The flowcharts given in Fig.~\ref{fig:sch}
summarize our steganography scheme denoted by
-STABYLO, which stands for STeganography with cAnny, Bbs, binarY embedding at LOw cost.
+STABYLO, which stands for STeganography with
+Adaptive, Bbs, binarY embedding at LOw cost.
What follows are successively some details of the inner steps and the flows both inside
the embedding stage (Fig.~\ref{fig:sch:emb})
and inside the extraction one (Fig.~\ref{fig:sch:ext}).
\subsection{Security considerations}\label{sub:bbs}
-Among methods of the message encryption/decryption
+Among the methods of message encryption/decryption
(see~\cite{DBLP:journals/ejisec/FontaineG07} for a survey)
we implement the Blum-Goldwasser cryptosystem~\cite{Blum:1985:EPP:19478.19501}
that is based on the Blum Blum Shub~\cite{DBLP:conf/crypto/ShubBB82}
Many techniques have been proposed in the literature to detect
edges in images (whose noise has been initially reduced).
-They can be separated in two categories: first and second order detection
+They can be separated into two categories: first and second order detection
methods on the one hand, and fuzzy detectors on the other hand~\cite{KF11}.
In first order methods like Sobel, Canny~\cite{Canny:1986:CAE:11274.11275}, \ldots,
a first-order derivative (gradient magnitude, etc.) is computed
Practically, the Canny algorithm generates
a set of edge pixels related to a threshold that is decreasing
until its cardinality
-is sufficient.
+is sufficient. Even in this situation, our scheme is adapting
+its algorithm to meet all the user's requirements.
-Two methods may further be applied to select bits that
-will be modified.
+Once the map of possibly modified pixels is computed,
+two methods may further be applied to extract bits that
+are really modified.
The first one randomly chooses the subset of pixels to modify by
applying the BBS PRNG again. This method is further denoted as a \emph{sample}.
Once this set is selected, a classical LSB replacement is applied to embed the
The skies they were ashen and sober;\linebreak
-$~$ The leaves they were crisped and sere—\linebreak
-$~$ The leaves they were withering and sere;\linebreak
+$\qquad$ The leaves they were crisped and sere—\linebreak
+$\qquad$ The leaves they were withering and sere;\linebreak
It was night in the lonesome October\linebreak
-$~$ Of my most immemorial year;\linebreak
+$\qquad$ Of my most immemorial year;\linebreak
It was hard by the dim lake of Auber,\linebreak
-$~$ In the misty mid region of Weir—\linebreak
+$\qquad$ In the misty mid region of Weir—\linebreak
It was down by the dank tarn of Auber,\linebreak
-$~$ In the ghoul-haunted woodland of Weir.
+$\qquad$ In the ghoul-haunted woodland of Weir.
The edge detection returns 18,641 and 18,455 pixels when $b$ is
respectively 7 and 6. These edges are represented in Figure~\ref{fig:edge}.
+When $b$ is 7, it remains one bit per pixel to build the cover vector.
+in this configuration, this leads to a cover vector of size 18,641 and
+36,910 if $b$ is 6.
-Only 9,320 bits (resp. 9,227 bits) are available for embedding
+The STC algorithm is optimized when the rate between message length and
+cover vector length is less than 1/2.
+So, only 9,320 bits (resp. 18,455 bits) are available for embedding
in the former configuration where $b$ is 7 (resp. where $b$ is 6).
-In both cases, about the third part of the poem is hidden into the cover.
+In the first cases, about the third part of the poem is hidden into the cover
+whereas the latter allows to embed more than the half part of it.
Results with \emph{adaptive+STC} strategy are presented in
V_{ij}= \left\{
0 & \textrm{if} & X_{ij} = Y_{ij} \\
-75 & \textrm{if} & \abs{ X_{ij} - Y_{ij}} = 1 \\
-150 & \textrm{if} & \abs{ X_{ij} - Y_{ij}} = 2 \\
-225 & \textrm{if} & \abs{ X_{ij} - Y_{ij}} = 3
+75 & \textrm{if} & \vert X_{ij} - Y_{ij} \vert = 1 \\
+150 & \textrm{if} & \vert X_{ij} - Y_{ij} \vert = 2 \\
+225 & \textrm{if} & \vert X_{ij} - Y_{ij} \vert = 3
\caption{Differences with Lena's cover wrt $b$}