-Several research works have proposed or used chaotic neural networks
-these last years. This interest comes from their complex dynamics and
-the various potential application areas. Chaotic neural networks are
-particularly considered to build associative memories
-\cite{Crook2007267} and digital security tools like hash functions
-\cite{Xiao10}, digital watermarking \cite{1309431,Zhang2005759}, or
-cipher schemes \cite{Lian20091296}. In the first case, the background
-idea is to control chaotic dynamics in order to store patterns, with
-the key advantage of offering a large storage capacity. For the
-computer security field, the use of chaotic dynamics is motivated by
-their unpredictability and random-like behaviors. Indeed,
-investigating new concepts is crucial in this field, because new
-threats are constantly emerging. As an illustrative example, the
-former standard in hash functions, namely the SHA-1 algorithm, has
-been recently weakened after flaws were discovered.
+REVOIR TOUT L'INTRO et l'ABSTRACT en fonction d'asynchrone, chaotic
+Several research works have proposed or run chaotic neural networks
+these last years. The complex dynamics of such a networks leads to
+various potential application areas: associative
+memories~\cite{Crook2007267} and digital security tools like hash
+functions~\cite{Xiao10}, digital
+watermarking~\cite{1309431,Zhang2005759}, or cipher
+schemes~\cite{Lian20091296}. In the former case, the background idea
+is to control chaotic dynamics in order to store patterns, with the
+key advantage of offering a large storage capacity. For the latter
+case, the use of chaotic dynamics is motivated by their
+unpredictability and random-like behaviors. Thus, investigating new
+concepts is crucial in this field, because new threats are constantly
+emerging. As an illustrative example, the former standard in hash
+functions, namely the SHA-1 algorithm, has been recently weakened
+after flaws were discovered.