-The goal here is to visualize the results by building a tree of evolution. All Core genes generated with their genes are very important information in the tree, because they can be viewed as an ancestor information for two genomes or more. Further more, each node represents a genome or core as \textit{(Genes count:Family name, Scientific names, Accession number)}, Edges represent numbers of lost genes from genomes-core or core-core relationship. The number of lost genes here can represent an important factor for evolution, it represents how much lost of genes for the species in same or different families. By the principle of classification, small number of gene lost among species indicate that those species are close to each other and belong to same family, while big genes lost means that we have an evolutionary relationship between species from different families. To see the picture clearly, Phylogenetic tree is an evolutionary tree generated also by the system. Generating this tree is based on the distances among genes sequences. There are many resources to build such tree (for example: PHYML\cite{guindon2005phyml}, RAxML{\cite{stamatakis2008raxml,stamatakis2005raxml}, BioNJ , and TNT\cite{goloboff2008tnt}}. We consider to use RAxML\cite{stamatakis2008raxml,stamatakis2005raxml} because it is very fast for build large trees even for hundered sequences, it is also accurate by calculating bootstrap.
+The goal here is to visualize the results by building a tree of evolution. All Core genes generated with their genes are very important information in the tree, because they can be viewed as an ancestor information for two genomes or more. Further more, each node represents a genome or core as \textit{(Genes count:Family name, Scientific names, Accession number)}, Edges represent numbers of lost genes from genomes-core or core-core relationship. The number of lost genes here can represent an important factor for evolution, it represents how much lost of genes for the species in same or different families. By the principle of classification, small number of gene lost among species indicate that those species are close to each other and belong to same family, while big genes lost means that we have an evolutionary relationship between species from different families. To see the picture clearly, Phylogenetic tree is an evolutionary tree generated also by the system. Generating this tree is based on the distances among genes sequences. There are many resources to build such tree (for example: PHYML\cite{guindon2005phyml}, RAxML{\cite{stamatakis2008raxml,stamatakis2005raxml}, BioNJ , and TNT\cite{goloboff2008tnt}}. We consider to use RAxML\cite{stamatakis2008raxml,stamatakis2005raxml} because it is fast and accurate for build large trees for large count of genomes sequences. The procedure of constructing phylogenetic tree stated in the following steps:
+\item Extract gene sequence for all gene in all core genes, store it in database.
+\item Use multiple alignment tool such as (****to be write after see christophe****) to align these sequences with each others.
+\item aligned genomes sequences then submitted to RAxML program to compute the distances and draw phylogenetic tree.