\{jean-francois.couchot, raphael.couturier, christophe.guyeux\}@femto-st.fr\\
$*:$ Authors in alphabetic order.\\
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%IEEEtran, journal, \LaTeX, paper, template.
-Steganography, least-significant-bit (LSB)-based steganography, edge detection, Canny filter, security, syndrome treillis code.
+\keywords{Steganography, least-significant-bit (LSB)-based steganography, edge detection, Canny filter, security, syndrome treillis code}
A novel steganographic method called STABYLO is introduced in this research work.
Its main reason for being is to be much lighter than the so-called
Highly Undetectable steGO (HUGO) method, a well known state of the art
-steganographic process, while presenting quite comparable results through
-noise measures like PSNR-HVS-M, BIQI, and weighted PSNR (wPSNR).
-To achieve this goal, famous experimented components of signal processing,
+steganographic process. Additionally to this effectiveness,
+quite comparable results through noise measures like PSNR-HVS-M,
+BIQI, and weighted PSNR (wPSNR) are obtained.
+To achieve the proposed goal, famous experimented components of signal processing,
coding theory, and cryptography are combined together, leading to
a scheme that can reasonably face up-to-date steganalysers.
-The conclusion goes here.
+The STABYLO algorithm, whose acronym means STeganography
+with cAnny, Bbs, binarY embedding at LOw cost, has been introduced
+in this document as an efficient method having comparable, though
+somewhat smaller, security than the well known
+Highly Undetectable steGO (HUGO) steganographic scheme.
+This edge-based steganographic approach embeds a Canny
+detection filter, the Blum-Blum-Shub cryptographically secure
+pseudorandom number generator, together with Syndrome-Treillis Codes
+for minimizing distortion.
+After having introduced with details the proposed method,
+we have evaluated it through noise measures (namely, the PSNR, PSNR-HVS-M,
+BIQI, and weighted PSNR) and using well established steganalysers.
+For future work, the authors' intention is to investigate systematically
+all the existing edge detection methods, to see if the STABYLO evaluation scores can
+be improved by replacing Canny with another edge filter. We will try
+to take into account the least significant bits too during all the
+stages of the algorithm, hoping by doing so to be more close to the HUGO scores against
+steganalyzers. Other steganalyzers than the ones used in this document will be
+regarded for the sake of completeness. Finally, the
+systematic replacement of all the LSBs of edges by binary digits provided
+by the BBS generator will be investigated, and the consequences of such a
+replacement, in terms of security, will be discussed.