-However, it has been shown that the distinguish error with LSB embedding is fewer than the one with some binary embedding~\cite{DBLP:journals/tifs/FillerJF11}.
-We thus propose to take benefit of these optimized embedding, provided it is not too time consuming.
-Experiments have confirmed such a fact\JFC{Raphael....}.
-\JFC{Christophe : énoncer la problématique du besoin de crypto et de ``cryptographiquement sûr'', les algo déjà cassés....
-l'efficacité d'un encodage/décodage ...}
-To deal with security issues, message is encrypted
-In this paper, we thus propose to combine tried and tested techniques of signal theory (the adaptive edge detection), coding (the binary embedding), and cryptography
-(the encrypt the message) to compute an efficient steganography scheme that is amenable to be executed on small devices.
-The rest of the paper is organised as follows.
-Section~\ref{sec:ourapproach} presents the details of our steganographic scheme.
-Section~\ref{sec:experiments} shows experiments on image quality, steganalytic evaluation, complexity of our approach
-and compare them to state of the art steganographic schemes.
-Finally, concluding notes and future works are given in section~\ref{sec:concl}
+However, it has been shown that the distinguishing error with LSB embedding is lower than
+the one with some binary embedding~\cite{DBLP:journals/tifs/FillerJF11}.
+We thus propose to take benefit of these optimized embedding, provided they are not too time consuming.
+In the latter, an hybrid edge detector is presented followed by an ad hoc
+The Edge detection is computed by combining fuzzy logic~\cite{Tyan1993}
+and Canny~\cite{Canny:1986:CAE:11274.11275} approaches. The goal of this combination
+is to enlarge the set of modified bits to increase the payload of the data hiding scheme.
+One can notice that all the previously referenced
+produce stego contents
+by only considering the payload, not the type of image signal: the higher the payload is,
+the better the approach is said to be.
+Contrarily, we argue that some images should not be taken as a cover because of the nature of their signal.
+Consider for instance a uniformly black image: a very tiny modification of its pixels can be easily detectable.
+The approach we propose is thus to provide a self adaptive algorithm with a high payload, which depends on the cover signal.
+% Message extraction is achieved by computing the same
+% edge detection pixels set for the cover and the stego image.
+% The edge detection algorithm is thus not applied on all the bits of the image,
+% but to exclude the LSBs which are modified.
+Finally, even if the steganalysis discipline
+ has done great leaps forward these last years, it is currently impossible to prove rigorously
+that a given hidden message cannot be recovered by an attacker.
+This is why we add to our scheme a reasonable
+message encryption stage, to be certain that,
+even in the worst case scenario, the attacker
+will not be able to obtain the original message content.
+Doing so makes our steganographic protocol, to a certain extend, an asymmetric one.
+To sum up, in this research work, well studied and experimented
+techniques of signal processing (adaptive edges detection),
+coding theory (syndrome-treillis codes), and cryptography
+(Blum-Goldwasser encryption protocol) are combined
+to compute an efficient steganographic
+scheme, whose principal characteristic is to take into
+consideration the cover image and to be compatible with small computation resources.
+The remainder of this document is organized as follows.
+Section~\ref{sec:ourapproach} presents the details of the proposed steganographic scheme.
+Section~\ref{sec:experiments} shows experiments on image quality, steganalytic evaluation, complexity of our approach,
+and compares it to the state of the art steganographic schemes.
+Finally, concluding notes and future work are given in Section~\ref{sec:concl}.