Canny algorithm with high threshold.
The message length is thus defined to be the half of this set cardinality.
The rate between available bits and bit message length is then more than two.This constraint is indeed induced by the fact that the efficiency
-of the stc algorithm is unsatisfactory under that threshold.
+of the STC algorithm is unsatisfactory under that threshold.
In the latter, the embedding rate is defined as a percentage between the
Practically, the Canny algorithm generates a
a set of edge pixels with threshold that is decreasing until its cardinality
is sufficient. If the set cardinality is more than twice larger than the
-bit message length an stc is again applied.
+bit message length an STC step is again applied.
Otherwise, pixels are randomly chosen from the set of pixels to build the
subset with a given size. The BBS PRNG is again applied there.
\subsection{Image Quality}
The visual quality of the STABYLO scheme is evaluated in this section.
-Four metrics are computed in these experiments :
+Four metrics are computed in these experiments:
the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR),
the PSNR-HVS-M family~\cite{PSECAL07,psnrhvsm11} ,
the BIQI~\cite{MB10,biqi11} and
Let us compare the STABYLO approach with other edge based steganography
schemes with respect to the image quality.
-Fist off all, wPSNR and PSNR of the Edge Adaptive
+First of all, wPSNR and PSNR of the Edge Adaptive
scheme detailed in~\cite{Luo:2010:EAI:1824719.1824720} are lower than ours.
Next both the approaches~\cite{DBLP:journals/eswa/ChenCL10,Chang20101286}
-focus on increasing the payload while the PSNR is acceptable, bu do not
+focus on increasing the payload while the PSNR is acceptable, but do not
give quality metrics for fixed embedding rate from a large base of images.
-Our approach outperforms the former thanks to the introduction of the stc
+Our approach outperforms the former thanks to the introduction of the STC
AUMP & 0.39 & 0.22 & 0.50 \\
-Ensemble Classifier & & & \\
+Ensemble Classifier & 0.47 & 0.35 & 0.48 \\