From b7e61e1f68e950462bff7221fe17c38d2ce7b3c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: couturie Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 22:57:59 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] update embedded fonts --- BookGPU/BookGPU.tex | 4 +- BookGPU/Chapters/chapter12/ch12.aux | 144 +- BookGPU/Chapters/chapter16/ch16.aux | 126 +- BookGPU/Chapters/chapter17/ch17.aux | 134 +- BookGPU/Chapters/chapter18/ch18.aux | 72 +- BookGPU/Chapters/chapter5/ch5.tex | 28 +- .../AlphaPerformanceGTX590_N16777216_conv.pdf | Bin 0 -> 7686 bytes .../ | 982 ++ .../chapter5/figures/ConvergenceDC_conv.pdf | Bin 0 -> 11962 bytes .../chapter5/figures/ | 3017 ++++++ .../figures/ConvergenceMGvsCG_conv.pdf | Bin 0 -> 9921 bytes .../figures/ | 3043 ++++++ .../figures/ | 8675 +++++++++++++++++ .../figures/HeatSolution0_049307_conv.pdf | Bin 0 -> 15255 bytes .../figures/HeatSolution0_099723_conv.pdf | Bin 0 -> 15253 bytes .../figures/ | 8675 +++++++++++++++++ .../chapter5/figures/HeatSolution0_conv.pdf | Bin 0 -> 15323 bytes .../chapter5/figures/ | 8675 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GPU clusters}{293}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {12}Solving sparse linear systems with GMRES and CG methods on GPU clusters}{295}} \@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} \@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} -\newlabel{ch12}{{12}{293}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {12.1}Introduction}{293}} -\newlabel{ch12:sec:01}{{12.1}{293}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {12.2}Krylov iterative methods}{294}} -\newlabel{ch12:sec:02}{{12.2}{294}} -\newlabel{ch12:eq:01}{{12.1}{294}} -\newlabel{ch12:eq:02}{{12.2}{294}} -\newlabel{ch12:eq:03}{{12.3}{294}} -\newlabel{ch12:eq:11}{{12.4}{295}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {12.2.1}CG method}{295}} -\newlabel{ch12:sec:02.01}{{12.2.1}{295}} -\newlabel{ch12:eq:04}{{12.5}{295}} -\newlabel{ch12:eq:05}{{12.6}{295}} -\newlabel{ch12:eq:06}{{12.7}{295}} -\newlabel{ch12:eq:07}{{12.8}{295}} -\newlabel{ch12:eq:08}{{12.9}{295}} -\newlabel{ch12:eq:09}{{12.10}{295}} -\@writefile{loa}{\contentsline {algocf}{\numberline {14}{\ignorespaces Left-preconditioned CG method\relax }}{296}} -\newlabel{ch12:alg:01}{{14}{296}} -\newlabel{ch12:eq:10}{{12.11}{296}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {12.2.2}GMRES method}{297}} -\newlabel{ch12:sec:02.02}{{12.2.2}{297}} -\newlabel{ch12:eq:12}{{12.12}{297}} -\newlabel{ch12:eq:13}{{12.13}{297}} -\newlabel{ch12:eq:14}{{12.14}{297}} -\newlabel{ch12:eq:15}{{12.15}{297}} -\newlabel{ch12:eq:16}{{12.16}{297}} -\newlabel{ch12:eq:17}{{12.17}{297}} -\newlabel{ch12:eq:18}{{12.18}{297}} -\newlabel{ch12:eq:19}{{12.19}{297}} -\@writefile{loa}{\contentsline {algocf}{\numberline {15}{\ignorespaces Left-preconditioned GMRES method with restarts\relax }}{298}} -\newlabel{ch12:alg:02}{{15}{298}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {12.3}Parallel implementation on a GPU cluster}{299}} -\newlabel{ch12:sec:03}{{12.3}{299}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {12.3.1}Data partitioning}{299}} -\newlabel{ch12:sec:03.01}{{12.3.1}{299}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {12.1}{\ignorespaces A data partitioning of the sparse matrix $A$, the solution vector $x$ and the right-hand side $b$ into four portions.\relax }}{300}} -\newlabel{ch12:fig:01}{{12.1}{300}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {12.3.2}GPU computing}{300}} -\newlabel{ch12:sec:03.02}{{12.3.2}{300}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {12.3.3}Data communications}{301}} -\newlabel{ch12:sec:03.03}{{12.3.3}{301}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {12.2}{\ignorespaces Data exchanges between \textit {Node 1} and its neighbors \textit {Node 0}, \textit {Node 2} and \textit {Node 3}.\relax }}{302}} -\newlabel{ch12:fig:02}{{12.2}{302}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {12.3}{\ignorespaces Columns reordering of a sparse sub-matrix.\relax }}{303}} -\newlabel{ch12:fig:03}{{12.3}{303}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {12.4}Experimental results}{304}} -\newlabel{ch12:sec:04}{{12.4}{304}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {12.4}{\ignorespaces General scheme of the GPU cluster of tests composed of six machines, each with two GPUs.\relax }}{304}} -\newlabel{ch12:fig:04}{{12.4}{304}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {12.5}{\ignorespaces Sketches of sparse matrices chosen from the Davis collection.\relax }}{305}} -\newlabel{ch12:fig:05}{{12.5}{305}} -\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {12.1}{\ignorespaces Main characteristics of sparse matrices chosen from the Davis collection.\relax }}{305}} -\newlabel{ch12:tab:01}{{12.1}{305}} -\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {12.2}{\ignorespaces Performances of the parallel CG method on a cluster of 24 CPU cores vs. on a cluster of 12 GPUs.\relax }}{306}} -\newlabel{ch12:tab:02}{{12.2}{306}} -\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {12.3}{\ignorespaces Performances of the parallel GMRES method on a cluster 24 CPU cores vs. on cluster of 12 GPUs.\relax }}{306}} -\newlabel{ch12:tab:03}{{12.3}{306}} -\newlabel{ch12:eq:20}{{12.20}{307}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {12.6}{\ignorespaces Parallel generation of a large sparse matrix by four computing nodes.\relax }}{308}} -\newlabel{ch12:fig:06}{{12.6}{308}} -\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {12.4}{\ignorespaces Main characteristics of sparse banded matrices generated from those of the Davis collection.\relax }}{308}} -\newlabel{ch12:tab:04}{{12.4}{308}} -\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {12.5}{\ignorespaces Performances of the parallel CG method for solving linear systems associated to sparse banded matrices on a cluster of 24 CPU cores vs. on a cluster of 12 GPUs.\relax }}{309}} -\newlabel{ch12:tab:05}{{12.5}{309}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {12.5}Conclusion}{309}} -\newlabel{ch12:sec:05}{{12.5}{309}} -\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {12.6}{\ignorespaces Performances of the parallel GMRES method for solving linear systems associated to sparse banded matrices on a cluster of 24 CPU cores vs. on a cluster of 12 GPUs.\relax }}{310}} -\newlabel{ch12:tab:06}{{12.6}{310}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{Bibliography}{310}} +\newlabel{ch12}{{12}{295}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {12.1}Introduction}{295}} +\newlabel{ch12:sec:01}{{12.1}{295}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {12.2}Krylov iterative methods}{296}} +\newlabel{ch12:sec:02}{{12.2}{296}} +\newlabel{ch12:eq:01}{{12.1}{296}} +\newlabel{ch12:eq:02}{{12.2}{296}} +\newlabel{ch12:eq:03}{{12.3}{296}} +\newlabel{ch12:eq:11}{{12.4}{297}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {12.2.1}CG method}{297}} +\newlabel{ch12:sec:02.01}{{12.2.1}{297}} +\newlabel{ch12:eq:04}{{12.5}{297}} +\newlabel{ch12:eq:05}{{12.6}{297}} +\newlabel{ch12:eq:06}{{12.7}{297}} +\newlabel{ch12:eq:07}{{12.8}{297}} +\newlabel{ch12:eq:08}{{12.9}{297}} +\newlabel{ch12:eq:09}{{12.10}{297}} +\@writefile{loa}{\contentsline {algocf}{\numberline {14}{\ignorespaces Left-preconditioned CG method\relax }}{298}} +\newlabel{ch12:alg:01}{{14}{298}} +\newlabel{ch12:eq:10}{{12.11}{298}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {12.2.2}GMRES method}{299}} +\newlabel{ch12:sec:02.02}{{12.2.2}{299}} +\newlabel{ch12:eq:12}{{12.12}{299}} +\newlabel{ch12:eq:13}{{12.13}{299}} +\newlabel{ch12:eq:14}{{12.14}{299}} +\newlabel{ch12:eq:15}{{12.15}{299}} +\newlabel{ch12:eq:16}{{12.16}{299}} +\newlabel{ch12:eq:17}{{12.17}{299}} +\newlabel{ch12:eq:18}{{12.18}{299}} +\newlabel{ch12:eq:19}{{12.19}{299}} +\@writefile{loa}{\contentsline {algocf}{\numberline {15}{\ignorespaces Left-preconditioned GMRES method with restarts\relax }}{300}} +\newlabel{ch12:alg:02}{{15}{300}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {12.3}Parallel implementation on a GPU cluster}{301}} +\newlabel{ch12:sec:03}{{12.3}{301}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {12.3.1}Data partitioning}{301}} +\newlabel{ch12:sec:03.01}{{12.3.1}{301}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {12.1}{\ignorespaces A data partitioning of the sparse matrix $A$, the solution vector $x$ and the right-hand side $b$ into four portions.\relax }}{302}} +\newlabel{ch12:fig:01}{{12.1}{302}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {12.3.2}GPU computing}{302}} +\newlabel{ch12:sec:03.02}{{12.3.2}{302}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {12.3.3}Data communications}{303}} +\newlabel{ch12:sec:03.03}{{12.3.3}{303}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {12.2}{\ignorespaces Data exchanges between \textit {Node 1} and its neighbors \textit {Node 0}, \textit {Node 2} and \textit {Node 3}.\relax }}{304}} +\newlabel{ch12:fig:02}{{12.2}{304}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {12.3}{\ignorespaces Columns reordering of a sparse sub-matrix.\relax }}{305}} +\newlabel{ch12:fig:03}{{12.3}{305}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {12.4}Experimental results}{306}} +\newlabel{ch12:sec:04}{{12.4}{306}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {12.4}{\ignorespaces General scheme of the GPU cluster of tests composed of six machines, each with two GPUs.\relax }}{306}} +\newlabel{ch12:fig:04}{{12.4}{306}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {12.5}{\ignorespaces Sketches of sparse matrices chosen from the Davis collection.\relax }}{307}} +\newlabel{ch12:fig:05}{{12.5}{307}} +\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {12.1}{\ignorespaces Main characteristics of sparse matrices chosen from the Davis collection.\relax }}{307}} +\newlabel{ch12:tab:01}{{12.1}{307}} +\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {12.2}{\ignorespaces Performances of the parallel CG method on a cluster of 24 CPU cores vs. on a cluster of 12 GPUs.\relax }}{308}} +\newlabel{ch12:tab:02}{{12.2}{308}} +\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {12.3}{\ignorespaces Performances of the parallel GMRES method on a cluster 24 CPU cores vs. on cluster of 12 GPUs.\relax }}{308}} +\newlabel{ch12:tab:03}{{12.3}{308}} +\newlabel{ch12:eq:20}{{12.20}{309}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {12.6}{\ignorespaces Parallel generation of a large sparse matrix by four computing nodes.\relax }}{310}} +\newlabel{ch12:fig:06}{{12.6}{310}} +\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {12.4}{\ignorespaces Main characteristics of sparse banded matrices generated from those of the Davis collection.\relax }}{310}} +\newlabel{ch12:tab:04}{{12.4}{310}} +\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {12.5}{\ignorespaces Performances of the parallel CG method for solving linear systems associated to sparse banded matrices on a cluster of 24 CPU cores vs. on a cluster of 12 GPUs.\relax }}{311}} +\newlabel{ch12:tab:05}{{12.5}{311}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {12.5}Conclusion}{311}} +\newlabel{ch12:sec:05}{{12.5}{311}} +\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {12.6}{\ignorespaces Performances of the parallel GMRES method for solving linear systems associated to sparse banded matrices on a cluster of 24 CPU cores vs. on a cluster of 12 GPUs.\relax }}{312}} +\newlabel{ch12:tab:06}{{12.6}{312}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{Bibliography}{312}} \@setckpt{Chapters/chapter12/ch12}{ -\setcounter{page}{312} +\setcounter{page}{314} \setcounter{equation}{22} \setcounter{enumi}{2} \setcounter{enumii}{0} diff --git a/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter16/ch16.aux b/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter16/ch16.aux index 3a5b76e..401fa90 100644 --- a/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter16/ch16.aux +++ b/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter16/ch16.aux @@ -4,72 +4,72 @@ \@writefile{toc}{\author{H. Wang}{}} \@writefile{toc}{\author{H. Yu}{}} \@writefile{loa}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {16}GPU-Accelerated Envelope-Following Method}{377}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {16}GPU-Accelerated Envelope-Following Method}{379}} \@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} \@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {16.1}Introduction}{377}} -\newlabel{fig:ef1}{{16.1(a)}{379}} -\newlabel{sub@fig:ef1}{{(a)}{379}} -\newlabel{fig:ef2}{{16.1(b)}{379}} -\newlabel{sub@fig:ef2}{{(b)}{379}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {16.1}{\ignorespaces Transient envelope-following analysis. (Both two figures reflect backward-Euler style envelope-following.)\relax }}{379}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {subfigure}{\numberline{(a)}{\ignorespaces {Illustration of one envelope skip.}}}{379}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {subfigure}{\numberline{(b)}{\ignorespaces {The envelope changes in a slow time scale.}}}{379}} -\newlabel{fig:ef_intro}{{16.1}{379}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {16.2}The envelope-following method in a nutshell}{380}} -\newlabel{sec:ef}{{16.2}{380}} -\newlabel{eq:dae}{{16.1}{380}} -\newlabel{eq:Newton}{{16.2}{381}} -\newlabel{eq:A}{{16.3}{381}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {16.3}New parallel envelope-following method}{382}} -\newlabel{sec:gmres}{{16.3}{382}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {16.3.1}GMRES solver for Newton update equation}{382}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {16.2}{\ignorespaces The flow of envelope-following method.\relax }}{383}} -\newlabel{fig:ef_flow}{{16.2}{383}} -\@writefile{loa}{\contentsline {algocf}{\numberline {19}{\ignorespaces Standard GMRES algorithm.\relax }}{384}} -\newlabel{alg:GMRES}{{19}{384}} -\newlabel{line:mvp}{{5}{384}} -\newlabel{line:newnorm}{{11}{384}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {16.3.2}Parallelization on GPU platforms}{384}} -\newlabel{sec:gpu}{{16.3.2}{384}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {16.3}{\ignorespaces GPU parallel solver for envelope-following update.\relax }}{385}} -\newlabel{fig:gmres}{{16.3}{385}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {16.3.3}Gear-2 based sensitivity calculation}{386}} -\newlabel{sec:gear}{{16.3.3}{386}} -\newlabel{eq:BE}{{16.4}{386}} -\newlabel{eq:sens1}{{16.5}{386}} -\newlabel{eq:Gear_t2}{{16.6}{387}} -\newlabel{eq:sens2}{{16.7}{387}} -\newlabel{eq:Gear_t3}{{16.8}{387}} -\newlabel{eq:sensM}{{16.9}{387}} -\@writefile{loa}{\contentsline {algocf}{\numberline {20}{\ignorespaces The matrix-free method for Krylov subspace construction.\relax }}{388}} -\newlabel{alg:mf_Gear}{{20}{388}} -\newlabel{line:mf_Gear_loop}{{4}{388}} -\newlabel{line:shift}{{8}{388}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {16.4}Numerical examples}{388}} -\newlabel{sec:exp}{{16.4}{388}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {16.4}{\ignorespaces Diagram of a zero-voltage quasi-resonant flyback converter.\relax }}{389}} -\newlabel{fig:flyback}{{16.4}{389}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {16.5}{\ignorespaces Illustration of power/ground network model.\relax }}{389}} -\newlabel{fig:pg}{{16.5}{389}} -\newlabel{fig:flybackWhole}{{16.6(a)}{390}} -\newlabel{sub@fig:flybackWhole}{{(a)}{390}} -\newlabel{fig:flybackZoom}{{16.6(b)}{390}} -\newlabel{sub@fig:flybackZoom}{{(b)}{390}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {16.6}{\ignorespaces Flyback converter solution calculated by envelope-following. The red curve is traditional SPICE simulation result, and the back curve is the envelope-following output with simulation points marked.\relax }}{390}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {subfigure}{\numberline{(a)}{\ignorespaces {The whole plot}}}{390}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {subfigure}{\numberline{(b)}{\ignorespaces {Detail of one EF simulation period}}}{390}} -\newlabel{fig:flyback_wave}{{16.6}{390}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {16.7}{\ignorespaces Buck converter solution calculated by envelope-following.\relax }}{391}} -\newlabel{fig:buck_wave}{{16.7}{391}} -\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {16.1}{\ignorespaces CPU and GPU time comparisons (in seconds) for solving Newton update equation with the proposed Gear-2 sensitivity. \relax }}{391}} -\newlabel{table:circuit}{{16.1}{391}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {16.5}Summary}{392}} -\newlabel{sec:summary}{{16.5}{392}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {16.6}Glossary}{392}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{Bibliography}{392}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {16.1}Introduction}{379}} +\newlabel{fig:ef1}{{16.1(a)}{381}} +\newlabel{sub@fig:ef1}{{(a)}{381}} +\newlabel{fig:ef2}{{16.1(b)}{381}} +\newlabel{sub@fig:ef2}{{(b)}{381}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {16.1}{\ignorespaces Transient envelope-following analysis. (Both two figures reflect backward-Euler style envelope-following.)\relax }}{381}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {subfigure}{\numberline{(a)}{\ignorespaces {Illustration of one envelope skip.}}}{381}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {subfigure}{\numberline{(b)}{\ignorespaces {The envelope changes in a slow time scale.}}}{381}} +\newlabel{fig:ef_intro}{{16.1}{381}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {16.2}The envelope-following method in a nutshell}{382}} +\newlabel{sec:ef}{{16.2}{382}} +\newlabel{eq:dae}{{16.1}{382}} +\newlabel{eq:Newton}{{16.2}{383}} +\newlabel{eq:A}{{16.3}{383}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {16.3}New parallel envelope-following method}{384}} +\newlabel{sec:gmres}{{16.3}{384}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {16.3.1}GMRES solver for Newton update equation}{384}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {16.2}{\ignorespaces The flow of envelope-following method.\relax }}{385}} +\newlabel{fig:ef_flow}{{16.2}{385}} +\@writefile{loa}{\contentsline {algocf}{\numberline {19}{\ignorespaces Standard GMRES algorithm.\relax }}{386}} +\newlabel{alg:GMRES}{{19}{386}} +\newlabel{line:mvp}{{5}{386}} +\newlabel{line:newnorm}{{11}{386}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {16.3.2}Parallelization on GPU platforms}{386}} +\newlabel{sec:gpu}{{16.3.2}{386}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {16.3}{\ignorespaces GPU parallel solver for envelope-following update.\relax }}{387}} +\newlabel{fig:gmres}{{16.3}{387}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {16.3.3}Gear-2 based sensitivity calculation}{388}} +\newlabel{sec:gear}{{16.3.3}{388}} +\newlabel{eq:BE}{{16.4}{388}} +\newlabel{eq:sens1}{{16.5}{388}} +\newlabel{eq:Gear_t2}{{16.6}{389}} +\newlabel{eq:sens2}{{16.7}{389}} +\newlabel{eq:Gear_t3}{{16.8}{389}} +\newlabel{eq:sensM}{{16.9}{389}} +\@writefile{loa}{\contentsline {algocf}{\numberline {20}{\ignorespaces The matrix-free method for Krylov subspace construction.\relax }}{390}} +\newlabel{alg:mf_Gear}{{20}{390}} +\newlabel{line:mf_Gear_loop}{{4}{390}} +\newlabel{line:shift}{{8}{390}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {16.4}Numerical examples}{390}} +\newlabel{sec:exp}{{16.4}{390}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {16.4}{\ignorespaces Diagram of a zero-voltage quasi-resonant flyback converter.\relax }}{391}} +\newlabel{fig:flyback}{{16.4}{391}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {16.5}{\ignorespaces Illustration of power/ground network model.\relax }}{391}} +\newlabel{fig:pg}{{16.5}{391}} +\newlabel{fig:flybackWhole}{{16.6(a)}{392}} +\newlabel{sub@fig:flybackWhole}{{(a)}{392}} +\newlabel{fig:flybackZoom}{{16.6(b)}{392}} +\newlabel{sub@fig:flybackZoom}{{(b)}{392}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {16.6}{\ignorespaces Flyback converter solution calculated by envelope-following. The red curve is traditional SPICE simulation result, and the back curve is the envelope-following output with simulation points marked.\relax }}{392}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {subfigure}{\numberline{(a)}{\ignorespaces {The whole plot}}}{392}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {subfigure}{\numberline{(b)}{\ignorespaces {Detail of one EF simulation period}}}{392}} +\newlabel{fig:flyback_wave}{{16.6}{392}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {16.7}{\ignorespaces Buck converter solution calculated by envelope-following.\relax }}{393}} +\newlabel{fig:buck_wave}{{16.7}{393}} +\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {16.1}{\ignorespaces CPU and GPU time comparisons (in seconds) for solving Newton update equation with the proposed Gear-2 sensitivity. \relax }}{393}} +\newlabel{table:circuit}{{16.1}{393}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {16.5}Summary}{394}} +\newlabel{sec:summary}{{16.5}{394}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {16.6}Glossary}{394}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{Bibliography}{394}} \@setckpt{Chapters/chapter16/ch16}{ -\setcounter{page}{394} +\setcounter{page}{396} \setcounter{equation}{9} \setcounter{enumi}{2} \setcounter{enumii}{0} diff --git a/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter17/ch17.aux b/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter17/ch17.aux index 1745216..4f932bd 100644 --- a/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter17/ch17.aux +++ b/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter17/ch17.aux @@ -6,76 +6,76 @@ \@writefile{toc}{\author{B\IeC {\'e}n\IeC {\'e}dicte Herrmann}{}} \@writefile{toc}{\author{Laurent Philippe}{}} \@writefile{loa}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {17}Implementing Multi-Agent Systems on GPU}{397}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {17}Implementing Multi-Agent Systems on GPU}{399}} \@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} \@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} -\newlabel{chapter17}{{17}{398}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {17.1}Introduction}{398}} -\newlabel{ch17:intro}{{17.1}{398}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {17.2}Running Agent-Based Simulations}{399}} -\newlabel{ch17:ABM}{{17.2}{399}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.2.1}Multi-agent systems and parallelism}{399}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.2.2}MAS Implementation on GPU}{401}} -\newlabel{ch17:subsec:gpu}{{17.2.2}{401}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {17.3}A first practical example}{402}} -\newlabel{ch17:sec:1stmodel}{{17.3}{402}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.3.1}The Collembola model}{402}} -\newlabel{ch17:subsec:collembolamodel}{{17.3.1}{402}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {17.1}{\ignorespaces Evolution algorithm of Collembola model\relax }}{403}} -\newlabel{ch17:fig:collem_algorithm}{{17.1}{403}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.3.2}Collembola Implementation}{403}} -\newlabel{ch17:listing:collembola-diffuse}{{17.1}{404}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {17.1}Collembola OpenCL Diffusion kernel}{404}} -\newlabel{ch17:listing:collembola-reduc}{{17.2}{404}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {17.2}Collembola OpenCL reduction kernel}{404}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.3.3}Collembola performance}{405}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {17.2}{\ignorespaces Performance of the Collembola model on CPU and GPU\relax }}{406}} -\newlabel{ch17:fig:mior_perfs_collem}{{17.2}{406}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {17.4}Second example}{406}} -\newlabel{ch17:sec:2ndmodel}{{17.4}{406}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.4.1}The MIOR model}{406}} -\newlabel{ch17:subsec:miormodel}{{17.4.1}{406}} -\@writefile{loa}{\contentsline {algocf}{\numberline {21}{\ignorespaces Evolution step of each Meta-Mior (microbial colony) agent\relax }}{407}} -\newlabel{ch17:seqalgo}{{21}{407}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.4.2}MIOR Implementation}{407}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {17.3}{\ignorespaces Execution distribution retained on GPU\relax }}{408}} -\newlabel{ch17:fig:gpu_distribution}{{17.3}{408}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {}Execution mapping on GPU}{408}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {}Data structures translation}{409}} -\newlabel{ch17:subsec:datastructures}{{}{409}} -\newlabel{ch17:listing:mior_data_structures}{{17.3}{409}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {17.3}Main data structures used in a MIOR simulation}{409}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {17.4}{\ignorespaces Compact representation of the topology of a MIOR simulation\relax }}{410}} -\newlabel{ch17:fig:csr_representation}{{17.4}{410}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {}Critical resources access management}{410}} -\newlabel{ch17:subsec:concurrency}{{}{410}} -\newlabel{ch17:listing:mior_kernels}{{17.4}{411}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {17.4}Main MIOR kernel}{411}} -\newlabel{ch17:fig:mior_launcher}{{17.5}{412}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {17.5}MIOR simulation launcher}{412}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {}Termination detection}{412}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.4.3}Performance of MIOR implementations}{413}} -\newlabel{ch17:subsec:miorexperiments}{{17.4.3}{413}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {17.5}{\ignorespaces CPU and GPU performance on a Tesla C1060 node\relax }}{414}} -\newlabel{ch17:fig:mior_perfs_tesla}{{17.5}{414}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {17.6}{\ignorespaces CPU and GPU performance on a personal computer with a Geforce 8800GT\relax }}{415}} -\newlabel{ch17:fig:mior_perfs_8800gt}{{17.6}{415}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {17.5}Analysis and recommendations}{415}} -\newlabel{ch17:analysis}{{17.5}{415}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {17.7}{\ignorespaces Execution time of one multi-simulation kernel on the Tesla platform\relax }}{416}} -\newlabel{ch17:fig:monokernel_graph}{{17.7}{416}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {17.8}{\ignorespaces Total execution time for 1000 simulations on the Tesla platform, while varying the number of simulations for each kernel\relax }}{416}} -\newlabel{ch17:fig:multikernel_graph}{{17.8}{416}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.5.1}Analysis}{416}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.5.2}MAS execution workflow}{417}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.5.3}Implementation challenges}{418}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.5.4}MCSMA}{418}} -\newlabel{ch17:Mcsma}{{17.5.4}{418}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {17.6}Conclusion}{419}} -\newlabel{ch17:conclusion}{{17.6}{419}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{Bibliography}{420}} +\newlabel{chapter17}{{17}{400}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {17.1}Introduction}{400}} +\newlabel{ch17:intro}{{17.1}{400}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {17.2}Running Agent-Based Simulations}{401}} +\newlabel{ch17:ABM}{{17.2}{401}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.2.1}Multi-agent systems and parallelism}{401}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.2.2}MAS Implementation on GPU}{403}} +\newlabel{ch17:subsec:gpu}{{17.2.2}{403}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {17.3}A first practical example}{404}} +\newlabel{ch17:sec:1stmodel}{{17.3}{404}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.3.1}The Collembola model}{404}} +\newlabel{ch17:subsec:collembolamodel}{{17.3.1}{404}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {17.1}{\ignorespaces Evolution algorithm of Collembola model\relax }}{405}} +\newlabel{ch17:fig:collem_algorithm}{{17.1}{405}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.3.2}Collembola Implementation}{405}} +\newlabel{ch17:listing:collembola-diffuse}{{17.1}{406}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {17.1}Collembola OpenCL Diffusion kernel}{406}} +\newlabel{ch17:listing:collembola-reduc}{{17.2}{406}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {17.2}Collembola OpenCL reduction kernel}{406}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.3.3}Collembola performance}{407}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {17.2}{\ignorespaces Performance of the Collembola model on CPU and GPU\relax }}{408}} +\newlabel{ch17:fig:mior_perfs_collem}{{17.2}{408}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {17.4}Second example}{408}} +\newlabel{ch17:sec:2ndmodel}{{17.4}{408}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.4.1}The MIOR model}{408}} +\newlabel{ch17:subsec:miormodel}{{17.4.1}{408}} +\@writefile{loa}{\contentsline {algocf}{\numberline {21}{\ignorespaces Evolution step of each Meta-Mior (microbial colony) agent\relax }}{409}} +\newlabel{ch17:seqalgo}{{21}{409}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.4.2}MIOR Implementation}{409}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {17.3}{\ignorespaces Execution distribution retained on GPU\relax }}{410}} +\newlabel{ch17:fig:gpu_distribution}{{17.3}{410}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {}Execution mapping on GPU}{410}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {}Data structures translation}{411}} +\newlabel{ch17:subsec:datastructures}{{}{411}} +\newlabel{ch17:listing:mior_data_structures}{{17.3}{411}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {17.3}Main data structures used in a MIOR simulation}{411}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {17.4}{\ignorespaces Compact representation of the topology of a MIOR simulation\relax }}{412}} +\newlabel{ch17:fig:csr_representation}{{17.4}{412}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {}Critical resources access management}{412}} +\newlabel{ch17:subsec:concurrency}{{}{412}} +\newlabel{ch17:listing:mior_kernels}{{17.4}{413}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {17.4}Main MIOR kernel}{413}} +\newlabel{ch17:fig:mior_launcher}{{17.5}{414}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {17.5}MIOR simulation launcher}{414}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\numberline {}Termination detection}{414}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.4.3}Performance of MIOR implementations}{415}} +\newlabel{ch17:subsec:miorexperiments}{{17.4.3}{415}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {17.5}{\ignorespaces CPU and GPU performance on a Tesla C1060 node\relax }}{416}} +\newlabel{ch17:fig:mior_perfs_tesla}{{17.5}{416}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {17.6}{\ignorespaces CPU and GPU performance on a personal computer with a Geforce 8800GT\relax }}{417}} +\newlabel{ch17:fig:mior_perfs_8800gt}{{17.6}{417}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {17.5}Analysis and recommendations}{417}} +\newlabel{ch17:analysis}{{17.5}{417}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {17.7}{\ignorespaces Execution time of one multi-simulation kernel on the Tesla platform\relax }}{418}} +\newlabel{ch17:fig:monokernel_graph}{{17.7}{418}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {17.8}{\ignorespaces Total execution time for 1000 simulations on the Tesla platform, while varying the number of simulations for each kernel\relax }}{418}} +\newlabel{ch17:fig:multikernel_graph}{{17.8}{418}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.5.1}Analysis}{418}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.5.2}MAS