input of FARM) are computed in single precision and written
+into files in double precision.
+\subsection{Medium case study}
+\caption{\label{fig:sp-distrib} Error distribution for medium case in single precision}
+The physical $R$-matrices, in
+the prop00X.out files, are compared to the
+reference ones for the medium case (see Table~\ref{data-sets}).
+ The relative
+error distribution is
+given in Fig.~\ref{fig:sp-distrib}.
+We focus on the largest errors.
+\item Errors greater than 100: the only impacted value is of order 1.E-6
+and is negligible compared to the other ones
+in the same prop00X.out file.
+\item Errors between 1 and 100: the values corresponding to the
+ largest errors are of order 1.E-3 and are negligible compared to
+ the majority of the other values which range between 1.E-2 and
+ 1.E-1.
+\item Errors between 1.E-2 and 1: the largest errors ($\ge$ 6\%)
+ impact values the order of magnitude of which is at most 1.E-1.
+ These values are negligible.
+ Relative errors of approximately 5\% impact values the order of
+ magnitude of which is at most 1.E2.
+ For instance, the value 164 produced by the reference version of
+ PROP becomes 172 in the single precision version.
+To study the impact of the single precision version of PROP on the
+FARM program, the cross-section
+results files corresponding to
+{1s2s}, {1s2p}, {1s3s}, {1s3p}, {1s3d},
+{1s4s}, {2p4d} are compared to the reference ones.
+Table~\ref{sp-farm} shows that all cross-section files are impacted by
+errors. Indeed in the {2p4d} file, four relative errors are
+greater than one and the maximum relative error is 1.60.
+However the largest errors impact negligible values. For example, the maximum
+error (1.60) impacts a reference value which is 4.5E-4. The largest
+values are impacted by low errors. For instance, the maximum value
+(1.16) is impacted by a relative error of the order 1.E-3.
+\begin{tabular}{|c|c||c|c|} \hline
+ file & largest relative error & file & largest relative error\\ \hline
+ {1s1s} & 0.02& {1s3p} & 0.11 \\ \hline
+ {1s2s} & 0.06 & {1s3d} & 0.22 \\ \hline
+ {1s2p} & 0.08 & {1s4s} & 0.20 \\ \hline
+ {1s3s} & 0.17 &2p4d & 1.60 \\ \hline
+\caption{\label{sp-farm}Impact on FARM of the single precision version of PROP}
+To examine in more detail the impact of PROP on FARM,
+cross sections above the ionization threshold (1 Ryd)
+are compared in single and
+double precision for
+transitions amongst the 1s, \dots 4s, 2p, \dots 4p, 3d, 4d target states.
+This comparison is carried out by generating 45 plots. In all the
+ plots, results in single and double precision match except for few
+ scattering energies which are very close to pseudo-state thresholds.
+For example Fig.~\ref{1s2p} and \ref{1s4d} present the scattering energies corresponding to the
+{1s2p} and {1s4d} cross-sections computed in single and double precision. For some cross-sections,
+increasing a threshold parameter from 1.E-4 to 1.E-3 in the FARM
+results in energies close to threshold being avoided
+ and therefore
+the cross-sections in double and single precision match more
+This is the case for instance for cross-section 1s2p (see Fig.~\ref{1s2p3}).
+However for other cross-sections (such as 1s4d) some problematic energies remain even if the
+threshold parameter in the FARM
+program is increased to 1.E-3 (see Fig.~\ref{1s4d3}). A higher
+threshold parameter would be required for such cross-sections.
+\subfigure[threshold = 1.E-4]{
+ \label{1s2p}
+ }
+\subfigure[threshold = 1.E-3]{
+ \label{1s2p3}
+ }
+\caption{1s2p cross-section, 10 sectors}
+\subfigure[threshold = 1.E-4]{
+ \label{1s4d}
+ }
+\subfigure[threshold = 1.E-3]{
+ \label{1s4d3}
+ }
+\caption{1s4d cross-section, 10 sectors}
+As a conclusion, the medium case study shows that the execution of
+PROP in single precision leads to a few inexact scattering energies to
+be computed by the FARM program for some cross-sections.
