3 n = 10^6; % size of the cover
4 h = 10; % constraint height - default is 10 - drives the complexity/quality tradeof
5 wetness = 0.6; % relative wetness of the channel
6 alpha = 0.5; % relative payload on the dry pixels
8 wet = rand(n, 1) < wetness;
9 dn = n - sum(wet); % number of dry pixels
10 m = floor(dn * alpha);
12 cover = uint8(rand(n, 1));
13 message = uint8(rand(m, 1));
14 profile = ones(n, 1); % constant profile
15 profile(wet) = Inf; % Wet pixels are assigned a weight of infinity, so they are never flipped.
18 [dist, stego] = stc_embed(cover, message, profile, h);
19 fprintf('distortion per dry cover element = %f\n', dist / dn);
20 fprintf(' embedding efficiency = %f\n', alpha / (dist / dn));
21 fprintf(' throughput = %1.1f Kbits/sec\n', n / toc() / 1024);
23 message2 = stc_extract(stego, m, h); % extract message
24 if all(message == message2)
25 disp('Message has been extracted correctly.');
27 error('Some error occured in the extraction process.');