From: Jean-François Couchot Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 15:33:26 +0000 (+0100) Subject: modification of table 1Œ X-Git-Url: modification of table 1Œ --- diff --git a/annotated.tex b/annotated.tex index b1f4254..e5a02d0 100644 --- a/annotated.tex +++ b/annotated.tex @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ In last stage, features visualization represents methods to visualize genomes an A Local database attached with each pipe stage is used to store all the informations of extraction process. The output from each stage in our system will be an input to the second stage and so on. \subsection{Genomes Samples} -In this research, we retrieved genomes of Chloroplasts from NCBI. Ninety nine genome of them were considered to work with. These genomes lies in the eleven type of chloroplast families. The distribution of genomes is illustrated in detail in Table \ref{Tab2}. +In this research, we retrieved genomes of Chloroplasts from NCBI. Ninety nine genome of them were considered to work with. These genomes lies in the eleven type of chloroplast families. The distribution of genomes is illustrated in detail in Table~\ref{Tab2}. \input{population_Table} diff --git a/main.tex b/main.tex index 4d642f0..162054b 100755 --- a/main.tex +++ b/main.tex @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ \usepackage{algorithm} \usepackage{algorithmic} \usepackage{pdflscape} -\usepackage{longtable} +\usepackage{multirow,longtable} \usepackage{amsmath,mathtools} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} diff --git a/population_Table.tex b/population_Table.tex index 974ea88..9915d1a 100644 --- a/population_Table.tex +++ b/population_Table.tex @@ -1,121 +1,170 @@ -\footnotesize -\begin{tiny} -\setlength\LTleft{50pt} -\setlength\LTright{0pt} \begin{center} -\begin{longtable}{@{\extracolsep{2pt}}llll@{}} -\caption[NCBI Genomes Families]{List of family groups of Chloroplast Genomes from NCBI\label{Tab2}}\\ -% Heading - \hline\hline - {\textbf{Family}}&{\textbf{Counts}} & {\textbf{Accession No}} & {\textbf{Scientific Name}} \\ - \hline + + \begin{table} + \tiny + \begin{minipage}{0.50\textwidth} + \setlength{\tabcolsep}{4pt} + \begin{tabular}{|p{0.1cm}|p{0.1cm}|p{1.3cm}|p{3cm}|} + \hline + {{F.}}&{{\#}} & {{Acc. No}} & {{Scientific Name}} \\ + \hline %Entering First line - & & NC\_001713.1 & Odontella sinensis \\ - & & NC\_008588.1 & Phaeodactylum tricornutum \\ - & & NC\_010772.1 & Heterosigma akashiwo \\ - & & NC\_011600.1 & Vaucheria litorea \\ - & & NC\_012903.1 & Aureoumbra lagunensis \\ - Brown Algae & 11 & NC\_014808.1 & Thalassiosira oceanica \\ - & & NC\_015403.1 & Fistulifera sp \\ - & & NC\_016731.1 & Synedra acus \\ - & & NC\_016735.1 & Fucus vesiculosus \\ - & & NC\_018523.1 & Saccharina japonica \\ - & & NC\_020014.1 & Nannochloropsis gadtina \\ [1ex] - %Entering second group - & & NC\_000925.1 & Porphyra purpurea \\ - Red Algae & 3 & NC\_001840.1 & Cyanidium caldarium \\ - & & NC\_006137.1 & Gracilaria tenuistipitata \\ [1ex] - %Entering third group - & & NC\_000927.1 & Nephroselmis olivacea \\ - & & NC\_002186.1 & Mesotigma viride \\ - & & NC\_005353.1 & Chlamydomonas reinhardtii \\ - & & NC\_008097.1 & Chara vulgaris \\ - & & NC\_008099.1 & Oltmannsiellopsis viridis \\ - & & NC\_008114.1 & Pseudoclonium akinetum \\ - & & NC\_008289.1 & Ostreococcus tauri \\ - & & NC\_008372.1 & Stigeoclonium helveticum \\ - Green Algae & 17 & NC\_008822.1 & Chlorokybus atmophyticus \\ - & & NC\_011031.1 & Oedogonium cardiacum \\ - & & NC\_012097.1 & Pycnococcus provaseolii \\ - & & NC\_012099.1 & Pyramimonas parkeae \\ - & & NC\_012568.1 & Micromonas pusilla \\ - & & NC\_014346.1 & Floydiella terrestris \\ - & & NC\_015645.1 & Schizomeris leibleinii \\ - & & NC\_016732.1 & Dunaliella salina \\ - & & NC\_016733.1 & Pedinomonas minor \\ [1ex] - %Entering fourth group - & & NC\_001319.1 & Marchantia polymorpha \\ - Brypoytes & 3 & NC\_004543.1 & Anthoceros formosae \\ - & & NC\_005087.1 & Physcomitrella patens \\ [1ex] - %Entering fifth group - & & NC\_014267.1 & Kryptoperidinium foliaceum \\ - Dinoflagellates & 2 - & NC\_014287.1 & Durinskia baltica \\ [1ex] - %Entering sixth group - & & NC\_001603.2 & Euglena gracilis \\ - Euglena & 2 & NC\_020018.1 & Monomorphina aenigmatica \\ [1ex] - %Entering seventh group - & & NC\_003386.1 & Psilotum nudum \\ - & & NC\_008829.1 & Angiopteris evecta \\ - Fern & 5 & NC\_014348.1 & Pteridium aquilinum \\ - & & NC\_014699.1 & Equisetum arvense \\ - & & NC\_017006.1 & Mankyua chejuensis \\ [1ex] - % Entering eighth group - & & NC\_007898.3 & Solanum lyopersicum \\ - & & NC\_001568.1 & Epifagus virginiana \\ - & & NC\_001666.2 & Zea Mays \\ - & & NC\_005086.1 & Amborella trichopoda \\ - & & NC\_006050.1 & Nymphaea alba \\ - & & NC\_006290.1 & Panax ginseng \\ - & & NC\_007578.1 & Lactuca sativa \\ - & & NC\_007957.1 & vitis vinifera \\ - & & NC\_007977.1 & Helianthus annuus \\ - & & NC\_008325.1 & Daucus carota \\ - & & NC\_008336.1 & Nandina domestica \\ - & & NC\_008359.1 & Morus indica \\ - & & NC\_008407.1 & Jasminum nudiflorum \\ - & & NC\_008456.1 & Drimys granadensis \\ - & & NC\_008457.1 & Piper cenocladum \\ - & & NC\_009601.1 & Dioscorea elephantipes \\ - & & NC\_009765.1 & Cuscuta gronovii \\ - & & NC\_009808.1 & Ipomea purpurea \\ - Angiosperms & 45 & NC\_010361.1 & Oenothera biennis \\ - & & NC\_010433.1 & Manihot esculenta \\ - & & NC\_010442.1 & Trachelium caeruleum \\ - & & NC\_013707.2 & Olea europea \\ - & & NC\_013823.1 & Typha latifolia \\ - & & NC\_014570.1 & Eucalyptus \\ - & & NC\_014674.1 & Castanea mollissima \\ - & & NC\_014676.2 & Theobroma cacao \\ - & & NC\_015830.1 & Bambusa emeiensis \\ - & & NC\_015899.1 & Wolffia australiana \\ - & & NC\_016433.2 & Sesamum indicum \\ - & & NC\_016468.1 & Boea hygrometrica \\ - & & NC\_016670.1 & Gossypium darwinii \\ - & & NC\_016727.1 & Silene vulgaris \\ - & & NC\_016734.1 & Brassica napus \\ - & & NC\_016736.1 & Ricinus communis \\ - & & NC\_016753.1 & Colocasia esculenta \\ - & & NC\_017609.1 & Phalaenopsis equestris \\ - & & NC\_018357.1 & Magnolia denudata \\ - & & NC\_019601.1 & Fragaria chiloensis \\ - & & NC\_008796.1 & Ranunculus macranthus \\ - & & NC\_013991.2 & Phoenix dactylifera \\ - & & NC\_016068.1 & Nicotiana undulata \\ [1ex] - %Entering ninth group - & & NC\_009618.1 & Cycas taitungensis \\ - & & NC\_011942.1 & Gnetum parvifolium \\ - & & NC\_016058.1 & Larix decidua \\ - Gymnosperms & 7 & NC\_016063.1 & Cephalotaxus wilsoniana \\ - & & NC\_016065.1 & Taiwania cryptomerioides \\ - & & NC\_016069.1 & Picea morrisonicola \\ - & & NC\_016986.1 & Gingko biloba \\ [1ex] - %Entering tenth group - Haptophytes & 1 & NC\_007288.1 & Emiliana huxleyi\\ [1ex] - %Entering eleventh group - Lycopodiophyta & 2 & NC\_014675.1 & Isoetes flaccida \\ - & & NC\_006861.1 & Huperzia lucidula \\ - \hline -\end{longtable} + \parbox[t]{1mm}{\multirow{11}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Brown Algae}}} &\multirow{11}{*}{11} & NC\_001713.1 & Odontella sinensis \\ + & & NC\_008588.1 & Phaeodactylum tricornutum \\ + & & NC\_010772.1 & Heterosigma akashiwo \\ + & & NC\_011600.1 & Vaucheria litorea \\ + & & NC\_012903.1 & Aureoumbra lagunensis \\ + & & NC\_014808.1 & Thalassiosira oceanica \\ + & & NC\_015403.1 & Fistulifera sp \\ + & & NC\_016731.1 & Synedra acus \\ + & & NC\_016735.1 & Fucus vesiculosus \\ + & & NC\_018523.1 & Saccharina japonica \\ + & & NC\_020014.1 & Nannochloropsis gadtina \\ + \hline + % Entering second group + \parbox[t]{1mm}{\multirow{3}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{F1}}} & + \multirow{3}{*}{3} & NC\_000925.1 & Porphyra purpurea \\ + & & NC\_001840.1 & Cyanidium caldarium \\ + & & NC\_006137.1 & Gracilaria tenuistipitata \\ + \hline + % Entering third group + \parbox[t]{1mm}{\multirow{17}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Green Algae}}} & + \multirow{17}{*}{17} & NC\_000927.1 & Nephroselmis olivacea \\ + & & NC\_002186.1 & Mesotigma viride \\ + & & NC\_005353.1 & Chlamydomonas reinhardtii \\ + & & NC\_008097.1 & Chara vulgaris \\ + & & NC\_008099.1 & Oltmannsiellopsis viridis \\ + & & NC\_008114.1 & Pseudoclonium akinetum \\ + & & NC\_008289.1 & Ostreococcus tauri \\ + & & NC\_008372.1 & Stigeoclonium helveticum \\ + & & NC\_008822.1 & Chlorokybus atmophyticus \\ + & & NC\_011031.1 & Oedogonium cardiacum \\ + & & NC\_012097.1 & Pycnococcus provaseolii \\ + & & NC\_012099.1 & Pyramimonas parkeae \\ + & & NC\_012568.1 & Micromonas pusilla \\ + & & NC\_014346.1 & Floydiella terrestris \\ + & & NC\_015645.1 & Schizomeris leibleinii \\ + & & NC\_016732.1 & Dunaliella salina \\ + & & NC\_016733.1 & Pedinomonas minor \\ % + \hline + % Entering fourth group + \parbox[t]{1mm}{\multirow{3}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{F2}}} & + \multirow{3}{*}{3} & NC\_001319.1 & Marchantia polymorpha \\ + & & NC\_004543.1 & Anthoceros formosae \\ + & & NC\_005087.1 & Physcomitrella patens \\ % + \hline + % Entering fifth group + \parbox[t]{1mm}{\multirow{2}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{F3}}} & + \multirow{2}{*}{2} & NC\_014267.1 & Kryptoperidinium foliaceum \\ + & + & NC\_014287.1 & Durinskia baltica \\ + \hline + + % Entering sixth group + \parbox[t]{1mm}{\multirow{2}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{F4}}} & + \multirow{2}{*}{2} & NC\_001603.2 & Euglena gracilis \\ + & & NC\_020018.1 & Monomorphina aenigmatica \\ + \hline + % Entering seventh group + \parbox[t]{1mm}{\multirow{5}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Fern}}} & \multirow{5}{*}{5} + & NC\_003386.1 & Psilotum nudum \\ + & & NC\_008829.1 & Angiopteris evecta \\ + & & NC\_014348.1 & Pteridium aquilinum \\ + & & NC\_014699.1 & Equisetum arvense \\ + & & NC\_017006.1 & Mankyua chejuensis \\ + \hline + % Entering tenth group + & & & \\ + \parbox[t]{1mm}{\multirow{1}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{F5}}} + & 1 & NC\_007288.1 & Emiliana huxleyi\\ + & & & \\ + \hline + % Entering eleventh group + \parbox[t]{1mm}{\multirow{2}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{F6}}} + & \multirow{2}{*}{2} & NC\_014675.1 & Isoetes flaccida \\ + & & NC\_006861.1 & Huperzia lucidula \\ + \hline + + + \end{tabular} + \end{minipage} + \begin{minipage}{0.45\textwidth} + \begin{tabular}{|p{0.1cm}|p{0.1cm}|p{1.2cm}|p{2.7cm}|} + \hline + {{F.