+Thanks to a suitable threshold parameter in the FARM program these problematic energies may possibly
+be skipped.
+Instead of investigating deeper the choice of such a parameter for the medium case, we analyze the
+single precision computation in a more
+realistic case in Sect.~\ref{huge}.
+The conclusion of the medium case study is that running PROP in single
+precision gives relatively stable results provided that suitable
+parameter values are used in the FARM program in order to skip the
+problematic energies that are too close to the pseudo-state
+thresholds. To verify if this conclusion is still valid with a larger
+data set, the single precision computation is analyzed in a more
+realistic case in Sect.~\ref{huge}.
+\subsection{Huge case study}\label{huge}
+ \centering
+\caption{\label{1s2pHT}1s2p cross-section, threshold = 1.E-4, 210 sectors}
+ \centering
+\caption{\label{1s4dHT}1s4d cross-section, threshold = 1.E-4, 210 sectors}
+We study here the impact on FARM of the PROP program run in
+single precision for the huge case (see Table~\ref{data-sets}).
+The cross-sections
+corresponding to all
+atomic target states 1s \dots 7i are explored, which
+leads to
+406 comparison plots.
+It should be noted that in this case, over the same energy range above the ionization threshold, the density of pseudo-state thresholds is significantly increased compared to the medium case.
+As expected, all the plots exhibit large differences between single and double
+precision cross-sections.
+For example Fig.~\ref{1s2pHT} and \ref{1s4dHT} present the 1s2p and 1s4d cross-sections computed in
+single and double precision for the huge case.
+We can conclude that PROP in single precision gives invalid results
+for realistic simulation cases above the ionization threshold.
+Therefore the deployment of PROP on GPU, described in Sect.~\ref{gpu-implem},
+has been carried out in double precision.
+\section{Towards a complete deployment of PROP on GPUs}
+We now detail how PROP has been progressively deployed on
+GPUs in double precision in order to avoid the
+expensive memory transfers between the host and the GPU.
+Different versions with successive improvements and optimizations are presented.
+We use CUDA~\cite{CUDA_ProgGuide} for GPU programming, as well as the
+and MAGMA \cite{MAGMA} libraries for linear algebra operations.
+Since PROP is written in Fortran 90, {\em wrappers} in C are used to
+enable calls to CUDA kernels from PROP routines.
+\subsection{Computing the output $R$-matrix on GPU}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.7\linewidth]{Chapters/chapter15/figures/offdiagonal_nb.pdf}
+ \caption{\label{offdiagonal} The six steps of an off-diagonal sector
+ evaluation.}
+As mentioned in Algorithm~\ref{prop-algo}, evaluating a sector
+mainly consists in constructing local $R$-matrices and in computing
+one output $R$-matrix, $\Re^{O}$. In this first step of the porting
+process, referred to as GPU V1\label{gpuv1},
+we only consider the computation of $\Re^{O}$ on the GPU.
+We distinguish the following six steps, related to equations
+(\ref{eq_CAPS_1}), (\ref{eq_CAPS_2}) and (\ref{eq_CAPS_3}), and illustrated in
+Fig.~\ref{offdiagonal} for an off-diagonal sector.
+\item[Step 1] (``Input copies''):~data are copied from $\Re^{I}$
+ to temporary arrays ($A$, $U$, $V$) and to $\Re^{O}$.
+ These copies, along with possible scalings or transpositions, are
+ implemented as CUDA kernels which can be applied to two
+ matrices of any size and starting at any offset.
+ Memory accesses are coalesced \cite{CUDA_ProgGuide} in order to
+ provide the best performance for such memory-bound kernels.
+\item[Step 2] (``Local copies''):~data are copied from
+ local $R$-matrices to temporary arrays ($U$, $V$) and to $\Re^{O}$.
+ Moreover data from local $R$-matrix
+ $\mathbf{r}_{II}$
+ is added to matrix $A$ (via a CUDA kernel) and zeroes are written in
+ $\Re^{O}$ where required.
