+The main idea from this method is to focus on genes quality to predict maximum core genes. By comparing only genes names or genes sequences from one annotation tool is not enough. The question here, does the predicted gene from NCBI is the same gene predicted by Dogma based on gene name and gene sequence?. If yes, then we can predict new quiality genomes based on quality control test with a specific threshold. Predicted Genomes comes from merging two annotation techniques. While if no, we can not depending neither on NCBI nor Dogma because of annotation error. Core genes can by predicted by using one of the previous methods.
+This method summarized in the following steps:\\
+\item Retrieve the annotation of all genomes from NCBI and Dogma: in this step, we apply the annotation of all chloroplast genomes in the database using NCBI annotation and Dogma annotation tool.
+\item Predict quality genomes: the process is to pick a genome annotation from two techniques, extracting all common genes based on genes names, then applying Needle-man wunch algorithm to align the two sequences based on a specific threshold. If the alignment score pass the threshold, then this gene will removed from the competition and store it in quality genome by saving its name with the largest gene sequence with respect to start and end codons. All quality genomes will store in the form of GenVision file format.
+\item Extract Core genes: from the above two steps, we will have new genomes with quality genes, ofcourse, we have some genes lost here, because dogma produced tRNA and rRNA genes while NCBI did not generate them and vise-versa. Using first method to extract core genes will be sufficient because we already check their sequences.
+\item Display tree: An evolution tree then will be display based on the intersections of quality genomes.
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