the $+1$ or $-1$ is randomly added to the cover pixel LSB value
only if this one does not correspond to the secret bit.
%TODO : modifier ceci
-By considering well-encrypted hidden messages, probabilities of increasing or ofdecreasing value of pixels are equal. Then usual statistical approaches
+By considering well-encrypted hidden messages, probabilities of increasing or of decreasing value of pixels are equal. Then usual statistical approaches
cannot be applied here to discover stego-contents in LSBM.
The most accurate detectors for this matching are universal steganalysers such as~\cite{LHS08,DBLP:conf/ih/Ker05,FK12},
which classify images according to extracted features from neighboring elements of residual noise.
consideration the cover image and to be compatible with small computation resources.
The remainder of this document is organized as follows.
-Section~\ref{sec:ourapproach} presents the details of the proposed steganographic scheme and applies it on a running example.
-Section~\ref{sec:experiments} shows experiments on image quality, steganalytic evaluation, complexity of our approach,
-and compare them to the state of the art steganographic schemes.
+Section~\ref{sec:ourapproach} presents the details of the proposed steganographic scheme and applies it on a running example. Among its technical description,
+its adaptive aspect is emphasized.
+Section~\ref{sub:complexity} presents the overall complexity of our approach
+and compare it to the HUGO's one.
+Section~\ref{sec:experiments} shows experiments on image quality, steganalysis evaluation, and compare them to the state of the art steganographic schemes.
Finally, concluding notes and future work are given in Section~\ref{sec:concl}.