+\item[Step 3] (``Linear system solving''):~matrix $A$ is factorized
+ using the MAGMA DGETRF
+ routine and the result is stored in-place.
+\item[Step 4] (``Linear system solving'' cont.):~the matrix system
+ of linear equations $AW$ = $V$ is solved using the MAGMA DGETRS
+routine. The solution is stored in matrix $V$.
+\item[Step 5] (``Output matrix product''):~matrix $U$
+ is multiplied by matrix $V$ using the CUBLAS DGEMM
+ routine. The result is stored in a temporary matrix~$t$.
+\item[Step 6] (``Output add''):~$t$ is added to $\Re^{O}$ (CUDA
+ kernel).
+All the involved matrices are stored in the GPU memory. Only the
+local $R$-matrices are first constructed on the host and then sent
+to the GPU memory, since these matrices vary from sector to sector.
+The evaluation of the axis and diagonal sectors is similar.
+However, fewer operations and copies are required because of
+symmetry considerations \cite{2DRMP}.
+\subsection{Constructing the local $R$-matrices on GPU}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.7\linewidth]{Chapters/chapter15/figures/amplitudes_nb.pdf}
+ \caption{\label{amplitudes} Constructing the local $R$-matrix R34
+ from the $j$ amplitude array associated with edge 4 and the $i$
+ amplitude array associated with edge~3.}
+Local $R$-matrices are constructed using two three dimensional arrays,
+$i$ and $j$. Each three dimensional array contains four
+matrices corresponding to the surface amplitudes associated with the
+four edges of a sector. Those matrices are named {\em amplitude arrays}.
+ $j$ amplitude arrays are read from data files and $i$ amplitude arrays
+are obtained by scaling each row of the $j$ amplitude arrays.
+The main part of the construction of a local $R$-matrix,
+presented in Fig.~\ref{amplitudes},
+is a matrix product between
+one $i$ amplitude array and one transposed $j$ amplitude array
+which is performed by a single DGEMM
+BLAS call.
+In this version, hereafter referred to as GPU
+V2\label{gpuv2}, $i$ and $j$ amplitude arrays are transferred to the
+GPU memory and the required matrix multiplications are performed on
+the GPU (via CUBLAS routines).
+The involved matrices having medium sizes (either $3066 \times 383$ or
+$5997 \times 383$),
+performing these matrix multiplications
+on the GPU is expected to be faster than on the CPU.
+However, this implies a greater communication volume
+between the CPU and the GPU
+since the $i$ and $j$ amplitude arrays are larger than the local
+It can be noticed that correction data are also used in the
+construction of a local $R$-matrix,
+but this is a minor part in the
+computation. However, these correction data also have to be
+transferred from the CPU to the GPU for each sector.
+\subsection{Scaling amplitude arrays on GPU}
+should be worthwhile to try to reduce the CPU-GPU data
+transfers of the GPU V2, where the $i$ and $j$ amplitude arrays are
+constructed on the host and then sent to the GPU memory for each sector.
+In this new version, hereafter referred to as GPU V3\label{gpuv3}, we
+transfer only the $j$ amplitude arrays and the
+required scaling factors (stored in one 1D array) to the GPU memory,
+so that the $i$ amplitude arrays are
+then directly computed on the GPU by multiplying the $j$ amplitude
+arrays by these scaling factors (via a CUDA kernel).
+Therefore, we save the transfer of four $i$ amplitude arrays on
+each sector by transferring only this 1D array of scaling factors.
+Moreover, scaling $j$ amplitude arrays is expected to be faster on the
+GPU than on the CPU, thanks to the massively parallel architecture of
+the GPU and thanks to its higher internal memory bandwidth.
+\subsection{Using double-buffering to overlap I/O and computation}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{Chapters/chapter15/figures/C1060_V3_IO_COMP.pdf}
+ \caption{\label{overlapping} Compute and I/O times for the GPU V3 on
+ one C1060.}
+As described in Algorithm~\ref{prop-algo}, there are two main steps in
+the propagation across a sector: reading amplitude arrays
+and correction data from I/O files and
+evaluating the current sector.