}}&{{\#}} & {{Acc. No}} & {{Scientific Name}} \\ + \hline + + % Entering eighth group + \parbox[t]{1mm}{\multirow{45}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Angiosperms}}} + & + \multirow{45}{*}{45} & NC\_007898.3 & Solanum lyopersicum \\ + & & NC\_001568.1 & Epifagus virginiana \\ + & & NC\_001666.2 & Zea Mays \\ + & & NC\_005086.1 & Amborella trichopoda \\ + & & NC\_006050.1 & Nymphaea alba \\ + & & NC\_006290.1 & Panax ginseng \\ + & & NC\_007578.1 & Lactuca sativa \\ + & & NC\_007957.1 & vitis vinifera \\ + & & NC\_007977.1 & Helianthus annuus \\ + & & NC\_008325.1 & Daucus carota \\ + & & NC\_008336.1 & Nandina domestica \\ + & & NC\_008359.1 & Morus indica \\ + & & NC\_008407.1 & Jasminum nudiflorum \\ + & & NC\_008456.1 & Drimys granadensis \\ + & & NC\_008457.1 & Piper cenocladum \\ + & & NC\_009601.1 & Dioscorea elephantipes \\ + & & NC\_009765.1 & Cuscuta gronovii \\ + & & NC\_009808.1 & Ipomea purpurea \\ + & & NC\_010361.1 & Oenothera biennis \\ + & & NC\_010433.1 & Manihot esculenta \\ + & & NC\_010442.1 & Trachelium caeruleum \\ + & & NC\_013707.2 & Olea europea \\ + & & NC\_013823.1 & Typha latifolia \\ + & & NC\_014570.1 & Eucalyptus \\ + & & NC\_014674.1 & Castanea mollissima \\ + & & NC\_014676.2 & Theobroma cacao \\ + & & NC\_015830.1 & Bambusa emeiensis \\ + & & NC\_015899.1 & Wolffia australiana \\ + & & NC\_016433.2 & Sesamum indicum \\ + & & NC\_016468.1 & Boea hygrometrica \\ + & & NC\_016670.1 & Gossypium darwinii \\ + & & NC\_016727.1 & Silene vulgaris \\ + & & NC\_016734.1 & Brassica napus \\ + & & NC\_016736.1 & Ricinus communis \\ + & & NC\_016753.1 & Colocasia esculenta \\ + & & NC\_017609.1 & Phalaenopsis equestris \\ + & & NC\_018357.1 & Magnolia denudata \\ + & & NC\_019601.1 & Fragaria chiloensis \\ + & & NC\_008796.1 & Ranunculus macranthus \\ + & & NC\_013991.2 & Phoenix dactylifera \\ + & & NC\_016068.1 & Nicotiana undulata \\ + \hline + % Entering ninth group + \parbox[t]{1mm}{\multirow{7}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Gymnosperms}}} + & + \multirow{7}{*}{7}& NC\_009618.1 & Cycas taitungensis \\ + & & NC\_011942.1 & Gnetum parvifolium \\ + & & NC\_016058.1 & Larix decidua \\ + & & NC\_016063.1 & Cephalotaxus wilsoniana \\ + & & NC\_016065.1 & Taiwania cryptomerioides \\ + & & NC\_016069.1 & Picea morrisonicola \\ + & & NC\_016986.1 & Gingko biloba \\ + \hline + \end{tabular} + \end{minipage} + + \scriptsize + \noindent where families F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, and F6 are + Red Algae, + Brypoytes, + Dinoflagellates, + Euglena, + Haptophytes, and Lycopodiophyta respectively. + + \normalsize + \caption[NCBI Genomes Families]{List of family groups of Chloroplast Genomes from NCBI\label{Tab2}} + + + \end{table} \end{center} -\end{tiny} \ No newline at end of file +