-When the constraint \ref{itm2:Sc} is satisfied, we obtain a scheme
-that always finds the original message provided the watermarked media
-has not been modified.
-In that context, correctness and completeness are established.
-Thanks to constraint~\ref{itm2:Sc}, the cardinality $k$ of
-$\Im(S_p)$ is larger than $\mathsf{P}$.
-Otherwise the cardinality of $D$ would be smaller than $\mathsf{P}$
-and similar to the cardinality of $\Im(S_c)_{|D}$,
-which is contradictory.
-One bit of index $j$ of the original message $m^0$
-is thus embedded at least twice in $x^l$.
-By counting the number of times this bit has been switched in $S_m$, the value of
-$m_j$ can be deduced in many places.
-Without attack, all these values are equal and the message is immediately
- After an attack, the value of $m_j$ is obtained as mean value of all
-its occurrences.
-The scheme is thus complete.
-Notice that if the cover is not attacked, the returned message is always equal to the original
-due to the definition of the mean function.