+\caption{Quality Measures of Steganography Approaches\label{table:quality}}
+Results are summarized into the Table~\ref{table:quality}.
+Let us give an interpretation of these first experiments.
+First of all, the adaptive strategy produces images with lower distortion
+than the one of images resulting from the 10\% fixed strategy.
+Numerical results are indeed always greater for the former strategy than
+for the latter.
+These results are not surprising since the adaptive strategy aims at
+embedding messages whose length is decided according to an higher threshold
+into the edge detection.
+Let us focus on the quality of HUGO images: with a given fixed
+embedding rate (10\%),
+HUGO always produces images whose quality is higher than the STABYLO's one.
+However our approach always outperforms EAISLSBMR since this one may modify
+the two least significant bits whereas STABYLO only alter LSB.
+If we combine \emph{adaptive} and \emph{STC} strategies
+(which leads to an average embedding rate equal to 6.35\%)
+our approach provides equivalent metrics than HUGO.
+The quality variance between HUGO and STABYLO for these parameters
+is given in bold font. It is always close to 1\% which confirms
+the objective presented in the motivations:
+providing an efficient steganography approach with a lightweight manner.
+Let us now compare the STABYLO approach with other edge based steganography
+approaches, namely~\cite{DBLP:journals/eswa/ChenCL10,Chang20101286}.
+These two schemes focus on increasing the
+payload while the PSNR is acceptable, but do not
+give quality metrics for fixed embedding rates from a large base of images.