-\title{Finding the core-genes of Chloroplast Species}
-Bassam AlKindy\footnote{email: bassam.al-kindy@univ-fcomt\'{e}.fr} \and Jacques Bahi
-\and Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Couchot \and Christophe Guyeux \and Arnaud Mouly \and
-Michel Salomon \and\\
-FEMTO-ST Institute, UMR 6174 CNRS, \\
-Computer Science Department DISC, \\
-Universit\'{e} de Franche-Comt\'{e}, France \\
-{\small \it Authors in alphabetic order}
+\title{Finding the Core-Genes of Plant Species Chloroplast}
+\author[1]{Bassam AlKindy} %\footnote{email: bassam.al-kindy@univ-fcomt\'{e}.fr}
+\author[1]{Jacques Bahi}
+\author[1]{Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Couchot}
+\author[1]{Christophe Guyeux}
+\author[2]{Arnaud Mouly}
+\author[1]{Michel Salomon}
+\affil[1]{FEMTO-ST Institute, UMR 6174 CNRS, Computer Science Department DISC, Universit\'{e} de Franche-Comt\'{e}, France}
+\affil[2]{Lab. Chrono-Environnement, UMR 6174 CNRS, Universit\'{e} de Franche-Comt\'{e}, France}
+%{\small \it Authors in alphabetic order}
+\renewcommand\Authands{ and }