-\subsection{Extract Gene Features}
-The goal of this step is trying to find maximum core genes from sets of genes (\textit{Vectors}) where stored in the local database from the annotation process. The key of finding core genes is to collect from each iteration of genes comparisons the maximum number of common genes. To do so, the system build an \textit{Intersection core matrix(ICM)}. ICM here is a two dimensional symmetric matrix (considered as a vector space) where each row and column represent a vector for one genome. Each position in ICM stores the \textit{intersection scores}. Intersection Score(IS) is the cardinality number of a core genes comes from intersecting one vector with other vectors in vector space. Taking maximum cardinality from each row and then take the maximum of them will result to select the best two genomes with their maximum core. Mathematically speaking, if we have an $m \times n$ vector space matrix where $m=n=$number of vectors in local database, then lets consider:\\
+\subsection{Extract Core Genes}
+The goal of this step is trying to extract maximum core genes from sets of genes (\textit{Vectors}) in the local database. The methodology of finding core genes is dividing to three methods: \\
+The hypothesis in first method is based on extracting core genes by finding common genes among chloroplast genomes based on extracting gene feature (i.e Gene names, genes counts). Genomes vary in genes counts according to the method of annotation used, so that extracting maximum core genes can be done by constructing Intersection Core Matrix (\textit{ICM}).\\
+While the hypothesis of second method is based on comparing the sequence of reference genes of one annotated genome with other unannotated genomes sequences in Blast database, by using Blastn\cite{Sayers01012011} (nucleotide sequence alignment tool from NCBI). The last method, is based on merge all genes from NCBI and Dogma annotation, then apply a sequence similarity base method (Quality Control test) using Needle-man Wunch algorithm to predict a new genomes. Using predicted genomes to extract core genes using previous methods. Figure \ref{wholesystem}, illustrate the whole system operations.
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{Whole_system}
+ \caption{Total overview of the system pipline}\label{wholesystem}
+In the first method, the idea is to collect from each iteration the maximum number of common genes. To do so, the system build an \textit{Intersection core matrix(ICM)}. ICM here is a two dimensional symmetric matrix (considered as a vector space) where each row and column represent a vector for one genome. Each position in ICM stores the \textit{intersection scores}. Intersection Score(IS) is the cardinality number of a core genes comes from intersecting one vector with other vectors in vector space. Taking maximum cardinality from each row and then take the maximum of them will result to select the maximum cardinality in the vector space. Maximum cardinality results to select two genomes with their maximum core. Mathematically speaking, if we have an $n \times m$ vector space matrix where $n=m=\text{number of vectors in local database}$, then lets consider:\\