+Fig.~\ref{overlapping} shows the I/O times and the evaluation times
+of each sector for the huge case execution (210 sectors, 20 strips) of the GPU V3
+on one C1060.
+Whereas the times required by the off-diagonal sectors are similar
+within each of the 20 strips,
+the times for diagonal sectors of each strip
+are the shortest ones, the times for the axis sectors being
+The I/O times are roughly constant among all strips.
+The evaluation time is equivalent to the I/O
+time for the first sectors. But this evaluation time grows
+linearly with the strip number, and rapidly exceeds the I/O
+It is thus interesting to use a double-buffering technique to overlap the
+I/O time with the evaluation time:
+for each sector, the evaluation of sector $n$ is performed
+(on GPU) simultaneously with the reading of data for sector
+$n+1$ (on CPU). This requires the duplication in the CPU memory of all the
+data structures
+used for storing data read from I/O files for each sector.
+This version, hereafter referred to as GPU
+V4\label{gpuv4}, uses POSIX threads. Two threads are
+executed concurrently: an I/O thread that reads data from I/O files
+for each sector, and a computation thread, dedicated to the propagation
+of the global $R$-matrix, that performs successively for each sector
+all necessary computations on GPU,
+as well as all required CPU-GPU data transfers.
+The evaluation of a sector uses the data read for this sector as well
+as the global $R$-matrix computed on the previous sector.
+This dependency requires synchronizations between the I/O thread and
+the computation thread which are implemented through standard POSIX
+thread mechanisms.
+\subsection{Matrix padding}
+performance and the MAGMA DGETRF/DGETRS
+performance is reduced when the sizes (or
+the leading dimensions) of the matrix are not multiples of the inner blocking size \cite{NTD10a}.
+This inner blocking size can be 32 or 64, depending on the computation
+and on the underlying
+GPU architecture \cite{MAGMA,NTD10b}.
+In this version (GPU V5\label{gpuv5}),
+the matrices are therefore padded with $0.0$ (and $1.0$ on the diagonal for the linear systems)
+so that their sizes are
+multiples of 64.
+This corresponds indeed to the optimal size for the matrix product on the
+Fermi architecture \cite{NTD10b}. And as far as linear system solving is
+concerned, all the matrices have sizes which are multiples of 383: we
+therefore use padding to obtain multiples of 384 (which are
+again multiples of 64).
+It can be noticed that this padding has to be performed dynamically
+as the matrices increase in size during the propagation
+(when possible the
+ maximum required storage space is however allocated only once in the
+ GPU memory).
+\section{Performance results}
+\subsection{PROP deployment on GPU}
+ \hline
+ PROP version & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Execution time} \\
+ \hline
+ \hline
+ CPU version: 1 core & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{201m32s} \\
+ \hline
+ CPU version: 4 cores & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{113m28s} \\
+ \hline \hline
+GPU version & C1060 & C2050 \\
+ \hline\hline
+ GPU V1 (\S~\ref{gpuv1}) & 79m25s & 66m22s \\
+ \hline
+ GPU V2 (\S~\ref{gpuv2}) & 47m58s & 29m52s \\
+ \hline
+ GPU V3 (\S~\ref{gpuv3}) & 41m28s & 23m46s \\
+ \hline
+ GPU V4 (\S~\ref{gpuv4}) & 27m21s & 13m55s\\
+ \hline
+ GPU V5 (\S~\ref{gpuv5}) & 24m27s & 12m39s \\
+ \hline
+Execution time of PROP on CPU and GPU}
+ \hline
+ PROP version & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Execution time} \\
+ \hline \hline
+CPU version & 1 core & 4 cores \\\hline
+& {201m32s} & {113m28s} \\ \hline \hline
+GPU version & C1060 & C2050 \\
+ \hline\hline
+ GPU V1 (\ref{gpuv1}) & 79m25s & 66m22s \\
+ \hline
+ GPU V2 (\ref{gpuv2}) & 47m58s & 29m52s \\
+ \hline
+ GPU V3 (\ref{gpuv3}) & 41m28s & 23m46s \\
+ \hline
+ GPU V4 (\ref{gpuv4}) & 27m21s & 13m55s\\
+ \hline
+ GPU V5 (\ref{gpuv5}) & 24m27s & 12m39s \\
+ \hline
+Execution time of the successive GPU versions}
+\subfigure[Speedup over 1 CPU core]{
+ \linewidth]{Chapters/chapter15/figures/histo_speedup_1core.pdf}
+ \label{fig:speedup_1core}
+ }
+\subfigure[Speedup over 4 CPU cores]{
+ \linewidth]{Chapters/chapter15/figures/histo_speedup_4cores.pdf}
+ \label{fig:speedup_4cores}
+ }
+\caption{Speedup of the successive GPU versions.}
+Table~\ref{table:time} presents
+the execution times
+of PROP on CPUs and GPUs,
+each version solves the propagation equations in the
+form~(\ref{eq_CAPS_1}-\ref{eq_CAPS_3}) as proposed by CAPS.
