1 %STC_EXTRACT Extracts message from stego bit-string produced by STC_EMBED.
3 % MSG = STC_EXTRACT(Y, M) extracts M message bits into MSG from stego
4 % bit-string Y. Use Syndrome-Trellis Codes with constraint height 10.
6 % MSG = STC_EXTRACT(Y, M, H) same as above, but uses STC of constraint
7 % height H. H must be the same as used for embedding.
10 % Y - vectors of type uint8
11 % H - scalar between 6 and 15 (a higher number means bigger efficiency
12 % but longer embedding time), default is 10.
14 % Use STC_EMBED(...) to embed the message.
18 % STC Toolbox website: http://dde.binghamton.edu/filler/stc
21 % [1] T. Filler, J. Judas, J. Fridrich, "Minimizing Additive Distortion in
22 % Steganography using Syndrome-Trellis Codes", submitted to IEEE
23 % Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2010.
24 % http://dde.binghamton.edu/filler/pdf/Fill10tifs-stc.pdf
26 % [2] T. Filler, J. Judas, J. Fridrich, "Minimizing Embedding Impact in
27 % Steganography using Trellis-Coded Quantization", Proc. SPIE,
28 % Electronic Imaging, Media Forensics and Security XII, San Jose, CA,
29 % January 18-20, 2010.
30 % http://dde.binghamton.edu/filler/pdf/Fill10spie-syndrome-trellis-codes.pdf
32 % [3] T. Filler, J. Fridrich, "Minimizing Additive Distortion Functions
33 % With Non-Binary Embedding Operation in Steganography", 2nd IEEE
34 % Workshop on Information Forensics and Security, December 2010.
35 % http://dde.binghamton.edu/filler/pdf/Fill10wifs-multi-layer-stc.pdf