execution workflow}{419}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.5.3}Implementation challenges}{420}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {17.5.4}MCSMA}{420}} +\newlabel{ch17:Mcsma}{{17.5.4}{420}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {17.6}Conclusion}{421}} +\newlabel{ch17:conclusion}{{17.6}{421}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{Bibliography}{422}} \@setckpt{Chapters/chapter17/ch17}{ -\setcounter{page}{424} +\setcounter{page}{426} \setcounter{equation}{0} \setcounter{enumi}{3} \setcounter{enumii}{0} diff --git a/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter18/ch18.aux b/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter18/ch18.aux index 4420c4d..cc03727 100644 --- a/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter18/ch18.aux +++ b/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter18/ch18.aux @@ -2,45 +2,45 @@ \@writefile{toc}{\author{Rapha\IeC {\"e}l Couturier}{}} \@writefile{toc}{\author{Christophe Guyeux}{}} \@writefile{loa}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {18}Pseudorandom Number Generator on GPU}{425}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {18}Pseudorandom Number Generator on GPU}{427}} \@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} \@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} -\newlabel{chapter18}{{18}{425}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {18.1}Introduction}{425}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {18.2}Basic Remindees}{427}} -\newlabel{section:BASIC RECALLS}{{18.2}{427}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {18.2.1}A Short Presentation of Chaos}{427}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {18.2.2}On Devaney's Definition of Chaos}{427}} -\newlabel{sec:dev}{{18.2.2}{427}} -\newlabel{Devaney}{{18.1}{427}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {18.2.3}Chaotic iterations}{428}} -\newlabel{subsection:Chaotic iterations}{{18.2.3}{428}} -\newlabel{Chaotic iterations}{{2}{428}} -\newlabel{eq:generalIC}{{18.4}{429}} -\newlabel{equation Oplus}{{18.5}{429}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {18.3}Toward Efficiency and Improvement for CI PRNG}{429}} -\newlabel{sec:efficient PRNG}{{18.3}{429}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {18.3.1}First Efficient Implementation of a PRNG based on Chaotic Iterations}{429}} -\newlabel{algo:seqCIPRNG}{{18.1}{429}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {18.1}C code of the sequential PRNG based on chaotic iterations}{429}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {18.3.2}Efficient PRNGs based on Chaotic Iterations on GPU}{430}} -\newlabel{sec:efficient PRNG gpu}{{18.3.2}{430}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {18.3.3}Naive Version for GPU}{430}} -\@writefile{loa}{\contentsline {algocf}{\numberline {22}{\ignorespaces Main kernel of the GPU ``naive'' version of the PRNG based on chaotic iterations\relax }}{431}} -\newlabel{algo:gpu_kernel}{{22}{431}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {18.3.4}Improved Version for GPU}{431}} -\newlabel{IR}{{23}{432}} -\@writefile{loa}{\contentsline {algocf}{\numberline {23}{\ignorespaces Main kernel for the chaotic iterations based PRNG GPU efficient version\relax }}{432}} -\newlabel{algo:gpu_kernel2}{{23}{432}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {18.3.5}Chaos Evaluation of the Improved Version}{432}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {18.4}Experiments}{433}} -\newlabel{sec:experiments}{{18.4}{433}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {18.5}Summary}{433}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {18.1}{\ignorespaces Quantity of pseudorandom numbers generated per second with the xorlike-based PRNG\relax }}{434}} -\newlabel{fig:time_xorlike_gpu}{{18.1}{434}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{Bibliography}{435}} +\newlabel{chapter18}{{18}{427}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {18.1}Introduction}{427}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {18.2}Basic Remindees}{429}} +\newlabel{section:BASIC RECALLS}{{18.2}{429}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {18.2.1}A Short Presentation of Chaos}{429}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {18.2.2}On Devaney's Definition of Chaos}{429}} +\newlabel{sec:dev}{{18.2.2}{429}} +\newlabel{Devaney}{{18.1}{429}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {18.2.3}Chaotic iterations}{430}} +\newlabel{subsection:Chaotic iterations}{{18.2.3}{430}} +\newlabel{Chaotic iterations}{{2}{430}} +\newlabel{eq:generalIC}{{18.4}{431}} +\newlabel{equation Oplus}{{18.5}{431}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {18.3}Toward Efficiency and Improvement for CI PRNG}{431}} +\newlabel{sec:efficient PRNG}{{18.3}{431}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {18.3.1}First Efficient Implementation of a PRNG based on Chaotic Iterations}{431}} +\newlabel{algo:seqCIPRNG}{{18.1}{431}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {18.1}C code of the sequential PRNG based on chaotic iterations}{431}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {18.3.2}Efficient PRNGs based on Chaotic Iterations on GPU}{432}} +\newlabel{sec:efficient PRNG gpu}{{18.3.2}{432}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {18.3.3}Naive Version for GPU}{432}} +\@writefile{loa}{\contentsline {algocf}{\numberline {22}{\ignorespaces Main kernel of the GPU ``naive'' version of the PRNG based on chaotic iterations\relax }}{433}} +\newlabel{algo:gpu_kernel}{{22}{433}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {18.3.4}Improved Version for GPU}{433}} +\newlabel{IR}{{23}{434}} +\@writefile{loa}{\contentsline {algocf}{\numberline {23}{\ignorespaces Main kernel for the chaotic iterations based PRNG GPU efficient version\relax }}{434}} +\newlabel{algo:gpu_kernel2}{{23}{434}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {18.3.5}Chaos Evaluation of the Improved Version}{434}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {18.4}Experiments}{435}} +\newlabel{sec:experiments}{{18.4}{435}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {18.5}Summary}{435}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {18.1}{\ignorespaces Quantity of pseudorandom numbers generated per second with the xorlike-based PRNG\relax }}{436}} +\newlabel{fig:time_xorlike_gpu}{{18.1}{436}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{Bibliography}{437}} \@setckpt{Chapters/chapter18/ch18}{ -\setcounter{page}{437} +\setcounter{page}{439} \setcounter{equation}{5} \setcounter{enumi}{3} \setcounter{enumii}{0} diff --git a/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter5/ch5.tex b/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter5/ch5.tex index cbf81f3..1c5da65 100644 --- a/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter5/ch5.tex +++ b/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter5/ch5.tex @@ -178,9 +178,12 @@ An illustrative example of the numerical solution to the heat problem, using \eq \begin{center} \setlength\figurewidth{0.3\textwidth} % \setlength\figureheight{0.32\textwidth} % - \subfigure[$t=0.00s$]{\input{Chapters/chapter5/figures/HeatSolution0.tikz}} - \subfigure[$t=0.05s$]{\input{Chapters/chapter5/figures/HeatSolution0.049307.tikz}} + \subfigure[$t=0.00s$]%{\input{Chapters/chapter5/figures/HeatSolution0.tikz}} +{\includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Chapters/chapter5/figures/HeatSolution0_conv.pdf}} + \subfigure[$t=0.05s$]%{\input{Chapters/chapter5/figures/HeatSolution0.049307.tikz}} +{\includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Chapters/chapter5/figures/HeatSolution0_049307_conv.pdf}} %\subfigure[$t=0.10s$]{\input{Chapters/chapter5/figures/HeatSolution0.099723.tikz}} +{\includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Chapters/chapter5/figures/HeatSolution0_099723_conv.pdf}} \end{center} \caption{Discrete solution at times $t=0s$ and $t=0.05s$, using \eqref{ch5:eq:heatinit} as initial condition and a small $20\times20$ numerical grid.}\label{ch5:fig:heatsolution} \end{figure} @@ -263,7 +266,8 @@ Solution times for the heat conduction problem is in itself not very interesting \setlength\figurewidth{0.4\textwidth} \begin{center} {\small -\input{Chapters/chapter5/figures/AlphaPerformanceGTX590_N16777216.tikz} +%\input{Chapters/chapter5/figures/AlphaPerformanceGTX590_N16777216.tikz} +{\includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Chapters/chapter5/figures/AlphaPerformanceGTX590_N16777216_conv.pdf}} } \end{center} \caption{Single and double precision floating point operations per second for a two dimensional stencil operator on a numerical grid of size $4096^2$. Various stencil sizes are used $\alpha=1,2,3,4$, equivalent to $5$pt, $9$pt, $13$pt, and $17$pt stencils. Test environment 1.}\label{ch5:fig:stencilperformance} @@ -386,10 +390,14 @@ Defect correction in combination with multigrid preconditioning, enables efficie \setlength\figurewidth{0.33\textwidth} \begin{center} \subfigure[Convergence history for the conjugate gradient and multigrid methods, for two different problem sizes.]{\label{ch5:fig:poissonconvergence:a} - {\scriptsize \input{Chapters/chapter5/figures/ConvergenceMGvsCG.tikz}} -} \hspace{0.2cm}% + %{\scriptsize \input{Chapters/chapter5/figures/ConvergenceMGvsCG.tikz}} + {\includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Chapters/chapter5/figures/ConvergenceMGvsCG_conv.pdf}} +} + + \hspace{0.2cm}% \subfigure[Defect correction convergence history for three different stencil sizes.]{\label{ch5:fig:poissonconvergence:b} - {\scriptsize \input{Chapters/chapter5/figures/ConvergenceDC.tikz}} + %{\scriptsize \input{Chapters/chapter5/figures/ConvergenceDC.tikz}} + {\includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Chapters/chapter5/figures/ConvergenceDC_conv.pdf}} } \end{center} \caption{Algorithmic performance for the conjugate gradient, multigrid, and defect correction methods, measured in terms of the relative residual per iteration.}\label{ch5:fig:poissonconvergence} @@ -449,11 +457,13 @@ Distributed performance for the finite difference stencil operation is illustrat \setlength\figurewidth{0.55\textwidth} \begin{center} \subfigure[Absolute timings, $\alpha=3$.]{ - {\small\input{Chapters/chapter5/figures/MultiGPUAlpha3TimingsTeslaM2050.tikz}} + %{\small\input{Chapters/chapter5/figures/MultiGPUAlpha3TimingsTeslaM2050.tikz}} + {\includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{Chapters/chapter5/figures/MultiGPUAlpha3TimingsTeslaM2050_conv.pdf}} \label{ch5:fig:multigpu:a} } \subfigure[Performance at $N=4069^2$, single precision.]{ - {\small\input{Chapters/chapter5/figures/MultiGPUAlphaPerformanceTeslaM2050_N16777216.tikz}} + % {\small\input{Chapters/chapter5/figures/MultiGPUAlphaPerformanceTeslaM2050_N16777216.tikz}} +{\includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{Chapters/chapter5/figures/MultiGPUAlphaPerformanceTeslaM2050_N16777216_conv.pdf}} \label{ch5:fig:multigpu:b} } \end{center} @@ -623,4 +633,4 @@ from the Danish Research Council for Technology and Production Sciences. A speci \putbib[Chapters/chapter5/biblio5] % Reset lst label and caption -\lstset{label=,caption=} \ No newline at end of file +\lstset{label=,caption=} diff --git a/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter5/figures/AlphaPerformanceGTX590_N16777216_conv.pdf b/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter5/figures/AlphaPerformanceGTX590_N16777216_conv.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b99f3718e05abb709ac0c24cbb03f7276db9124 GIT binary patch literal 7686 zcmb_h2|QHY`~SCRkS%2?U5c?Zb7wV%nGwcrB>NiE%rz!sW}1beok%6AtRXM$h!&Bp zMYN+gQmPFj&dPdx7m5zdy<0}IS$D>x98aIVysNFY3d-Fh$e~Nx;^#Q@< zr_{>X^xARrruZ}x(mBzZOZ}?Kh;GmROkEeOy?H64(DX{e)`E;4Q_DK`Gh>qglLeYb zKPJ*@)q{IA=ecMe-85-sY|rMtF8UG3+n6-ISqDpay=f zyLGfCBo_z_;4SY+E;hxZAs}mVbS0$SWZs#x59y+yRfemJN9dARLgZhT~t>;~KuPZk)@(t82 zy`XCppQ*Vu*)>0PdWMwV@Pw%29aBv|yEcuU{YW~`+umPeYp{2X_vSWrr89+rmpzB3 z+nQaUG*G8@joW?Yurl`T=Qa%o&co6xZXpPs+T<@B{WdaYj$Mz9l~N;kU*Z;5($l=q z%KUzX;qhVz=2TOa>W#^>bke6Z=LdYGxH>n@D3?w?bN1eYH2j6E4Q-MCcMljBvD+g2 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1100 l +2260.83 1078.33 l +2342.5 1111.67 l +2425 1095.83 l +2507.5 1082.5 l +2590 1075.83 l +2672.5 1053.33 l +2755 1050 l +2837.5 1040 l +2920 1075 l +3002.5 1091.67 l +3085 1112.5 l +3167.5 1061.67 l +3250 1094.17 l +3332.5 1111.67 l +3415 1055.83 l +3497.5 1106.67 l +3580 1102.5 l +3662.5 1105.83 l +3745 1068.33 l +3827.5 1029.17 l +3910 1072.5 l +S +Q +q +632.5 967.5 3339.17 2598.33 re +W +/DeviceGray {} cs +[0.5996] sc +723.332 3505 m +723.332 3488.43 709.898 3475 693.332 3475 c +676.766 3475 663.332 3488.43 663.332 3505 c +663.332 3521.56 676.766 3535 693.332 3535 c +709.898 3535 723.332 3521.56 723.332 3505 c +f +805.832 3305 m +805.832 3288.43 792.398 3275 775.832 3275 c +759.266 3275 745.832 3288.43 745.832 3305 c +745.832 3321.56 759.266 3335 775.832 3335 c +792.398 3335 805.832 3321.56 805.832 3305 c +f +888.332 2823.33 m +888.332 2806.77 874.898 2793.33 858.332 2793.33 c +841.766 2793.33 828.332 2806.77 828.332 2823.33 c +828.332 2839.9 841.766 2853.33 858.332 2853.33 c 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1240.83 1870.93 1240.83 1887.5 c +1240.83 1904.06 1254.27 1917.5 1270.83 1917.5 c +1287.4 1917.5 1300.83 1904.06 1300.83 1887.5 c +f +1383.33 1813.33 m +1383.33 1796.77 1369.9 1783.33 1353.33 1783.33 c +1336.77 1783.33 1323.33 1796.77 1323.33 1813.33 c +1323.33 1829.9 1336.77 1843.33 1353.33 1843.33 c +1369.9 1843.33 1383.33 1829.9 1383.33 1813.33 c +f +1465.83 1740 m +1465.83 1723.43 1452.4 1710 1435.83 1710 c +1419.27 1710 1405.83 1723.43 1405.83 1740 c +1405.83 1756.56 1419.27 1770 1435.83 1770 c +1452.4 1770 1465.83 1756.56 1465.83 1740 c +f +1548.33 1665.83 m +1548.33 1649.27 1534.9 1635.83 1518.33 1635.83 c +1501.77 1635.83 1488.33 1649.27 1488.33 1665.83 c +1488.33 1682.4 1501.77 1695.83 1518.33 1695.83 c +1534.9 1695.83 1548.33 1682.4 1548.33 1665.83 c +f +1630.83 1592.5 m +1630.83 1575.93 1617.4 1562.5 1600.83 1562.5 c +1584.27 1562.5 1570.83 1575.93 1570.83 1592.5 c +1570.83 1609.06 1584.27 1622.5 1600.83 1622.5 c +1617.4 1622.5 1630.83 1609.06 1630.83 1592.5 c +f +1713.33 1518.33 m +1713.33 1501.77 1699.9 1488.33 1683.33 1488.33 c +1666.77 1488.33 1653.33 1501.77 1653.33 1518.33 c +1653.33 1534.9 1666.77 1548.33 1683.33 1548.33 c +1699.9 1548.33 1713.33 1534.9 1713.33 1518.33 c +f +1795.83 1445 m +1795.83 1428.43 1782.4 1415 1765.83 1415 c +1749.27 1415 1735.83 1428.43 1735.83 1445 c +1735.83 1461.56 1749.27 1475 1765.83 1475 c +1782.4 1475 1795.83 1461.56 1795.83 1445 c +f +1878.33 1370.83 m +1878.33 1354.27 1864.9 1340.83 1848.33 1340.83 c +1831.77 1340.83 1818.33 1354.27 1818.33 1370.83 c +1818.33 1387.4 1831.77 1400.83 1848.33 1400.83 c +1864.9 1400.83 1878.33 1387.4 1878.33 1370.83 c +f +1960.83 1297.5 m +1960.83 1280.93 1947.4 1267.5 1930.83 1267.5 c +1914.27 1267.5 1900.83 1280.93 1900.83 1297.5 c +1900.83 1314.06 1914.27 1327.5 1930.83 1327.5 c +1947.4 1327.5 1960.83 1314.06 1960.83 1297.5 c +f +2043.33 1223.33 m +2043.33 1206.77 2029.9 1193.33 2013.33 1193.33 c +1996.77 1193.33 1983.33 1206.77 1983.33 1223.33 c +1983.33 1239.9 1996.77 1253.33 2013.33 1253.33 c +2029.9 1253.33 2043.33 1239.9 2043.33 1223.33 c +f +2125.83 1155.83 m +2125.83 1139.27 2112.4 1125.83 2095.83 1125.83 c +2079.27 1125.83 2065.83 1139.27 2065.83 1155.83 c +2065.83 1172.4 2079.27 1185.83 2095.83 1185.83 c +2112.4 1185.83 2125.83 1172.4 2125.83 1155.83 c +f +2208.33 1100 m +2208.33 1083.43 2194.9 1070 2178.33 1070 c +2161.77 1070 2148.33 1083.43 2148.33 1100 c +2148.33 1116.56 2161.77 1130 2178.33 1130 c +2194.9 1130 2208.33 1116.56 2208.33 1100 c +f +2290.83 1078.33 m +2290.83 1061.77 2277.4 1048.33 2260.83 1048.33 c +2244.27 1048.33 2230.83 1061.77 2230.83 1078.33 c +2230.83 1094.9 2244.27 1108.33 2260.83 1108.33 c +2277.4 1108.33 2290.83 1094.9 2290.83 1078.33 c +f +2372.5 1111.66 m +2372.5 1095.1 2359.07 1081.66 2342.5 1081.66 c +2325.93 1081.66 2312.5 1095.1 2312.5 1111.66 c +2312.5 1128.23 2325.93 1141.66 2342.5 1141.66 c +2359.07 1141.66 2372.5 1128.23 2372.5 1111.66 c +f +2455 1095.83 m +2455 1079.27 2441.57 1065.83 2425 1065.83 c +2408.43 1065.83 2395 1079.27 2395 1095.83 c +2395 1112.4 2408.43 1125.83 2425 1125.83 c +2441.57 1125.83 2455 1112.4 2455 1095.83 c +f +2537.5 1082.5 m +2537.5 1065.93 2524.07 1052.5 2507.5 1052.5 c +2490.93 1052.5 2477.5 1065.93 2477.5 1082.5 c +2477.5 1099.06 2490.93 1112.5 2507.5 1112.5 c +2524.07 1112.5 2537.5 1099.06 2537.5 1082.5 c +f +2620 1075.83 m +2620 1059.27 2606.57 1045.83 2590 1045.83 c +2573.43 1045.83 2560 1059.27 2560 1075.83 c +2560 1092.4 2573.43 1105.83 2590 1105.83 c +2606.57 1105.83 2620 1092.4 2620 1075.83 c +f +2702.5 1053.33 m +2702.5 1036.77 2689.07 1023.33 2672.5 1023.33 c +2655.93 1023.33 2642.5 1036.77 2642.5 1053.33 c +2642.5 1069.9 2655.93 1083.33 2672.5 1083.33 c +2689.07 1083.33 2702.5 1069.9 2702.5 1053.33 c +f +2785 1050 m +2785 1033.43 2771.57 1020 2755 1020 c +2738.43 1020 2725 1033.43 2725 1050 c +2725 1066.56 2738.43 1080 2755 1080 c +2771.57 1080 2785 1066.56 2785 1050 c +f +2867.5 1040 m +2867.5 1023.43 2854.07 1010 2837.5 1010 c +2820.93 1010 2807.5 1023.43 2807.5 1040 c +2807.5 1056.56 2820.93 1070 2837.5 1070 c +2854.07 1070 2867.5 1056.56 2867.5 1040 c +f +2950 1075 m +2950 1058.43 2936.57 1045 2920 1045 c +2903.43 1045 2890 1058.43 2890 1075 c +2890 1091.56 2903.43 1105 2920 1105 c +2936.57 1105 2950 1091.56 2950 1075 c +f +3032.5 1091.66 m +3032.5 1075.1 3019.07 1061.66 3002.5 1061.66 c +2985.93 1061.66 2972.5 1075.1 2972.5 1091.66 c +2972.5 1108.23 2985.93 1121.66 3002.5 1121.66 c +3019.07 1121.66 3032.5 1108.23 3032.5 1091.66 c +f +3115 1112.5 m +3115 1095.93 3101.57 1082.5 3085 1082.5 c +3068.43 1082.5 3055 1095.93 3055 1112.5 c +3055 1129.06 3068.43 1142.5 3085 1142.5 c +3101.57 1142.5 3115 1129.06 3115 1112.5 c +f +3197.5 1061.66 m +3197.5 1045.1 3184.07 1031.66 3167.5 1031.66 c +3150.93 1031.66 3137.5 1045.1 3137.5 1061.66 c +3137.5 1078.23 3150.93 1091.66 3167.5 1091.66 c +3184.07 1091.66 3197.5 1078.23 3197.5 1061.66 c +f +3280 1094.16 m +3280 1077.6 3266.57 1064.16 3250 1064.16 c +3233.43 1064.16 3220 1077.6 3220 1094.16 c +3220 1110.73 3233.43 1124.16 3250 1124.16 c +3266.57 1124.16 3280 1110.73 3280 1094.16 c +f +3362.5 1111.66 m +3362.5 1095.1 3349.07 1081.66 3332.5 1081.66 c +3315.93 1081.66 3302.5 1095.1 3302.5 1111.66 c +3302.5 1128.23 3315.93 1141.66 3332.5 1141.66 c +3349.07 1141.66 3362.5 1128.23 3362.5 1111.66 c +f +3445 1055.83 m +3445 1039.27 3431.57 1025.83 3415 1025.83 c +3398.43 1025.83 3385 1039.27 3385 1055.83 c +3385 1072.4 3398.43 1085.83 3415 1085.83 c +3431.57 1085.83 3445 1072.4 3445 1055.83 c +f +3527.5 1106.66 m +3527.5 1090.1 3514.07 1076.66 3497.5 1076.66 c +3480.93 1076.66 3467.5 1090.1 3467.5 1106.66 c +3467.5 1123.23 3480.93 1136.66 3497.5 1136.66 c +3514.07 1136.66 3527.5 1123.23 3527.5 1106.66 c +f +3610 1102.5 m +3610 1085.93 3596.57 1072.5 3580 1072.5 c +3563.43 1072.5 3550 1085.93 3550 1102.5 c +3550 1119.06 3563.43 1132.5 3580 1132.5 c +3596.57 1132.5 3610 1119.06 3610 1102.5 c +f +3692.5 1105.83 m +3692.5 1089.27 3679.07 1075.83 3662.5 1075.83 c +3645.93 1075.83 3632.5 1089.27 3632.5 1105.83 c +3632.5 1122.4 3645.93 1135.83 3662.5 1135.83 c +3679.07 1135.83 3692.5 1122.4 3692.5 1105.83 c +f +3775 1068.33 m +3775 1051.77 3761.57 1038.33 3745 1038.33 c +3728.43 1038.33 3715 1051.77 3715 1068.33 c +3715 1084.9 3728.43 1098.33 3745 1098.33 c +3761.57 1098.33 3775 1084.9 3775 1068.33 c +f +3857.5 1029.16 m +3857.5 1012.6 3844.07 999.164 3827.5 999.164 c +3810.93 999.164 3797.5 1012.6 3797.5 1029.16 c +3797.5 1045.73 3810.93 1059.16 3827.5 1059.16 c +3844.07 1059.16 3857.5 1045.73 3857.5 1029.16 c +f +3940 1072.5 m +3940 1055.93 3926.57 1042.5 3910 1042.5 c +3893.43 1042.5 3880 1055.93 3880 1072.5 c +3880 1089.06 3893.43 1102.5 3910 1102.5 c +3926.57 1102.5 3940 1089.06 3940 1072.5 c +f +10 w +1 j +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1001] SC +723.332 3505 m +723.332 3488.43 709.898 3475 693.332 3475 c +676.766 3475 663.332 3488.43 663.332 3505 c +663.332 3521.56 676.766 3535 693.332 3535 c +709.898 3535 723.332 3521.56 723.332 3505 c +S +805.832 3305 m +805.832 3288.43 792.398 3275 775.832 3275 c +759.266 3275 745.832 3288.43 745.832 3305 c +745.832 3321.56 759.266 3335 775.832 3335 c +792.398 3335 805.832 3321.56 805.832 3305 c +S +888.332 2823.33 m +888.332 2806.77 874.898 2793.33 858.332 2793.33 c +841.766 2793.33 828.332 2806.77 828.332 2823.33 c +828.332 2839.9 841.766 2853.33 858.332 2853.33 c +874.898 2853.33 888.332 2839.9 888.332 2823.33 c +S +970.832 2341.66 m +970.832 2325.1 957.398 2311.66 940.832 2311.66 c +924.266 2311.66 910.832 2325.1 910.832 2341.66 c +910.832 2358.23 924.266 2371.66 940.832 2371.66 c +957.398 2371.66 970.832 2358.23 970.832 2341.66 c +S +1053.33 2109.16 m +1053.33 2092.6 1039.9 2079.16 1023.33 2079.16 c +1006.77 2079.16 993.332 2092.6 993.332 2109.16 c +993.332 2125.73 1006.77 2139.16 1023.33 2139.16 c +1039.9 2139.16 1053.33 2125.73 1053.33 2109.16 c +S +1135.83 2035 m +1135.83 2018.43 1122.4 2005 1105.83 2005 c +1089.27 2005 1075.83 2018.43 1075.83 2035 c +1075.83 2051.56 1089.27 2065 1105.83 2065 c +1122.4 2065 1135.83 2051.56 1135.83 2035 c +S +1218.33 1961.66 m +1218.33 1945.1 1204.9 1931.66 1188.33 1931.66 c +1171.77 1931.66 1158.33 1945.1 1158.33 1961.66 c +1158.33 1978.23 1171.77 1991.66 1188.33 1991.66 c +1204.9 1991.66 1218.33 1978.23 1218.33 1961.66 c +S +1300.83 1887.5 m +1300.83 1870.93 1287.4 1857.5 1270.83 1857.5 c +1254.27 1857.5 1240.83 1870.93 1240.83 1887.5 c +1240.83 1904.06 1254.27 1917.5 1270.83 1917.5 c +1287.4 1917.5 1300.83 1904.06 1300.83 1887.5 c +S +1383.33 1813.33 m +1383.33 1796.77 1369.9 1783.33 1353.33 1783.33 c +1336.77 1783.33 1323.33 1796.77 1323.33 1813.33 c +1323.33 1829.9 1336.77 1843.33 1353.33 1843.33 c +1369.9 1843.33 1383.33 1829.9 1383.33 1813.33 c +S +1465.83 1740 m +1465.83 1723.43 1452.4 1710 1435.83 1710 c +1419.27 1710 1405.83 1723.43 1405.83 1740 c +1405.83 1756.56 1419.27 1770 1435.83 1770 c +1452.4 1770 1465.83 1756.56 1465.83 1740 c +S +1548.33 1665.83 m +1548.33 1649.27 1534.9 1635.83 1518.33 1635.83 c +1501.77 1635.83 1488.33 1649.27 1488.33 1665.83 c +1488.33 1682.4 1501.77 1695.83 1518.33 1695.83 c +1534.9 1695.83 1548.33 1682.4 1548.33 1665.83 c +S +1630.83 1592.5 m +1630.83 1575.93 1617.4 1562.5 1600.83 1562.5 c +1584.27 1562.5 1570.83 1575.93 1570.83 1592.5 c +1570.83 1609.06 1584.27 1622.5 1600.83 1622.5 c +1617.4 1622.5 1630.83 1609.06 1630.83 1592.5 c +S +1713.33 1518.33 m +1713.33 1501.77 1699.9 1488.33 1683.33 1488.33 c +1666.77 1488.33 1653.33 1501.77 1653.33 1518.33 c +1653.33 1534.9 1666.77 1548.33 1683.33 1548.33 c +1699.9 1548.33 1713.33 1534.9 1713.33 1518.33 c +S +1795.83 1445 m +1795.83 1428.43 1782.4 1415 1765.83 1415 c +1749.27 1415 1735.83 1428.43 1735.83 1445 c +1735.83 1461.56 1749.27 1475 1765.83 1475 c +1782.4 1475 1795.83 1461.56 1795.83 1445 c +S +1878.33 1370.83 m +1878.33 1354.27 1864.9 1340.83 1848.33 1340.83 c +1831.77 1340.83 1818.33 1354.27 1818.33 1370.83 c +1818.33 1387.4 1831.77 1400.83 1848.33 1400.83 c +1864.9 1400.83 1878.33 1387.4 1878.33 1370.83 c +S +1960.83 1297.5 m +1960.83 1280.93 1947.4 1267.5 1930.83 1267.5 c +1914.27 1267.5 1900.83 1280.93 1900.83 1297.5 c +1900.83 1314.06 1914.27 1327.5 1930.83 1327.5 c +1947.4 1327.5 1960.83 1314.06 1960.83 1297.5 c +S +2043.33 1223.33 m +2043.33 1206.77 2029.9 1193.33 2013.33 1193.33 c +1996.77 1193.33 1983.33 1206.77 1983.33 1223.33 c +1983.33 1239.9 1996.77 1253.33 2013.33 1253.33 c +2029.9 1253.33 2043.33 1239.9 2043.33 1223.33 c +S +2125.83 1155.83 m +2125.83 1139.27 2112.4 1125.83 2095.83 1125.83 c +2079.27 1125.83 2065.83 1139.27 2065.83 1155.83 c +2065.83 1172.4 2079.27 1185.83 2095.83 1185.83 c +2112.4 1185.83 2125.83 1172.4 2125.83 1155.83 c +S +2208.33 1100 m +2208.33 1083.43 2194.9 1070 2178.33 1070 c +2161.77 1070 2148.33 1083.43 2148.33 1100 c +2148.33 1116.56 2161.77 1130 2178.33 1130 c +2194.9 1130 2208.33 1116.56 2208.33 1100 c +S +2290.83 1078.33 m +2290.83 1061.77 2277.4 1048.33 2260.83 1048.33 c +2244.27 1048.33 2230.83 1061.77 2230.83 1078.33 c +2230.83 1094.9 2244.27 1108.33 2260.83 1108.33 c +2277.4 1108.33 2290.83 1094.9 2290.83 1078.33 c +S +2372.5 1111.66 m +2372.5 1095.1 2359.07 1081.66 2342.5 1081.66 c +2325.93 1081.66 2312.5 1095.1 2312.5 1111.66 c +2312.5 1128.23 2325.93 1141.66 2342.5 1141.66 c +2359.07 1141.66 2372.5 1128.23 2372.5 1111.66 c +S +2455 1095.83 m +2455 1079.27 2441.57 1065.83 2425 1065.83 c +2408.43 1065.83 2395 1079.27 2395 1095.83 c +2395 1112.4 2408.43 1125.83 2425 1125.83 c +2441.57 1125.83 2455 1112.4 2455 1095.83 c +S +2537.5 1082.5 m +2537.5 1065.93 2524.07 1052.5 2507.5 1052.5 c +2490.93 1052.5 2477.5 1065.93 2477.5 1082.5 c +2477.5 1099.06 2490.93 1112.5 2507.5 1112.5 c +2524.07 1112.5 2537.5 1099.06 2537.5 1082.5 c +S +2620 1075.83 m +2620 1059.27 2606.57 1045.83 2590 1045.83 c +2573.43 1045.83 2560 1059.27 2560 1075.83 c +2560 1092.4 2573.43 1105.83 2590 1105.83 c +2606.57 1105.83 2620 1092.4 2620 1075.83 c +S +2702.5 1053.33 m +2702.5 1036.77 2689.07 1023.33 2672.5 1023.33 c +2655.93 1023.33 2642.5 1036.77 2642.5 1053.33 c +2642.5 1069.9 2655.93 1083.33 2672.5 1083.33 c +2689.07 1083.33 2702.5 1069.9 2702.5 1053.33 c +S +2785 1050 m +2785 1033.43 2771.57 1020 2755 1020 c +2738.43 1020 2725 1033.43 2725 1050 c +2725 1066.56 2738.43 1080 2755 1080 c +2771.57 1080 2785 1066.56 2785 1050 c +S +2867.5 1040 m +2867.5 1023.43 2854.07 1010 2837.5 1010 c +2820.93 1010 2807.5 1023.43 2807.5 1040 c +2807.5 1056.56 2820.93 1070 2837.5 1070 c +2854.07 1070 2867.5 1056.56 2867.5 1040 c +S +2950 1075 m +2950 1058.43 2936.57 1045 2920 1045 c +2903.43 1045 2890 1058.43 2890 1075 c +2890 1091.56 2903.43 1105 2920 1105 c +2936.57 1105 2950 1091.56 2950 1075 c +S +3032.5 1091.66 m +3032.5 1075.1 3019.07 1061.66 3002.5 1061.66 c +2985.93 1061.66 2972.5 1075.1 2972.5 1091.66 c +2972.5 1108.23 2985.93 1121.66 3002.5 1121.66 c +3019.07 1121.66 3032.5 1108.23 3032.5 1091.66 c +S +3115 1112.5 m +3115 1095.93 3101.57 1082.5 3085 1082.5 c +3068.43 1082.5 3055 1095.93 3055 1112.5 c +3055 1129.06 3068.43 1142.5 3085 1142.5 c +3101.57 1142.5 3115 1129.06 3115 1112.5 c +S +3197.5 1061.66 m +3197.5 1045.1 3184.07 1031.66 3167.5 1031.66 c +3150.93 1031.66 3137.5 1045.1 3137.5 1061.66 c +3137.5 1078.23 3150.93 1091.66 3167.5 1091.66 c +3184.07 1091.66 3197.5 1078.23 3197.5 1061.66 c +S +3280 1094.16 m +3280 1077.6 3266.57 1064.16 3250 1064.16 c +3233.43 1064.16 3220 1077.6 3220 1094.16 c +3220 1110.73 3233.43 1124.16 3250 1124.16 c +3266.57 1124.16 3280 1110.73 3280 1094.16 c +S +3362.5 1111.66 m +3362.5 1095.1 3349.07 1081.66 3332.5 1081.66 c +3315.93 1081.66 3302.5 1095.1 3302.5 1111.66 c +3302.5 1128.23 3315.93 1141.66 3332.5 1141.66 c +3349.07 1141.66 3362.5 1128.23 3362.5 1111.66 c +S +3445 1055.83 m +3445 1039.27 3431.57 1025.83 3415 1025.83 c +3398.43 1025.83 3385 1039.27 3385 1055.83 c +3385 1072.4 3398.43 1085.83 3415 1085.83 c +3431.57 1085.83 3445 1072.4 3445 1055.83 c +S +3527.5 1106.66 m +3527.5 1090.1 3514.07 1076.66 3497.5 1076.66 c +3480.93 1076.66 3467.5 1090.1 3467.5 1106.66 c +3467.5 1123.23 3480.93 1136.66 3497.5 1136.66 c +3514.07 1136.66 3527.5 1123.23 3527.5 1106.66 c +S +3610 1102.5 m +3610 1085.93 3596.57 1072.5 3580 1072.5 c +3563.43 1072.5 3550 1085.93 3550 1102.5 c +3550 1119.06 3563.43 1132.5 3580 1132.5 c +3596.57 1132.5 3610 1119.06 3610 1102.5 c +S +3692.5 1105.83 m +3692.5 1089.27 3679.07 1075.83 3662.5 1075.83 c +3645.93 1075.83 3632.5 1089.27 3632.5 1105.83 c +3632.5 1122.4 3645.93 1135.83 3662.5 1135.83 c +3679.07 1135.83 3692.5 1122.4 3692.5 1105.83 c +S +3775 1068.33 m +3775 1051.77 3761.57 1038.33 3745 1038.33 c +3728.43 1038.33 3715 1051.77 3715 1068.33 c +3715 1084.9 3728.43 1098.33 3745 1098.33 c +3761.57 1098.33 3775 1084.9 3775 1068.33 c +S +3857.5 1029.16 m +3857.5 1012.6 3844.07 999.164 3827.5 999.164 c +3810.93 999.164 3797.5 1012.6 3797.5 1029.16 c +3797.5 1045.73 3810.93 1059.16 3827.5 1059.16 c +3844.07 1059.16 3857.5 1045.73 3857.5 1029.16 c +S +3940 1072.5 m +3940 1055.93 3926.57 1042.5 3910 1042.5 c +3893.43 1042.5 3880 1055.93 3880 1072.5 c +3880 1089.06 3893.43 1102.5 3910 1102.5 c +3926.57 1102.5 3940 1089.06 3940 1072.5 c +S +Q +q +611.668 411.668 3299.162 3093.332 re +W +10 w +1 j +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1001] SC +693.332 3505 m +775.832 3305 l +858.332 2823.33 l +940.832 2342.5 l +1023.33 2175 l +1105.83 2130 l +1188.33 2085 l +1270.83 2039.17 l +1353.33 1994.17 l +1435.83 1949.17 l +1518.33 1904.17 l +1600.83 1859.17 l +1683.33 1814.17 l +1765.83 1769.17 l +1848.33 1724.17 l +1930.83 1678.33 l +2013.33 1633.33 l +2095.83 1588.33 l +2178.33 1543.33 l +2260.83 1498.33 l +2342.5 1453.33 l +2425 1408.33 l +2507.5 1363.33 l +2590 1318.33 l +2672.5 1273.33 l +2755 1228.33 l +2837.5 1190 l +2920 1144.17 l +3002.5 1131.67 l +3085 1100.83 l +3167.5 1076.67 l +3250 1116.67 l +3332.5 1095.83 l +3415 1121.67 l +3497.5 1174.17 l +3580 1116.67 l +3662.5 1149.17 l +3745 1113.33 l +3827.5 1160.83 l +3910 1098.33 l +S +Q +q +632.5 1015 3339.17 2550.83 re +W +/DeviceGray {} cs +[0.5996] sc +659.168 3485 m +727.5 3485 l +693.332 3544.17 l +659.168 3485 l +f* +10 w +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1001] SC +659.168 3485 m +727.5 3485 l +693.332 3544.17 l +659.168 3485 l +h +S +741.668 3285 m +810 3285 l +775.832 3344.17 l +741.668 3285 l +f* +741.668 3285 m +810 3285 l +775.832 3344.17 l +741.668 3285 l +h +S +824.168 2803.33 m +892.5 2803.33 l +858.332 2862.5 l +824.168 2803.33 l +f* +824.168 2803.33 m +892.5 2803.33 l +858.332 2862.5 l +824.168 2803.33 l +h +S +906.668 2322.5 m +975 2322.5 l +940.832 2381.67 l +906.668 2322.5 l +f* +906.668 2322.5 m +975 2322.5 l +940.832 2381.67 l +906.668 2322.5 l +h +S +989.168 2155 m +1057.5 2155 l +1023.33 2214.17 l +989.168 2155 l +f* +989.168 2155 m +1057.5 2155 l +1023.33 2214.17 l +989.168 2155 l +h +S +1071.67 2110 m +1140 2110 l +1105.83 2169.17 l +1071.67 2110 l +f* +1071.67 2110 m +1140 2110 l +1105.83 2169.17 l +1071.67 2110 l +h +S +1154.17 2065 m +1222.5 2065 l +1188.33 2124.17 l +1154.17 2065 l +f* +1154.17 2065 m +1222.5 2065 l +1188.33 2124.17 l +1154.17 2065 l +h +S +1236.67 2019.17 m +1305 2019.17 l +1270.83 2078.33 l +1236.67 2019.17 l +f* +1236.67 2019.17 m +1305 2019.17 l +1270.83 2078.33 l +1236.67 2019.17 l +h +S +1319.17 1974.17 m +1387.5 1974.17 l +1353.33 2033.33 l +1319.17 1974.17 l +f* +1319.17 1974.17 m +1387.5 1974.17 l +1353.33 2033.33 l +1319.17 1974.17 l +h +S +1401.67 1929.17 m +1470 1929.17 l +1435.83 1988.33 l +1401.67 1929.17 l +f* +1401.67 1929.17 m +1470 1929.17 l +1435.83 1988.33 l +1401.67 1929.17 l +h +S +1484.17 1884.17 m +1552.5 1884.17 l +1518.33 1943.33 l +1484.17 1884.17 l +f* +1484.17 1884.17 m +1552.5 1884.17 l +1518.33 1943.33 l +1484.17 1884.17 l +h +S +1566.67 1839.17 m +1635 1839.17 l +1600.83 1898.33 l +1566.67 1839.17 l +f* +1566.67 1839.17 m +1635 1839.17 l +1600.83 1898.33 l +1566.67 1839.17 l +h +S +1649.17 1794.17 m +1717.5 1794.17 l +1683.33 1853.33 l +1649.17 1794.17 l +f* +1649.17 1794.17 m +1717.5 1794.17 l +1683.33 1853.33 l +1649.17 1794.17 l +h +S +1731.67 1749.17 m +1800 1749.17 l +1765.83 1808.33 l 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+1043.33 1100 l +S +1043.33 1100 m +966.668 1128.33 l +S +944.168 990 m +867.5 1030.83 l +966.668 1128.33 l +f* +944.168 990 m +867.5 1030.83 l +S +867.5 1030.83 m +966.668 1128.33 l +S +867.5 1030.83 m +966.668 1128.33 l +890.832 1154.17 l +f* +867.5 1030.83 m +966.668 1128.33 l +S +966.668 1128.33 m +890.832 1154.17 l +S +867.5 1030.83 m +790.832 1072.5 l +890.832 1154.17 l +f* +867.5 1030.83 