+Fig.~\ref{fig:speedup_1core} (respectively \ref{fig:speedup_4cores})
+shows the speedup of the successive GPU versions
+over one CPU core (respectively four CPU cores).
+We use here Intel Q8200 quad-core CPUs (2.33 GHz), one C1060 GPU and
+one C2050 (Fermi) GPU, located at
+ UPMC (Universit\'e Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France).
+As a remark, the execution times measured on the C2050 would be the same
+on the C2070 and on the C2075, the only difference between these GPUs
+being their memory size and their TDP (Thermal Design Power).
+We emphasize that the execution times correspond to the
+complete propagation for all six energies of the large case (see
+Table~\ref{data-sets}), that is to say to the complete execution of
+the PROP program.
+Since energies are independent, execution times for more energies
+(e.g. the huge case) should be proportional
+to those reported in Table~\ref{table:time}.
+These tests, which have been performed with CUDA 3.2, CUBLAS 3.2 and
+MAGMA 0.2,
+show that the successive GPU versions of PROP offer
+increasing, and at the end interesting, speedups.
+More precisely,
+V2 shows that it is worth increasing slightly the
+CPU-GPU communication volume in order to perform
+large enough matrix products on the GPU.
+ This communication volume can fortunately be
+reduced thanks to~V3,
+which also accelerates the computation of
+amplitude arrays thanks to the GPU.
+double-buffering technique implemented in V4
+ effectively enables the overlapping of
+I/O operations with computation, while the
+padding implemented in V5 also improves the computation times.
+is noticed that the padding
+does offer much more performance gain with,
+for example, CUDA 3.1 and the MAGMA DGEMM~\cite{NTD10b}: the
+speedup with respect to one
+CPU core was increased from 6.3 to 8.1 on C1060, and from 9.5 to 14.3
+on C2050.
+Indeed since CUBLAS 3.2 performance has been improved for non block multiple
+matrix sizes through MAGMA code~\cite{NTD10a}.
+Although for all versions the C2050 (with its improved
+double precision performance) offers up to almost
+double speedup compared to
+the C1060, the performance obtained with both architectures justifies the use of
+the GPU for such an application.
+\subsection{PROP execution profile}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics*[width=0.64\linewidth]{Chapters/chapter15/figures/CPU_1_CORE_TIMES.pdf}
+\caption{CPU (1 core) execution times for the off-diagonal sectors of the large case.}
+ \centering
+ \subfigure[GPU V5 on one C1060]{
+ \subfigure[GPU V5 on one C2050]{
+\caption{GPU execution times for the off-diagonal sectors of
+ the large case.}
+We detail here the execution profile on
+the CPU and the GPU for the evaluation of all off-diagonal sectors
+(the most representative ones) for a complete energy propagation.
+ Fig.~\ref{fig:CPU-timing} and \ref{fig:profileGPU} show CPU and GPU execution times for the
+171 off-diagonal sectors of the large case (see Table \ref{data-sets}).
+``Copying, adding, scaling'' corresponds to the amplitude
+ array construction (scaling) as well as to steps 1, 2 and 6 in
+ Sect.~\ref{gpu-RO}, all implemented via CUDA kernels.
