From: couturie <couturie@extinction>
Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 14:08:53 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: new


diff --git a/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter17/ch17.tex b/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter17/ch17.tex
index bec01e3..f468214 100755
--- a/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter17/ch17.tex
+++ b/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter17/ch17.tex
@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ of MIOR as well as for other ABM, to ensure that each work-item is not
 too constrained in its execution.
-\lstinputlisting[caption=main MIOR kernel,label=ch17:listing:mior_kernels]{Chapters/chapter17/code/}
+\lstinputlisting[caption=main MIOR kernel,label=ch17:listing:mior_kernels]{Chapterbis/chapter17/code/}
 From the sequential algorithm (Algorithm~\ref{ch17:seqalgo}) where all
 the agents share the same data, we have developed a parallel algorithm