% For the case where the strategy is finite, one notice that property
% verification is achieved under weak fairness property. Instructions that
% write or read into \verb+channels[j].sent[i]+ are continuously enabled leading
% to convenient available dates $D_{ji}$. It is then easy to construct
% corresponding iterations of the DDN that are convergent.
% \ANNOT{quel sens donnes-tu a \emph{convenient} ici ?}
% For the case where the strategy is finite, one notice that property
% verification is achieved under weak fairness property. Instructions that
% write or read into \verb+channels[j].sent[i]+ are continuously enabled leading
% to convenient available dates $D_{ji}$. It is then easy to construct
% corresponding iterations of the DDN that are convergent.
% \ANNOT{quel sens donnes-tu a \emph{convenient} ici ?}