m +790.832 1072.5 l +S +790.832 1072.5 m +890.832 1154.17 l +S +790.832 1072.5 m +890.832 1154.17 l +814.168 1179.17 l +f* +790.832 1072.5 m +890.832 1154.17 l +S +890.832 1154.17 m +814.168 1179.17 l +S +790.832 1072.5 m +714.168 1113.33 l +814.168 1179.17 l +f* +790.832 1072.5 m +714.168 1113.33 l +S +714.168 1113.33 m +814.168 1179.17 l +S +714.168 1113.33 m +814.168 1179.17 l +737.5 1203.33 l +f* +714.168 1113.33 m +814.168 1179.17 l +S +814.168 1179.17 m +737.5 1203.33 l +S +714.168 1113.33 m +637.5 1154.17 l +737.5 1203.33 l +f* +714.168 1113.33 m +637.5 1154.17 l +S +637.5 1154.17 m +737.5 1203.33 l +S +637.5 1154.17 m +737.5 1203.33 l +660.832 1227.5 l +f* +637.5 1154.17 m +737.5 1203.33 l +S +737.5 1203.33 m +660.832 1227.5 l +S +637.5 1154.17 m +561.668 1195.83 l +660.832 1227.5 l +f* +637.5 1154.17 m +561.668 1195.83 l +S +561.668 1195.83 m +660.832 1227.5 l +S +2115 444.168 m +2214.17 475.832 l +2138.33 551.668 l +f* +2115 444.168 m +2214.17 475.832 l +S +2214.17 475.832 m +2138.33 551.668 l +S +2115 444.168 m +2038.33 503.332 l +2138.33 551.668 l +f* +2115 444.168 m +2038.33 503.332 l +S +2038.33 503.332 m +2138.33 551.668 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.0833 0 0] sc +2038.33 503.332 m +2138.33 551.668 l +2061.67 626.668 l +f* +2038.33 503.332 m +2138.33 551.668 l +S +2138.33 551.668 m +2061.67 626.668 l +S +2038.33 503.332 m +1961.67 561.668 l +2061.67 626.668 l +f* +2038.33 503.332 m +1961.67 561.668 l +S +1961.67 561.668 m +2061.67 626.668 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.1667 0 0] sc +1961.67 561.668 m +2061.67 626.668 l +1985 700 l +f* +1961.67 561.668 m +2061.67 626.668 l +S +2061.67 626.668 m +1985 700 l +S +1961.67 561.668 m +1885 619.168 l +1985 700 l +f* +1961.67 561.668 m +1885 619.168 l +S +1885 619.168 m +1985 700 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.25 0 0] sc +1885 619.168 m +1985 700 l +1908.33 770 l +f* +1885 619.168 m +1985 700 l +S +1985 700 m +1908.33 770 l +S +1885 619.168 m +1808.33 675 l +1908.33 770 l +f* +1885 619.168 m +1808.33 675 l +S +1808.33 675 m +1908.33 770 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.2917 0 0] sc +1808.33 675 m +1908.33 770 l +1831.67 836.668 l +f* +1808.33 675 m +1908.33 770 l +S +1908.33 770 m +1831.67 836.668 l +S +1808.33 675 m +1732.5 729.168 l +1831.67 836.668 l +f* +1808.33 675 m +1732.5 729.168 l +S +1732.5 729.168 m +1831.67 836.668 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.3333 0 0] sc +1732.5 729.168 m +1831.67 836.668 l +1755 899.168 l +f* +1732.5 729.168 m +1831.67 836.668 l +S +1831.67 836.668 m +1755 899.168 l +S +1732.5 729.168 m +1655.83 780.832 l +1755 899.168 l +f* +1732.5 729.168 m +1655.83 780.832 l +S +1655.83 780.832 m +1755 899.168 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.375 0 0] sc +1655.83 780.832 m +1755 899.168 l +1679.17 957.5 l +f* +1655.83 780.832 m +1755 899.168 l +S +1755 899.168 m +1679.17 957.5 l +S +1655.83 780.832 m +1579.17 830.832 l +1679.17 957.5 l +f* +1655.83 780.832 m +1579.17 830.832 l +S +1579.17 830.832 m +1679.17 957.5 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.4167 0 0] sc +1579.17 830.832 m +1679.17 957.5 l +1602.5 1010 l +f* +1579.17 830.832 m +1679.17 957.5 l +S +1679.17 957.5 m +1602.5 1010 l +S +1579.17 830.832 m +1502.5 877.5 l +1602.5 1010 l +f* +1579.17 830.832 m +1502.5 877.5 l +S +1502.5 877.5 m +1602.5 1010 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.4583 0 0] sc +1502.5 877.5 m +1602.5 1010 l +1525.83 1056.67 l +f* +1502.5 877.5 m +1602.5 1010 l +S +1602.5 1010 m +1525.83 1056.67 l +S +1502.5 877.5 m +1425.83 921.668 l +1525.83 1056.67 l +f* +1502.5 877.5 m +1425.83 921.668 l +S +1425.83 921.668 m +1525.83 1056.67 l +S +1425.83 921.668 m +1525.83 1056.67 l +1449.17 1097.5 l +f* +1425.83 921.668 m +1525.83 1056.67 l +S +1525.83 1056.67 m +1449.17 1097.5 l +S +1425.83 921.668 m +1350 962.5 l +1449.17 1097.5 l +f* +1425.83 921.668 m +1350 962.5 l +S +1350 962.5 m +1449.17 1097.5 l +S +1350 962.5 m +1449.17 1097.5 l +1372.5 1133.33 l +f* +1350 962.5 m +1449.17 1097.5 l +S +1449.17 1097.5 m +1372.5 1133.33 l +S +1350 962.5 m +1273.33 1000.83 l +1372.5 1133.33 l +f* +1350 962.5 m +1273.33 1000.83 l +S +1273.33 1000.83 m +1372.5 1133.33 l +S +1273.33 1000.83 m +1372.5 1133.33 l +1296.67 1163.33 l +f* +1273.33 1000.83 m +1372.5 1133.33 l +S +1372.5 1133.33 m +1296.67 1163.33 l +S +1273.33 1000.83 m +1196.67 1036.67 l +1296.67 1163.33 l +f* +1273.33 1000.83 m +1196.67 1036.67 l +S +1196.67 1036.67 m +1296.67 1163.33 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.4167 0 0] sc +1196.67 1036.67 m +1296.67 1163.33 l +1220 1188.33 l +f* +1196.67 1036.67 m +1296.67 1163.33 l +S +1296.67 1163.33 m +1220 1188.33 l +S +1196.67 1036.67 m +1120 1069.17 l +1220 1188.33 l +f* +1196.67 1036.67 m +1120 1069.17 l +S +1120 1069.17 m +1220 1188.33 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.375 0 0] sc +1120 1069.17 m +1220 1188.33 l +1143.33 1207.5 l +f* +1120 1069.17 m +1220 1188.33 l +S +1220 1188.33 m +1143.33 1207.5 l +S +1120 1069.17 m +1043.33 1100 l +1143.33 1207.5 l +f* +1120 1069.17 m +1043.33 1100 l +S +1043.33 1100 m +1143.33 1207.5 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.3333 0 0] sc +1043.33 1100 m +1143.33 1207.5 l +1066.67 1223.33 l +f* +1043.33 1100 m +1143.33 1207.5 l +S +1143.33 1207.5 m +1066.67 1223.33 l +S +1043.33 1100 m +966.668 1128.33 l +1066.67 1223.33 l +f* +1043.33 1100 m +966.668 1128.33 l +S +966.668 1128.33 m +1066.67 1223.33 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.2917 0 0] sc +966.668 1128.33 m +1066.67 1223.33 l +990 1235.83 l +f* +966.668 1128.33 m +1066.67 1223.33 l +S +1066.67 1223.33 m +990 1235.83 l +S +966.668 1128.33 m +890.832 1154.17 l +990 1235.83 l +f* +966.668 1128.33 m +890.832 1154.17 l +S +890.832 1154.17 m +990 1235.83 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.25 0 0] sc +890.832 1154.17 m +990 1235.83 l +913.332 1245 l +f* +890.832 1154.17 m +990 1235.83 l +S +990 1235.83 m +913.332 1245 l +S +890.832 1154.17 m +814.168 1179.17 l +913.332 1245 l +f* +890.832 1154.17 m +814.168 1179.17 l +S +814.168 1179.17 m +913.332 1245 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.1667 0 0] sc +814.168 1179.17 m +913.332 1245 l +837.5 1252.5 l +f* +814.168 1179.17 m +913.332 1245 l +S +913.332 1245 m +837.5 1252.5 l +S +814.168 1179.17 m +737.5 1203.33 l +837.5 1252.5 l +f* +814.168 1179.17 m +737.5 1203.33 l +S +737.5 1203.33 m +837.5 1252.5 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.0833 0 0] sc +737.5 1203.33 m +837.5 1252.5 l +760.832 1259.17 l +f* +737.5 1203.33 m +837.5 1252.5 l +S +837.5 1252.5 m +760.832 1259.17 l +S +737.5 1203.33 m +660.832 1227.5 l +760.832 1259.17 l +f* +737.5 1203.33 m +660.832 1227.5 l +S +660.832 1227.5 m +760.832 1259.17 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.0417 0 0] sc +2214.17 475.832 m +2314.17 507.5 l +2237.5 600 l +f* +2214.17 475.832 m +2314.17 507.5 l +S +2314.17 507.5 m +2237.5 600 l +S +2214.17 475.832 m +2138.33 551.668 l +2237.5 600 l +f* +2214.17 475.832 m +2138.33 551.668 l +S +2138.33 551.668 m +2237.5 600 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.1667 0 0] sc +2138.33 551.668 m +2237.5 600 l +2160.83 690 l +f* +2138.33 551.668 m +2237.5 600 l +S +2237.5 600 m +2160.83 690 l +S +2138.33 551.668 m +2061.67 626.668 l +2160.83 690 l +f* +2138.33 551.668 m +2061.67 626.668 l +S +2061.67 626.668 m +2160.83 690 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.2917 0 0] sc +2061.67 626.668 m +2160.83 690 l +2085 778.332 l +f* +2061.67 626.668 m +2160.83 690 l +S +2160.83 690 m +2085 778.332 l +S +2061.67 626.668 m +1985 700 l +2085 778.332 l +f* +2061.67 626.668 m +1985 700 l +S +1985 700 m +2085 778.332 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.4167 0 0] sc +1985 700 m +2085 778.332 l +2008.33 861.668 l +f* +1985 700 m +2085 778.332 l +S +2085 778.332 m +2008.33 861.668 l +S +1985 700 m +1908.33 770 l +2008.33 861.668 l +f* +1985 700 m +1908.33 770 l +S +1908.33 770 m +2008.33 861.668 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.541 0 0] sc +1908.33 770 m +2008.33 861.668 l +1931.67 940.832 l +f* +1908.33 770 m +2008.33 861.668 l +S +2008.33 861.668 m +1931.67 940.832 l +S +1908.33 770 m +1831.67 836.668 l +1931.67 940.832 l +f* +1908.33 770 m +1831.67 836.668 l +S +1831.67 836.668 m +1931.67 940.832 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.666 0 0] sc +1831.67 836.668 m +1931.67 940.832 l +1855 1013.33 l +f* +1831.67 836.668 m +1931.67 940.832 l +S +1931.67 940.832 m +1855 1013.33 l +S +1831.67 836.668 m +1755 899.168 l +1855 1013.33 l +f* +1831.67 836.668 m +1755 899.168 l +S +1755 899.168 m +1855 1013.33 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.75 0 0] sc +1755 899.168 m +1855 1013.33 l +1778.33 1078.33 l +f* +1755 899.168 m +1855 1013.33 l +S +1855 1013.33 m +1778.33 1078.33 l +S +1755 899.168 m +1679.17 957.5 l +1778.33 1078.33 l +f* +1755 899.168 m +1679.17 957.5 l +S +1679.17 957.5 m +1778.33 1078.33 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.834 0 0] sc +1679.17 957.5 m +1778.33 1078.33 l +1701.67 1136.67 l +f* +1679.17 957.5 m +1778.33 1078.33 l +S +1778.33 1078.33 m +1701.67 1136.67 l +S +1679.17 957.5 m +1602.5 1010 l +1701.67 1136.67 l +f* +1679.17 957.5 m +1602.5 1010 l +S +1602.5 1010 m +1701.67 1136.67 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.875 0 0] sc +1602.5 1010 m +1701.67 1136.67 l +1625.83 1185.83 l +f* +1602.5 1010 m +1701.67 1136.67 l +S +1701.67 1136.67 m +1625.83 1185.83 l +S +1602.5 1010 m +1525.83 1056.67 l +1625.83 1185.83 l +f* +1602.5 1010 m +1525.83 1056.67 l +S +1525.83 1056.67 m +1625.83 1185.83 l +S +1525.83 1056.67 m +1625.83 1185.83 l +1549.17 1227.5 l +f* +1525.83 1056.67 m +1625.83 1185.83 l +S +1625.83 1185.83 m +1549.17 1227.5 l +S +1525.83 1056.67 m +1449.17 1097.5 l +1549.17 1227.5 l +f* +1525.83 1056.67 m +1449.17 1097.5 l +S +1449.17 1097.5 m +1549.17 1227.5 l +S +1449.17 1097.5 m +1549.17 1227.5 l +1472.5 1260 l +f* +1449.17 1097.5 m +1549.17 1227.5 l +S +1549.17 1227.5 m +1472.5 1260 l +S +1449.17 1097.5 m +1372.5 1133.33 l +1472.5 1260 l +f* +1449.17 1097.5 m +1372.5 1133.33 l +S +1372.5 1133.33 m +1472.5 1260 l +S +1372.5 1133.33 m +1472.5 1260 l +1395.83 1285 l +f* +1372.5 1133.33 m +1472.5 1260 l +S +1472.5 1260 m +1395.83 1285 l +S +1372.5 1133.33 m +1296.67 1163.33 l +1395.83 1285 l +f* +1372.5 1133.33 m +1296.67 1163.33 l +S +1296.67 1163.33 m +1395.83 1285 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.834 0 0] sc +1296.67 1163.33 m +1395.83 1285 l +1319.17 1301.67 l +f* +1296.67 1163.33 m +1395.83 1285 l +S +1395.83 1285 m +1319.17 1301.67 l +S +1296.67 1163.33 m +1220 1188.33 l +1319.17 1301.67 l +f* +1296.67 1163.33 m +1220 1188.33 l +S +1220 1188.33 m +1319.17 1301.67 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.75 0 0] sc +1220 1188.33 m +1319.17 1301.67 l +1243.33 1311.67 l +f* +1220 1188.33 m +1319.17 1301.67 l +S +1319.17 1301.67 m +1243.33 1311.67 l +S +1220 1188.33 m +1143.33 1207.5 l +1243.33 1311.67 l +f* +1220 1188.33 m +1143.33 1207.5 l +S +1143.33 1207.5 m +1243.33 1311.67 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.666 0 0] sc +1143.33 1207.5 m +1243.33 1311.67 l +1166.67 1315 l +f* +1143.33 1207.5 m +1243.33 1311.67 l +S +1243.33 1311.67 m +1166.67 1315 l +S +1143.33 1207.5 m +1066.67 1223.33 l +1166.67 1315 l +f* +1143.33 1207.5 m +1066.67 1223.33 l +S +1066.67 1223.33 m +1166.67 1315 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.541 0 0] sc +1066.67 1223.33 m +1166.67 1315 l +1090 1314.17 l +f* +1066.67 1223.33 m +1166.67 1315 l +S +1166.67 1315 m +1090 1314.17 l +S +1066.67 1223.33 m +990 1235.83 l +1090 1314.17 l +f* +1066.67 1223.33 m +990 1235.83 l +S +990 1235.83 m +1090 1314.17 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.4167 0 0] sc +990 1235.83 m +1090 1314.17 l +1013.33 1308.33 l +f* +990 1235.83 m +1090 1314.17 l +S +1090 1314.17 m +1013.33 1308.33 l +S +990 1235.83 m +913.332 1245 l +1013.33 1308.33 l +f* +990 1235.83 m +913.332 1245 l +S +913.332 1245 m +1013.33 1308.33 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.2917 0 0] sc +913.332 1245 m +1013.33 1308.33 l +936.668 1300 l +f* +913.332 1245 m +1013.33 1308.33 l +S +1013.33 1308.33 m +936.668 1300 l +S +913.332 1245 m +837.5 1252.5 l +936.668 1300 l +f* +913.332 1245 m +837.5 1252.5 l +S +837.5 1252.5 m +936.668 1300 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.1667 0 0] sc +837.5 1252.5 m +936.668 1300 l +860 1290.83 l +f* +837.5 1252.5 m +936.668 1300 l +S +936.668 1300 m +860 1290.83 l +S +837.5 1252.5 m +760.832 1259.17 l +860 1290.83 l +f* +837.5 1252.5 m +760.832 1259.17 l +S +760.832 1259.17 m +860 1290.83 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.0417 0 0] sc +2314.17 507.5 m +2414.17 539.168 l +2337.5 645.832 l +f* +2314.17 507.5 m +2414.17 539.168 l +S +2414.17 539.168 m +2337.5 645.832 l +S +2314.17 507.5 m +2237.5 600 l +2337.5 645.832 l +f* +2314.17 507.5 m +2237.5 600 l +S +2237.5 600 m +2337.5 645.832 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.25 0 0] sc +2237.5 600 m +2337.5 645.832 l +2260.83 750.832 l +f* +2237.5 600 m +2337.5 645.832 l +S +2337.5 645.832 m +2260.83 750.832 l +S +2237.5 600 m +2160.83 690 l +2260.83 750.832 l +f* +2237.5 600 m +2160.83 690 l +S +2160.83 690 m +2260.83 750.832 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.4167 0 0] sc +2160.83 690 m +2260.83 750.832 l +2184.17 852.5 l +f* +2160.83 690 m +2260.83 750.832 l +S +2260.83 750.832 m +2184.17 852.5 l +S +2160.83 690 m +2085 778.332 l +2184.17 852.5 l +f* +2160.83 690 m +2085 778.332 l +S +2085 778.332 m +2184.17 852.5 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.625 0 0] sc +2085 778.332 m +2184.17 852.5 l +2107.5 948.332 l +f* +2085 778.332 m +2184.17 852.5 l +S +2184.17 852.5 m +2107.5 948.332 l +S +2085 778.332 m +2008.33 861.668 l +2107.5 948.332 l +f* +2085 778.332 m +2008.33 861.668 l +S +2008.33 861.668 m +2107.5 948.332 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.791 0 0] sc +2008.33 861.668 m +2107.5 948.332 l +2031.67 1038.33 l +f* +2008.33 861.668 m +2107.5 948.332 l +S +2107.5 948.332 m +2031.67 1038.33 l +S +2008.33 861.668 m +1931.67 940.832 l +2031.67 1038.33 l +f* +2008.33 861.668 m +1931.67 940.832 l +S +1931.67 940.832 m +2031.67 1038.33 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.959 0 0] sc +1931.67 940.832 m +2031.67 1038.33 l +1955 1120 l +f* +1931.67 940.832 m +2031.67 1038.33 l +S +2031.67 1038.33 m +1955 1120 l +S +1931.67 940.832 m +1855 1013.33 l +1955 1120 l +f* +1931.67 940.832 m +1855 1013.33 l +S +1855 1013.33 m +1955 1120 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.0833 0] sc +1855 1013.33 m +1955 1120 l +1878.33 1192.5 l +f* +1855 1013.33 m +1955 1120 l +S +1955 1120 m +1878.33 1192.5 l +S +1855 1013.33 m +1778.33 1078.33 l +1878.33 1192.5 l +f* +1855 1013.33 m +1778.33 1078.33 l +S +1778.33 1078.33 m +1878.33 1192.5 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.2083 0] sc +1778.33 1078.33 m +1878.33 1192.5 l +1801.67 1255 l +f* +1778.33 1078.33 m +1878.33 1192.5 l +S +1878.33 1192.5 m +1801.67 1255 l +S +1778.33 1078.33 m +1701.67 1136.67 l +1801.67 1255 l +f* +1778.33 1078.33 m +1701.67 1136.67 l +S +1701.67 1136.67 m +1801.67 1255 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.25 0] sc +1701.67 1136.67 m +1801.67 1255 l +1725 1306.67 l +f* +1701.67 1136.67 m +1801.67 1255 l +S +1801.67 1255 m +1725 1306.67 l +S +1701.67 1136.67 m +1625.83 1185.83 l +1725 1306.67 l +f* +1701.67 1136.67 m +1625.83 1185.83 l +S +1625.83 1185.83 m +1725 1306.67 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.2917 0] sc +1625.83 1185.83 m +1725 1306.67 l +1648.33 1348.33 l +f* +1625.83 1185.83 m +1725 1306.67 l +S +1725 1306.67 m +1648.33 1348.33 l +S +1625.83 1185.83 m +1549.17 1227.5 l +1648.33 1348.33 l +f* +1625.83 1185.83 m +1549.17 1227.5 l +S +1549.17 1227.5 m +1648.33 1348.33 l +S +1549.17 1227.5 m +1648.33 1348.33 l +1572.5 1378.33 l +f* +1549.17 1227.5 m +1648.33 1348.33 l +S +1648.33 1348.33 m +1572.5 1378.33 l +S +1549.17 1227.5 m +1472.5 1260 l +1572.5 1378.33 l +f* +1549.17 1227.5 m +1472.5 1260 l +S +1472.5 1260 m +1572.5 1378.33 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.25 0] sc +1472.5 1260 m +1572.5 1378.33 l +1495.83 1398.33 l +f* +1472.5 1260 m +1572.5 1378.33 l +S +1572.5 1378.33 m +1495.83 1398.33 l +S +1472.5 1260 m +1395.83 1285 l +1495.83 1398.33 l +f* +1472.5 1260 m +1395.83 1285 l +S +1395.83 1285 m +1495.83 1398.33 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.2083 0] sc +1395.83 1285 m +1495.83 1398.33 l +1419.17 1408.33 l +f* +1395.83 1285 m +1495.83 1398.33 l +S +1495.83 1398.33 m +1419.17 1408.33 l +S +1395.83 1285 m +1319.17 1301.67 l +1419.17 1408.33 l +f* +1395.83 1285 m +1319.17 1301.67 l +S +1319.17 1301.67 m +1419.17 1408.33 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.0833 0] sc +1319.17 1301.67 m +1419.17 1408.33 l +1342.5 1409.17 l +f* +1319.17 1301.67 m +1419.17 1408.33 l +S +1419.17 1408.33 m +1342.5 1409.17 l +S +1319.17 1301.67 m +1243.33 1311.67 l +1342.5 1409.17 l +f* +1319.17 1301.67 m +1243.33 1311.67 l +S +1243.33 1311.67 m +1342.5 1409.17 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.959 0 0] sc +1243.33 1311.67 m +1342.5 1409.17 l +1265.83 1401.67 l +f* +1243.33 1311.67 m +1342.5 1409.17 l +S +1342.5 1409.17 m +1265.83 1401.67 l +S +1243.33 1311.67 m +1166.67 1315 l +1265.83 1401.67 l +f* +1243.33 1311.67 m +1166.67 1315 l +S +1166.67 1315 m +1265.83 1401.67 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.791 0 0] sc +1166.67 1315 m +1265.83 1401.67 l +1190 1388.33 l +f* +1166.67 1315 m +1265.83 1401.67 l +S +1265.83 1401.67 m +1190 1388.33 l +S +1166.67 1315 m +1090 1314.17 l +1190 1388.33 l +f* +1166.67 1315 m +1090 1314.17 l +S +1090 1314.17 m +1190 1388.33 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.625 0 0] sc +1090 1314.17 m +1190 1388.33 l +1113.33 1369.17 l +f* +1090 1314.17 m +1190 1388.33 l +S +1190 1388.33 m +1113.33 1369.17 l +S +1090 1314.17 m +1013.33 1308.33 l +1113.33 1369.17 l +f* +1090 1314.17 m +1013.33 1308.33 l +S +1013.33 1308.33 m +1113.33 1369.17 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.4167 0 0] sc +1013.33 1308.33 m +1113.33 1369.17 l +1036.67 1346.67 l +f* +1013.33 1308.33 m +1113.33 1369.17 l +S +1113.33 1369.17 m +1036.67 1346.67 l +S +1013.33 1308.33 m +936.668 1300 l +1036.67 1346.67 l +f* +1013.33 1308.33 m +936.668 1300 l +S +936.668 1300 m +1036.67 1346.67 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.25 0 0] sc +936.668 1300 m +1036.67 1346.67 l +960 1322.5 l +f* +936.668 1300 m +1036.67 1346.67 l +S +1036.67 1346.67 m +960 1322.5 l +S +936.668 1300 m +860 1290.83 l +960 1322.5 l +f* +936.668 1300 m +860 1290.83 l +S +860 1290.83 m +960 1322.5 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.0417 0 0] sc +2414.17 539.168 m +2513.33 570.832 l +2436.67 690.832 l +f* +2414.17 539.168 m +2513.33 570.832 l +S +2513.33 570.832 m +2436.67 690.832 l +S +2414.17 539.168 m +2337.5 645.832 l +2436.67 690.832 l +f* +2414.17 539.168 m +2337.5 645.832 l +S +2337.5 645.832 m +2436.67 690.832 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.2917 0 0] sc +2337.5 645.832 m +2436.67 690.832 l +2360.83 808.332 l +f* +2337.5 645.832 m +2436.67 690.832 l +S +2436.67 690.832 m +2360.83 808.332 l +S +2337.5 645.832 m +2260.83 750.832 l +2360.83 808.332 l +f* +2337.5 645.832 m +2260.83 750.832 l +S +2260.83 750.832 m +2360.83 808.332 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.541 0 0] sc +2260.83 750.832 m +2360.83 808.332 l +2284.17 921.668 l +f* +2260.83 750.832 m +2360.83 808.332 l +S +2360.83 808.332 m +2284.17 921.668 l +S +2260.83 750.832 m +2184.17 852.5 l +2284.17 921.668 l +f* +2260.83 750.832 m +2184.17 852.5 l +S +2184.17 852.5 m +2284.17 921.668 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.791 0 0] sc +2184.17 852.5 m +2284.17 921.668 l +2207.5 1028.33 l +f* +2184.17 852.5 m +2284.17 921.668 l +S +2284.17 921.668 m +2207.5 1028.33 l +S +2184.17 852.5 m +2107.5 948.332 l +2207.5 1028.33 l +f* +2184.17 852.5 m +2107.5 948.332 l +S +2107.5 948.332 m +2207.5 1028.33 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.0417 0] sc +2107.5 948.332 m +2207.5 1028.33 l +2130.83 1127.5 l +f* +2107.5 948.332 m +2207.5 1028.33 l +S +2207.5 1028.33 m +2130.83 1127.5 l +S +2107.5 948.332 m +2031.67 1038.33 l +2130.83 1127.5 l +f* +2107.5 948.332 m +2031.67 1038.33 l +S +2031.67 1038.33 m +2130.83 1127.5 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.25 0] sc +2031.67 1038.33 m +2130.83 1127.5 l +2054.17 1217.5 l +f* +2031.67 1038.33 m +2130.83 1127.5 l +S +2130.83 1127.5 m +2054.17 1217.5 l +S +2031.67 1038.33 m +1955 1120 l +2054.17 1217.5 l +f* +2031.67 1038.33 m +1955 1120 l +S +1955 1120 m +2054.17 1217.5 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.4167 0] sc +1955 1120 m +2054.17 1217.5 l +1978.33 1295.83 l +f* +1955 1120 m +2054.17 1217.5 l +S +2054.17 1217.5 m +1978.33 1295.83 l +S +1955 1120 m +1878.33 1192.5 l +1978.33 1295.83 l +f* +1955 1120 m +1878.33 1192.5 l +S +1878.33 1192.5 m +1978.33 1295.83 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.541 0] sc +1878.33 1192.5 m +1978.33 1295.83 l +1901.67 1362.5 l +f* +1878.33 1192.5 m +1978.33 1295.83 l +S +1978.33 1295.83 m +1901.67 1362.5 l +S +1878.33 1192.5 m +1801.67 1255 l +1901.67 1362.5 l +f* +1878.33 1192.5 m +1801.67 1255 l +S +1801.67 1255 m +1901.67 1362.5 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.625 0] sc +1801.67 1255 m +1901.67 1362.5 l +1825 1416.67 l +f* +1801.67 1255 m +1901.67 1362.5 l +S +1901.67 1362.5 m +1825 1416.67 l +S +1801.67 1255 m +1725 1306.67 l +1825 1416.67 l +f* +1801.67 1255 m +1725 1306.67 l +S +1725 1306.67 m +1825 1416.67 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.666 0] sc +1725 1306.67 m +1825 1416.67 l +1748.33 1458.33 l +f* +1725 1306.67 m +1825 1416.67 l +S +1825 1416.67 m +1748.33 1458.33 l +S +1725 1306.67 m +1648.33 1348.33 l +1748.33 1458.33 l +f* +1725 1306.67 m +1648.33 1348.33 l +S +1648.33 1348.33 m +1748.33 1458.33 l +S +1648.33 1348.33 m +1748.33 1458.33 l +1671.67 1486.67 l +f* +1648.33 1348.33 m +1748.33 1458.33 l +S +1748.33 1458.33 m +1671.67 1486.67 l +S +1648.33 1348.33 m +1572.5 1378.33 l +1671.67 1486.67 l +f* +1648.33 1348.33 m +1572.5 1378.33 l +S +1572.5 1378.33 m +1671.67 1486.67 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.625 0] sc +1572.5 1378.33 m +1671.67 1486.67 l +1595.83 1501.67 l +f* +1572.5 1378.33 m +1671.67 1486.67 l +S +1671.67 1486.67 m +1595.83 1501.67 l +S +1572.5 1378.33 m +1495.83 1398.33 l +1595.83 1501.67 l +f* +1572.5 1378.33 m +1495.83 1398.33 l +S +1495.83 1398.33 m +1595.83 1501.67 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.541 0] sc +1495.83 1398.33 m +1595.83 1501.67 l +1519.17 1505.83 l +f* +1495.83 1398.33 m +1595.83 1501.67 l +S +1595.83 1501.67 m +1519.17 1505.83 l +S +1495.83 1398.33 m +1419.17 1408.33 l +1519.17 1505.83 l +f* +1495.83 1398.33 m +1419.17 1408.33 l +S +1419.17 1408.33 m +1519.17 1505.83 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.4167 0] sc +1419.17 1408.33 m +1519.17 1505.83 l +1442.5 1498.33 l 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1425.83 l +S +1190 1388.33 m +1113.33 1369.17 l +1212.5 1425.83 l +f* +1190 1388.33 m +1113.33 1369.17 l +S +1113.33 1369.17 m +1212.5 1425.83 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.541 0 0] sc +1113.33 1369.17 m +1212.5 1425.83 l +1136.67 1390.83 l +f* +1113.33 1369.17 m +1212.5 1425.83 l +S +1212.5 1425.83 m +1136.67 1390.83 l +S +1113.33 1369.17 m +1036.67 1346.67 l +1136.67 1390.83 l +f* +1113.33 1369.17 m +1036.67 1346.67 l +S +1036.67 1346.67 m +1136.67 1390.83 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.2917 0 0] sc +1036.67 1346.67 m +1136.67 1390.83 l +1060 1354.17 l +f* +1036.67 1346.67 m +1136.67 1390.83 l +S +1136.67 1390.83 m +1060 1354.17 l +S +1036.67 1346.67 m +960 1322.5 l +1060 1354.17 l +f* +1036.67 1346.67 m +960 1322.5 l +S +960 1322.5 m +1060 1354.17 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.0417 0 0] sc +2513.33 570.832 m +2613.33 602.5 l +2536.67 733.332 l +f* +2513.33 570.832 m +2613.33 602.5 l +S +2613.33 602.5 m +2536.67 733.332 l +S +2513.33 570.832 m +2436.67 690.832 l +2536.67 733.332 l +f* +2513.33 570.832 m +2436.67 690.832 l +S +2436.67 690.832 m +2536.67 733.332 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.3333 0 0] sc +2436.67 690.832 m +2536.67 733.332 l +2460 860.832 l +f* +2436.67 690.832 m +2536.67 733.332 l +S +2536.67 733.332 m +2460 860.832 l +S +2436.67 690.832 m +2360.83 808.332 l +2460 860.832 l +f* +2436.67 690.832 m +2360.83 808.332 l +S +2360.83 808.332 m +2460 860.832 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.666 0 0] sc +2360.83 808.332 m +2460 860.832 l +2384.17 984.168 l +f* +2360.83 808.332 m +2460 860.832 l +S +2460 860.832 m +2384.17 984.168 l +S +2360.83 808.332 m +2284.17 921.668 l +2384.17 984.168 l +f* +2360.83 808.332 m +2284.17 921.668 l +S +2284.17 921.668 m +2384.17 984.168 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.959 0 0] sc +2284.17 921.668 m +2384.17 984.168 l +2307.5 1100.83 l +f* +2284.17 921.668 m +2384.17 984.168 l +S +2384.17 984.168 m +2307.5 1100.83 l +S +2284.17 921.668 m +2207.5 1028.33 l +2307.5 1100.83 l +f* +2284.17 921.668 m +2207.5 1028.33 l +S +2207.5 1028.33 m +2307.5 1100.83 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.25 0] sc +2207.5 1028.33 m +2307.5 1100.83 l +2230.83 1207.5 l +f* +2207.5 1028.33 m +2307.5 1100.83 l +S +2307.5 1100.83 m +2230.83 1207.5 l +S +2207.5 1028.33 m +2130.83 1127.5 l +2230.83 1207.5 l +f* +2207.5 1028.33 m +2130.83 1127.5 l +S +2130.83 1127.5 m +2230.83 1207.5 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.4583 0] sc +2130.83 1127.5 m +2230.83 1207.5 l +2154.17 1304.17 l +f* +2130.83 1127.5 m +2230.83 1207.5 l +S +2230.83 1207.5 m +2154.17 1304.17 l +S +2130.83 1127.5 m +2054.17 1217.5 l +2154.17 1304.17 l +f* +2130.83 1127.5 m +2054.17 1217.5 l +S +2054.17 1217.5 m +2154.17 1304.17 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.666 0] sc +2054.17 1217.5 m +2154.17 1304.17 l +2077.5 1387.5 l +f* +2054.17 1217.5 m +2154.17 1304.17 l +S +2154.17 1304.17 m +2077.5 1387.5 l +S +2054.17 1217.5 m +1978.33 1295.83 l +2077.5 1387.5 l +f* +2054.17 1217.5 m +1978.33 1295.83 l +S +1978.33 1295.83 m +2077.5 1387.5 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.834 0] sc +1978.33 1295.83 m +2077.5 1387.5 l +2000.83 1458.33 l +f* +1978.33 1295.83 m +2077.5 1387.5 l +S +2077.5 1387.5 m +2000.83 1458.33 l +S +1978.33 1295.83 m +1901.67 1362.5 l +2000.83 1458.33 l +f* +1978.33 1295.83 m +1901.67 1362.5 l +S +1901.67 1362.5 m +2000.83 1458.33 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.916 0] sc +1901.67 1362.5 m +2000.83 1458.33 l +1925 1514.17 l +f* +1901.67 1362.5 m +2000.83 1458.33 l +S +2000.83 1458.33 m +1925 1514.17 l +S +1901.67 1362.5 m +1825 1416.67 l +1925 1514.17 l +f* +1901.67 1362.5 m +1825 1416.67 l +S +1825 1416.67 m +1925 1514.17 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 1 0] sc +1825 1416.67 m +1925 1514.17 l +1848.33 1555 l +f* +1825 1416.67 m +1925 1514.17 l +S +1925 1514.17 m +1848.33 1555 l +S +1825 1416.67 m +1748.33 1458.33 l +1848.33 1555 l +f* +1825 1416.67 m +1748.33 1458.33 l +S +1748.33 1458.33 m +1848.33 1555 l +S +1748.33 1458.33 m +1848.33 1555 l +1771.67 1581.67 l +f* +1748.33 1458.33 m +1848.33 1555 l +S +1848.33 1555 m +1771.67 1581.67 l +S +1748.33 1458.33 m +1671.67 1486.67 l +1771.67 1581.67 l +f* +1748.33 1458.33 m +1671.67 1486.67 l +S +1671.67 1486.67 m +1771.67 1581.67 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.916 0] sc +1671.67 1486.67 m +1771.67 1581.67 l +1695 1594.17 l +f* +1671.67 1486.67 m +1771.67 1581.67 l +S +1771.67 1581.67 m +1695 1594.17 l +S +1671.67 1486.67 m +1595.83 1501.67 l +1695 1594.17 l +f* +1671.67 1486.67 m +1595.83 1501.67 l +S +1595.83 1501.67 m +1695 1594.17 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.834 0] sc +1595.83 1501.67 m +1695 1594.17 l +1618.33 1592.5 l +f* +1595.83 1501.67 m +1695 1594.17 l +S +1695 1594.17 m +1618.33 1592.5 l +S +1595.83 1501.67 m +1519.17 1505.83 l +1618.33 1592.5 l +f* +1595.83 1501.67 m +1519.17 1505.83 l +S +1519.17 1505.83 m +1618.33 1592.5 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.666 0] sc +1519.17 1505.83 m +1618.33 1592.5 l +1542.5 1578.33 l +f* +1519.17 1505.83 m +1618.33 1592.5 l +S +1618.33 1592.5 m +1542.5 1578.33 l +S +1519.17 1505.83 m +1442.5 1498.33 l +1542.5 1578.33 l +f* +1519.17 1505.83 m +1442.5 1498.33 l +S +1442.5 1498.33 m 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+2636.67 773.332 m +2560 909.168 l +S +2536.67 733.332 m +2460 860.832 l +2560 909.168 l +f* +2536.67 733.332 m +2460 860.832 l +S +2460 860.832 m +2560 909.168 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.75 0 0] sc +2460 860.832 m +2560 909.168 l +2483.33 1040 l +f* +2460 860.832 m +2560 909.168 l +S +2560 909.168 m +2483.33 1040 l +S +2460 860.832 m +2384.17 984.168 l +2483.33 1040 l +f* +2460 860.832 m +2384.17 984.168 l +S +2384.17 984.168 m +2483.33 1040 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.0833 0] sc +2384.17 984.168 m +2483.33 1040 l +2406.67 1163.33 l +f* +2384.17 984.168 m +2483.33 1040 l +S +2483.33 1040 m +2406.67 1163.33 l +S +2384.17 984.168 m +2307.5 1100.83 l +2406.67 1163.33 l +f* +2384.17 984.168 m +2307.5 1100.83 l +S +2307.5 1100.83 m +2406.67 1163.33 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.4167 0] sc +2307.5 1100.83 m +2406.67 1163.33 l +2330.83 1276.67 l +f* +2307.5 1100.83 m +2406.67 1163.33 l +S +2406.67 1163.33 m +2330.83 1276.67 l +S +2307.5 1100.83 m +2230.83 1207.5 l +2330.83 1276.67 l +f* +2307.5 1100.83 m +2230.83 1207.5 l +S +2230.83 1207.5 m +2330.83 1276.67 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.666 0] sc +2230.83 1207.5 m +2330.83 1276.67 l +2254.17 1378.33 l +f* +2230.83 1207.5 m +2330.83 1276.67 l +S +2330.83 1276.67 m +2254.17 1378.33 l +S +2230.83 1207.5 m +2154.17 1304.17 l +2254.17 1378.33 l +f* +2230.83 1207.5 m +2154.17 1304.17 l +S +2154.17 1304.17 m +2254.17 1378.33 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.916 0] sc +2154.17 1304.17 m +2254.17 1378.33 l +2177.5 1465.83 l +f* +2154.17 1304.17 m +2254.17 1378.33 l +S +2254.17 1378.33 m +2177.5 1465.83 l +S +2154.17 1304.17 m +2077.5 1387.5 l +2177.5 1465.83 l +f* +2154.17 1304.17 m +2077.5 1387.5 l +S +2077.5 1387.5 m +2177.5 1465.83 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 1 0.125] sc +2077.5 1387.5 m +2177.5 1465.83 l +2100.83 1539.17 l +f* +2077.5 1387.5 m +2177.5 1465.83 l +S +2177.5 1465.83 m +2100.83 1539.17 l +S +2077.5 1387.5 m +2000.83 1458.33 l +2100.83 1539.17 l +f* +2077.5 1387.5 m +2000.83 1458.33 l +S +2000.83 1458.33 m +2100.83 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1662.5 l +S +1871.67 1662.5 m +1795 1672.5 l +S +1771.67 1581.67 m +1695 1594.17 l +1795 1672.5 l +f* +1771.67 1581.67 m +1695 1594.17 l +S +1695 1594.17 m +1795 1672.5 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 1 0.125] sc +1695 1594.17 m +1795 1672.5 l +1718.33 1666.67 l +f* +1695 1594.17 m +1795 1672.5 l +S +1795 1672.5 m +1718.33 1666.67 l +S +1695 1594.17 m +1618.33 1592.5 l +1718.33 1666.67 l +f* +1695 1594.17 m +1618.33 1592.5 l +S +1618.33 1592.5 m +1718.33 1666.67 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.916 0] sc +1618.33 1592.5 m +1718.33 1666.67 l +1641.67 1647.5 l +f* +1618.33 1592.5 m +1718.33 1666.67 l +S +1718.33 1666.67 m +1641.67 1647.5 l +S +1618.33 1592.5 m +1542.5 1578.33 l +1641.67 1647.5 l +f* +1618.33 1592.5 m +1542.5 1578.33 l +S +1542.5 1578.33 m +1641.67 1647.5 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.666 0] sc +1542.5 1578.33 m +1641.67 1647.5 l +1565 1616.67 l +f* +1542.5 1578.33 m +1641.67 