-In the former configuration, only 9320 bits are available
-for embeding whereas in the latter we have 9227.
-In the both case, about the third part of the poem is hidden into the cover.
+The STC algorithm is optimized when the rate between message length and
+cover vector length is less than 1/2.
+So, only 9,320 bits are available for embedding
+in the configuration where $b$ is 7.
+When $b$ is 6, we could have considered 18,455 bits for the message.
+However, first experiments have shown that modifying this number of bits is too
+easily detectable.
+So, we choose to modify the same amount of bits (9,320) and keep STC optimizing
+which bits to change among the 36,910 bits.
+In the two cases, about the third part of the poem is hidden into the cover.