-\subsection{Adaptive Embedding Rate}
-Two strategies have been developed in our scheme with respect to the rate of
-embedding which is either \emph{ adaptive} or \emph{fixed}.
-In the former the embedding rate depends on the number of edge pixels.
-The higher it is, the larger is the message length that can be considered.
-Practically, a set of edge pixels is computed according to the
-Canny algorithm with high threshold.
-The message length is thus defined to be the half of this set cardinality.
-The rate between available bits and bit message length is then more than two.This constraint is indeed induced by the fact that the efficiency
-of the STC algorithm is unsatisfactory under that threshold.
-In the latter, the embedding rate is defined as a percentage between the
-number of the modified pixels and the length of the bit message.
-This is the classical approach adopted in steganography.
-Practically, the Canny algorithm generates a
-a set of edge pixels with threshold that is decreasing until its cardinality
-is sufficient. If the set cardinality is more than twice larger than the
-bit message length an STC step is again applied.
-Otherwise, pixels are randomly chosen from the set of pixels to build the
-subset with a given size. The BBS PRNG is again applied there.
+For whole experiments, the whole set of 10000 images
+of the BOSS contest~\cite{Boss10} database is taken.
+In this set, each cover is a $512\times 512$
+grayscale digital image in a RAW format.
+We restrict experiments to
+this set of cover images since this paper is more focused on
+the methodology than benchmarking.
+Our approach is always compared to Hugo~\cite{DBLP:conf/ih/PevnyFB10}
+and to EAISLSBMR~\cite{Luo:2010:EAI:1824719.1824720}.
+The former is the less detectable information hidding tool in spatial domain
+and the later is the work which is close to ours, as far as we know.
+First of all, in our experiments and with the adaptive scheme,
+the average size of the message that can be embedded is 16,445 bits.
+Its corresponds to an average payload of 6.35\%.
+The two other tools will then be compared with this payload.
+The Sections~\ref{sub:quality} and~\ref{sub:steg} respectively present
+the quality analysis and the security of our scheme.