1647.5 l +S +1641.67 1647.5 m +1565 1616.67 l +S +1542.5 1578.33 m +1465.83 1554.17 l +1565 1616.67 l +f* 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+2254.17 1378.33 l +2353.33 1439.17 l +f* +2330.83 1276.67 m +2254.17 1378.33 l +S +2254.17 1378.33 m +2353.33 1439.17 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 1 0.125] sc +2254.17 1378.33 m +2353.33 1439.17 l +2277.5 1530 l +f* +2254.17 1378.33 m +2353.33 1439.17 l +S +2353.33 1439.17 m +2277.5 1530 l +S +2254.17 1378.33 m +2177.5 1465.83 l +2277.5 1530 l +f* +2254.17 1378.33 m +2177.5 1465.83 l +S +2177.5 1465.83 m +2277.5 1530 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 1 0.4375] sc +2177.5 1465.83 m +2277.5 1530 l +2200.83 1604.17 l +f* +2177.5 1465.83 m +2277.5 1530 l +S +2277.5 1530 m +2200.83 1604.17 l +S +2177.5 1465.83 m +2100.83 1539.17 l +2200.83 1604.17 l +f* +2177.5 1465.83 m +2100.83 1539.17 l +S +2100.83 1539.17 m +2200.83 1604.17 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 1 0.625] sc +2100.83 1539.17 m +2200.83 1604.17 l +2124.17 1662.5 l +f* +2100.83 1539.17 m +2200.83 1604.17 l +S +2200.83 1604.17 m +2124.17 1662.5 l +S +2100.83 1539.17 m +2024.17 1596.67 l +2124.17 1662.5 l +f* +2100.83 1539.17 m +2024.17 1596.67 l +S +2024.17 1596.67 m +2124.17 1662.5 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 1 0.6875] sc +2024.17 1596.67 m +2124.17 1662.5 l +2047.5 1704.17 l +f* +2024.17 1596.67 m +2124.17 1662.5 l +S +2124.17 1662.5 m +2047.5 1704.17 l +S +2024.17 1596.67 m +1947.5 1637.5 l +2047.5 1704.17 l +f* +2024.17 1596.67 m +1947.5 1637.5 l +S +1947.5 1637.5 m +2047.5 1704.17 l +S +1947.5 1637.5 m +2047.5 1704.17 l +1970.83 1728.33 l +f* +1947.5 1637.5 m +2047.5 1704.17 l +S +2047.5 1704.17 m +1970.83 1728.33 l +S +1947.5 1637.5 m +1871.67 1662.5 l +1970.83 1728.33 l +f* +1947.5 1637.5 m +1871.67 1662.5 l +S +1871.67 1662.5 m +1970.83 1728.33 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 1 0.625] sc +1871.67 1662.5 m +1970.83 1728.33 l +1894.17 1735.83 l +f* +1871.67 1662.5 m +1970.83 1728.33 l +S +1970.83 1728.33 m +1894.17 1735.83 l +S +1871.67 1662.5 m +1795 1672.5 l +1894.17 1735.83 l +f* +1871.67 1662.5 m +1795 1672.5 l +S +1795 1672.5 m +1894.17 1735.83 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 1 0.4375] sc +1795 1672.5 m +1894.17 1735.83 l +1818.33 1727.5 l +f* +1795 1672.5 m +1894.17 1735.83 l +S +1894.17 1735.83 m +1818.33 1727.5 l +S +1795 1672.5 m +1718.33 1666.67 l +1818.33 1727.5 l +f* +1795 1672.5 m +1718.33 1666.67 l +S +1718.33 1666.67 m +1818.33 1727.5 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 1 0.125] sc +1718.33 1666.67 m +1818.33 1727.5 l +1741.67 1705 l +f* +1718.33 1666.67 m +1818.33 1727.5 l +S +1818.33 1727.5 m +1741.67 1705 l +S +1718.33 1666.67 m +1641.67 1647.5 l +1741.67 1705 l +f* +1718.33 1666.67 m +1641.67 1647.5 l +S +1641.67 1647.5 m +1741.67 1705 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.834 0] sc +1641.67 1647.5 m +1741.67 1705 l +1665 1670 l +f* +1641.67 1647.5 m +1741.67 1705 l +S +1741.67 1705 m +1665 1670 l +S +1641.67 1647.5 m +1565 1616.67 l +1665 1670 l +f* +1641.67 1647.5 m +1565 1616.67 l +S +1565 1616.67 m +1665 1670 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.541 0] sc +1565 1616.67 m +1665 1670 l +1588.33 1624.17 l +f* +1565 1616.67 m +1665 1670 l +S +1665 1670 m +1588.33 1624.17 l +S +1565 1616.67 m +1489.17 1575.83 l +1588.33 1624.17 l +f* +1565 1616.67 m +1489.17 1575.83 l +S +1489.17 1575.83 m +1588.33 1624.17 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.2083 0] sc +1489.17 1575.83 m +1588.33 1624.17 l +1511.67 1570 l +f* +1489.17 1575.83 m +1588.33 1624.17 l +S +1588.33 1624.17 m +1511.67 1570 l +S +1489.17 1575.83 m +1412.5 1527.5 l +1511.67 1570 l +f* +1489.17 1575.83 m +1412.5 1527.5 l +S +1412.5 1527.5 m +1511.67 1570 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.834 0 0] sc +1412.5 1527.5 m +1511.67 1570 l +1435.83 1510.83 l +f* +1412.5 1527.5 m +1511.67 1570 l +S +1511.67 1570 m +1435.83 1510.83 l +S +1412.5 1527.5 m +1335.83 1473.33 l +1435.83 1510.83 l +f* +1412.5 1527.5 m +1335.83 1473.33 l +S +1335.83 1473.33 m +1435.83 1510.83 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.4167 0 0] sc +1335.83 1473.33 m +1435.83 1510.83 l +1359.17 1448.33 l +f* +1335.83 1473.33 m +1435.83 1510.83 l +S +1435.83 1510.83 m +1359.17 1448.33 l +S +1335.83 1473.33 m +1259.17 1416.67 l +1359.17 1448.33 l +f* +1335.83 1473.33 m +1259.17 1416.67 l +S +1259.17 1416.67 m +1359.17 1448.33 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.0417 0 0] sc +2812.5 665.832 m +2912.5 697.5 l +2835.83 845 l +f* +2812.5 665.832 m +2912.5 697.5 l +S +2912.5 697.5 m +2835.83 845 l +S +2812.5 665.832 m +2735.83 810.832 l +2835.83 845 l +f* +2812.5 665.832 m +2735.83 810.832 l +S +2735.83 810.832 m +2835.83 845 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.4583 0 0] sc +2735.83 810.832 m +2835.83 845 l +2759.17 989.168 l +f* +2735.83 810.832 m +2835.83 845 l +S +2835.83 845 m +2759.17 989.168 l +S +2735.83 810.832 m +2660 952.5 l +2759.17 989.168 l +f* +2735.83 810.832 m +2660 952.5 l +S +2660 952.5 m +2759.17 989.168 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.875 0 0] sc +2660 952.5 m +2759.17 989.168 l +2682.5 1128.33 l +f* +2660 952.5 m +2759.17 989.168 l +S +2759.17 989.168 m +2682.5 1128.33 l +S +2660 952.5 m +2583.33 1088.33 l +2682.5 1128.33 l +f* +2660 952.5 m +2583.33 1088.33 l +S +2583.33 1088.33 m +2682.5 1128.33 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.25 0] sc +2583.33 1088.33 m +2682.5 1128.33 l +2606.67 1259.17 l +f* +2583.33 1088.33 m +2682.5 1128.33 l +S +2682.5 1128.33 m +2606.67 1259.17 l +S +2583.33 1088.33 m +2506.67 1216.67 l +2606.67 1259.17 l +f* +2583.33 1088.33 m +2506.67 1216.67 l +S +2506.67 1216.67 m +2606.67 1259.17 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.625 0] sc +2506.67 1216.67 m +2606.67 1259.17 l +2530 1378.33 l +f* +2506.67 1216.67 m +2606.67 1259.17 l +S +2606.67 1259.17 m +2530 1378.33 l +S +2506.67 1216.67 m +2430 1334.17 l +2530 1378.33 l +f* +2506.67 1216.67 m +2430 1334.17 l +S +2430 1334.17 m +2530 1378.33 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.916 0] sc +2430 1334.17 m +2530 1378.33 l +2453.33 1485 l +f* +2430 1334.17 m +2530 1378.33 l +S +2530 1378.33 m +2453.33 1485 l +S +2430 1334.17 m +2353.33 1439.17 l +2453.33 1485 l +f* +2430 1334.17 m +2353.33 1439.17 l +S +2353.33 1439.17 m +2453.33 1485 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 1 0.3125] sc +2353.33 1439.17 m +2453.33 1485 l +2376.67 1577.5 l +f* +2353.33 1439.17 m +2453.33 1485 l +S +2453.33 1485 m +2376.67 1577.5 l +S +2353.33 1439.17 m +2277.5 1530 l +2376.67 1577.5 l +f* +2353.33 1439.17 m +2277.5 1530 l +S +2277.5 1530 m +2376.67 1577.5 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 1 0.625] sc +2277.5 1530 m +2376.67 1577.5 l +2300 1653.33 l +f* +2277.5 1530 m +2376.67 1577.5 l +S +2376.67 1577.5 m +2300 1653.33 l +S +2277.5 1530 m +2200.83 1604.17 l +2300 1653.33 l +f* +2277.5 1530 m +2200.83 1604.17 l +S +2200.83 1604.17 m +2300 1653.33 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 1 0.8125] sc +2200.83 1604.17 m +2300 1653.33 l +2224.17 1711.67 l +f* +2200.83 1604.17 m +2300 1653.33 l +S +2300 1653.33 m +2224.17 1711.67 l +S +2200.83 1604.17 m +2124.17 1662.5 l +2224.17 1711.67 l +f* +2200.83 1604.17 m +2124.17 1662.5 l +S +2124.17 1662.5 m +2224.17 1711.67 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 1 0.9375] sc +2124.17 1662.5 m +2224.17 1711.67 l +2147.5 1753.33 l +f* +2124.17 1662.5 m +2224.17 1711.67 l +S +2224.17 1711.67 m +2147.5 1753.33 l +S +2124.17 1662.5 m +2047.5 1704.17 l +2147.5 1753.33 l +f* +2124.17 1662.5 m +2047.5 1704.17 l +S +2047.5 1704.17 m +2147.5 1753.33 l +S +2047.5 1704.17 m +2147.5 1753.33 l +2070.83 1776.67 l +f* +2047.5 1704.17 m +2147.5 1753.33 l +S +2147.5 1753.33 m +2070.83 1776.67 l +S +2047.5 1704.17 m +1970.83 1728.33 l +2070.83 1776.67 l +f* +2047.5 1704.17 m +1970.83 1728.33 l +S +1970.83 1728.33 m +2070.83 1776.67 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 1 0.8125] sc +1970.83 1728.33 m +2070.83 1776.67 l +1994.17 1783.33 l +f* +1970.83 1728.33 m +2070.83 1776.67 l +S +2070.83 1776.67 m +1994.17 1783.33 l +S +1970.83 1728.33 m +1894.17 1735.83 l +1994.17 1783.33 l +f* +1970.83 1728.33 m +1894.17 1735.83 l +S +1894.17 1735.83 m +1994.17 1783.33 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 1 0.625] sc +1894.17 1735.83 m +1994.17 1783.33 l +1917.5 1774.17 l +f* +1894.17 1735.83 m +1994.17 1783.33 l +S +1994.17 1783.33 m +1917.5 1774.17 l +S +1894.17 1735.83 m +1818.33 1727.5 l +1917.5 1774.17 l +f* +1894.17 1735.83 m +1818.33 1727.5 l +S +1818.33 1727.5 m +1917.5 1774.17 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 1 0.3125] sc +1818.33 1727.5 m +1917.5 1774.17 l +1840.83 1749.17 l +f* +1818.33 1727.5 m +1917.5 1774.17 l +S +1917.5 1774.17 m +1840.83 1749.17 l +S +1818.33 1727.5 m +1741.67 1705 l +1840.83 1749.17 l +f* +1818.33 1727.5 m +1741.67 1705 l +S +1741.67 1705 m +1840.83 1749.17 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.916 0] sc +1741.67 1705 m +1840.83 1749.17 l +1765 1712.5 l +f* +1741.67 1705 m +1840.83 1749.17 l +S +1840.83 1749.17 m +1765 1712.5 l +S +1741.67 1705 m +1665 1670 l +1765 1712.5 l +f* +1741.67 1705 m +1665 1670 l +S +1665 1670 m +1765 1712.5 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.625 0] sc +1665 1670 m +1765 1712.5 l +1688.33 1664.17 l +f* +1665 1670 m +1765 1712.5 l +S +1765 1712.5 m +1688.33 1664.17 l +S +1665 1670 m +1588.33 1624.17 l +1688.33 1664.17 l +f* +1665 1670 m +1588.33 1624.17 l +S +1588.33 1624.17 m +1688.33 1664.17 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.25 0] sc +1588.33 1624.17 m +1688.33 1664.17 l +1611.67 1607.5 l +f* +1588.33 1624.17 m +1688.33 1664.17 l +S +1688.33 1664.17 m +1611.67 1607.5 l +S +1588.33 1624.17 m +1511.67 1570 l +1611.67 1607.5 l +f* +1588.33 1624.17 m +1511.67 1570 l +S +1511.67 1570 m +1611.67 1607.5 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.875 0 0] sc +1511.67 1570 m +1611.67 1607.5 l +1535 1545 l +f* +1511.67 1570 m +1611.67 1607.5 l +S +1611.67 1607.5 m +1535 1545 l +S +1511.67 1570 m +1435.83 1510.83 l +1535 1545 l +f* +1511.67 1570 m +1435.83 1510.83 l +S +1435.83 1510.83 m +1535 1545 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.4583 0 0] sc +1435.83 1510.83 m +1535 1545 l +1458.33 1480 l +f* +1435.83 1510.83 m +1535 1545 l +S +1535 1545 m +1458.33 1480 l +S +1435.83 1510.83 m +1359.17 1448.33 l +1458.33 1480 l +f* +1435.83 1510.83 m +1359.17 1448.33 l +S +1359.17 1448.33 m +1458.33 1480 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.0417 0 0] sc +2912.5 697.5 m +3012.5 729.168 l +2935.83 876.668 l +f* +2912.5 697.5 m +3012.5 729.168 l +S +3012.5 729.168 m +2935.83 876.668 l +S +2912.5 697.5 m +2835.83 845 l +2935.83 876.668 l +f* +2912.5 697.5 m +2835.83 845 l +S +2835.83 845 m +2935.83 876.668 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs 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+2070.83 1776.67 m +2170.83 1808.33 l +S +2170.83 1808.33 m +2094.17 1815 l +S +2070.83 1776.67 m +1994.17 1783.33 l +2094.17 1815 l +f* +2070.83 1776.67 m +1994.17 1783.33 l +S +1994.17 1783.33 m +2094.17 1815 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 1 0.6875] sc +1994.17 1783.33 m +2094.17 1815 l +2017.5 1805 l +f* +1994.17 1783.33 m +2094.17 1815 l +S +2094.17 1815 m +2017.5 1805 l +S +1994.17 1783.33 m +1917.5 1774.17 l +2017.5 1805 l +f* +1994.17 1783.33 m +1917.5 1774.17 l +S +1917.5 1774.17 m +2017.5 1805 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 1 0.375] sc +1917.5 1774.17 m +2017.5 1805 l +1940.83 1780.83 l +f* +1917.5 1774.17 m +2017.5 1805 l +S +2017.5 1805 m +1940.83 1780.83 l +S +1917.5 1774.17 m +1840.83 1749.17 l +1940.83 1780.83 l +f* +1917.5 1774.17 m +1840.83 1749.17 l +S +1840.83 1749.17 m +1940.83 1780.83 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 1 0] sc +1840.83 1749.17 m +1940.83 1780.83 l +1864.17 1744.17 l +f* +1840.83 1749.17 m +1940.83 1780.83 l +S +1940.83 1780.83 m +1864.17 1744.17 l +S +1840.83 1749.17 m +1765 1712.5 l +1864.17 1744.17 l +f* +1840.83 1749.17 m +1765 1712.5 l +S +1765 1712.5 m +1864.17 1744.17 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.666 0] sc +1765 1712.5 m +1864.17 1744.17 l +1788.33 1695.83 l +f* +1765 1712.5 m +1864.17 1744.17 l +S +1864.17 1744.17 m +1788.33 1695.83 l +S +1765 1712.5 m +1688.33 1664.17 l +1788.33 1695.83 l +f* +1765 1712.5 m +1688.33 1664.17 l +S +1688.33 1664.17 m +1788.33 1695.83 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[1 0.2917 0] sc +1688.33 1664.17 m +1788.33 1695.83 l +1711.67 1639.17 l +f* +1688.33 1664.17 m +1788.33 1695.83 l +S +1788.33 1695.83 m +1711.67 1639.17 l +S +1688.33 1664.17 m +1611.67 1607.5 l +1711.67 1639.17 l +f* +1688.33 1664.17 m +1611.67 1607.5 l +S +1611.67 1607.5 m +1711.67 1639.17 l +S +/DeviceRGB {} cs +[0.875 0 0] sc +1611.67 1607.5 m +1711.67 1639.17 l +1635 1576.67 l +f* +1611.67 1607.5 m +1711.67 1639.17 l +S +1711.67 1639.17 m +1635 1576.67 l +S +1611.67 1607.5 m +1535 1545 l +1635 1576.67 l +f* +1611.67 1607.5 m +1535 1545 l +S 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+3910 1443.33 m +3892.5 1443.33 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1443.33 m +3910 1443.33 l +S +3910 1443.33 m +3910 1443.33 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 1443.33 m +595 1443.33 l +S +3910 1443.33 m +3875.83 1443.33 l +S +q +[10 0 0 10 0 0] cm +[1 0 0 1 0 0] Tm +0 0 Td +[1 0 0 1 25.3332 139.833] Tm +0 0 Td +/F8_0 14 Tf +(10) 16.8 Tj +16.75 7.5 Td +/F8_0 9.33333 Tf +(-3) 11.199996 Tj +Q +561.668 1754.17 m +578.332 1754.17 l +S +3910 1754.17 m +3892.5 1754.17 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1754.17 m +3910 1754.17 l +S +3910 1754.17 m +3910 1754.17 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 1935.83 m +578.332 1935.83 l +S +3910 1935.83 m +3892.5 1935.83 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1935.83 m +3910 1935.83 l +S +3910 1935.83 m +3910 1935.83 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2064.17 m +578.332 2064.17 l +S +3910 2064.17 m +3892.5 2064.17 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2064.17 m +3910 2064.17 l +S +3910 2064.17 m +3910 2064.17 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2164.17 m +578.332 2164.17 l +S +3910 2164.17 m +3892.5 2164.17 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2164.17 m +3910 2164.17 l +S +3910 2164.17 m +3910 2164.17 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2245.83 m +578.332 2245.83 l +S +3910 2245.83 m +3892.5 2245.83 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2245.83 m +3910 2245.83 l +S +3910 2245.83 m +3910 2245.83 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2315 m +578.332 2315 l +S +3910 2315 m +3892.5 2315 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2315 m +3910 2315 l +S +3910 2315 m +3910 2315 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2375 m +578.332 2375 l +S +3910 2375 m +3892.5 2375 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2375 m +3910 2375 l +S +3910 2375 m +3910 2375 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2427.5 m +578.332 2427.5 l +S +3910 2427.5 m +3892.5 2427.5 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2427.5 m +3910 2427.5 l +S +3910 2427.5 m +3910 2427.5 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2474.17 m +578.332 2474.17 l +S +3910 2474.17 m +3892.5 2474.17 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2474.17 m +3910 2474.17 l +S +3910 2474.17 m +3910 2474.17 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2474.17 m +595 2474.17 l +S +3910 2474.17 m +3875.83 2474.17 l +S +q +[10 0 0 10 0 0] cm +[1 0 0 1 0 0] Tm +0 0 Td +[1 0 0 1 25.3332 242.917] Tm +0 0 Td +/F8_0 14 Tf +(10) 16.8 Tj +16.75 7.5 Td +/F8_0 9.33333 Tf +(-2) 11.199996 Tj +Q +561.668 2785 m +578.332 2785 l +S +3910 2785 m +3892.5 2785 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2785 m +3910 2785 l +S +3910 2785 m +3910 2785 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2966.67 m +578.332 2966.67 l +S +3910 2966.67 m +3892.5 2966.67 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2966.67 m +3910 2966.67 l +S +3910 2966.67 m +3910 2966.67 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 3095 m +578.332 3095 l +S +3910 3095 m +3892.5 3095 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 3095 m +3910 3095 l +S +3910 3095 m +3910 3095 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 3195 m +578.332 3195 l +S +3910 3195 m +3892.5 3195 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 3195 m +3910 3195 l +S +3910 3195 m +3910 3195 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 3276.67 m +578.332 3276.67 l +S +3910 3276.67 m +3892.5 3276.67 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 3276.67 m +3910 3276.67 l +S +3910 3276.67 m +3910 3276.67 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 3345.83 m +578.332 3345.83 l +S +3910 3345.83 m +3892.5 3345.83 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 3345.83 m +3910 3345.83 l +S +3910 3345.83 m +3910 3345.83 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 3405.83 m +578.332 3405.83 l +S +3910 3405.83 m +3892.5 3405.83 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 3405.83 m +3910 3405.83 l +S +3910 3405.83 m +3910 3405.83 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 3458.33 m +578.332 3458.33 l +S +3910 3458.33 m +3892.5 3458.33 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 3458.33 m +3910 3458.33 l +S +3910 3458.33 m +3910 3458.33 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 3505 m +578.332 3505 l +S +3910 3505 m +3892.5 3505 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 3505 m +3910 3505 l +S +3910 3505 m +3910 3505 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 3505 m +595 3505 l +S +3910 3505 m +3875.83 3505 l +S +q +[10 0 0 10 0 0] cm +[1 0 0 1 0 0] Tm +0 0 Td +[1 0 0 1 25.3332 346] Tm +0 0 Td +/F8_0 14 Tf +(10) 16.8 Tj +16.75 7.5 Td +/F8_0 9.33333 Tf +(-1) 11.199996 Tj +Q +561.668 3505 m +3910 3505 l +S +561.668 412.5 m +3910 412.5 l +S +3910 412.5 m +3910 3505 l +S +561.668 412.5 m +561.668 3505 l +S +Q +q +561.668 411.668 3349.162 3093.332 re +W +[5 40] 0 d +10 w +1 j +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1001] SC +1245 433.332 m +1748.33 806.668 l +2252.5 1337.5 l +2756.67 1905.83 l +3260.83 2514.17 l +3765 3133.33 l +S +Q +q +1184.17 371.668 2642.5 2822.502 re +W +/DeviceGray {} cs +[0.1001] sc +1255 433.332 m +1255 427.813 1250.52 423.332 1245 423.332 c +1239.48 423.332 1235 427.813 1235 433.332 c +1235 438.852 1239.48 443.332 1245 443.332 c +1250.52 443.332 1255 438.852 1255 433.332 c +f +1758.33 806.668 m +1758.33 801.148 1753.85 796.668 1748.33 796.668 c +1742.81 796.668 1738.33 801.148 1738.33 806.668 c +1738.33 812.188 1742.81 816.668 1748.33 816.668 c +1753.85 816.668 1758.33 812.188 1758.33 806.668 c +f +2262.5 1337.5 m +2262.5 1331.98 2258.02 1327.5 2252.5 1327.5 c +2246.98 1327.5 2242.5 1331.98 2242.5 1337.5 c +2242.5 1343.02 2246.98 1347.5 2252.5 1347.5 c +2258.02 1347.5 2262.5 1343.02 2262.5 1337.5 c +f +2766.67 1905.83 m +2766.67 1900.31 2762.19 1895.83 2756.67 1895.83 c +2751.15 1895.83 2746.67 1900.31 2746.67 1905.83 c +2746.67 1911.35 2751.15 1915.83 2756.67 1915.83 c +2762.19 1915.83 2766.67 1911.35 2766.67 1905.83 c +f +3270.83 2514.17 m +3270.83 2508.65 3266.35 2504.17 3260.83 2504.17 c +3255.31 2504.17 3250.83 2508.65 3250.83 2514.17 c +3250.83 2519.69 3255.31 2524.17 3260.83 2524.17 c +3266.35 2524.17 3270.83 2519.69 3270.83 2514.17 c +f +3775 3133.33 m +3775 3127.81 3770.52 3123.33 3765 3123.33 c +3759.48 3123.33 3755 3127.81 3755 3133.33 c +3755 3138.85 3759.48 3143.33 3765 3143.33 c +3770.52 3143.33 3775 3138.85 3775 3133.33 c +f +Q +q +561.668 411.668 3349.162 3093.332 re +W +[5 40] 0 d +10 w +1 j +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1001] SC +1245 1444.17 m +1748.33 1470.83 l +2252.5 1630.83 l +2756.67 1935.83 l +3260.83 2365.83 l +3765 2895 l +S +Q +q +1184.17 1382.5 2642.5 1573.33 re +W +/DeviceGray {} cs +[0.5996] sc +1275 1444.16 m +1275 1427.6 1261.57 1414.16 1245 1414.16 c +1228.43 1414.16 1215 1427.6 1215 1444.16 c +1215 1460.73 1228.43 1474.16 1245 1474.16 c +1261.57 1474.16 1275 1460.73 1275 1444.16 c +f +1778.33 1470.83 m +1778.33 1454.27 1764.9 1440.83 1748.33 1440.83 c +1731.77 1440.83 1718.33 1454.27 1718.33 1470.83 c +1718.33 1487.4 1731.77 1500.83 1748.33 1500.83 c +1764.9 1500.83 1778.33 1487.4 1778.33 1470.83 c +f +2282.5 1630.83 m +2282.5 1614.27 2269.07 1600.83 2252.5 1600.83 c +2235.93 1600.83 2222.5 1614.27 2222.5 1630.83 c +2222.5 1647.4 2235.93 1660.83 2252.5 1660.83 c +2269.07 1660.83 2282.5 1647.4 2282.5 1630.83 c +f +2786.66 1935.83 m +2786.66 1919.27 2773.23 1905.83 2756.66 1905.83 c +2740.1 1905.83 2726.66 1919.27 2726.66 1935.83 c +2726.66 1952.4 2740.1 1965.83 2756.66 1965.83 c +2773.23 1965.83 2786.66 1952.4 2786.66 1935.83 c +f +3290.83 2365.83 m +3290.83 2349.27 3277.4 2335.83 3260.83 2335.83 c +3244.27 2335.83 3230.83 2349.27 3230.83 2365.83 c +3230.83 2382.4 3244.27 2395.83 3260.83 2395.83 c +3277.4 2395.83 3290.83 2382.4 3290.83 2365.83 c +f +3795 2895 m +3795 2878.43 3781.57 2865 3765 2865 c +3748.43 2865 3735 2878.43 3735 2895 c +3735 2911.56 3748.43 2925 3765 2925 c +3781.57 2925 3795 2911.56 3795 2895 c +f +10 w +1 j +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1001] SC +1275 1444.16 m +1275 1427.6 1261.57 1414.16 1245 1414.16 c +1228.43 1414.16 1215 1427.6 1215 1444.16 c +1215 1460.73 1228.43 1474.16 1245 1474.16 c +1261.57 1474.16 1275 1460.73 1275 1444.16 c +S +1778.33 1470.83 m +1778.33 1454.27 1764.9 1440.83 1748.33 1440.83 c +1731.77 1440.83 1718.33 1454.27 1718.33 1470.83 c +1718.33 1487.4 1731.77 1500.83 1748.33 1500.83 c +1764.9 1500.83 1778.33 1487.4 1778.33 1470.83 c +S +2282.5 1630.83 m +2282.5 1614.27 2269.07 1600.83 2252.5 1600.83 c +2235.93 1600.83 2222.5 1614.27 2222.5 1630.83 c +2222.5 1647.4 2235.93 1660.83 2252.5 1660.83 c +2269.07 1660.83 2282.5 1647.4 2282.5 1630.83 c +S +2786.66 1935.83 m +2786.66 1919.27 2773.23 1905.83 2756.66 1905.83 c +2740.1 1905.83 2726.66 1919.27 2726.66 1935.83 c +2726.66 1952.4 2740.1 1965.83 2756.66 1965.83 c +2773.23 1965.83 2786.66 1952.4 2786.66 1935.83 c +S +3290.83 2365.83 m +3290.83 2349.27 3277.4 2335.83 3260.83 2335.83 c +3244.27 2335.83 3230.83 2349.27 3230.83 2365.83 c +3230.83 2382.4 3244.27 2395.83 3260.83 2395.83 c +3277.4 2395.83 3290.83 2382.4 3290.83 2365.83 c +S +3795 2895 m +3795 2878.43 3781.57 2865 3765 2865 c +3748.43 2865 3735 2878.43 3735 2895 c +3735 2911.56 3748.43 2925 3765 2925 c +3781.57 2925 3795 2911.56 3795 2895 c +S +Q +q +561.668 411.668 3349.162 3093.332 re +W +[5 40] 0 d +10 w +1 j +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1001] SC +1245 1396.67 m +1748.33 1480 l +2252.5 1584.17 l +2756.67 1806.67 l +3260.83 2182.5 l +3765 2650.83 l +S +Q +q +1184.17 1335 2642.5 1376.67 re +W +/DeviceGray {} cs +[0.5996] sc +1210.83 1376.67 m +1279.17 1376.67 l +1245 1435.83 l +1210.83 1376.67 l +f* +10 w +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1001] SC +1210.83 1376.67 m +1279.17 1376.67 l +1245 1435.83 l +1210.83 1376.67 l +h +S +1714.17 1460 m +1782.5 1460 l +1748.33 1519.17 l +1714.17 1460 l +f* +1714.17 1460 m +1782.5 1460 l +1748.33 1519.17 l +1714.17 1460 l +h +S +2218.33 1564.17 m +2286.67 1564.17 l +2252.5 1623.33 l +2218.33 1564.17 l +f* +2218.33 1564.17 m +2286.67 1564.17 l +2252.5 1623.33 l +2218.33 1564.17 l +h +S +2722.5 1786.67 m +2790.83 1786.67 l +2756.67 1845.83 l +2722.5 1786.67 l +f* +2722.5 1786.67 m +2790.83 1786.67 l +2756.67 1845.83 l +2722.5 1786.67 l +h +S +3226.67 2162.5 m +3295 2162.5 l +3260.83 2221.67 l +3226.67 2162.5 l +f* +3226.67 2162.5 m +3295 2162.5 l +3260.83 2221.67 l +3226.67 2162.5 l +h +S +3730.83 2630.83 m +3799.17 2630.83 l +3765 2690 l +3730.83 2630.83 l +f* +3730.83 2630.83 m +3799.17 2630.83 l +3765 2690 l +3730.83 2630.83 l +h +S +Q +q +561.668 411.668 3349.162 3093.332 re +W +[5 40] 0 d +10 w +1 j +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1001] SC +1245 1386.67 m +1748.33 1470.83 l +2252.5 1555 l +2756.67 1733.33 l +3260.83 2024.17 l +3765 2455 l +S +Q +q +1184.17 1325 2642.5 1190.83 re +W +/DeviceGray {} cs +[0.5996] sc +1220.83 1362.5 48.3359 48.332 re +f* +10 w +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1001] SC +1220.83 1362.5 48.3359 48.332 re +S +1724.17 1446.67 48.332 48.332 re +f* +1724.17 1446.67 48.332 48.332 re +S +2228.33 1530.83 48.3359 48.3359 re +f* +2228.33 1530.83 48.3359 48.3359 re +S +2732.5 1709.17 48.332 48.332 re +f* +2732.5 1709.17 48.332 48.332 re +S +3236.67 2000 48.332 48.332 re +f* +3236.67 2000 48.332 48.332 re +S +3740.83 2430.83 48.3359 48.3359 re +f* +3740.83 2430.83 48.3359 48.3359 re +S +Q +q +561.668 411.668 3349.162 3093.332 re +W +[5 40] 0 d +10 w +1 j +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1001] SC +1245 1391.67 m +1748.33 1466.67 l +2252.5 1552.5 l +2756.67 1689.17 l +3260.83 1919.17 l +3765 2280.83 l +S +Q +q +1184.17 1330 2642.5 1011.67 re +W +/DeviceGray {} cs +[0.5996] sc +1245 1352.5 m +1275 1391.67 l +1245 1430.83 l +1215 1391.67 l +1245 1352.5 l +f* +10 w +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1001] SC +1245 1352.5 m +1275 1391.67 l +1245 1430.83 l +1215 1391.67 l +1245 1352.5 l +h +S +1748.33 1427.5 m +1778.33 1466.67 l +1748.33 1505.83 l +1718.33 1466.67 l +1748.33 1427.5 l +f* +1748.33 1427.5 m +1778.33 1466.67 l +1748.33 1505.83 l +1718.33 1466.67 l +1748.33 1427.5 l +h +S +2252.5 1513.33 m +2282.5 1552.5 l +2252.5 1591.67 l +2222.5 1552.5 l +2252.5 1513.33 l +f* +2252.5 1513.33 m +2282.5 1552.5 l +2252.5 1591.67 l +2222.5 1552.5 l +2252.5 1513.33 l +h +S +2756.67 1650 m +2786.67 1689.17 l +2756.67 1728.33 l +2726.67 1689.17 l +2756.67 1650 l +f* +2756.67 1650 m +2786.67 1689.17 l +2756.67 1728.33 l +2726.67 1689.17 l +2756.67 1650 l +h +S +3260.83 1880 m +3290.83 1919.17 l +3260.83 1958.33 l +3230.83 1919.17 l +3260.83 1880 l +f* +3260.83 1880 m +3290.83 1919.17 l +3260.83 1958.33 l +3230.83 1919.17 l +3260.83 1880 l +h +S +3765 2241.67 m +3795 2280.83 l +3765 2320 l +3735 2280.83 l +3765 2241.67 l +f* +3765 2241.67 m +3795 2280.83 l +3765 2320 l +3735 2280.83 l +3765 2241.67 l +h +S +Q +q +561.668 411.668 3349.162 3093.332 re +W +[5 40] 0 d +10 w +1 j +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1001] SC +1245 1386.67 m +1748.33 1462.5 l +2252.5 1535.83 l +2756.67 1665 l +3260.83 1860.83 l +3765 2156.67 l +S +Q +q +1184.17 1325 2642.5 892.5 re +W +/DeviceGray {} cs +[0.5996] sc +1245 1347.5 m +1279.17 1406.67 l +1210.83 1406.67 l +1245 1347.5 l +f* +10 w +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1001] SC +1245 1347.5 m +1279.17 1406.67 l +1210.83 1406.67 l +1245 1347.5 l +h +S +1748.33 1423.33 m +1782.5 1482.5 l +1714.17 1482.5 l +1748.33 1423.33 l +f* +1748.33 1423.33 m +1782.5 1482.5 l +1714.17 1482.5 l +1748.33 1423.33 l +h +S +2252.5 1496.67 m +2286.67 1555.83 l +2218.33 1555.83 l +2252.5 1496.67 l +f* +2252.5 1496.67 m +2286.67 1555.83 l +2218.33 1555.83 l +2252.5 1496.67 l +h +S +2756.67 1625.83 m +2790.83 1685 l +2722.5 1685 l +2756.67 1625.83 l +f* +2756.67 1625.83 m +2790.83 1685 l +2722.5 1685 l +2756.67 1625.83 l +h +S +3260.83 1821.67 m +3295 1880.83 l +3226.67 1880.83 l +3260.83 1821.67 l +f* +3260.83 1821.67 m +3295 1880.83 l +3226.67 1880.83 l +3260.83 1821.67 l +h +S +3765 2117.5 m +3799.17 2176.67 l +3730.83 2176.67 l +3765 2117.5 l +f* +3765 2117.5 m +3799.17 2176.67 l +3730.83 2176.67 l +3765 2117.5 l +h +S +Q +q +0 0 4320 3790 re +W 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l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 412.5 m +561.668 412.5 l +S +561.668 412.5 m +561.668 412.5 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 412.5 m +561.668 412.5 l +S +561.668 412.5 m +561.668 412.5 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 412.5 m +561.668 412.5 l +S +561.668 412.5 m +561.668 412.5 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 412.5 m +561.668 412.5 l +S +561.668 412.5 m +561.668 412.5 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 412.5 m +561.668 412.5 l +S +561.668 412.5 m +561.668 412.5 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 412.5 m +561.668 412.5 l +S +561.668 412.5 m +561.668 412.5 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 412.5 m +561.668 412.5 l +S +561.668 412.5 m +561.668 412.5 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 412.5 m +561.668 412.5 l +S +561.668 412.5 m +561.668 412.5 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 412.5 m +561.668 412.5 l +S +561.668 412.5 m +561.668 412.5 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 412.5 m +578.332 412.5 l +S +3910 412.5 m +3892.5 412.5 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 412.5 m +3910 412.5 l +S +3910 412.5 m +3910 412.5 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 412.5 m +595 412.5 l +S +3910 412.5 m +3875.83 412.5 l +S +q +[10 0 0 10 0 0] cm +[1 0 0 1 0 0] Tm +0 0 Td +[1 0 0 1 25.3332 36.75] Tm +0 0 Td +/F8_0 14 Tf +(10) 16.8 Tj +16.75 7.5 Td +/F8_0 9.33333 Tf +(-4) 11.199996 Tj +Q +561.668 545.832 m +578.332 545.832 l +S +3910 545.832 m +3892.5 545.832 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 545.832 m +3910 545.832 l +S +3910 545.832 m +3910 545.832 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 623.332 m +578.332 623.332 l +S +3910 623.332 m +3892.5 623.332 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 623.332 m +3910 623.332 l +S +3910 623.332 m +3910 623.332 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 679.168 m +578.332 679.168 l +S +3910 679.168 m +3892.5 679.168 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 679.168 m +3910 679.168 l +S +3910 679.168 m +3910 679.168 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 721.668 m +578.332 721.668 l +S +3910 721.668 m +3892.5 721.668 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 721.668 m +3910 721.668 l +S +3910 721.668 m +3910 721.668 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 756.668 m +578.332 756.668 l +S +3910 756.668 m +3892.5 756.668 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 756.668 m +3910 756.668 l +S +3910 756.668 m +3910 756.668 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 786.668 m +578.332 786.668 l +S +3910 786.668 m +3892.5 786.668 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 786.668 m +3910 786.668 l +S +3910 786.668 m +3910 786.668 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 811.668 m +578.332 811.668 l +S +3910 811.668 m +3892.5 811.668 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 811.668 m +3910 811.668 l +S +3910 811.668 m +3910 811.668 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 834.168 m +578.332 834.168 l +S +3910 834.168 m +3892.5 834.168 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 834.168 m +3910 834.168 l +S +3910 834.168 m +3910 834.168 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 855 m +578.332 855 l +S +3910 855 m +3892.5 855 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 855 m +3910 855 l +S +3910 855 m +3910 855 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 855 m +595 855 l +S +3910 855 m +3875.83 855 l +S +q +[10 0 0 10 0 0] cm +[1 0 0 1 0 0] Tm +0 0 Td +[1 0 0 1 25.3332 81] Tm +0 0 Td +/F8_0 14 Tf +(10) 16.8 Tj +16.75 7.5 Td +/F8_0 9.33333 Tf +(-3) 11.199996 Tj +Q +561.668 987.5 m +578.332 987.5 l +S +3910 987.5 m +3892.5 987.5 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 987.5 m +3910 987.5 l +S +3910 987.5 m +3910 987.5 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 1065.83 m +578.332 1065.83 l +S +3910 1065.83 m +3892.5 1065.83 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1065.83 m +3910 1065.83 l +S +3910 1065.83 