+account the Human Visual System (HVS).
+The other ones have been designed to tackle this problem.
+Schemes & \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{STABYLO} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{HUGO}\\
+Embedding & \multicolumn{2}{|c||}{Adaptive} & Fixed & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Fixed} \\
+Rate & + STC & + sample & 10\% & 10\%&6.35\%\\
+PSNR & 66.55 & 63.48 & 61.86 & 64.65 & 67.08 \\
+PSNR-HVS-M & 78.6 & 75.39 & 72.9 & 76.67 & 79.23 \\
+BIQI & 28.3 & 28.28 & 28.4 & 28.28 & 28.28 \\
+wPSNR & 86.43& 80.59 & 77.47& 83.03 & 87.8\\
+\caption{Quality Measures of Steganography Approaches\label{table:quality}}
+Let us give an interpretation of these experiments.
+First of all, the adaptive strategy produces images with lower distortion
+than the one of images resulting from the 10\% fixed strategy.
+Numerical results are indeed always greater for the former strategy than
+for the latter, except for the BIQI metrics where differences are not really relevant.
+These results are not surprising since the adaptive strategy aims at
+embedding messages whose length is decided according to an higher threshold
+into the edge detection.
+Let us focus on the quality of HUGO images: with a given fixed
+embedding rate (10\%),
+HUGO always produces images whose quality is higher than the STABYLO's one.
+However, our approach nevertheless provides equivalent
+results with the strategy
+\emph{adaptive+STC} than HUGO with an average embedding rate set to
+This occurs with a lightweight manner, as motivated in the introduction.
+Let us now compare the STABYLO approach with other edge based steganography
+schemes with respect to the image quality.
+First of all, the Edge Adaptive
+scheme detailed in~\cite{Luo:2010:EAI:1824719.1824720}
+executed with a 10\% embedding rate
+has the same PSNR but a lower wPSNR than ours:
+these two metrics are respectively equal to 61.9 and 68.9.
+Next, both approaches~\cite{DBLP:journals/eswa/ChenCL10,Chang20101286}
+focus on increasing the payload while the PSNR is acceptable, but do not
+give quality metrics for fixed embedding rates from a large base of images.
+Our approach outperforms the former thanks to the introduction of the STC