+\documentclass[10pt, conference, compsocconf]{IEEEtran}
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-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% my bib path.
+%% \author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Authors Name/s per 1st Affiliation (Author)}
+%% \IEEEauthorblockA{line 1 (of Affiliation): dept. name of organization\\
+%% line 2: name of organization, acronyms acceptable\\
+%% line 3: City, Country\\
+%% line 4: Email: name@xyz.com}
+%% \and
+%% \IEEEauthorblockN{Authors Name/s per 2nd Affiliation (Author)}
+%% \IEEEauthorblockA{line 1 (of Affiliation): dept. name of organization\\
+%% line 2: name of organization, acronyms acceptable\\
+%% line 3: City, Country\\
+%% line 4: Email: name@xyz.com}
+%% }
\title{Using FPGAs for high speed and real time cantilever deflection estimation}
+\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Raphaël Couturier\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}, Stéphane Domas\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}, Gwenhaël Goavec-Merou\IEEEauthorrefmark{2} and Michel Lenczner\IEEEauthorrefmark{2}}
+\IEEEauthorblockA{\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}FEMTO-ST, DISC, University of Franche-Comte, Belfort, France\\
+\IEEEauthorblockA{\IEEEauthorrefmark{2}FEMTO-ST, Time-Frequency, University of Franche-Comte, Besançon, France\\
-\author{ Raphaël COUTURIER\\
-Laboratoire d'Informatique
-de l'Universit\'e de Franche-Comt\'e, \\
-BP 527, \\
-90016~Belfort CEDEX, France\\
- \and Stéphane Domas\\
-Laboratoire d'Informatique
-de l'Universit\'e de Franche-Comt\'e, \\
-BP 527, \\
-90016~Belfort CEDEX, France\\
- \and Gwenhaël Goavec\\
-?? \\
-??, \\
$1024\times 1204$ pixels seems the minimum that can be reached. For a
$10\times 10$ cantilever array, if we neglect the time to extract
pixels, it implies that computing the deflection of a single
-cantilever should take less than 25$µ$s, thus 12.5$µ$s by phase.\\
+cantilever should take less than 25$\mu$s, thus 12.5$\mu$s by phase.\\
In fact, this timing is a very hard constraint. Let consider a very
small programm that initializes twenty million of doubles in memory
%% to be continued ...
-%% à faire : timing de l'algo spline en C avec atan et tout le bordel.
+%% � faire : timing de l'algo spline en C avec atan et tout le bordel.