+In order to be able to compute the same set of edge pixels, we suggest to consider all the bits of the image (cover or stego) without the LSB. With an 8 bits image, only the 7 first bits are considered. In our flowcharts, this is represented by LSB(7 bits Edge Detection).
+% First of all, let us discuss about compexity of edge detetction methods.
+% Let then $M$ and $N$ be the dimension of the original image.
+% According to~\cite{Hu:2007:HPE:1282866.1282944},
+% even if the fuzzy logic based edge detection methods~\cite{Tyan1993}
+% have promising results, its complexity is in $C_3 \times O(M \times N)$
+% whereas the complexity on the Canny method~\cite{Canny:1986:CAE:11274.11275}
+% is in $C_1 \times O(M \times N)$ where $C_1 < C_3$.
+% \JFC{Verifier ceci...}
+% In experiments detailled in this article, the Canny method has been retained
+% but the whole approach can be updated to consider
+% the fuzzy logic edge detector.
+Next, following~\cite{Luo:2010:EAI:1824719.1824720}, our scheme automatically
+modifies the Canny algorithm
+parameters to get a sufficiently large set of edge bits: this
+one is practically enlarged until its size is at least twice as many larger
+than the size of embedded message.
+% Edge Based Image Steganography schemes
+% already studied~\cite{Luo:2010:EAI:1824719.1824720,DBLP:journals/eswa/ChenCL10,DBLP:conf/ih/PevnyFB10} differ
+% how they select edge pixels, and
+% how they modify these ones.
+% First of all, let us discuss about compexity of edge detetction methods.
+% Let then $M$ and $N$ be the dimension of the original image.
+% According to~\cite{Hu:2007:HPE:1282866.1282944},
+% even if the fuzzy logic based edge detection methods~\cite{Tyan1993}
+% have promising results, its complexity is in $C_3 \times O(M \times N)$
+% whereas the complexity on the Canny method~\cite{Canny:1986:CAE:11274.11275}
+% is in $C_1 \times O(M \times N)$ where $C_1 < C_3$.
+% \JFC{Verifier ceci...}
+% In experiments detailled in this article, the Canny method has been retained
+% but the whole approach can be updated to consider
+% the fuzzy logic edge detector.
+% Next, following~\cite{Luo:2010:EAI:1824719.1824720}, our scheme automatically
+% modifies Canny parameters to get a sufficiently large set of edge bits: this
+% one is practically enlarged untill its size is at least twice as many larger
+% than the size of embedded message.