-a eucaryotic cell (enable to produce organic matter = heterotrophic).
-This fusion or First Endiosymbiosis ended in a Great diversification of
-a lineage comprising Red Algae, Green Algae and Land Plants (terrestrial).
-Several Second Enbiosymbioses occurred then: two involving a Red
-Algae and other heterotrophic eucaryotes and giving birth to both Brown
-Algae and Dinoflagellates lineages; another involving a Green Algae and
-a heterotrophic eucaryot and giving birth to Euglens.
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+a eucaryotic cell (enable to produce organic matter from solar energy = heterotrophic). \\
+By the principle of
+classification, a small number of genes lost among species indicates
+that these species are close to each other and belong to same family,
+while a large lost means that we have an evolutionary relationship
+between species from different families.