-This work considers digital images as covers and it is based on
-spatial least significant-bit (LSB) replacement.
-In this data hiding scheme a subset of all the LSBs of the cover image is modified
-with a secret bit stream depending on a key, the cover, and the message to embed.
-This well studied steganographic approach never decreases (resp. increases)
-pixel with even value (resp. odd value) and may break structural symmetry.
-These structural modification can be detected by statistical approaches
-and thus by steganalysis methods~\cite{DBLP:journals/tsp/DumitrescuWW03,DBLP:conf/mmsec/FridrichGD01,Dumitrescu:2005:LSB:1073170.1073176}.
-This drawback is avoided in LSB matching (LSBM) where
+This research work takes place into the field of information hiding, considerably developed
+these last two decades. The proposed method for
+steganography considers digital images as covers, it belongs in the well investigated large category
+of spatial least significant bits (LSBs) replacement schemes.
+Let us recall that, in this LSBR category, a subset of all the LSBs of the cover image is modified
+with a secret bit stream depending on: a secret key, the cover, and the message to embed.
+In this well studied steganographic approach,
+pixels with even values (resp. odd values) are never decreased (resp. increased),
+thus such schemes may break the
+structural symmetry of the host images.
+And these structural alterations can be detected by
+well designed statistical investigations, leading to known steganalysis methods~\cite{DBLP:journals/tsp/DumitrescuWW03,DBLP:conf/mmsec/FridrichGD01,Dumitrescu:2005:LSB:1073170.1073176}.
+Let us recall too that this drawback
+can be corrected considering the LSB matching (LSBM) subcategory, in which