m +3910 1065.83 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 1120.83 m +578.332 1120.83 l +S +3910 1120.83 m +3892.5 1120.83 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1120.83 m +3910 1120.83 l +S +3910 1120.83 m +3910 1120.83 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 1163.33 m +578.332 1163.33 l +S +3910 1163.33 m +3892.5 1163.33 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1163.33 m +3910 1163.33 l +S +3910 1163.33 m +3910 1163.33 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 1198.33 m +578.332 1198.33 l +S +3910 1198.33 m +3892.5 1198.33 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1198.33 m +3910 1198.33 l +S +3910 1198.33 m +3910 1198.33 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 1228.33 m +578.332 1228.33 l +S +3910 1228.33 m +3892.5 1228.33 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1228.33 m +3910 1228.33 l +S +3910 1228.33 m +3910 1228.33 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 1253.33 m +578.332 1253.33 l +S +3910 1253.33 m +3892.5 1253.33 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1253.33 m +3910 1253.33 l +S +3910 1253.33 m +3910 1253.33 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 1276.67 m +578.332 1276.67 l +S +3910 1276.67 m +3892.5 1276.67 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1276.67 m +3910 1276.67 l +S +3910 1276.67 m +3910 1276.67 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 1296.67 m +578.332 1296.67 l +S +3910 1296.67 m +3892.5 1296.67 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1296.67 m +3910 1296.67 l +S +3910 1296.67 m +3910 1296.67 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 1296.67 m +595 1296.67 l +S +3910 1296.67 m +3875.83 1296.67 l +S +q +[10 0 0 10 0 0] cm +[1 0 0 1 0 0] Tm +0 0 Td +[1 0 0 1 25.3332 125.167] Tm +0 0 Td +/F8_0 14 Tf +(10) 16.8 Tj +16.75 7.5 Td +/F8_0 9.33333 Tf +(-2) 11.199996 Tj +Q +561.668 1429.17 m +578.332 1429.17 l +S +3910 1429.17 m +3892.5 1429.17 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1429.17 m +3910 1429.17 l +S +3910 1429.17 m +3910 1429.17 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 1507.5 m +578.332 1507.5 l +S +3910 1507.5 m +3892.5 1507.5 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1507.5 m +3910 1507.5 l +S +3910 1507.5 m +3910 1507.5 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 1562.5 m +578.332 1562.5 l +S +3910 1562.5 m +3892.5 1562.5 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1562.5 m +3910 1562.5 l +S +3910 1562.5 m +3910 1562.5 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 1605 m +578.332 1605 l +S +3910 1605 m +3892.5 1605 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1605 m +3910 1605 l +S +3910 1605 m +3910 1605 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 1640 m +578.332 1640 l +S +3910 1640 m +3892.5 1640 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1640 m +3910 1640 l +S +3910 1640 m +3910 1640 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 1670 m +578.332 1670 l +S +3910 1670 m +3892.5 1670 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1670 m +3910 1670 l +S +3910 1670 m +3910 1670 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 1695.83 m +578.332 1695.83 l +S +3910 1695.83 m +3892.5 1695.83 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1695.83 m +3910 1695.83 l +S +3910 1695.83 m +3910 1695.83 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 1718.33 m +578.332 1718.33 l +S +3910 1718.33 m +3892.5 1718.33 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1718.33 m +3910 1718.33 l +S +3910 1718.33 m +3910 1718.33 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 1738.33 m +578.332 1738.33 l +S +3910 1738.33 m +3892.5 1738.33 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1738.33 m +3910 1738.33 l +S +3910 1738.33 m +3910 1738.33 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 1738.33 m +595 1738.33 l +S +3910 1738.33 m +3875.83 1738.33 l +S +q +[10 0 0 10 0 0] cm +[1 0 0 1 0 0] Tm +0 0 Td +[1 0 0 1 25.3332 169.333] Tm +0 0 Td +/F8_0 14 Tf +(10) 16.8 Tj +16.75 7.5 Td +/F8_0 9.33333 Tf +(-1) 11.199996 Tj +Q +561.668 1871.67 m +578.332 1871.67 l +S +3910 1871.67 m +3892.5 1871.67 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1871.67 m +3910 1871.67 l +S +3910 1871.67 m +3910 1871.67 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 1949.17 m +578.332 1949.17 l +S +3910 1949.17 m +3892.5 1949.17 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 1949.17 m +3910 1949.17 l +S +3910 1949.17 m +3910 1949.17 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2004.17 m +578.332 2004.17 l +S +3910 2004.17 m +3892.5 2004.17 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2004.17 m +3910 2004.17 l +S +3910 2004.17 m +3910 2004.17 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2046.67 m +578.332 2046.67 l +S +3910 2046.67 m +3892.5 2046.67 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2046.67 m +3910 2046.67 l +S +3910 2046.67 m +3910 2046.67 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2081.67 m +578.332 2081.67 l +S +3910 2081.67 m +3892.5 2081.67 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2081.67 m +3910 2081.67 l +S +3910 2081.67 m +3910 2081.67 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2111.67 m +578.332 2111.67 l +S +3910 2111.67 m +3892.5 2111.67 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2111.67 m +3910 2111.67 l +S +3910 2111.67 m +3910 2111.67 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2137.5 m +578.332 2137.5 l +S +3910 2137.5 m +3892.5 2137.5 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2137.5 m +3910 2137.5 l +S +3910 2137.5 m +3910 2137.5 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2160 m +578.332 2160 l +S +3910 2160 m +3892.5 2160 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2160 m +3910 2160 l +S +3910 2160 m +3910 2160 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2180 m +578.332 2180 l +S +3910 2180 m +3892.5 2180 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2180 m +3910 2180 l +S +3910 2180 m +3910 2180 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2180 m +595 2180 l +S +3910 2180 m +3875.83 2180 l +S +q +[10 0 0 10 0 0] cm +[1 0 0 1 0 0] Tm +0 0 Td +[1 0 0 1 25.3332 213.5] Tm +0 0 Td +/F8_0 14 Tf +(10) 16.8 Tj +16.75 7.5 Td +/F8_0 9.33333 Tf +(0) 5.599998 Tj +Q +561.668 2313.33 m +578.332 2313.33 l +S +3910 2313.33 m +3892.5 2313.33 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2313.33 m +3910 2313.33 l +S +3910 2313.33 m +3910 2313.33 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2390.83 m +578.332 2390.83 l +S +3910 2390.83 m +3892.5 2390.83 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2390.83 m +3910 2390.83 l +S +3910 2390.83 m +3910 2390.83 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2445.83 m +578.332 2445.83 l +S +3910 2445.83 m +3892.5 2445.83 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2445.83 m +3910 2445.83 l +S +3910 2445.83 m +3910 2445.83 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2489.17 m +578.332 2489.17 l +S +3910 2489.17 m +3892.5 2489.17 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2489.17 m +3910 2489.17 l +S +3910 2489.17 m +3910 2489.17 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2524.17 m +578.332 2524.17 l +S +3910 2524.17 m +3892.5 2524.17 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2524.17 m +3910 2524.17 l +S +3910 2524.17 m +3910 2524.17 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2553.33 m +578.332 2553.33 l +S +3910 2553.33 m +3892.5 2553.33 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2553.33 m +3910 2553.33 l +S +3910 2553.33 m +3910 2553.33 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2579.17 m +578.332 2579.17 l +S +3910 2579.17 m +3892.5 2579.17 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2579.17 m +3910 2579.17 l +S +3910 2579.17 m +3910 2579.17 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2601.67 m +578.332 2601.67 l +S +3910 2601.67 m +3892.5 2601.67 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2601.67 m +3910 2601.67 l +S +3910 2601.67 m +3910 2601.67 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2621.67 m +578.332 2621.67 l +S +3910 2621.67 m +3892.5 2621.67 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2621.67 m +3910 2621.67 l +S +3910 2621.67 m +3910 2621.67 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2621.67 m +595 2621.67 l +S +3910 2621.67 m +3875.83 2621.67 l +S +q +[10 0 0 10 0 0] cm +[1 0 0 1 0 0] Tm +0 0 Td +[1 0 0 1 25.3332 257.667] Tm +0 0 Td +/F8_0 14 Tf +(10) 16.8 Tj +16.75 7.5 Td +/F8_0 9.33333 Tf +(1) 5.599998 Tj +Q +561.668 2755 m +578.332 2755 l +S +3910 2755 m +3892.5 2755 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2755 m +3910 2755 l +S +3910 2755 m +3910 2755 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2832.5 m +578.332 2832.5 l +S +3910 2832.5 m +3892.5 2832.5 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2832.5 m +3910 2832.5 l +S +3910 2832.5 m +3910 2832.5 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2887.5 m +578.332 2887.5 l +S +3910 2887.5 m +3892.5 2887.5 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2887.5 m +3910 2887.5 l +S +3910 2887.5 m +3910 2887.5 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2930.83 m +578.332 2930.83 l +S +3910 2930.83 m +3892.5 2930.83 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2930.83 m +3910 2930.83 l +S +3910 2930.83 m +3910 2930.83 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2965.83 m +578.332 2965.83 l +S +3910 2965.83 m +3892.5 2965.83 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2965.83 m +3910 2965.83 l +S +3910 2965.83 m +3910 2965.83 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 2995 m +578.332 2995 l +S +3910 2995 m +3892.5 2995 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 2995 m +3910 2995 l +S +3910 2995 m +3910 2995 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 3020.83 m +578.332 3020.83 l +S +3910 3020.83 m +3892.5 3020.83 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 3020.83 m +3910 3020.83 l +S +3910 3020.83 m +3910 3020.83 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 3043.33 m +578.332 3043.33 l +S +3910 3043.33 m +3892.5 3043.33 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 3043.33 m +3910 3043.33 l +S +3910 3043.33 m +3910 3043.33 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 3063.33 m +578.332 3063.33 l +S +3910 3063.33 m +3892.5 3063.33 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 3063.33 m +3910 3063.33 l +S +3910 3063.33 m +3910 3063.33 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 3063.33 m +595 3063.33 l +S +3910 3063.33 m +3875.83 3063.33 l +S +q +[10 0 0 10 0 0] cm +[1 0 0 1 0 0] Tm +0 0 Td +[1 0 0 1 25.3332 301.833] Tm +0 0 Td +/F8_0 14 Tf +(10) 16.8 Tj +16.75 7.5 Td +/F8_0 9.33333 Tf +(2) 5.599998 Tj +Q +561.668 3196.67 m +578.332 3196.67 l +S +3910 3196.67 m +3892.5 3196.67 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 3196.67 m +3910 3196.67 l +S +3910 3196.67 m +3910 3196.67 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 3274.17 m +578.332 3274.17 l +S +3910 3274.17 m +3892.5 3274.17 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 3274.17 m +3910 3274.17 l +S +3910 3274.17 m +3910 3274.17 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 3330 m +578.332 3330 l +S +3910 3330 m +3892.5 3330 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 3330 m +3910 3330 l +S +3910 3330 m +3910 3330 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 3372.5 m +578.332 3372.5 l +S +3910 3372.5 m +3892.5 3372.5 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 3372.5 m +3910 3372.5 l +S +3910 3372.5 m +3910 3372.5 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 3407.5 m +578.332 3407.5 l +S +3910 3407.5 m +3892.5 3407.5 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 3407.5 m +3910 3407.5 l +S +3910 3407.5 m +3910 3407.5 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 3436.67 m +578.332 3436.67 l +S +3910 3436.67 m +3892.5 3436.67 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 3436.67 m +3910 3436.67 l +S +3910 3436.67 m +3910 3436.67 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 3462.5 m +578.332 3462.5 l +S +3910 3462.5 m +3892.5 3462.5 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 3462.5 m +3910 3462.5 l +S +3910 3462.5 m +3910 3462.5 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 3485 m +578.332 3485 l +S +3910 3485 m +3892.5 3485 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 3485 m +3910 3485 l +S +3910 3485 m +3910 3485 l +S +[] 0 d +561.668 3505 m +578.332 3505 l +S +3910 3505 m +3892.5 3505 l +S +[5 40] 0 d +561.668 3505 m +3910 3505 l +S +3910 3505 m 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m +1768.33 985 l +1863.33 1281.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1269] SC +1840.83 904.168 m +1768.33 985 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +1768.33 985 m +1863.33 1281.67 l +S +1768.33 985 m +1863.33 1281.67 l +1790 1380.83 l +f* +1768.33 985 m +1863.33 1281.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +1863.33 1281.67 m +1790 1380.83 l +S +1768.33 985 m +1695.83 1055 l +1790 1380.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +1768.33 985 m +1695.83 1055 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +1695.83 1055 m +1790 1380.83 l +S +1695.83 1055 m +1790 1380.83 l +1717.5 1457.5 l +f* +1695.83 1055 m +1790 1380.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +1790 1380.83 m +1717.5 1457.5 l +S +1695.83 1055 m +1623.33 1113.33 l +1717.5 1457.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +1695.83 1055 m +1623.33 1113.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1904] SC +1623.33 1113.33 m +1717.5 1457.5 l +S +1623.33 1113.33 m +1717.5 1457.5 l +1645 1509.17 l +f* +1623.33 1113.33 m +1717.5 1457.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +1717.5 1457.5 m +1645 1509.17 l +S +1623.33 1113.33 m +1550 1158.33 l +1645 1509.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1904] SC +1623.33 1113.33 m +1550 1158.33 l +S +1550 1158.33 m +1645 1509.17 l +S +1550 1158.33 m +1645 1509.17 l +1572.5 1535.83 l +f* +1550 1158.33 m +1645 1509.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +1645 1509.17 m +1572.5 1535.83 l +S +1550 1158.33 m +1477.5 1191.67 l +1572.5 1535.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1904] SC +1550 1158.33 m +1477.5 1191.67 l +S +1477.5 1191.67 m +1572.5 1535.83 l +S +1477.5 1191.67 m +1572.5 1535.83 l +1500 1537.5 l +f* +1477.5 1191.67 m +1572.5 1535.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +1572.5 1535.83 m +1500 1537.5 l +S +1477.5 1191.67 m +1405 1211.67 l +1500 1537.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1904] SC +1477.5 1191.67 m +1405 1211.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +1405 1211.67 m +1500 1537.5 l +S +1405 1211.67 m +1500 1537.5 l +1426.67 1516.67 l +f* +1405 1211.67 m +1500 1537.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +1500 1537.5 m +1426.67 1516.67 l +S +1405 1211.67 m +1332.5 1220 l +1426.67 1516.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +1405 1211.67 m +1332.5 1220 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +1332.5 1220 m +1426.67 1516.67 l +S +1332.5 1220 m +1426.67 1516.67 l +1354.17 1474.17 l +f* +1332.5 1220 m +1426.67 1516.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +1426.67 1516.67 m +1354.17 1474.17 l +S +1332.5 1220 m +1259.17 1217.5 l +1354.17 1474.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +1332.5 1220 m +1259.17 1217.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1269] SC +1259.17 1217.5 m +1354.17 1474.17 l +S +1259.17 1217.5 m +1354.17 1474.17 l +1281.67 1414.17 l +f* +1259.17 1217.5 m +1354.17 1474.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +1354.17 1474.17 m +1281.67 1414.17 l +S +1259.17 1217.5 m +1186.67 1205.83 l +1281.67 1414.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1269] SC +1259.17 1217.5 m +1186.67 1205.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0952] SC +1186.67 1205.83 m +1281.67 1414.17 l +S +1186.67 1205.83 m +1281.67 1414.17 l +1209.17 1340 l +f* +1186.67 1205.83 m +1281.67 1414.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +1281.67 1414.17 m +1209.17 1340 l +S +1186.67 1205.83 m +1114.17 1187.5 l +1209.17 1340 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0952] SC +1186.67 1205.83 m +1114.17 1187.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0635] SC +1114.17 1187.5 m +1209.17 1340 l +S +1114.17 1187.5 m +1209.17 1340 l +1135.83 1256.67 l +f* +1114.17 1187.5 m +1209.17 1340 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1428] SC +1209.17 1340 m +1135.83 1256.67 l +S +1114.17 1187.5 m +1041.67 1164.17 l +1135.83 1256.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0635] SC +1114.17 1187.5 m +1041.67 1164.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0317] SC +1041.67 1164.17 m +1135.83 1256.67 l +S +1041.67 1164.17 m +1135.83 1256.67 l +1063.33 1168.33 l +f* +1041.67 1164.17 m +1135.83 1256.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0635] SC +1135.83 1256.67 m +1063.33 1168.33 l +S +1041.67 1164.17 m +969.168 1138.33 l +1063.33 1168.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0317] SC +1041.67 1164.17 m +969.168 1138.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +969.168 1138.33 m +1063.33 1168.33 l +S +2226.67 542.5 m +2320.83 572.5 l +2248.33 796.668 l +f* +2226.67 542.5 m +2320.83 572.5 l +S +2320.83 572.5 m +2248.33 796.668 l +S +2226.67 542.5 m +2154.17 709.168 l +2248.33 796.668 l +f* +2226.67 542.5 m +2154.17 709.168 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0635] SC +2154.17 709.168 m +2248.33 796.668 l +S +2154.17 709.168 m +2248.33 796.668 l +2175.83 1014.17 l +f* +2154.17 709.168 m +2248.33 796.668 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0952] SC +2248.33 796.668 m +2175.83 1014.17 l +S +2154.17 709.168 m +2080.83 870.832 l +2175.83 1014.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0635] SC +2154.17 709.168 m +2080.83 870.832 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1428] SC +2080.83 870.832 m +2175.83 1014.17 l +S +2080.83 870.832 m +2175.83 1014.17 l +2103.33 1217.5 l +f* +2080.83 870.832 m +2175.83 1014.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +2175.83 1014.17 m +2103.33 1217.5 l +S +2080.83 870.832 m +2008.33 1023.33 l +2103.33 1217.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1428] SC +2080.83 870.832 m +2008.33 1023.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +2008.33 1023.33 m +2103.33 1217.5 l +S +2008.33 1023.33 m +2103.33 1217.5 l +2030.83 1400 l +f* +2008.33 1023.33 m +2103.33 1217.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3015] SC +2103.33 1217.5 m +2030.83 1400 l +S +2008.33 1023.33 m +1935.83 1160.83 l +2030.83 1400 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +2008.33 1023.33 m +1935.83 1160.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +1935.83 1160.83 m +2030.83 1400 l +S +1935.83 1160.83 m +2030.83 1400 l +1957.5 1557.5 l +f* +1935.83 1160.83 m +2030.83 1400 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +2030.83 1400 m +1957.5 1557.5 l +S +1935.83 1160.83 m +1863.33 1281.67 l +1957.5 1557.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +1935.83 1160.83 m +1863.33 1281.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +1863.33 1281.67 m +1957.5 1557.5 l +S +1863.33 1281.67 m +1957.5 1557.5 l +1885 1684.17 l +f* +1863.33 1281.67 m +1957.5 1557.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +1957.5 1557.5 m +1885 1684.17 l +S +1863.33 1281.67 m +1790 1380.83 l +1885 1684.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +1863.33 1281.67 m +1790 1380.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +1790 1380.83 m +1885 1684.17 l +S +1790 1380.83 m +1885 1684.17 l +1812.5 1777.5 l +f* +1790 1380.83 m +1885 1684.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +1885 1684.17 m +1812.5 1777.5 l +S +1790 1380.83 m +1717.5 1457.5 l +1812.5 1777.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +1790 1380.83 m +1717.5 1457.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +1717.5 1457.5 m +1812.5 1777.5 l +S +1717.5 1457.5 m +1812.5 1777.5 l +1740 1835 l +f* +1717.5 1457.5 m +1812.5 1777.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +1812.5 1777.5 m +1740 1835 l +S +1717.5 1457.5 m +1645 1509.17 l +1740 1835 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +1717.5 1457.5 m +1645 1509.17 l +S +1645 1509.17 m +1740 1835 l +S +1645 1509.17 m +1740 1835 l +1666.67 1855.83 l +f* +1645 1509.17 m +1740 1835 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5547] SC +1740 1835 m +1666.67 1855.83 l +S +1645 1509.17 m +1572.5 1535.83 l +1666.67 1855.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +1645 1509.17 m +1572.5 1535.83 l +S +1572.5 1535.83 m +1666.67 1855.83 l +S +1572.5 1535.83 m +1666.67 1855.83 l +1594.17 1840.83 l +f* +1572.5 1535.83 m +1666.67 1855.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +1666.67 1855.83 m +1594.17 1840.83 l +S +1572.5 1535.83 m +1500 1537.5 l +1594.17 1840.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +1572.5 1535.83 m +1500 1537.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +1500 1537.5 m +1594.17 1840.83 l +S +1500 1537.5 m +1594.17 1840.83 l +1521.67 1792.5 l +f* +1500 1537.5 m +1594.17 1840.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +1594.17 1840.83 m +1521.67 1792.5 l +S +1500 1537.5 m +1426.67 1516.67 l +1521.67 1792.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +1500 1537.5 m +1426.67 1516.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +1426.67 1516.67 m +1521.67 1792.5 l +S +1426.67 1516.67 m +1521.67 1792.5 l +1449.17 1713.33 l +f* +1426.67 1516.67 m +1521.67 1792.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +1521.67 1792.5 m +1449.17 1713.33 l +S +1426.67 1516.67 m +1354.17 1474.17 l +1449.17 1713.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +1426.67 1516.67 m +1354.17 1474.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +1354.17 1474.17 m +1449.17 1713.33 l +S +1354.17 1474.17 m +1449.17 1713.33 l +1376.67 1608.33 l +f* +1354.17 1474.17 m +1449.17 1713.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +1449.17 1713.33 m +1376.67 1608.33 l +S +1354.17 1474.17 m +1281.67 1414.17 l +1376.67 1608.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +1354.17 1474.17 m +1281.67 1414.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +1281.67 1414.17 m +1376.67 1608.33 l +S +1281.67 1414.17 m +1376.67 1608.33 l +1303.33 1483.33 l +f* +1281.67 1414.17 m +1376.67 1608.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3015] SC +1376.67 1608.33 m +1303.33 1483.33 l +S +1281.67 1414.17 m +1209.17 1340 l +1303.33 1483.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +1281.67 1414.17 m +1209.17 1340 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1428] SC +1209.17 1340 m +1303.33 1483.33 l +S +1209.17 1340 m +1303.33 1483.33 l +1230.83 1344.17 l +f* +1209.17 1340 m +1303.33 1483.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +1303.33 1483.33 m +1230.83 1344.17 l +S +1209.17 1340 m +1135.83 1256.67 l +1230.83 1344.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1428] SC +1209.17 1340 m +1135.83 1256.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0635] SC +1135.83 1256.67 m +1230.83 1344.17 l +S +1135.83 1256.67 m +1230.83 1344.17 l +1158.33 1198.33 l +f* +1135.83 1256.67 m +1230.83 1344.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0952] SC +1230.83 1344.17 m +1158.33 1198.33 l +S +1135.83 1256.67 m +1063.33 1168.33 l +1158.33 1198.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0635] SC +1135.83 1256.67 m +1063.33 1168.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +1063.33 1168.33 m +1158.33 1198.33 l +S +2320.83 572.5 m +2415.83 602.5 l +2343.33 877.5 l +f* +2320.83 572.5 m +2415.83 602.5 l +S +2415.83 602.5 m +2343.33 877.5 l +S +2320.83 572.5 m +2248.33 796.668 l +2343.33 877.5 l +f* +2320.83 572.5 m +2248.33 796.668 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0952] SC +2248.33 796.668 m +2343.33 877.5 l +S +2248.33 796.668 m +2343.33 877.5 l +2270.83 1143.33 l +f* +2248.33 796.668 m +2343.33 877.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1269] SC +2343.33 877.5 m +2270.83 1143.33 l +S +2248.33 796.668 m +2175.83 1014.17 l +2270.83 1143.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0952] SC +2248.33 796.668 m +2175.83 1014.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +2175.83 1014.17 m +2270.83 1143.33 l +S +2175.83 1014.17 m +2270.83 1143.33 l +2197.5 1390.83 l +f* +2175.83 1014.17 m +2270.83 1143.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +2270.83 1143.33 m +2197.5 1390.83 l +S +2175.83 1014.17 m +2103.33 1217.5 l +2197.5 1390.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +2175.83 1014.17 m +2103.33 1217.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3015] SC +2103.33 1217.5 m +2197.5 1390.83 l +S +2103.33 1217.5 m +2197.5 1390.83 l +2125 1613.33 l +f* +2103.33 1217.5 m +2197.5 1390.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +2197.5 1390.83 m +2125 1613.33 l +S +2103.33 1217.5 m +2030.83 1400 l +2125 1613.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3015] SC +2103.33 1217.5 m +2030.83 1400 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +2030.83 1400 m +2125 1613.33 l +S +2030.83 1400 m +2125 1613.33 l +2052.5 1802.5 l +f* +2030.83 1400 m +2125 1613.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +2125 1613.33 m +2052.5 1802.5 l +S +2030.83 1400 m +1957.5 1557.5 l +2052.5 1802.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +2030.83 1400 m +1957.5 1557.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +1957.5 1557.5 m +2052.5 1802.5 l +S +1957.5 1557.5 m +2052.5 1802.5 l +1980 1953.33 l +f* +1957.5 1557.5 m +2052.5 1802.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +2052.5 1802.5 m +1980 1953.33 l +S +1957.5 1557.5 m +1885 1684.17 l +1980 1953.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +1957.5 1557.5 m +1885 1684.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +1885 1684.17 m +1980 1953.33 l +S +1885 1684.17 m +1980 1953.33 l +1907.5 2061.67 l +f* +1885 1684.17 m +1980 1953.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +1980 1953.33 m +1907.5 2061.67 l +S +1885 1684.17 m +1812.5 1777.5 l +1907.5 2061.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +1885 1684.17 m +1812.5 1777.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +1812.5 1777.5 m +1907.5 2061.67 l +S +1812.5 1777.5 m +1907.5 2061.67 l +1834.17 2124.17 l +f* +1812.5 1777.5 m +1907.5 2061.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +1907.5 2061.67 m +1834.17 2124.17 l +S +1812.5 1777.5 m +1740 1835 l +1834.17 2124.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +1812.5 1777.5 m +1740 1835 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5547] SC +1740 1835 m +1834.17 2124.17 l +S +1740 1835 m +1834.17 2124.17 l +1761.67 2140 l +f* +1740 1835 m +1834.17 2124.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7148] SC +1834.17 2124.17 m +1761.67 2140 l +S +1740 1835 m +1666.67 1855.83 l +1761.67 2140 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5547] SC +1740 1835 m +1666.67 1855.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +1666.67 1855.83 m +1761.67 2140 l +S +1666.67 1855.83 m +1761.67 2140 l +1689.17 2110 l +f* +1666.67 1855.83 m +1761.67 2140 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +1761.67 2140 m +1689.17 2110 l +S +1666.67 1855.83 m +1594.17 1840.83 l +1689.17 2110 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +1666.67 1855.83 m +1594.17 1840.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +1594.17 1840.83 m +1689.17 2110 l +S +1594.17 1840.83 m +1689.17 2110 l +1616.67 2037.5 l +f* +1594.17 1840.83 m +1689.17 2110 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +1689.17 2110 m +1616.67 2037.5 l +S +1594.17 1840.83 m +1521.67 1792.5 l +1616.67 2037.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +1594.17 1840.83 m +1521.67 1792.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +1521.67 1792.5 m +1616.67 2037.5 l +S +1521.67 1792.5 m +1616.67 2037.5 l +1543.33 1926.67 l +f* +1521.67 1792.5 m +1616.67 2037.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +1616.67 2037.5 m +1543.33 1926.67 l +S +1521.67 1792.5 m +1449.17 1713.33 l +1543.33 1926.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +1521.67 1792.5 m +1449.17 1713.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +1449.17 1713.33 m +1543.33 1926.67 l +S +1449.17 1713.33 m +1543.33 1926.67 l +1470.83 1782.5 l +f* +1449.17 1713.33 m +1543.33 1926.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4919] SC +1543.33 1926.67 m +1470.83 1782.5 l +S +1449.17 1713.33 m +1376.67 1608.33 l +1470.83 1782.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +1449.17 1713.33 m +1376.67 1608.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3015] SC +1376.67 1608.33 m +1470.83 1782.5 l +S +1376.67 1608.33 m +1470.83 1782.5 l +1398.33 1612.5 l +f* +1376.67 1608.33 m +1470.83 1782.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +1470.83 1782.5 m +1398.33 1612.5 l +S +1376.67 1608.33 m +1303.33 1483.33 l +1398.33 1612.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3015] SC +1376.67 1608.33 m +1303.33 1483.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +1303.33 1483.33 m +1398.33 1612.5 l +S +1303.33 1483.33 m +1398.33 1612.5 l +1325.83 1425 l +f* +1303.33 1483.33 m +1398.33 1612.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +1398.33 1612.5 m +1325.83 1425 l +S +1303.33 1483.33 m +1230.83 1344.17 l +1325.83 1425 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +1303.33 1483.33 m +1230.83 1344.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0952] SC +1230.83 1344.17 m +1325.83 1425 l +S +1230.83 1344.17 m +1325.83 1425 l +1253.33 1228.33 l +f* +1230.83 1344.17 m +1325.83 1425 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1269] SC +1325.83 1425 m +1253.33 1228.33 l +S +1230.83 1344.17 m +1158.33 1198.33 l +1253.33 1228.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0952] SC +1230.83 1344.17 m +1158.33 1198.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +1158.33 1198.33 m +1253.33 1228.33 l +S +2415.83 602.5 m +2510.83 632.5 l +2438.33 948.332 l +f* +2415.83 602.5 m +2510.83 632.5 l +S +2510.83 632.5 m +2438.33 948.332 l +S +2415.83 602.5 m +2343.33 877.5 l +2438.33 948.332 l +f* +2415.83 602.5 m +2343.33 877.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1269] SC +2343.33 877.5 m +2438.33 948.332 l +S +2343.33 877.5 m +2438.33 948.332 l +2365 1254.17 l +f* +2343.33 877.5 m +2438.33 948.332 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +2438.33 948.332 m +2365 1254.17 l +S +2343.33 877.5 m +2270.83 1143.33 l +2365 1254.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1269] SC +2343.33 877.5 m +2270.83 1143.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +2270.83 1143.33 m +2365 1254.17 l +S +2270.83 1143.33 m +2365 1254.17 l +2292.5 1539.17 l +f* +2270.83 1143.33 m +2365 1254.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +2365 1254.17 m +2292.5 1539.17 l +S +2270.83 1143.33 m +2197.5 1390.83 l +2292.5 1539.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +2270.83 1143.33 m +2197.5 1390.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +2197.5 1390.83 m +2292.5 1539.17 l +S +2197.5 1390.83 m +2292.5 1539.17 l +2220 1793.33 l +f* +2197.5 1390.83 m +2292.5 1539.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +2292.5 1539.17 m +2220 1793.33 l +S +2197.5 1390.83 m +2125 1613.33 l +2220 1793.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +2197.5 1390.83 m +2125 1613.