+To make this article self-contained, this section recalls
+basis of the Syndrome Treillis Codes (STC).
$x=(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ be the $n$-bits cover vector of the image $X$,
$m$ be the message to embed, and
Unfortunately, for any given $H$, finding $y$ that solves $Hy=m$ and
that minimizes $D_X(x,y)$, has an exponential complexity with respect to $n$.
-The Syndrome-Trellis Codes (STC)
+The Syndrome-Trellis Codes
presented by Filler \emph{et al.} in~\cite{DBLP:conf/mediaforensics/FillerJF10}
is a practical solution to this complexity. Thanks to this contribution,
the solving algorithm has a linear complexity with respect to $n$.
-First of all, Filler et al. compute the matrix $H$
+First of all, Filler \emph{et al.} compute the matrix $H$
by placing a small sub-matrix $\hat{H}$ of size $h × w$ next
to each other and shifted down by one row.
Thanks to this special form of $H$, one can represent