+Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Couchot, Rapha\"el Couturier, and Christophe Guyeux.
+\newblock {STABYLO}: {STeganography with Adaptive, Bbs, and binarY embedding at
+ LOw cost}.
+\newblock {\em Annals of Telecommunications}, 2015.
+\newblock Available online. Paper version to appear.
+Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Couchot, Karine Deschinkel, and Michel Salomon.
+\newblock Active {MEMS}-based flow control using artificial neural network.
+\newblock {\em Mechatronics}, 23(7):898--905, October 2013.
+\newblock Available online. Paper version to appear.
+\subsection{Journaux internationaux avec comité de sélection (en cours de soumission)}
+Ahmad Bitar, Rony Darazi, Jean-François Couchot, and Raphaël Couturier.
+\newblock Blind digital watermarking in pdf documents using spread transform
+ dither modulation.
+\newblock in submission to the Multimedia Tools and Applications journal,
+ December 2014.
+Jean-François Couchot, Christophe Guyeux, and Pierre-Cyrille H\'eam.
+\newblock Random walk in a n-cube without hamiltonian cycle to chaotic
+ pseudorandom number generation: Theoretical and practical considerations.
+\newblock in submission to the RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications
+ special issue to the 15-th Mons Theoretical Computer Science Days, March
+ 2015.
+Mohammed Bakiri, Christophe Guyeux, Jean-Fran\c{c}cois Couchot, and
+ Abdelkrim~Kamel Oudjida.
+\newblock Survey on hardware implementation of random number generators on
+ fpga: Theory and experimental analyses.
+\newblock in submission to the ACM Computing Surveys journal, August 2015.