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +2125 1613.33 m +2220 1793.33 l +S +2125 1613.33 m +2220 1793.33 l +2147.5 2009.17 l +f* +2125 1613.33 m +2220 1793.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +2220 1793.33 m +2147.5 2009.17 l +S +2125 1613.33 m +2052.5 1802.5 l +2147.5 2009.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +2125 1613.33 m +2052.5 1802.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +2052.5 1802.5 m +2147.5 2009.17 l +S +2052.5 1802.5 m +2147.5 2009.17 l +2074.17 2180 l +f* +2052.5 1802.5 m +2147.5 2009.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2147.5 2009.17 m +2074.17 2180 l +S +2052.5 1802.5 m +1980 1953.33 l +2074.17 2180 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +2052.5 1802.5 m +1980 1953.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +1980 1953.33 m +2074.17 2180 l +S +1980 1953.33 m +2074.17 2180 l +2001.67 2300 l +f* +1980 1953.33 m +2074.17 2180 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +2074.17 2180 m +2001.67 2300 l +S +1980 1953.33 m +1907.5 2061.67 l +2001.67 2300 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +1980 1953.33 m +1907.5 2061.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +1907.5 2061.67 m +2001.67 2300 l +S +1907.5 2061.67 m +2001.67 2300 l +1929.17 2366.67 l +f* +1907.5 2061.67 m +2001.67 2300 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +2001.67 2300 m +1929.17 2366.67 l +S +1907.5 2061.67 m +1834.17 2124.17 l +1929.17 2366.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +1907.5 2061.67 m +1834.17 2124.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7148] SC +1834.17 2124.17 m +1929.17 2366.67 l +S +1834.17 2124.17 m +1929.17 2366.67 l +1856.67 2378.33 l +f* +1834.17 2124.17 m +1929.17 2366.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8418] SC +1929.17 2366.67 m +1856.67 2378.33 l +S +1834.17 2124.17 m +1761.67 2140 l +1856.67 2378.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7148] SC +1834.17 2124.17 m +1761.67 2140 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +1761.67 2140 m +1856.67 2378.33 l +S +1761.67 2140 m +1856.67 2378.33 l +1784.17 2336.67 l +f* +1761.67 2140 m +1856.67 2378.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +1856.67 2378.33 m +1784.17 2336.67 l +S +1761.67 2140 m +1689.17 2110 l +1784.17 2336.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +1761.67 2140 m +1689.17 2110 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +1689.17 2110 m +1784.17 2336.67 l +S +1689.17 2110 m +1784.17 2336.67 l +1710.83 2244.17 l +f* +1689.17 2110 m +1784.17 2336.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +1784.17 2336.67 m +1710.83 2244.17 l +S +1689.17 2110 m +1616.67 2037.5 l +1710.83 2244.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +1689.17 2110 m +1616.67 2037.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +1616.67 2037.5 m +1710.83 2244.17 l +S +1616.67 2037.5 m +1710.83 2244.17 l +1638.33 2106.67 l +f* +1616.67 2037.5 m +1710.83 2244.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +1710.83 2244.17 m +1638.33 2106.67 l +S +1616.67 2037.5 m +1543.33 1926.67 l +1638.33 2106.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +1616.67 2037.5 m +1543.33 1926.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4919] SC +1543.33 1926.67 m +1638.33 2106.67 l +S +1543.33 1926.67 m +1638.33 2106.67 l +1565.83 1930.83 l +f* +1543.33 1926.67 m +1638.33 2106.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +1638.33 2106.67 m +1565.83 1930.83 l +S +1543.33 1926.67 m +1470.83 1782.5 l +1565.83 1930.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4919] SC +1543.33 1926.67 m +1470.83 1782.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +1470.83 1782.5 m +1565.83 1930.83 l +S +1470.83 1782.5 m +1565.83 1930.83 l +1493.33 1724.17 l +f* +1470.83 1782.5 m +1565.83 1930.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +1565.83 1930.83 m +1493.33 1724.17 l +S +1470.83 1782.5 m +1398.33 1612.5 l +1493.33 1724.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +1470.83 1782.5 m +1398.33 1612.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +1398.33 1612.5 m +1493.33 1724.17 l +S +1398.33 1612.5 m +1493.33 1724.17 l +1420 1496.67 l +f* +1398.33 1612.5 m +1493.33 1724.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +1493.33 1724.17 m +1420 1496.67 l +S +1398.33 1612.5 m +1325.83 1425 l +1420 1496.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +1398.33 1612.5 m +1325.83 1425 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1269] SC +1325.83 1425 m +1420 1496.67 l +S +1325.83 1425 m +1420 1496.67 l +1347.5 1258.33 l +f* +1325.83 1425 m +1420 1496.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +1420 1496.67 m +1347.5 1258.33 l +S +1325.83 1425 m +1253.33 1228.33 l +1347.5 1258.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1269] SC +1325.83 1425 m +1253.33 1228.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +1253.33 1228.33 m +1347.5 1258.33 l +S +2510.83 632.5 m +2605.83 662.5 l +2532.5 1009.17 l +f* +2510.83 632.5 m +2605.83 662.5 l +S +2605.83 662.5 m +2532.5 1009.17 l +S +2510.83 632.5 m +2438.33 948.332 l +2532.5 1009.17 l +f* +2510.83 632.5 m +2438.33 948.332 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +2438.33 948.332 m +2532.5 1009.17 l +S +2438.33 948.332 m +2532.5 1009.17 l +2460 1345 l +f* +2438.33 948.332 m +2532.5 1009.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +2532.5 1009.17 m +2460 1345 l +S +2438.33 948.332 m +2365 1254.17 l +2460 1345 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +2438.33 948.332 m +2365 1254.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +2365 1254.17 m +2460 1345 l +S +2365 1254.17 m +2460 1345 l +2387.5 1656.67 l +f* +2365 1254.17 m +2460 1345 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +2460 1345 m +2387.5 1656.67 l +S +2365 1254.17 m +2292.5 1539.17 l +2387.5 1656.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +2365 1254.17 m +2292.5 1539.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +2292.5 1539.17 m +2387.5 1656.67 l +S +2292.5 1539.17 m +2387.5 1656.67 l +2315 1935 l +f* +2292.5 1539.17 m +2387.5 1656.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +2387.5 1656.67 m +2315 1935 l +S +2292.5 1539.17 m +2220 1793.33 l +2315 1935 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +2292.5 1539.17 m +2220 1793.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +2220 1793.33 m +2315 1935 l +S +2220 1793.33 m +2315 1935 l +2241.67 2170.83 l +f* +2220 1793.33 m +2315 1935 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +2315 1935 m +2241.67 2170.83 l +S +2220 1793.33 m +2147.5 2009.17 l +2241.67 2170.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +2220 1793.33 m +2147.5 2009.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2147.5 2009.17 m +2241.67 2170.83 l +S +2147.5 2009.17 m +2241.67 2170.83 l +2169.17 2355.83 l +f* +2147.5 2009.17 m +2241.67 2170.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +2241.67 2170.83 m +2169.17 2355.83 l +S +2147.5 2009.17 m +2074.17 2180 l +2169.17 2355.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2147.5 2009.17 m +2074.17 2180 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +2074.17 2180 m +2169.17 2355.83 l +S +2074.17 2180 m +2169.17 2355.83 l +2096.67 2485 l +f* +2074.17 2180 m +2169.17 2355.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8574] SC +2169.17 2355.83 m +2096.67 2485 l +S +2074.17 2180 m +2001.67 2300 l +2096.67 2485 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +2074.17 2180 m +2001.67 2300 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +2001.67 2300 m +2096.67 2485 l +S +2001.67 2300 m +2096.67 2485 l +2024.17 2554.17 l +f* +2001.67 2300 m +2096.67 2485 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +2096.67 2485 m +2024.17 2554.17 l +S +2001.67 2300 m +1929.17 2366.67 l +2024.17 2554.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +2001.67 2300 m +1929.17 2366.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8418] SC +1929.17 2366.67 m +2024.17 2554.17 l +S +1929.17 2366.67 m +2024.17 2554.17 l +1950.83 2563.33 l +f* +1929.17 2366.67 m +2024.17 2554.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9355] SC +2024.17 2554.17 m +1950.83 2563.33 l +S +1929.17 2366.67 m +1856.67 2378.33 l +1950.83 2563.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8418] SC +1929.17 2366.67 m +1856.67 2378.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +1856.67 2378.33 m +1950.83 2563.33 l +S +1856.67 2378.33 m +1950.83 2563.33 l +1878.33 2512.5 l +f* +1856.67 2378.33 m +1950.83 2563.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +1950.83 2563.33 m +1878.33 2512.5 l +S +1856.67 2378.33 m +1784.17 2336.67 l +1878.33 2512.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +1856.67 2378.33 m +1784.17 2336.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +1784.17 2336.67 m +1878.33 2512.5 l +S +1784.17 2336.67 m +1878.33 2512.5 l +1805.83 2405.83 l +f* +1784.17 2336.67 m +1878.33 2512.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8574] SC +1878.33 2512.5 m +1805.83 2405.83 l +S +1784.17 2336.67 m +1710.83 2244.17 l +1805.83 2405.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +1784.17 2336.67 m +1710.83 2244.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +1710.83 2244.17 m +1805.83 2405.83 l +S +1710.83 2244.17 m +1805.83 2405.83 l +1733.33 2248.33 l +f* +1710.83 2244.17 m +1805.83 2405.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +1805.83 2405.83 m +1733.33 2248.33 l +S +1710.83 2244.17 m +1638.33 2106.67 l +1733.33 2248.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +1710.83 2244.17 m +1638.33 2106.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +1638.33 2106.67 m +1733.33 2248.33 l +S +1638.33 2106.67 m +1733.33 2248.33 l +1660.83 2048.33 l +f* +1638.33 2106.67 m +1733.33 2248.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +1733.33 2248.33 m +1660.83 2048.33 l +S +1638.33 2106.67 m +1565.83 1930.83 l +1660.83 2048.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +1638.33 2106.67 m +1565.83 1930.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +1565.83 1930.83 m +1660.83 2048.33 l +S +1565.83 1930.83 m +1660.83 2048.33 l +1587.5 1814.17 l +f* +1565.83 1930.83 m +1660.83 2048.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +1660.83 2048.33 m +1587.5 1814.17 l +S +1565.83 1930.83 m +1493.33 1724.17 l +1587.5 1814.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +1565.83 1930.83 m +1493.33 1724.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +1493.33 1724.17 m +1587.5 1814.17 l +S +1493.33 1724.17 m +1587.5 1814.17 l +1515 1557.5 l +f* +1493.33 1724.17 m +1587.5 1814.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +1587.5 1814.17 m +1515 1557.5 l +S +1493.33 1724.17 m +1420 1496.67 l +1515 1557.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +1493.33 1724.17 m +1420 1496.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +1420 1496.67 m +1515 1557.5 l +S +1420 1496.67 m +1515 1557.5 l +1442.5 1288.33 l +f* +1420 1496.67 m +1515 1557.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +1515 1557.5 m +1442.5 1288.33 l +S +1420 1496.67 m +1347.5 1258.33 l +1442.5 1288.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +1420 1496.67 m +1347.5 1258.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +1347.5 1258.33 m +1442.5 1288.33 l +S +2605.83 662.5 m +2700 692.5 l +2627.5 1058.33 l +f* +2605.83 662.5 m +2700 692.5 l +S +2700 692.5 m +2627.5 1058.33 l +S +2605.83 662.5 m +2532.5 1009.17 l +2627.5 1058.33 l +f* +2605.83 662.5 m +2532.5 1009.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +2532.5 1009.17 m +2627.5 1058.33 l +S +2532.5 1009.17 m +2627.5 1058.33 l +2555 1411.67 l +f* +2532.5 1009.17 m +2627.5 1058.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1904] SC +2627.5 1058.33 m +2555 1411.67 l +S +2532.5 1009.17 m +2460 1345 l +2555 1411.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +2532.5 1009.17 m +2460 1345 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +2460 1345 m +2555 1411.67 l +S +2460 1345 m +2555 1411.67 l +2482.5 1740.83 l +f* +2460 1345 m +2555 1411.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +2555 1411.67 m +2482.5 1740.83 l +S +2460 1345 m +2387.5 1656.67 l +2482.5 1740.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +2460 1345 m +2387.5 1656.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +2387.5 1656.67 m +2482.5 1740.83 l +S +2387.5 1656.67 m +2482.5 1740.83 l +2409.17 2034.17 l +f* +2387.5 1656.67 m +2482.5 1740.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +2482.5 1740.83 m +2409.17 2034.17 l +S +2387.5 1656.67 m +2315 1935 l +2409.17 2034.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +2387.5 1656.67 m +2315 1935 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +2315 1935 m +2409.17 2034.17 l +S +2315 1935 m +2409.17 2034.17 l +2336.67 2281.67 l +f* +2315 1935 m +2409.17 2034.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2409.17 2034.17 m +2336.67 2281.67 l +S +2315 1935 m +2241.67 2170.83 l +2336.67 2281.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +2315 1935 m +2241.67 2170.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +2241.67 2170.83 m +2336.67 2281.67 l +S +2241.67 2170.83 m +2336.67 2281.67 l +2264.17 2475.83 l +f* +2241.67 2170.83 m +2336.67 2281.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +2336.67 2281.67 m +2264.17 2475.83 l +S +2241.67 2170.83 m +2169.17 2355.83 l +2264.17 2475.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +2241.67 2170.83 m +2169.17 2355.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8574] SC +2169.17 2355.83 m +2264.17 2475.83 l +S +2169.17 2355.83 m +2264.17 2475.83 l +2191.67 2610 l +f* +2169.17 2355.83 m +2264.17 2475.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +2264.17 2475.83 m +2191.67 2610 l +S +2169.17 2355.83 m +2096.67 2485 l +2191.67 2610 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8574] SC +2169.17 2355.83 m +2096.67 2485 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +2096.67 2485 m +2191.67 2610 l +S +2096.67 2485 m +2191.67 2610 l +2118.33 2681.67 l +f* +2096.67 2485 m +2191.67 2610 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9688] SC +2191.67 2610 m +2118.33 2681.67 l +S +2096.67 2485 m +2024.17 2554.17 l +2118.33 2681.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +2096.67 2485 m +2024.17 2554.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9355] SC +2024.17 2554.17 m +2118.33 2681.67 l +S +2024.17 2554.17 m +2118.33 2681.67 l +2045.83 2688.33 l +f* +2024.17 2554.17 m +2118.33 2681.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9844] SC +2118.33 2681.67 m +2045.83 2688.33 l +S +2024.17 2554.17 m +1950.83 2563.33 l +2045.83 2688.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9355] SC +2024.17 2554.17 m +1950.83 2563.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +1950.83 2563.33 m +2045.83 2688.33 l +S +1950.83 2563.33 m +2045.83 2688.33 l +1973.33 2632.5 l +f* +1950.83 2563.33 m +2045.83 2688.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9688] SC +2045.83 2688.33 m +1973.33 2632.5 l +S +1950.83 2563.33 m +1878.33 2512.5 l +1973.33 2632.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +1950.83 2563.33 m +1878.33 2512.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8574] SC +1878.33 2512.5 m +1973.33 2632.5 l +S +1878.33 2512.5 m +1973.33 2632.5 l +1900.83 2516.67 l +f* +1878.33 2512.5 m +1973.33 2632.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +1973.33 2632.5 m +1900.83 2516.67 l +S +1878.33 2512.5 m +1805.83 2405.83 l +1900.83 2516.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8574] SC +1878.33 2512.5 m +1805.83 2405.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +1805.83 2405.83 m +1900.83 2516.67 l +S +1805.83 2405.83 m +1900.83 2516.67 l +1827.5 2347.5 l +f* +1805.83 2405.83 m +1900.83 2516.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +1900.83 2516.67 m +1827.5 2347.5 l +S +1805.83 2405.83 m +1733.33 2248.33 l +1827.5 2347.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +1805.83 2405.83 m +1733.33 2248.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +1733.33 2248.33 m +1827.5 2347.5 l +S +1733.33 2248.33 m +1827.5 2347.5 l +1755 2132.5 l +f* +1733.33 2248.33 m +1827.5 2347.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +1827.5 2347.5 m +1755 2132.5 l +S +1733.33 2248.33 m +1660.83 2048.33 l +1755 2132.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +1733.33 2248.33 m +1660.83 2048.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +1660.83 2048.33 m +1755 2132.5 l +S +1660.83 2048.33 m +1755 2132.5 l +1682.5 1881.67 l +f* +1660.83 2048.33 m +1755 2132.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +1755 2132.5 m +1682.5 1881.67 l +S +1660.83 2048.33 m +1587.5 1814.17 l +1682.5 1881.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +1660.83 2048.33 m +1587.5 1814.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +1587.5 1814.17 m +1682.5 1881.67 l +S +1587.5 1814.17 m +1682.5 1881.67 l +1610 1606.67 l +f* +1587.5 1814.17 m +1682.5 1881.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +1682.5 1881.67 m +1610 1606.67 l +S +1587.5 1814.17 m +1515 1557.5 l +1610 1606.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +1587.5 1814.17 m +1515 1557.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +1515 1557.5 m +1610 1606.67 l +S +1515 1557.5 m +1610 1606.67 l +1537.5 1318.33 l +f* +1515 1557.5 m +1610 1606.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1904] SC +1610 1606.67 m +1537.5 1318.33 l +S +1515 1557.5 m +1442.5 1288.33 l +1537.5 1318.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +1515 1557.5 m +1442.5 1288.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +1442.5 1288.33 m +1537.5 1318.33 l +S +2700 692.5 m +2795 722.5 l +2722.5 1095 l +f* +2700 692.5 m +2795 722.5 l +S +2795 722.5 m +2722.5 1095 l +S +2700 692.5 m +2627.5 1058.33 l +2722.5 1095 l +f* +2700 692.5 m +2627.5 1058.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1904] SC +2627.5 1058.33 m +2722.5 1095 l +S +2627.5 1058.33 m +2722.5 1095 l +2649.17 1455 l +f* +2627.5 1058.33 m +2722.5 1095 l +S +2722.5 1095 m +2649.17 1455 l +S +2627.5 1058.33 m +2555 1411.67 l +2649.17 1455 l +f* +2627.5 1058.33 m +2555 1411.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +2555 1411.67 m +2649.17 1455 l +S +2555 1411.67 m +2649.17 1455 l +2576.67 1789.17 l +f* +2555 1411.67 m +2649.17 1455 l +S +2649.17 1455 m +2576.67 1789.17 l +S +2555 1411.67 m +2482.5 1740.83 l +2576.67 1789.17 l +f* +2555 1411.67 m +2482.5 1740.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +2482.5 1740.83 m +2576.67 1789.17 l +S +2482.5 1740.83 m +2576.67 1789.17 l +2504.17 2087.5 l +f* +2482.5 1740.83 m +2576.67 1789.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5547] SC +2576.67 1789.17 m +2504.17 2087.5 l +S +2482.5 1740.83 m +2409.17 2034.17 l +2504.17 2087.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +2482.5 1740.83 m +2409.17 2034.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2409.17 2034.17 m +2504.17 2087.5 l +S +2409.17 2034.17 m +2504.17 2087.5 l +2431.67 2339.17 l +f* +2409.17 2034.17 m +2504.17 2087.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7148] SC +2504.17 2087.5 m +2431.67 2339.17 l +S +2409.17 2034.17 m +2336.67 2281.67 l +2431.67 2339.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2409.17 2034.17 m +2336.67 2281.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +2336.67 2281.67 m +2431.67 2339.17 l +S +2336.67 2281.67 m +2431.67 2339.17 l +2359.17 2535.83 l +f* +2336.67 2281.67 m +2431.67 2339.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8418] SC +2431.67 2339.17 m +2359.17 2535.83 l +S +2336.67 2281.67 m +2264.17 2475.83 l +2359.17 2535.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +2336.67 2281.67 m +2264.17 2475.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +2264.17 2475.83 m +2359.17 2535.83 l +S +2264.17 2475.83 m +2359.17 2535.83 l +2285.83 2672.5 l +f* +2264.17 2475.83 m +2359.17 2535.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9355] SC +2359.17 2535.83 m +2285.83 2672.5 l +S +2264.17 2475.83 m +2191.67 2610 l +2285.83 2672.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +2264.17 2475.83 m +2191.67 2610 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9688] SC +2191.67 2610 m +2285.83 2672.5 l +S +2191.67 2610 m +2285.83 2672.5 l +2213.33 2744.17 l +f* +2191.67 2610 m +2285.83 2672.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9844] SC +2285.83 2672.5 m +2213.33 2744.17 l +S +2191.67 2610 m +2118.33 2681.67 l +2213.33 2744.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9688] SC +2191.67 2610 m +2118.33 2681.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9844] SC +2118.33 2681.67 m +2213.33 2744.17 l +S +2118.33 2681.67 m +2213.33 2744.17 l +2140.83 2750.83 l +f* +2118.33 2681.67 m +2213.33 2744.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[1] SC +2213.33 2744.17 m +2140.83 2750.83 l +S +2118.33 2681.67 m +2045.83 2688.33 l +2140.83 2750.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9844] SC +2118.33 2681.67 m +2045.83 2688.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9688] SC +2045.83 2688.33 m +2140.83 2750.83 l +S +2045.83 2688.33 m +2140.83 2750.83 l +2068.33 2692.5 l +f* +2045.83 2688.33 m +2140.83 2750.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9844] SC +2140.83 2750.83 m +2068.33 2692.5 l +S +2045.83 2688.33 m +1973.33 2632.5 l +2068.33 2692.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9688] SC +2045.83 2688.33 m +1973.33 2632.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +1973.33 2632.5 m +2068.33 2692.5 l +S +1973.33 2632.5 m +2068.33 2692.5 l +1995 2574.17 l +f* +1973.33 2632.5 m +2068.33 2692.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9355] SC +2068.33 2692.5 m +1995 2574.17 l +S +1973.33 2632.5 m +1900.83 2516.67 l +1995 2574.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +1973.33 2632.5 m +1900.83 2516.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +1900.83 2516.67 m +1995 2574.17 l +S +1900.83 2516.67 m +1995 2574.17 l +1922.5 2400.83 l +f* +1900.83 2516.67 m +1995 2574.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8418] SC +1995 2574.17 m +1922.5 2400.83 l +S +1900.83 2516.67 m +1827.5 2347.5 l +1922.5 2400.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +1900.83 2516.67 m +1827.5 2347.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +1827.5 2347.5 m +1922.5 2400.83 l +S +1827.5 2347.5 m +1922.5 2400.83 l +1850 2180.83 l +f* +1827.5 2347.5 m +1922.5 2400.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7148] SC +1922.5 2400.83 m +1850 2180.83 l +S +1827.5 2347.5 m +1755 2132.5 l +1850 2180.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +1827.5 2347.5 m +1755 2132.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +1755 2132.5 m +1850 2180.83 l +S +1755 2132.5 m +1850 2180.83 l +1777.5 1924.17 l +f* +1755 2132.5 m +1850 2180.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5547] SC +1850 2180.83 m +1777.5 1924.17 l +S +1755 2132.5 m +1682.5 1881.67 l +1777.5 1924.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +1755 2132.5 m +1682.5 1881.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +1682.5 1881.67 m +1777.5 1924.17 l +S +1682.5 1881.67 m +1777.5 1924.17 l +1704.17 1642.5 l +f* +1682.5 1881.67 m +1777.5 1924.17 l +S +1777.5 1924.17 m +1704.17 1642.5 l +S +1682.5 1881.67 m +1610 1606.67 l +1704.17 1642.5 l +f* +1682.5 1881.67 m +1610 1606.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1904] SC +1610 1606.67 m +1704.17 1642.5 l +S +1610 1606.67 m +1704.17 1642.5 l +1631.67 1348.33 l +f* +1610 1606.67 m +1704.17 1642.5 l +S +1704.17 1642.5 m +1631.67 1348.33 l +S +1610 1606.67 m +1537.5 1318.33 l +1631.67 1348.33 l +f* +1610 1606.67 m +1537.5 1318.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +1537.5 1318.33 m +1631.67 1348.33 l +S +2795 722.5 m +2890 752.5 l +2816.67 1118.33 l +f* +2795 722.5 m +2890 752.5 l +S +2890 752.5 m +2816.67 1118.33 l +S +2795 722.5 m +2722.5 1095 l +2816.67 1118.33 l +f* +2795 722.5 m +2722.5 1095 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1904] SC +2722.5 1095 m +2816.67 1118.33 l +S +2722.5 1095 m +2816.67 1118.33 l +2744.17 1472.5 l +f* +2722.5 1095 m +2816.67 1118.33 l +S +2816.67 1118.33 m +2744.17 1472.5 l +S +2722.5 1095 m +2649.17 1455 l +2744.17 1472.5 l +f* +2722.5 1095 m +2649.17 1455 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +2649.17 1455 m +2744.17 1472.5 l +S +2649.17 1455 m +2744.17 1472.5 l +2671.67 1800.83 l +f* +2649.17 1455 m +2744.17 1472.5 l +S +2744.17 1472.5 m +2671.67 1800.83 l +S +2649.17 1455 m +2576.67 1789.17 l +2671.67 1800.83 l +f* +2649.17 1455 m +2576.67 1789.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5547] SC +2576.67 1789.17 m +2671.67 1800.83 l +S +2576.67 1789.17 m +2671.67 1800.83 l +2599.17 2094.17 l +f* +2576.67 1789.17 m +2671.67 1800.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +2671.67 1800.83 m +2599.17 2094.17 l +S +2576.67 1789.17 m +2504.17 2087.5 l +2599.17 2094.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5547] SC +2576.67 1789.17 m +2504.17 2087.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7148] SC +2504.17 2087.5 m +2599.17 2094.17 l +S +2504.17 2087.5 m +2599.17 2094.17 l +2525.83 2341.67 l +f* +2504.17 2087.5 m +2599.17 2094.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2599.17 2094.17 m +2525.83 2341.67 l +S +2504.17 2087.5 m +2431.67 2339.17 l +2525.83 2341.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7148] SC +2504.17 2087.5 m +2431.67 2339.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8418] SC +2431.67 2339.17 m +2525.83 2341.67 l +S +2431.67 2339.17 m +2525.83 2341.67 l +2453.33 2535.83 l +f* +2431.67 2339.17 m +2525.83 2341.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +2525.83 2341.67 m +2453.33 2535.83 l +S +2431.67 2339.17 m +2359.17 2535.83 l +2453.33 2535.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8418] SC +2431.67 2339.17 m +2359.17 2535.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9355] SC +2359.17 2535.83 m +2453.33 2535.83 l +S +2359.17 2535.83 m +2453.33 2535.83 l +2380.83 2670 l +f* +2359.17 2535.83 m +2453.33 2535.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +2453.33 2535.83 m +2380.83 2670 l +S +2359.17 2535.83 m +2285.83 2672.5 l +2380.83 2670 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9355] SC +2359.17 2535.83 m +2285.83 2672.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9844] SC +2285.83 2672.5 m +2380.83 2670 l +S +2285.83 2672.5 m +2380.83 2670 l +2308.33 2741.67 l +f* +2285.83 2672.5 m +2380.83 2670 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9688] SC +2380.83 2670 m +2308.33 2741.67 l +S +2285.83 2672.5 m +2213.33 2744.17 l +2308.33 2741.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9844] SC +2285.83 2672.5 m +2213.33 2744.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[1] SC +2213.33 2744.17 m +2308.33 2741.67 l +S +2213.33 2744.17 m +2308.33 2741.67 l +2235.83 2748.33 l +f* +2213.33 2744.17 m +2308.33 2741.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9844] SC +2308.33 2741.67 m +2235.83 2748.33 l +S +2213.33 2744.17 m +2140.83 2750.83 l +2235.83 2748.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[1] SC +2213.33 2744.17 m +2140.83 2750.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9844] SC +2140.83 2750.83 m +2235.83 2748.33 l +S +2140.83 2750.83 m +2235.83 2748.33 l +2162.5 2692.5 l +f* +2140.83 2750.83 m +2235.83 2748.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9688] SC +2235.83 2748.33 m +2162.5 2692.5 l +S +2140.83 2750.83 m +2068.33 2692.5 l +2162.5 2692.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9844] SC +2140.83 2750.83 m +2068.33 2692.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9355] SC +2068.33 2692.5 m +2162.5 2692.5 l +S +2068.33 2692.5 m +2162.5 2692.5 l +2090 2576.67 l +f* +2068.33 2692.5 m +2162.5 2692.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +2162.5 2692.5 m +2090 2576.67 l +S +2068.33 2692.5 m +1995 2574.17 l +2090 2576.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9355] SC +2068.33 2692.5 m +1995 2574.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8418] SC +1995 2574.17 m +2090 2576.67 l +S +1995 2574.17 m +2090 2576.67 l +2017.5 2407.5 l +f* +1995 2574.17 m +2090 2576.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +2090 2576.67 m +2017.5 2407.5 l +S +1995 2574.17 m +1922.5 2400.83 l +2017.5 2407.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8418] SC +1995 2574.17 m +1922.5 2400.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7148] SC +1922.5 2400.83 m +2017.5 2407.5 l +S +1922.5 2400.83 m +2017.5 2407.5 l +1945 2192.5 l +f* +1922.5 2400.83 m +2017.5 2407.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2017.5 2407.5 m +1945 2192.5 l +S +1922.5 2400.83 m +1850 2180.83 l +1945 2192.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7148] SC +1922.5 2400.83 m +1850 2180.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5547] SC +1850 2180.83 m +1945 2192.5 l +S +1850 2180.83 m +1945 2192.5 l +1871.67 1941.67 l +f* +1850 2180.83 m +1945 2192.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +1945 2192.5 m +1871.67 1941.67 l +S +1850 2180.83 m +1777.5 1924.17 l +1871.67 1941.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5547] SC +1850 2180.83 m +1777.5 1924.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +1777.5 1924.17 m +1871.67 1941.67 l +S +1777.5 1924.17 m +1871.67 1941.67 l +1799.17 1666.67 l +f* +1777.5 1924.17 m +1871.67 1941.67 l +S +1871.67 1941.67 m +1799.17 1666.67 l +S +1777.5 1924.17 m +1704.17 1642.5 l +1799.17 1666.67 l +f* +1777.5 1924.17 m +1704.17 1642.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1904] SC +1704.17 1642.5 m +1799.17 1666.67 l +S +1704.17 1642.5 m +1799.17 1666.67 l +1726.67 1378.33 l +f* +1704.17 1642.5 m +1799.17 1666.67 l +S +1799.17 1666.67 m +1726.67 1378.33 l +S +1704.17 1642.5 m +1631.67 1348.33 l +1726.67 1378.33 l +f* +1704.17 1642.5 m +1631.67 1348.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +1631.67 1348.33 m +1726.67 1378.33 l +S +2890 752.5 m +2984.17 782.5 l +2911.67 1130 l +f* +2890 752.5 m +2984.17 782.5 l +S +2984.17 782.5 m +2911.67 1130 l +S +2890 752.5 m +2816.67 1118.33 l +2911.67 1130 l +f* +2890 752.5 m +2816.67 1118.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1904] SC +2816.67 1118.33 m +2911.67 1130 l +S +2816.67 1118.33 m +2911.67 1130 l +2839.17 1465 l +f* +2816.67 1118.33 m +2911.67 1130 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +2911.67 1130 m +2839.17 1465 l +S +2816.67 1118.33 m +2744.17 1472.5 l +2839.17 1465 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1904] SC +2816.67 1118.33 m +2744.17 1472.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +2744.17 1472.5 m +2839.17 1465 l +S +2744.17 1472.5 m +2839.17 1465 l +2766.67 1776.67 l +f* +2744.17 1472.5 m +2839.17 1465 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +2839.17 1465 m +2766.67 1776.67 l +S +2744.17 1472.5 m +2671.67 1800.83 l +2766.67 1776.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +2744.17 1472.5 m +2671.67 1800.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +2671.67 1800.83 m +2766.67 1776.67 l +S +2671.67 1800.83 m +2766.67 1776.67 l +2693.33 2055.83 l +f* +2671.67 1800.83 m +2766.67 1776.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +2766.67 1776.67 m +2693.33 2055.83 l +S +2671.67 1800.83 m +2599.17 2094.17 l +2693.33 2055.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +2671.67 1800.83 m +2599.17 2094.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2599.17 2094.17 m +2693.33 2055.83 l +S +2599.17 2094.17 m +2693.33 2055.83 l +2620.83 2290.83 l +f* +2599.17 2094.17 m +2693.33 2055.