digraph start_up {
- node [style = rounded, shape = rect] SI [label="Stego Image"]
- node [style = "", shape = diamond] cond [label="Size of y\n enough"];
- node [style = rounded, shape = rect] key
- node [style = rounded, shape = rect] start end;
- node [style = rounded, shape = rect] PI [label="Parameter\nInstantiation"]
- node [style = rounded, shape = rect] STC [label="m = STCr(y,H)"]
- node [style = rounded, shape = rect] ED [label="(y,H)= LSB(7 bits\nEdge Detection)"]
+ node [style = rounded, shape = rect] SI [label="Stego Image Y"]
+ node [style = rounded, shape = rect] PIb [label="Param b, T, H"]
+ node [style = rounded, shape = rect] key [label="Key k"]
+ node [style = rounded, shape = rect] start [label="Start"]
+ node [style = rounded, shape = rect] end [label="End"]
+ node [style = rounded, shape = rect] STC [label="m = STCr(y,H)"]
+ node [style = rounded, shape = rect] ED [label="y=Edge Detection(b,T,Y)"]
node [style = rounded, shape = rect] decrypt [label="message=decryption(m)"]
+ node [style = "", shape = diamond] condEmb [label="Use of STC"];
+ node [style = rounded, shape = rect] sample [label= "m=sample(y)"]
start -> SI
- start -> PI
- PI -> ED
+ start -> PIb
+ PIb -> ED
start -> key
SI -> ED
- ED -> cond
- cond -> STC [label="Yes"]
- cond -> PI [label="No"]
+ ED -> condEmb
+ condEmb -> STC [label="Yes"]
+ condEmb -> sample [label="No"]
+ key -> sample
STC -> decrypt
+ sample -> decrypt
key -> decrypt
decrypt -> end