-At first, only $M$ values of $I$ are known, for $x = 0, 1,
-\ldots,M-1$. A normalisation allows to scale known intensities into
-$[-1,1]$. We compute splines that fit at best these normalised
-intensities. Splines are used to interpolate $N = k\times M$ points
-(typically $k=4$ is sufficient), within $[0,M[$. Let call $x^s$ the
-coordinates of these $N$ points and $I^s$ their intensities.
+At first, only $M$ values of $I$ are known, for $x = 0, 1, \ldots,M-1$. A
+normalisation allows to scale known intensities into $[-1,1]$. We compute
+splines that fit at best these normalised intensities. Splines (SPL in the
+following) are used to interpolate $N = k\times M$ points (typically $k=4$ is
+sufficient), within $[0,M[$. Let call $x^s$ the coordinates of these $N$ points
+ and $I^s$ their intensities.