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +2693.33 2055.83 m +2620.83 2290.83 l +S +2599.17 2094.17 m +2525.83 2341.67 l +2620.83 2290.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2599.17 2094.17 m +2525.83 2341.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +2525.83 2341.67 m +2620.83 2290.83 l +S +2525.83 2341.67 m +2620.83 2290.83 l +2548.33 2475.83 l +f* +2525.83 2341.67 m +2620.83 2290.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +2620.83 2290.83 m +2548.33 2475.83 l +S +2525.83 2341.67 m +2453.33 2535.83 l +2548.33 2475.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +2525.83 2341.67 m +2453.33 2535.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +2453.33 2535.83 m +2548.33 2475.83 l +S +2453.33 2535.83 m +2548.33 2475.83 l +2475.83 2605 l +f* +2453.33 2535.83 m +2548.33 2475.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8574] SC +2548.33 2475.83 m +2475.83 2605 l +S +2453.33 2535.83 m +2380.83 2670 l +2475.83 2605 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +2453.33 2535.83 m +2380.83 2670 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9688] SC +2380.83 2670 m +2475.83 2605 l +S +2380.83 2670 m +2475.83 2605 l +2402.5 2674.17 l +f* +2380.83 2670 m +2475.83 2605 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +2475.83 2605 m +2402.5 2674.17 l +S +2380.83 2670 m +2308.33 2741.67 l +2402.5 2674.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9688] SC +2380.83 2670 m +2308.33 2741.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9844] SC +2308.33 2741.67 m +2402.5 2674.17 l +S +2308.33 2741.67 m +2402.5 2674.17 l +2330 2683.33 l +f* +2308.33 2741.67 m +2402.5 2674.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9355] SC +2402.5 2674.17 m +2330 2683.33 l +S +2308.33 2741.67 m +2235.83 2748.33 l +2330 2683.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9844] SC +2308.33 2741.67 m +2235.83 2748.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9688] SC +2235.83 2748.33 m +2330 2683.33 l +S +2235.83 2748.33 m +2330 2683.33 l +2257.5 2632.5 l +f* +2235.83 2748.33 m +2330 2683.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +2330 2683.33 m +2257.5 2632.5 l +S +2235.83 2748.33 m +2162.5 2692.5 l +2257.5 2632.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9688] SC +2235.83 2748.33 m +2162.5 2692.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +2162.5 2692.5 m +2257.5 2632.5 l +S +2162.5 2692.5 m +2257.5 2632.5 l +2185 2525.83 l +f* +2162.5 2692.5 m +2257.5 2632.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8574] SC +2257.5 2632.5 m +2185 2525.83 l +S +2162.5 2692.5 m +2090 2576.67 l +2185 2525.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +2162.5 2692.5 m +2090 2576.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +2090 2576.67 m +2185 2525.83 l +S +2090 2576.67 m +2185 2525.83 l +2111.67 2368.33 l +f* +2090 2576.67 m +2185 2525.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +2185 2525.83 m +2111.67 2368.33 l +S +2090 2576.67 m +2017.5 2407.5 l +2111.67 2368.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +2090 2576.67 m +2017.5 2407.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2017.5 2407.5 m +2111.67 2368.33 l +S +2017.5 2407.5 m +2111.67 2368.33 l +2039.17 2168.33 l +f* +2017.5 2407.5 m +2111.67 2368.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +2111.67 2368.33 m +2039.17 2168.33 l +S +2017.5 2407.5 m +1945 2192.5 l +2039.17 2168.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2017.5 2407.5 m +1945 2192.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +1945 2192.5 m +2039.17 2168.33 l +S +1945 2192.5 m +2039.17 2168.33 l +1966.67 1935 l +f* +1945 2192.5 m +2039.17 2168.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +2039.17 2168.33 m +1966.67 1935 l +S +1945 2192.5 m +1871.67 1941.67 l +1966.67 1935 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +1945 2192.5 m +1871.67 1941.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +1871.67 1941.67 m +1966.67 1935 l +S +1871.67 1941.67 m +1966.67 1935 l +1894.17 1677.5 l +f* +1871.67 1941.67 m +1966.67 1935 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +1966.67 1935 m +1894.17 1677.5 l +S +1871.67 1941.67 m +1799.17 1666.67 l +1894.17 1677.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +1871.67 1941.67 m +1799.17 1666.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1904] SC +1799.17 1666.67 m +1894.17 1677.5 l +S +1799.17 1666.67 m +1894.17 1677.5 l +1821.67 1408.33 l +f* +1799.17 1666.67 m +1894.17 1677.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +1894.17 1677.5 m +1821.67 1408.33 l +S +1799.17 1666.67 m +1726.67 1378.33 l +1821.67 1408.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1904] SC +1799.17 1666.67 m +1726.67 1378.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +1726.67 1378.33 m +1821.67 1408.33 l +S +2984.17 782.5 m +3079.17 812.5 l +3006.67 1129.17 l +f* +2984.17 782.5 m +3079.17 812.5 l +S +3079.17 812.5 m +3006.67 1129.17 l +S +2984.17 782.5 m +2911.67 1130 l +3006.67 1129.17 l +f* +2984.17 782.5 m +2911.67 1130 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +2911.67 1130 m +3006.67 1129.17 l +S +2911.67 1130 m +3006.67 1129.17 l +2933.33 1434.17 l +f* +2911.67 1130 m +3006.67 1129.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +3006.67 1129.17 m +2933.33 1434.17 l +S +2911.67 1130 m +2839.17 1465 l +2933.33 1434.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +2911.67 1130 m +2839.17 1465 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +2839.17 1465 m +2933.33 1434.17 l +S +2839.17 1465 m +2933.33 1434.17 l +2860.83 1719.17 l +f* +2839.17 1465 m +2933.33 1434.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +2933.33 1434.17 m +2860.83 1719.17 l +S +2839.17 1465 m +2766.67 1776.67 l +2860.83 1719.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +2839.17 1465 m +2766.67 1776.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +2766.67 1776.67 m +2860.83 1719.17 l +S +2766.67 1776.67 m +2860.83 1719.17 l +2788.33 1974.17 l +f* +2766.67 1776.67 m +2860.83 1719.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +2860.83 1719.17 m +2788.33 1974.17 l +S +2766.67 1776.67 m +2693.33 2055.83 l +2788.33 1974.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +2766.67 1776.67 m +2693.33 2055.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +2693.33 2055.83 m +2788.33 1974.17 l +S +2693.33 2055.83 m +2788.33 1974.17 l +2715.83 2190 l +f* +2693.33 2055.83 m +2788.33 1974.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +2788.33 1974.17 m +2715.83 2190 l +S +2693.33 2055.83 m +2620.83 2290.83 l +2715.83 2190 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +2693.33 2055.83 m +2620.83 2290.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +2620.83 2290.83 m +2715.83 2190 l +S +2620.83 2290.83 m +2715.83 2190 l +2643.33 2360 l +f* +2620.83 2290.83 m +2715.83 2190 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2715.83 2190 m +2643.33 2360 l +S +2620.83 2290.83 m +2548.33 2475.83 l +2643.33 2360 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +2620.83 2290.83 m +2548.33 2475.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8574] SC +2548.33 2475.83 m +2643.33 2360 l +S +2548.33 2475.83 m +2643.33 2360 l +2570 2480 l +f* +2548.33 2475.83 m +2643.33 2360 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +2643.33 2360 m +2570 2480 l +S +2548.33 2475.83 m +2475.83 2605 l +2570 2480 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8574] SC +2548.33 2475.83 m +2475.83 2605 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +2475.83 2605 m +2570 2480 l +S +2475.83 2605 m +2570 2480 l +2497.5 2546.67 l +f* +2475.83 2605 m +2570 2480 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +2570 2480 m +2497.5 2546.67 l +S +2475.83 2605 m +2402.5 2674.17 l +2497.5 2546.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +2475.83 2605 m +2402.5 2674.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9355] SC +2402.5 2674.17 m +2497.5 2546.67 l +S +2402.5 2674.17 m +2497.5 2546.67 l +2425 2558.33 l +f* +2402.5 2674.17 m +2497.5 2546.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8418] SC +2497.5 2546.67 m +2425 2558.33 l +S +2402.5 2674.17 m +2330 2683.33 l +2425 2558.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9355] SC +2402.5 2674.17 m +2330 2683.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +2330 2683.33 m +2425 2558.33 l +S +2330 2683.33 m +2425 2558.33 l +2352.5 2516.67 l +f* +2330 2683.33 m +2425 2558.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +2425 2558.33 m +2352.5 2516.67 l +S +2330 2683.33 m +2257.5 2632.5 l +2352.5 2516.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.9043] SC +2330 2683.33 m +2257.5 2632.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8574] SC +2257.5 2632.5 m +2352.5 2516.67 l +S +2257.5 2632.5 m +2352.5 2516.67 l +2279.17 2424.17 l +f* +2257.5 2632.5 m +2352.5 2516.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +2352.5 2516.67 m +2279.17 2424.17 l +S +2257.5 2632.5 m +2185 2525.83 l +2279.17 2424.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8574] SC +2257.5 2632.5 m +2185 2525.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +2185 2525.83 m +2279.17 2424.17 l +S +2185 2525.83 m +2279.17 2424.17 l +2206.67 2286.67 l +f* +2185 2525.83 m +2279.17 2424.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2279.17 2424.17 m +2206.67 2286.67 l +S +2185 2525.83 m +2111.67 2368.33 l +2206.67 2286.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +2185 2525.83 m +2111.67 2368.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +2111.67 2368.33 m +2206.67 2286.67 l +S +2111.67 2368.33 m +2206.67 2286.67 l +2134.17 2110.83 l +f* +2111.67 2368.33 m +2206.67 2286.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +2206.67 2286.67 m +2134.17 2110.83 l +S +2111.67 2368.33 m +2039.17 2168.33 l +2134.17 2110.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +2111.67 2368.33 m +2039.17 2168.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +2039.17 2168.33 m +2134.17 2110.83 l +S +2039.17 2168.33 m +2134.17 2110.83 l +2061.67 1904.17 l +f* +2039.17 2168.33 m +2134.17 2110.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +2134.17 2110.83 m +2061.67 1904.17 l +S +2039.17 2168.33 m +1966.67 1935 l +2061.67 1904.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +2039.17 2168.33 m +1966.67 1935 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +1966.67 1935 m +2061.67 1904.17 l +S +1966.67 1935 m +2061.67 1904.17 l +1988.33 1676.67 l +f* +1966.67 1935 m +2061.67 1904.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +2061.67 1904.17 m +1988.33 1676.67 l +S +1966.67 1935 m +1894.17 1677.5 l +1988.33 1676.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +1966.67 1935 m +1894.17 1677.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +1894.17 1677.5 m +1988.33 1676.67 l +S +1894.17 1677.5 m +1988.33 1676.67 l +1915.83 1438.33 l +f* +1894.17 1677.5 m +1988.33 1676.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +1988.33 1676.67 m +1915.83 1438.33 l +S +1894.17 1677.5 m +1821.67 1408.33 l +1915.83 1438.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +1894.17 1677.5 m +1821.67 1408.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +1821.67 1408.33 m +1915.83 1438.33 l +S +3079.17 812.5 m +3174.17 842.5 l +3100.83 1117.5 l +f* +3079.17 812.5 m +3174.17 842.5 l +S +3174.17 842.5 m +3100.83 1117.5 l +S +3079.17 812.5 m +3006.67 1129.17 l +3100.83 1117.5 l +f* +3079.17 812.5 m +3006.67 1129.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +3006.67 1129.17 m +3100.83 1117.5 l +S +3006.67 1129.17 m +3100.83 1117.5 l +3028.33 1383.33 l +f* +3006.67 1129.17 m +3100.83 1117.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1269] SC +3100.83 1117.5 m +3028.33 1383.33 l +S +3006.67 1129.17 m +2933.33 1434.17 l +3028.33 1383.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +3006.67 1129.17 m +2933.33 1434.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +2933.33 1434.17 m +3028.33 1383.33 l +S +2933.33 1434.17 m +3028.33 1383.33 l +2955.83 1631.67 l +f* +2933.33 1434.17 m +3028.33 1383.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +3028.33 1383.33 m +2955.83 1631.67 l +S +2933.33 1434.17 m +2860.83 1719.17 l +2955.83 1631.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +2933.33 1434.17 m +2860.83 1719.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +2860.83 1719.17 m +2955.83 1631.67 l +S +2860.83 1719.17 m +2955.83 1631.67 l +2883.33 1853.33 l +f* +2860.83 1719.17 m +2955.83 1631.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +2955.83 1631.67 m +2883.33 1853.33 l +S +2860.83 1719.17 m +2788.33 1974.17 l +2883.33 1853.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +2860.83 1719.17 m +2788.33 1974.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +2788.33 1974.17 m +2883.33 1853.33 l +S +2788.33 1974.17 m +2883.33 1853.33 l +2810 2043.33 l +f* +2788.33 1974.17 m +2883.33 1853.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4919] SC +2883.33 1853.33 m +2810 2043.33 l +S +2788.33 1974.17 m +2715.83 2190 l +2810 2043.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +2788.33 1974.17 m +2715.83 2190 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2715.83 2190 m +2810 2043.33 l +S +2715.83 2190 m +2810 2043.33 l +2737.5 2194.17 l +f* +2715.83 2190 m +2810 2043.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +2810 2043.33 m +2737.5 2194.17 l +S +2715.83 2190 m +2643.33 2360 l +2737.5 2194.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2715.83 2190 m +2643.33 2360 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +2643.33 2360 m +2737.5 2194.17 l +S +2643.33 2360 m +2737.5 2194.17 l +2665 2301.67 l +f* +2643.33 2360 m +2737.5 2194.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +2737.5 2194.17 m +2665 2301.67 l +S +2643.33 2360 m +2570 2480 l +2665 2301.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +2643.33 2360 m +2570 2480 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +2570 2480 m +2665 2301.67 l +S +2570 2480 m +2665 2301.67 l +2592.5 2364.17 l +f* +2570 2480 m +2665 2301.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2665 2301.67 m +2592.5 2364.17 l +S +2570 2480 m +2497.5 2546.67 l +2592.5 2364.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +2570 2480 m +2497.5 2546.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8418] SC +2497.5 2546.67 m +2592.5 2364.17 l +S +2497.5 2546.67 m +2592.5 2364.17 l +2520 2380 l +f* +2497.5 2546.67 m +2592.5 2364.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7148] SC +2592.5 2364.17 m +2520 2380 l +S +2497.5 2546.67 m +2425 2558.33 l +2520 2380 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8418] SC +2497.5 2546.67 m +2425 2558.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +2425 2558.33 m +2520 2380 l +S +2425 2558.33 m +2520 2380 l +2446.67 2350 l +f* +2425 2558.33 m +2520 2380 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2520 2380 m +2446.67 2350 l +S +2425 2558.33 m +2352.5 2516.67 l +2446.67 2350 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.8262] SC +2425 2558.33 m +2352.5 2516.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +2352.5 2516.67 m +2446.67 2350 l +S +2352.5 2516.67 m +2446.67 2350 l +2374.17 2277.5 l +f* +2352.5 2516.67 m +2446.67 2350 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +2446.67 2350 m +2374.17 2277.5 l +S +2352.5 2516.67 m +2279.17 2424.17 l +2374.17 2277.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7773] SC +2352.5 2516.67 m +2279.17 2424.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2279.17 2424.17 m +2374.17 2277.5 l +S +2279.17 2424.17 m +2374.17 2277.5 l +2301.67 2166.67 l +f* +2279.17 2424.17 m +2374.17 2277.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +2374.17 2277.5 m +2301.67 2166.67 l +S +2279.17 2424.17 m +2206.67 2286.67 l +2301.67 2166.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2279.17 2424.17 m +2206.67 2286.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +2206.67 2286.67 m +2301.67 2166.67 l +S +2206.67 2286.67 m +2301.67 2166.67 l +2229.17 2022.5 l +f* +2206.67 2286.67 m +2301.67 2166.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +2301.67 2166.67 m +2229.17 2022.5 l +S +2206.67 2286.67 m +2134.17 2110.83 l +2229.17 2022.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +2206.67 2286.67 m +2134.17 2110.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +2134.17 2110.83 m +2229.17 2022.5 l +S +2134.17 2110.83 m +2229.17 2022.5 l +2155.83 1852.5 l +f* +2134.17 2110.83 m +2229.17 2022.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +2229.17 2022.5 m +2155.83 1852.5 l +S +2134.17 2110.83 m +2061.67 1904.17 l +2155.83 1852.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +2134.17 2110.83 m +2061.67 1904.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +2061.67 1904.17 m +2155.83 1852.5 l +S +2061.67 1904.17 m +2155.83 1852.5 l +2083.33 1665 l +f* +2061.67 1904.17 m +2155.83 1852.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +2155.83 1852.5 m +2083.33 1665 l +S +2061.67 1904.17 m +1988.33 1676.67 l +2083.33 1665 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +2061.67 1904.17 m +1988.33 1676.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +1988.33 1676.67 m +2083.33 1665 l +S +1988.33 1676.67 m +2083.33 1665 l +2010.83 1468.33 l +f* +1988.33 1676.67 m +2083.33 1665 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1269] SC +2083.33 1665 m +2010.83 1468.33 l +S +1988.33 1676.67 m +1915.83 1438.33 l +2010.83 1468.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +1988.33 1676.67 m +1915.83 1438.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +1915.83 1438.33 m +2010.83 1468.33 l +S +3174.17 842.5 m +3268.33 872.5 l +3195.83 1096.67 l +f* +3174.17 842.5 m +3268.33 872.5 l +S +3268.33 872.5 m +3195.83 1096.67 l +S +3174.17 842.5 m +3100.83 1117.5 l +3195.83 1096.67 l +f* +3174.17 842.5 m +3100.83 1117.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1269] SC +3100.83 1117.5 m +3195.83 1096.67 l +S +3100.83 1117.5 m +3195.83 1096.67 l +3123.33 1314.17 l +f* +3100.83 1117.5 m +3195.83 1096.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0952] SC +3195.83 1096.67 m +3123.33 1314.17 l +S +3100.83 1117.5 m +3028.33 1383.33 l +3123.33 1314.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1269] SC +3100.83 1117.5 m +3028.33 1383.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +3028.33 1383.33 m +3123.33 1314.17 l +S +3028.33 1383.33 m +3123.33 1314.17 l +3050.83 1517.5 l +f* +3028.33 1383.33 m +3123.33 1314.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +3123.33 1314.17 m +3050.83 1517.5 l +S +3028.33 1383.33 m +2955.83 1631.67 l +3050.83 1517.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +3028.33 1383.33 m +2955.83 1631.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +2955.83 1631.67 m +3050.83 1517.5 l +S +2955.83 1631.67 m +3050.83 1517.5 l +2977.5 1700.83 l +f* +2955.83 1631.67 m +3050.83 1517.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3015] SC +3050.83 1517.5 m +2977.5 1700.83 l +S +2955.83 1631.67 m +2883.33 1853.33 l +2977.5 1700.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +2955.83 1631.67 m +2883.33 1853.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4919] SC +2883.33 1853.33 m +2977.5 1700.83 l +S +2883.33 1853.33 m +2977.5 1700.83 l +2905 1857.5 l +f* +2883.33 1853.33 m +2977.5 1700.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +2977.5 1700.83 m +2905 1857.5 l +S +2883.33 1853.33 m +2810 2043.33 l +2905 1857.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4919] SC +2883.33 1853.33 m +2810 2043.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +2810 2043.33 m +2905 1857.5 l +S +2810 2043.33 m +2905 1857.5 l +2832.5 1984.17 l +f* +2810 2043.33 m +2905 1857.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +2905 1857.5 m +2832.5 1984.17 l +S +2810 2043.33 m +2737.5 2194.17 l +2832.5 1984.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +2810 2043.33 m +2737.5 2194.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +2737.5 2194.17 m +2832.5 1984.17 l +S +2737.5 2194.17 m +2832.5 1984.17 l +2760 2077.5 l +f* +2737.5 2194.17 m +2832.5 1984.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +2832.5 1984.17 m +2760 2077.5 l +S +2737.5 2194.17 m +2665 2301.67 l +2760 2077.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +2737.5 2194.17 m +2665 2301.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2665 2301.67 m +2760 2077.5 l +S +2665 2301.67 m +2760 2077.5 l +2686.67 2135 l +f* +2665 2301.67 m +2760 2077.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +2760 2077.5 m +2686.67 2135 l +S +2665 2301.67 m +2592.5 2364.17 l +2686.67 2135 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2665 2301.67 m +2592.5 2364.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7148] SC +2592.5 2364.17 m +2686.67 2135 l +S +2592.5 2364.17 m +2686.67 2135 l +2614.17 2155.83 l +f* +2592.5 2364.17 m +2686.67 2135 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5547] SC +2686.67 2135 m +2614.17 2155.83 l +S +2592.5 2364.17 m +2520 2380 l +2614.17 2155.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.7148] SC +2592.5 2364.17 m +2520 2380 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2520 2380 m +2614.17 2155.83 l +S +2520 2380 m +2614.17 2155.83 l +2541.67 2140.83 l +f* +2520 2380 m +2614.17 2155.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +2614.17 2155.83 m +2541.67 2140.83 l +S +2520 2380 m +2446.67 2350 l +2541.67 2140.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6992] SC +2520 2380 m +2446.67 2350 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +2446.67 2350 m +2541.67 2140.83 l +S +2446.67 2350 m +2541.67 2140.83 l +2469.17 2092.5 l +f* +2446.67 2350 m +2541.67 2140.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +2541.67 2140.83 m +2469.17 2092.5 l +S +2446.67 2350 m +2374.17 2277.5 l +2469.17 2092.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.6504] SC +2446.67 2350 m +2374.17 2277.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +2374.17 2277.5 m +2469.17 2092.5 l +S +2374.17 2277.5 m +2469.17 2092.5 l +2396.67 2013.33 l +f* +2374.17 2277.5 m +2469.17 2092.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +2469.17 2092.5 m +2396.67 2013.33 l +S +2374.17 2277.5 m +2301.67 2166.67 l +2396.67 2013.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5879] SC +2374.17 2277.5 m +2301.67 2166.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +2301.67 2166.67 m +2396.67 2013.33 l +S +2301.67 2166.67 m +2396.67 2013.33 l +2323.33 1909.17 l +f* +2301.67 2166.67 m +2396.67 2013.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +2396.67 2013.33 m +2323.33 1909.17 l +S +2301.67 2166.67 m +2229.17 2022.5 l +2323.33 1909.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +2301.67 2166.67 m +2229.17 2022.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +2229.17 2022.5 m +2323.33 1909.17 l +S +2229.17 2022.5 m +2323.33 1909.17 l +2250.83 1784.17 l +f* +2229.17 2022.5 m +2323.33 1909.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3015] SC +2323.33 1909.17 m +2250.83 1784.17 l +S +2229.17 2022.5 m +2155.83 1852.5 l +2250.83 1784.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +2229.17 2022.5 m +2155.83 1852.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +2155.83 1852.5 m +2250.83 1784.17 l +S +2155.83 1852.5 m +2250.83 1784.17 l +2178.33 1645 l +f* +2155.83 1852.5 m +2250.83 1784.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +2250.83 1784.17 m +2178.33 1645 l +S +2155.83 1852.5 m +2083.33 1665 l +2178.33 1645 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +2155.83 1852.5 m +2083.33 1665 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1269] SC +2083.33 1665 m +2178.33 1645 l +S +2083.33 1665 m +2178.33 1645 l +2105.83 1499.17 l +f* +2083.33 1665 m +2178.33 1645 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0952] SC +2178.33 1645 m +2105.83 1499.17 l +S +2083.33 1665 m +2010.83 1468.33 l +2105.83 1499.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1269] SC +2083.33 1665 m +2010.83 1468.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +2010.83 1468.33 m +2105.83 1499.17 l +S +3268.33 872.5 m +3363.33 902.5 l +3290.83 1069.17 l +f* +3268.33 872.5 m +3363.33 902.5 l +S +3363.33 902.5 m +3290.83 1069.17 l +S +3268.33 872.5 m +3195.83 1096.67 l +3290.83 1069.17 l +f* +3268.33 872.5 m +3195.83 1096.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0952] SC +3195.83 1096.67 m +3290.83 1069.17 l +S +3195.83 1096.67 m +3290.83 1069.17 l +3217.5 1230.83 l +f* +3195.83 1096.67 m +3290.83 1069.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0635] SC +3290.83 1069.17 m +3217.5 1230.83 l +S +3195.83 1096.67 m +3123.33 1314.17 l +3217.5 1230.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0952] SC +3195.83 1096.67 m +3123.33 1314.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +3123.33 1314.17 m +3217.5 1230.83 l +S +3123.33 1314.17 m +3217.5 1230.83 l +3145 1383.33 l +f* +3123.33 1314.17 m +3217.5 1230.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1428] SC +3217.5 1230.83 m +3145 1383.33 l +S +3123.33 1314.17 m +3050.83 1517.5 l +3145 1383.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +3123.33 1314.17 m +3050.83 1517.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3015] SC +3050.83 1517.5 m +3145 1383.33 l +S +3050.83 1517.5 m +3145 1383.33 l +3072.5 1521.67 l +f* +3050.83 1517.5 m +3145 1383.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +3145 1383.33 m +3072.5 1521.67 l +S +3050.83 1517.5 m +2977.5 1700.83 l +3072.5 1521.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3015] SC +3050.83 1517.5 m +2977.5 1700.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +2977.5 1700.83 m +3072.5 1521.67 l +S +2977.5 1700.83 m +3072.5 1521.67 l +3000 1641.67 l +f* +2977.5 1700.83 m +3072.5 1521.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +3072.5 1521.67 m +3000 1641.67 l +S +2977.5 1700.83 m +2905 1857.5 l +3000 1641.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +2977.5 1700.83 m +2905 1857.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +2905 1857.5 m +3000 1641.67 l +S +2905 1857.5 m +3000 1641.67 l +2927.5 1741.67 l +f* +2905 1857.5 m +3000 1641.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +3000 1641.67 m +2927.5 1741.67 l +S +2905 1857.5 m +2832.5 1984.17 l +2927.5 1741.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +2905 1857.5 m +2832.5 1984.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +2832.5 1984.17 m +2927.5 1741.67 l +S +2832.5 1984.17 m +2927.5 1741.67 l +2854.17 1818.33 l +f* +2832.5 1984.17 m +2927.5 1741.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +2927.5 1741.67 m +2854.17 1818.33 l +S +2832.5 1984.17 m +2760 2077.5 l +2854.17 1818.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +2832.5 1984.17 m +2760 2077.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +2760 2077.5 m +2854.17 1818.33 l +S +2760 2077.5 m +2854.17 1818.33 l +2781.67 1870 l +f* +2760 2077.5 m +2854.17 1818.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +2854.17 1818.33 m +2781.67 1870 l +S +2760 2077.5 m +2686.67 2135 l +2781.67 1870 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +2760 2077.5 m +2686.67 2135 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5547] SC +2686.67 2135 m +2781.67 1870 l +S +2686.67 2135 m +2781.67 1870 l +2709.17 1896.67 l +f* +2686.67 2135 m +2781.67 1870 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +2781.67 1870 m +2709.17 1896.67 l +S +2686.67 2135 m +2614.17 2155.83 l +2709.17 1896.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5547] SC +2686.67 2135 m +2614.17 2155.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +2614.17 2155.83 m +2709.17 1896.67 l +S +2614.17 2155.83 m +2709.17 1896.67 l +2636.67 1898.33 l +f* +2614.17 2155.83 m +2709.17 1896.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +2709.17 1896.67 m +2636.67 1898.33 l +S +2614.17 2155.83 m +2541.67 2140.83 l +2636.67 1898.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5391] SC +2614.17 2155.83 m +2541.67 2140.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +2541.67 2140.83 m +2636.67 1898.33 l +S +2541.67 2140.83 m +2636.67 1898.33 l +2563.33 1876.67 l +f* +2541.67 2140.83 m +2636.67 1898.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +2636.67 1898.33 m +2563.33 1876.67 l +S +2541.67 2140.83 m +2469.17 2092.5 l +2563.33 1876.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.5078] SC +2541.67 2140.83 m +2469.17 2092.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +2469.17 2092.5 m +2563.33 1876.67 l +S +2469.17 2092.5 m +2563.33 1876.67 l +2490.83 1835 l +f* +2469.17 2092.5 m +2563.33 1876.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +2563.33 1876.67 m +2490.83 1835 l +S +2469.17 2092.5 m +2396.67 2013.33 l +2490.83 1835 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.4602] SC +2469.17 2092.5 m +2396.67 2013.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +2396.67 2013.33 m +2490.83 1835 l +S +2396.67 2013.33 m +2490.83 1835 l +2418.33 1775 l +f* +2396.67 2013.33 m +2490.83 1835 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +2490.83 1835 m +2418.33 1775 l +S +2396.67 2013.33 m +2323.33 1909.17 l +2418.33 1775 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3967] SC +2396.67 2013.33 m +2323.33 1909.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3015] SC +2323.33 1909.17 m +2418.33 1775 l +S +2323.33 1909.17 m +2418.33 1775 l +2345.83 1700.83 l +f* +2323.33 1909.17 m +2418.33 1775 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +2418.33 1775 m +2345.83 1700.83 l +S +2323.33 1909.17 m +2250.83 1784.17 l +2345.83 1700.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3015] SC +2323.33 1909.17 m +2250.83 1784.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +2250.83 1784.17 m +2345.83 1700.83 l +S +2250.83 1784.17 m +2345.83 1700.83 l +2273.33 1617.5 l +f* +2250.83 1784.17 m +2345.83 1700.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1428] SC +2345.83 1700.83 m +2273.33 1617.5 l +S +2250.83 1784.17 m +2178.33 1645 l +2273.33 1617.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +2250.83 1784.17 m +2178.33 1645 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0952] SC +2178.33 1645 m +2273.33 1617.5 l +S +2178.33 1645 m +2273.33 1617.5 l +2200 1529.17 l +f* +2178.33 1645 m +2273.33 1617.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0635] SC +2273.33 1617.5 m +2200 1529.17 l +S +2178.33 1645 m +2105.83 1499.17 l +2200 1529.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0952] SC +2178.33 1645 m +2105.83 1499.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +2105.83 1499.17 m +2200 1529.17 l +S +3363.33 902.5 m +3458.33 932.5 l +3385 1036.67 l +f* +3363.33 902.5 m +3458.33 932.5 l +S +3458.33 932.5 m +3385 1036.67 l +S +3363.33 902.5 m +3290.83 1069.17 l +3385 1036.67 l +f* +3363.33 902.5 m +3290.83 1069.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0635] SC +3290.83 1069.17 m +3385 1036.67 l +S +3290.83 1069.17 m +3385 1036.67 l +3312.5 1138.33 l +f* +3290.83 1069.17 m +3385 1036.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0317] SC +3385 1036.67 m +3312.5 1138.33 l +S +3290.83 1069.17 m +3217.5 1230.83 l +3312.5 1138.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0635] SC +3290.83 1069.17 m +3217.5 1230.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1428] SC +3217.5 1230.83 m +3312.5 1138.33 l +S +3217.5 1230.83 m +3312.5 1138.33 l +3240 1235 l +f* +3217.5 1230.83 m +3312.5 1138.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0635] SC +3312.5 1138.33 m +3240 1235 l +S +3217.5 1230.83 m +3145 1383.33 l +3240 1235 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1428] SC +3217.5 1230.83 m +3145 1383.