1 function [ y min_cost paths ] = dual_viterbi( code, x, w, m )
2 %DUAL_VITERBI pure Matlab implementation of the Viterbi algorithm over
3 % syndrome trellis. For given code, binary cover vector x, weight
4 % vector w, finds the closest binary 'stego' vector y that produces given
5 % syndrome m. Use dual_viterbi() for faster C++ implementation.
8 % code = create_code_from_submatrix([7 5 1],3);
9 % w = ones(code.n,1);
10 % x = double(rand(code.n,1)<0.5);
11 % m = double(rand(sum(code.shift),1)<0.5);
12 % [y min_cost] = dual_viterbi(code, x, w, m);
15 % m = [m' ; calc_syndrome(code,y)']; m
18 % Tomas Filler (tomas.filler@binghamton.edu)
19 % http://dde.binghamton.edu/filler
21 %% check input parameters
22 if length(m)~=sum(code.shift)
23 error('dualViterbi:wrongInputArg', 'Syndrome must be of the same length as the number of shifts in code.');
25 if length(x)~=length(w)
26 error('dualViterbi:wrongInputArg', 'Cover vector must be of the same size as weight vector.');
28 if length(x)~=code.n
29 error('dualViterbi:wrongInputArg', 'Cover vector must be of the same length as the code.');
31 %% initialize datastructures
32 C = zeros(2^code.l,code.n);
33 costs = inf*ones(2^code.l, 1);
35 paths = zeros(2^code.l, code.n);
36 m_id = 1; % message bit id
38 %% run forward algorithm
39 for i = 1:code.n % for every bit in cover
41 hi = uint32(code.h(i)); % column represented as uint32
44 c1 = costs_old(ji) + x(i)*w(i);
45 c2 = costs_old(bitxor(ji-1,hi)+1) + (1-x(i))*w(i);
48 paths(j,i) = ji; % store index of the previous path
51 paths(j,i) = bitxor(ji-1,hi)+1; % store index of the previous path
55 % shift the trellis by shift(i)
56 for j = 1:code.shift(i)
57 if isinf(min(costs( m(m_id)+1:2:end )))
58 error('dualViterbi:noSolution', 'No possible solution exists.');
61 costs = [costs(1:2:end) ; inf*ones(2^(code.l-1),1)];
63 costs = [costs(2:2:end) ; inf*ones(2^(code.l-1),1)];
70 [min_cost ind] = min(costs);
73 for j = 1:code.shift(i)
74 ind = 2*ind + m(m_id) - 1; % invert the shift in syndrome trellis
77 y(i) = paths(ind,i)~=ind;