+``CPU-GPU transfers''
+aggregate transfer times for the $j$ amplitude
+arrays and the scaling factors, as well as for the correction data.
+ ``Amplitude matrix product'' corresponds to the DGEMM call to
+ construct the local R-matrices from the $i$ and $j$ amplitude
+ arrays.
+``Linear system solving'' and ``Output matrix product'' correspond
+respectively to steps 3-4 and to step 5 in Sect.~\ref{gpu-RO}.
+On one CPU core (see Fig.~\ref{fig:CPU-timing}),
+ matrix products for the construction of the local
+$R$-matrices require the same
+computation time during the whole propagation. Likewise the CPU time required by
+ matrix products for the output $R$-matrix is constant within each
+ strip. But as the global $R$-matrix is propagated from strip to
+ strip, the sizes of
+the matrices $U$ and $V$ increase, so does their multiplication time.
+The time required to solve the linear system increases
+slightly during the propagation.
+These three operations (``Amplitude matrix product'', ``Output matrix
+product'' and ``Linear system solving'') are clearly dominant in terms
+of computation
+time compared to the other remaining operations, which justify our
+primary focus on such three linear algebra operations.
+On the C1060 (see Fig.~\ref{GPU-timing}), we have
+generally managed to obtain a similar speedup for all operations
+(around 8, which corresponds to Fig.~\ref{fig:speedup_1core}). Only the linear system solving
+presents a lower speedup (around~4).
+The CUDA kernels and the remaining CPU-GPU transfers make a minor contribution
+to the overall computation time and do not require
+additional improvements.
+On the C2050 (see Fig.~\ref{fermi-timing}), additional speedup is
+obtained for all operations, except for the
+CPU-GPU transfers and the linear system solving.
+The CPU-GPU transfers are mainly due to the $j$ amplitude arrays, and
+currently still correspond to minor times. When required, the
+double-buffering technique may also be used to overlap such transfers
+with computation on the GPU.
+\section{Propagation of multiple concurrent energies on GPU}
+Finally, we present here an improvement that can
+benefit from the Fermi architecture, as well as from the newest Kepler
+both of which enable the concurrent execution of multiple
+CUDA kernels, thus offering additional speedup on
+GPUs for small or medium computation grain kernels.
+In our case, the performance gain on the GPU is indeed limited
+since most matrices have small or medium sizes.
+By using multiple streams within one CUDA context~\cite{CUDA_ProgGuide},
+we can propagate multiple energies
+concurrently on the Fermi GPU.
+It can be noticed that all GPU computations for all streams are
+launched by the same host thread. We therefore rely here on the {\em legacy
+API} of CUBLAS~\cite{CUBLAS} (like MAGMA)
+without thread safety problems.
+A {\em breadth first} issue order is used for kernel
+launchs \cite{CUDA_stream}: for a given GPU kernel, all kernel launchs
+are indeed issued together in the host thread, using one stream for each
+concurrent energy, in order to maximize concurrent kernel
+Of course, the memory available on the GPU must be large enough to
+store all data structures required by each energy.
+Moreover, multiple streams are also used within the
+propagation of each single energy
+in order to enable concurrent executions among the required kernels.