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +3145 1383.33 m +3240 1235 l +S +3145 1383.33 m +3240 1235 l +3167.5 1325 l +f* +3145 1383.33 m +3240 1235 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0952] SC +3240 1235 m +3167.5 1325 l +S +3145 1383.33 m +3072.5 1521.67 l +3167.5 1325 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +3145 1383.33 m +3072.5 1521.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +3072.5 1521.67 m +3167.5 1325 l +S +3072.5 1521.67 m +3167.5 1325 l +3094.17 1405.83 l +f* +3072.5 1521.67 m +3167.5 1325 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1269] SC +3167.5 1325 m +3094.17 1405.83 l +S +3072.5 1521.67 m +3000 1641.67 l +3094.17 1405.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +3072.5 1521.67 m +3000 1641.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +3000 1641.67 m +3094.17 1405.83 l +S +3000 1641.67 m +3094.17 1405.83 l +3021.67 1475.83 l +f* +3000 1641.67 m +3094.17 1405.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +3094.17 1405.83 m +3021.67 1475.83 l +S +3000 1641.67 m +2927.5 1741.67 l +3021.67 1475.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +3000 1641.67 m +2927.5 1741.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +2927.5 1741.67 m +3021.67 1475.83 l +S +2927.5 1741.67 m +3021.67 1475.83 l +2949.17 1533.33 l +f* +2927.5 1741.67 m +3021.67 1475.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +3021.67 1475.83 m +2949.17 1533.33 l +S +2927.5 1741.67 m +2854.17 1818.33 l +2949.17 1533.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +2927.5 1741.67 m +2854.17 1818.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +2854.17 1818.33 m +2949.17 1533.33 l +S +2854.17 1818.33 m +2949.17 1533.33 l +2876.67 1579.17 l +f* +2854.17 1818.33 m +2949.17 1533.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1904] SC +2949.17 1533.33 m +2876.67 1579.17 l +S +2854.17 1818.33 m +2781.67 1870 l +2876.67 1579.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +2854.17 1818.33 m +2781.67 1870 l +S +2781.67 1870 m +2876.67 1579.17 l +S +2781.67 1870 m +2876.67 1579.17 l +2804.17 1611.67 l +f* +2781.67 1870 m +2876.67 1579.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1904] SC +2876.67 1579.17 m +2804.17 1611.67 l +S +2781.67 1870 m +2709.17 1896.67 l +2804.17 1611.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +2781.67 1870 m +2709.17 1896.67 l +S +2709.17 1896.67 m +2804.17 1611.67 l +S +2709.17 1896.67 m +2804.17 1611.67 l +2730.83 1631.67 l +f* +2709.17 1896.67 m +2804.17 1611.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1904] SC +2804.17 1611.67 m +2730.83 1631.67 l +S +2709.17 1896.67 m +2636.67 1898.33 l +2730.83 1631.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3808] SC +2709.17 1896.67 m +2636.67 1898.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +2636.67 1898.33 m +2730.83 1631.67 l +S +2636.67 1898.33 m +2730.83 1631.67 l +2658.33 1640 l +f* +2636.67 1898.33 m +2730.83 1631.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +2730.83 1631.67 m +2658.33 1640 l +S +2636.67 1898.33 m +2563.33 1876.67 l +2658.33 1640 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3491] SC +2636.67 1898.33 m +2563.33 1876.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +2563.33 1876.67 m +2658.33 1640 l +S +2563.33 1876.67 m +2658.33 1640 l +2585.83 1638.33 l +f* +2563.33 1876.67 m +2658.33 1640 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +2658.33 1640 m +2585.83 1638.33 l +S +2563.33 1876.67 m +2490.83 1835 l +2585.83 1638.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.3174] SC +2563.33 1876.67 m +2490.83 1835 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +2490.83 1835 m +2585.83 1638.33 l +S +2490.83 1835 m +2585.83 1638.33 l +2513.33 1626.67 l +f* +2490.83 1835 m +2585.83 1638.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1269] SC +2585.83 1638.33 m +2513.33 1626.67 l +S +2490.83 1835 m +2418.33 1775 l +2513.33 1626.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2698] SC +2490.83 1835 m +2418.33 1775 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +2418.33 1775 m +2513.33 1626.67 l +S +2418.33 1775 m +2513.33 1626.67 l +2440 1608.33 l +f* +2418.33 1775 m +2513.33 1626.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0952] SC +2513.33 1626.67 m +2440 1608.33 l +S +2418.33 1775 m +2345.83 1700.83 l +2440 1608.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.2063] SC +2418.33 1775 m +2345.83 1700.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1428] SC +2345.83 1700.83 m +2440 1608.33 l +S +2345.83 1700.83 m +2440 1608.33 l +2367.5 1585 l +f* +2345.83 1700.83 m +2440 1608.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0635] SC +2440 1608.33 m +2367.5 1585 l +S +2345.83 1700.83 m +2273.33 1617.5 l +2367.5 1585 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1428] SC +2345.83 1700.83 m +2273.33 1617.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0635] SC +2273.33 1617.5 m +2367.5 1585 l +S +2273.33 1617.5 m +2367.5 1585 l +2295 1559.17 l +f* +2273.33 1617.5 m +2367.5 1585 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0317] SC +2367.5 1585 m +2295 1559.17 l +S +2273.33 1617.5 m +2200 1529.17 l +2295 1559.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0635] SC +2273.33 1617.5 m +2200 1529.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +2200 1529.17 m +2295 1559.17 l +S +3458.33 932.5 m +3552.5 962.5 l +3480 1001.67 l +f* +3458.33 932.5 m +3552.5 962.5 l +S +3552.5 962.5 m +3480 1001.67 l +S +3458.33 932.5 m +3385 1036.67 l +3480 1001.67 l +f* +3458.33 932.5 m +3385 1036.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0317] SC +3385 1036.67 m +3480 1001.67 l +S +3385 1036.67 m +3480 1001.67 l +3407.5 1040.83 l +f* +3385 1036.67 m +3480 1001.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +3480 1001.67 m +3407.5 1040.83 l +S +3385 1036.67 m +3312.5 1138.33 l +3407.5 1040.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0317] SC +3385 1036.67 m +3312.5 1138.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0635] SC +3312.5 1138.33 m +3407.5 1040.83 l +S +3312.5 1138.33 m +3407.5 1040.83 l +3335 1080 l +f* +3312.5 1138.33 m +3407.5 1040.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +3407.5 1040.83 m +3335 1080 l +S +3312.5 1138.33 m +3240 1235 l +3335 1080 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0635] SC +3312.5 1138.33 m +3240 1235 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0952] SC +3240 1235 m +3335 1080 l +S +3240 1235 m +3335 1080 l +3261.67 1119.17 l +f* +3240 1235 m +3335 1080 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +3335 1080 m +3261.67 1119.17 l +S +3240 1235 m +3167.5 1325 l +3261.67 1119.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0952] SC +3240 1235 m +3167.5 1325 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1269] SC +3167.5 1325 m +3261.67 1119.17 l +S +3167.5 1325 m +3261.67 1119.17 l +3189.17 1158.33 l +f* +3167.5 1325 m +3261.67 1119.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +3261.67 1119.17 m +3189.17 1158.33 l +S +3167.5 1325 m +3094.17 1405.83 l +3189.17 1158.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1269] SC +3167.5 1325 m +3094.17 1405.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +3094.17 1405.83 m +3189.17 1158.33 l +S +3094.17 1405.83 m +3189.17 1158.33 l +3116.67 1197.5 l +f* +3094.17 1405.83 m +3189.17 1158.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +3189.17 1158.33 m +3116.67 1197.5 l +S +3094.17 1405.83 m +3021.67 1475.83 l +3116.67 1197.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +3094.17 1405.83 m +3021.67 1475.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +3021.67 1475.83 m +3116.67 1197.5 l +S +3021.67 1475.83 m +3116.67 1197.5 l +3044.17 1236.67 l +f* +3021.67 1475.83 m +3116.67 1197.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +3116.67 1197.5 m +3044.17 1236.67 l +S +3021.67 1475.83 m +2949.17 1533.33 l +3044.17 1236.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +3021.67 1475.83 m +2949.17 1533.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1904] SC +2949.17 1533.33 m +3044.17 1236.67 l +S +2949.17 1533.33 m +3044.17 1236.67 l +2970.83 1275.83 l +f* +2949.17 1533.33 m +3044.17 1236.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +3044.17 1236.67 m +2970.83 1275.83 l +S +2949.17 1533.33 m +2876.67 1579.17 l +2970.83 1275.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1904] SC +2949.17 1533.33 m +2876.67 1579.17 l +S +2876.67 1579.17 m +2970.83 1275.83 l +S +2876.67 1579.17 m +2970.83 1275.83 l +2898.33 1315 l +f* +2876.67 1579.17 m +2970.83 1275.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +2970.83 1275.83 m +2898.33 1315 l +S +2876.67 1579.17 m +2804.17 1611.67 l +2898.33 1315 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1904] SC +2876.67 1579.17 m +2804.17 1611.67 l +S +2804.17 1611.67 m +2898.33 1315 l +S +2804.17 1611.67 m +2898.33 1315 l +2825.83 1354.17 l +f* +2804.17 1611.67 m +2898.33 1315 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +2898.33 1315 m +2825.83 1354.17 l +S +2804.17 1611.67 m +2730.83 1631.67 l +2825.83 1354.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1904] SC +2804.17 1611.67 m +2730.83 1631.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +2730.83 1631.67 m +2825.83 1354.17 l +S +2730.83 1631.67 m +2825.83 1354.17 l +2753.33 1393.33 l +f* +2730.83 1631.67 m +2825.83 1354.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +2825.83 1354.17 m +2753.33 1393.33 l +S +2730.83 1631.67 m +2658.33 1640 l +2753.33 1393.33 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1746] SC +2730.83 1631.67 m +2658.33 1640 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +2658.33 1640 m +2753.33 1393.33 l +S +2658.33 1640 m +2753.33 1393.33 l +2680.83 1432.5 l +f* +2658.33 1640 m +2753.33 1393.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +2753.33 1393.33 m +2680.83 1432.5 l +S +2658.33 1640 m +2585.83 1638.33 l +2680.83 1432.5 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1587] SC +2658.33 1640 m +2585.83 1638.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1269] SC +2585.83 1638.33 m +2680.83 1432.5 l +S +2585.83 1638.33 m +2680.83 1432.5 l +2607.5 1471.67 l +f* +2585.83 1638.33 m +2680.83 1432.5 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +2680.83 1432.5 m +2607.5 1471.67 l +S +2585.83 1638.33 m +2513.33 1626.67 l +2607.5 1471.67 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.1269] SC +2585.83 1638.33 m +2513.33 1626.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0952] SC +2513.33 1626.67 m +2607.5 1471.67 l +S +2513.33 1626.67 m +2607.5 1471.67 l +2535 1510.83 l +f* +2513.33 1626.67 m +2607.5 1471.67 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +2607.5 1471.67 m +2535 1510.83 l +S +2513.33 1626.67 m +2440 1608.33 l +2535 1510.83 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0952] SC +2513.33 1626.67 m +2440 1608.33 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0635] SC +2440 1608.33 m +2535 1510.83 l +S +2440 1608.33 m +2535 1510.83 l +2462.5 1550 l +f* +2440 1608.33 m +2535 1510.83 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +2535 1510.83 m +2462.5 1550 l +S +2440 1608.33 m +2367.5 1585 l +2462.5 1550 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0635] SC +2440 1608.33 m +2367.5 1585 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0317] SC +2367.5 1585 m +2462.5 1550 l +S +2367.5 1585 m +2462.5 1550 l +2390 1589.17 l +f* +2367.5 1585 m +2462.5 1550 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +2462.5 1550 m +2390 1589.17 l +S +2367.5 1585 m +2295 1559.17 l +2390 1589.17 l +f* +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0.0317] SC +2367.5 1585 m +2295 1559.17 l +S +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +2295 1559.17 m +2390 1589.17 l +S +Q +q +0 0 4320 3790 re +W +/DeviceGray {} CS +[0] SC +/DeviceGray {} cs +[0] sc +q +[10 0 0 10 0 0] cm +[1 0 0 1 0 0] Tm +0 0 Td +[1 0 0 1 290.083 21.1668] Tm +0 0 Td +/F8_0 14 Tf +(x) 8.4 Tj +-174.666 4.5 Td +(y) 8.4 Tj +Q +Q +Q +Q +showpage +%%PageTrailer +pdfEndPage +%%Trailer +end +%%DocumentSuppliedResources: +%%EOF diff --git a/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter6/ch6.aux b/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter6/ch6.aux index bfe00ce..7d02f32 100644 --- a/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter6/ch6.aux +++ b/BookGPU/Chapters/chapter6/ch6.aux @@ -3,110 +3,110 @@ \@writefile{toc}{\author{Stephane Vialle}{}} \@writefile{toc}{\author{Jens Gustedt}{}} \@writefile{loa}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {6}Development methodologies for GPU and cluster of GPUs}{87}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {6}Development methodologies for GPU and cluster of GPUs}{89}} \@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} \@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.1}Introduction}{88}} -\newlabel{ch6:intro}{{6.1}{88}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.2}General scheme of synchronous code with computation/communication overlapping in GPU clusters}{88}} -\newlabel{ch6:part1}{{6.2}{88}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.2.1}Synchronous parallel algorithms on GPU clusters}{88}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6.1}{\ignorespaces Native overlap of internode CPU communications with GPU computations.\relax }}{90}} -\newlabel{fig:ch6p1overlapnative}{{6.1}{90}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.2.2}Native overlap of CPU communications and GPU computations}{90}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p1overlapnative}{{6.1}{91}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.1}Generic scheme implicitly overlapping MPI communications with CUDA GPU computations}{91}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6.2}{\ignorespaces Overlap of internode CPU communications with a sequence of CPU/GPU data transfers and GPU computations.\relax }}{92}} -\newlabel{fig:ch6p1overlapseqsequence}{{6.2}{92}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.2.3}Overlapping with sequences of transfers and computations}{92}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p1overlapseqsequence}{{6.2}{93}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.2}Generic scheme explicitly overlapping MPI communications with sequences of CUDA CPU/GPU transfers and CUDA GPU computations}{93}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6.3}{\ignorespaces Overlap of internode CPU communications with a streamed sequence of CPU/GPU data transfers and GPU computations.\relax }}{95}} -\newlabel{fig:ch6p1overlapstreamsequence}{{6.3}{95}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p1overlapstreamsequence}{{6.3}{95}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.3}Generic scheme explicitly overlapping MPI communications with streamed sequences of CUDA CPU/GPU transfers and CUDA GPU computations}{95}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.2.4}Interleaved communications-transfers-computations overlapping}{97}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6.4}{\ignorespaces Complete overlap of internode CPU communications, CPU/GPU data transfers and GPU computations, interleaving computation-communication iterations\relax }}{98}} -\newlabel{fig:ch6p1overlapinterleaved}{{6.4}{98}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p1overlapinterleaved}{{6.4}{98}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.4}Generic scheme explicitly overlapping MPI communications, CUDA CPU/GPU transfers and CUDA GPU computations, interleaving computation-communication iterations}{98}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.2.5}Experimental validation}{100}} -\newlabel{ch6:p1expes}{{6.2.5}{100}} -\newlabel{ch6:p1block-cyclic}{{6.2.5}{100}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6.5}{\ignorespaces Experimental performances of different synchronous algorithms computing a dense matrix product\relax }}{101}} -\newlabel{fig:ch6p1syncexpematrixprod}{{6.5}{101}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.3}General scheme of asynchronous parallel code with computation/communication overlapping}{102}} -\newlabel{ch6:part2}{{6.3}{102}} -\@writefile{loa}{\contentsline {algocf}{\numberline {3}{\ignorespaces Synchronous iterative scheme\relax }}{102}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p2sync}{{3}{102}} -\@writefile{loa}{\contentsline {algocf}{\numberline {4}{\ignorespaces Asynchronous iterative scheme\relax }}{103}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p2async}{{4}{103}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.3.1}A basic asynchronous scheme}{104}} -\newlabel{ch6:p2BasicAsync}{{6.3.1}{104}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p2BasicAsync}{{6.5}{104}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.5}Initialization of the basic asynchronous scheme}{104}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p2BasicAsyncComp}{{6.6}{105}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.6}Computing function in the basic asynchronous scheme}{105}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p2BasicAsyncSendings}{{6.7}{107}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.7}Sending function in the basic asynchronous scheme}{107}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p2BasicAsyncReceptions}{{6.8}{107}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.8}Reception function in the basic asynchronous scheme}{107}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.3.2}Synchronization of the asynchronous scheme}{109}} -\newlabel{ch6:p2SsyncOverAsync}{{6.3.2}{109}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p2Sync}{{6.9}{109}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.9}Initialization of the synchronized scheme}{109}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p2SyncComp}{{6.10}{110}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.10}Computing function in the synchronized scheme}{110}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p2SyncReceptions}{{6.11}{112}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.11}Reception function in the synchronized scheme}{112}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.3.3}Asynchronous scheme using MPI, OpenMP and CUDA}{113}} -\newlabel{ch6:p2GPUAsync}{{6.3.3}{113}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p2AsyncSyncComp}{{6.12}{114}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.12}Computing function in the final asynchronous scheme}{114}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p2syncGPU}{{6.13}{115}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.13}Computing function in the final asynchronous scheme}{115}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p2FullOverAsyncMain}{{6.14}{118}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.14}Initialization of the main process of complete overlap with asynchronism}{118}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p2FullOverAsyncComp1}{{6.15}{119}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.15}Computing function in the final asynchronous scheme with CPU/GPU overlap}{119}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p2FullOverAsyncComp2}{{6.16}{120}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.16}Auxiliary computing function in the final asynchronous scheme with CPU/GPU overlap}{120}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.3.4}Experimental validation}{121}} -\newlabel{sec:ch6p2expes}{{6.3.4}{121}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6.6}{\ignorespaces Computation times of the test application in synchronous and asynchronous modes.\relax }}{122}} -\newlabel{fig:ch6p2syncasync}{{6.6}{122}} -\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6.7}{\ignorespaces Computation times with or without overlap of Jacobian updatings in asynchronous mode.\relax }}{123}} -\newlabel{fig:ch6p2aux}{{6.7}{123}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.4}Perspective: A unifying programming model}{124}} -\newlabel{sec:ch6p3unify}{{6.4}{124}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.4.1}Resources}{124}} -\newlabel{sec:ch6p3resources}{{6.4.1}{124}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p3ORWLresources}{{6.17}{125}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.17}Declaration of ORWL resources for a block-cyclic matrix multiplication}{125}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.4.2}Control}{125}} -\newlabel{sec:ch6p3ORWLcontrol}{{6.4.2}{125}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.4.3}Example: block-cyclic matrix multiplication (MM)}{126}} -\newlabel{sec:ch6p3ORWLMM}{{6.4.3}{126}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p3ORWLBCCMM}{{6.18}{126}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.18}Block-cyclic matrix multiplication, high level per task view}{126}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p3ORWLlcopy}{{6.19}{127}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.19}An iterative local copy operation}{127}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p3ORWLrcopy}{{6.20}{127}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.20}An iterative remote copy operation as part of a block cyclic matrix multiplication task}{127}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p3ORWLtrans}{{6.21}{127}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.21}An iterative GPU transfer and compute operation as part of a block cyclic matrix multiplication task}{127}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p3ORWLdecl}{{6.22}{128}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.22}Dynamic declaration of handles to represent the resources}{128}} -\newlabel{algo:ch6p3ORWLinit}{{6.23}{128}} -\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.23}Dynamic initialization of access mode and priorities}{128}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.4.4}Tasks and operations}{129}} -\newlabel{sec:ch6p3tasks}{{6.4.4}{129}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.5}Conclusion}{130}} -\newlabel{ch6:conclu}{{6.5}{130}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.6}Glossary}{130}} -\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{Bibliography}{131}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.1}Introduction}{90}} +\newlabel{ch6:intro}{{6.1}{90}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.2}General scheme of synchronous code with computation/communication overlapping in GPU clusters}{90}} +\newlabel{ch6:part1}{{6.2}{90}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.2.1}Synchronous parallel algorithms on GPU clusters}{90}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6.1}{\ignorespaces Native overlap of internode CPU communications with GPU computations.\relax }}{92}} +\newlabel{fig:ch6p1overlapnative}{{6.1}{92}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.2.2}Native overlap of CPU communications and GPU computations}{92}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p1overlapnative}{{6.1}{93}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.1}Generic scheme implicitly overlapping MPI communications with CUDA GPU computations}{93}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6.2}{\ignorespaces Overlap of internode CPU communications with a sequence of CPU/GPU data transfers and GPU computations.\relax }}{94}} +\newlabel{fig:ch6p1overlapseqsequence}{{6.2}{94}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.2.3}Overlapping with sequences of transfers and computations}{94}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p1overlapseqsequence}{{6.2}{95}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.2}Generic scheme explicitly overlapping MPI communications with sequences of CUDA CPU/GPU transfers and CUDA GPU computations}{95}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6.3}{\ignorespaces Overlap of internode CPU communications with a streamed sequence of CPU/GPU data transfers and GPU computations.\relax }}{97}} +\newlabel{fig:ch6p1overlapstreamsequence}{{6.3}{97}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p1overlapstreamsequence}{{6.3}{97}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.3}Generic scheme explicitly overlapping MPI communications with streamed sequences of CUDA CPU/GPU transfers and CUDA GPU computations}{97}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.2.4}Interleaved communications-transfers-computations overlapping}{99}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6.4}{\ignorespaces Complete overlap of internode CPU communications, CPU/GPU data transfers and GPU computations, interleaving computation-communication iterations\relax }}{100}} +\newlabel{fig:ch6p1overlapinterleaved}{{6.4}{100}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p1overlapinterleaved}{{6.4}{100}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.4}Generic scheme explicitly overlapping MPI communications, CUDA CPU/GPU transfers and CUDA GPU computations, interleaving computation-communication iterations}{100}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.2.5}Experimental validation}{102}} +\newlabel{ch6:p1expes}{{6.2.5}{102}} +\newlabel{ch6:p1block-cyclic}{{6.2.5}{102}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6.5}{\ignorespaces Experimental performances of different synchronous algorithms computing a dense matrix product\relax }}{103}} +\newlabel{fig:ch6p1syncexpematrixprod}{{6.5}{103}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.3}General scheme of asynchronous parallel code with computation/communication overlapping}{104}} +\newlabel{ch6:part2}{{6.3}{104}} +\@writefile{loa}{\contentsline {algocf}{\numberline {3}{\ignorespaces Synchronous iterative scheme\relax }}{104}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p2sync}{{3}{104}} +\@writefile{loa}{\contentsline {algocf}{\numberline {4}{\ignorespaces Asynchronous iterative scheme\relax }}{105}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p2async}{{4}{105}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.3.1}A basic asynchronous scheme}{106}} +\newlabel{ch6:p2BasicAsync}{{6.3.1}{106}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p2BasicAsync}{{6.5}{106}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.5}Initialization of the basic asynchronous scheme}{106}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p2BasicAsyncComp}{{6.6}{107}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.6}Computing function in the basic asynchronous scheme}{107}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p2BasicAsyncSendings}{{6.7}{109}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.7}Sending function in the basic asynchronous scheme}{109}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p2BasicAsyncReceptions}{{6.8}{109}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.8}Reception function in the basic asynchronous scheme}{109}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.3.2}Synchronization of the asynchronous scheme}{111}} +\newlabel{ch6:p2SsyncOverAsync}{{6.3.2}{111}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p2Sync}{{6.9}{111}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.9}Initialization of the synchronized scheme}{111}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p2SyncComp}{{6.10}{112}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.10}Computing function in the synchronized scheme}{112}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p2SyncReceptions}{{6.11}{114}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.11}Reception function in the synchronized scheme}{114}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.3.3}Asynchronous scheme using MPI, OpenMP and CUDA}{115}} +\newlabel{ch6:p2GPUAsync}{{6.3.3}{115}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p2AsyncSyncComp}{{6.12}{116}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.12}Computing function in the final asynchronous scheme}{116}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p2syncGPU}{{6.13}{117}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.13}Computing function in the final asynchronous scheme}{117}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p2FullOverAsyncMain}{{6.14}{120}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.14}Initialization of the main process of complete overlap with asynchronism}{120}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p2FullOverAsyncComp1}{{6.15}{121}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.15}Computing function in the final asynchronous scheme with CPU/GPU overlap}{121}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p2FullOverAsyncComp2}{{6.16}{122}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.16}Auxiliary computing function in the final asynchronous scheme with CPU/GPU overlap}{122}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.3.4}Experimental validation}{123}} +\newlabel{sec:ch6p2expes}{{6.3.4}{123}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6.6}{\ignorespaces Computation times of the test application in synchronous and asynchronous modes.\relax }}{124}} +\newlabel{fig:ch6p2syncasync}{{6.6}{124}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6.7}{\ignorespaces Computation times with or without overlap of Jacobian updatings in asynchronous mode.\relax }}{125}} +\newlabel{fig:ch6p2aux}{{6.7}{125}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.4}Perspective: A unifying programming model}{126}} +\newlabel{sec:ch6p3unify}{{6.4}{126}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.4.1}Resources}{126}} +\newlabel{sec:ch6p3resources}{{6.4.1}{126}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p3ORWLresources}{{6.17}{127}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.17}Declaration of ORWL resources for a block-cyclic matrix multiplication}{127}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.4.2}Control}{127}} +\newlabel{sec:ch6p3ORWLcontrol}{{6.4.2}{127}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.4.3}Example: block-cyclic matrix multiplication (MM)}{128}} +\newlabel{sec:ch6p3ORWLMM}{{6.4.3}{128}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p3ORWLBCCMM}{{6.18}{128}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.18}Block-cyclic matrix multiplication, high level per task view}{128}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p3ORWLlcopy}{{6.19}{129}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.19}An iterative local copy operation}{129}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p3ORWLrcopy}{{6.20}{129}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.20}An iterative remote copy operation as part of a block cyclic matrix multiplication task}{129}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p3ORWLtrans}{{6.21}{129}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.21}An iterative GPU transfer and compute operation as part of a block cyclic matrix multiplication task}{129}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p3ORWLdecl}{{6.22}{130}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.22}Dynamic declaration of handles to represent the resources}{130}} +\newlabel{algo:ch6p3ORWLinit}{{6.23}{130}} +\@writefile{lol}{\contentsline {lstlisting}{\numberline {6.23}Dynamic initialization of access mode and priorities}{130}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.4.4}Tasks and operations}{131}} +\newlabel{sec:ch6p3tasks}{{6.4.4}{131}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.5}Conclusion}{132}} +\newlabel{ch6:conclu}{{6.5}{132}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.6}Glossary}{132}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{Bibliography}{133}} \@setckpt{Chapters/chapter6/ch6}{ -\setcounter{page}{133} +\setcounter{page}{135} \setcounter{equation}{0} \setcounter{enumi}{4} \setcounter{enumii}{0} -- 2.39.5