+ \hline
+ \multirow{4}{0.18\linewidth}{Medium case} & Number of &
+ \multirow{2}{0.07\linewidth}{\centering 1} &
+ \multirow{2}{0.07\linewidth}{\centering 2} &
+ \multirow{2}{0.07\linewidth}{\centering 4} &
+ \multirow{2}{0.07\linewidth}{\centering 8} &
+ \multirow{2}{0.07\linewidth}{\centering 16} \\
+ & energies & & & & & \\
+ \cline{2-7}
+ & Time (s) & 11.18 & 6.87 & 5.32 & 4.96 & 4.76 \\
+ \cline{2-7}
+ & Speedup & - & 1.63 & 2.10 & 2.26 & 2.35 \\
+ \hline
+ \hline
+ \multirow{4}{0.18\linewidth}{Large case} & Number of &
+ \multirow{2}{0.07\linewidth}{\centering 1} &
+ \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\multirow{2}{0.07\linewidth}{\centering 2}} &
+ \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\multirow{2}{0.07\linewidth}{\centering 3}} \\
+ & energies & & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{~} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{~} \\
+ \cline{2-7}
+ & Time (s) & 509.51 & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{451.49} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{436.72} \\
+ \cline{2-7}
+ & Speedup & - & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{1.13} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{1.17} \\
+ \hline
+\caption{\label{t:perfs_V6} Performance results with multiple
+ concurrent energies
+ on one C2070 GPU. GPU initialization times are not considered here. }
+In order to have enough GPU memory to run two or three concurrent
+energies for the large case, we use one C2070 GPU
+(featuring 6GB of memory)
+with one Intel X5650 hex-core CPU, CUDA 4.1 and CUBLAS 4.1, as
+well as the latest MAGMA release (version 1.3.0).
+Substantial changes have been required
+in the MAGMA calls with respect to the previous versions of PROP that were using MAGMA 0.2.
+ Table~\ref{t:perfs_V6} presents the speedups
+obtained on the Fermi GPU for multiple concurrent
+energies (up to sixteen since this is the maximum number of concurrent
+kernel launches currently supported \cite{CUDA_ProgGuide}).
+With the medium case, speedups greater than 2 are obtained with four
+concurrent energies or more.
+With the more realistic large case, the performance gain is lower mainly because of
+the increase in matrix sizes, which implies a better GPU usage
+with only one energy on the GPU. The concurrent execution of multiple
+kernels is also limited by other operations on the
+GPU \cite{CUDA_ProgGuide,CUDA_stream} and by the current MAGMA code which
+prevents concurrent MAGMA calls in different streams.
+Better speedups can be here expected on the latest Kepler GPUs which
+offer additional compute power, and whose {\em Hyper-Q} feature may help
+improve further the GPU utilization with concurrent energies.
+On the contrary, the same code on the C1060 shows no speedup
+ since the concurrent kernel launches are
+serialized on this previous GPU architecture.
+\section{Conclusion and future work}
+In this chapter, we have presented our methodology and our results in
+the deployment on
+a GPU of an application (the PROP program) in atomic physics.
+We have started by studying the numerical stability of PROP using
+single precision arithmetic. This has shown that PROP
+using single precision, while relatively stable for some small cases,
+gives unsatisfactory results for realistic simulation cases above the
+ionization threshold where there is a
+significant density of pseudo-states. It is
+expected that this may not be the case below the ionization threshold
+where the actual target states are less dense. This requires further
+We have
+therefore deployed the PROP code in double precision on
+a GPU, with successive improvements. The different GPU versions
+each offer increasing speedups over the CPU version.
+Compared to the single (respectively four) core(s) CPU version, the
+optimal GPU implementation
+gives a speedup of 8.2 (resp. 4.6) on one C1060 GPU,
+and a speedup of 15.9 (resp. 9.0) on one
+C2050 GPU with improved double precision performance.
+An additional gain of around 15\%
+can also be obtained on one Fermi GPU
+with large memory (C2070) thanks to concurrent kernel execution.
+Such speedups
+cannot be directly compared with the 1.15 speedup
+obtained with the HMPP version, since in our tests the CPUs are
+different and the CUBLAS versions are more recent.
+However, the programming effort required
+progressively to deploy PROP on GPUs clearly offers improved and interesting speedups for this
+real-life application in double precision with varying-size matrices.
+We are currently working on a hybrid CPU-GPU version that spreads the
+computations of the independent energies on both the CPU
+and the GPU. This will enable
+multiple energy execution on the CPU, with
+one or several core(s) dedicated to each energy (via multi-threaded
+BLAS libraries). Multiple
+concurrent energies may also be propagated on each Fermi GPU.
+By merging this work with the current MPI PROP program, we will
+obtain a scalable hybrid CPU-GPU version.
+This final version will offer an additional level of parallelism
+thanks to the MPI
+standard in order to exploit multiple
+nodes with multiple CPU cores and possibly multiple GPU cards.