+On considère le mode
+$f_l: \Bool^l \rightarrow \Bool^l$ t.q. le $i^{\textrm{ème}}$ composant
+est défini par
+{f_l}(x)_i =
+\overline{x_i} \textrm{ if $i$ is odd} \\
+x_i \oplus x_{i-1} \textrm{ if $i$ is even}
+Prouvons que la matrice de Markov associée est doublement stochastique.
+the Markov chain is stochastic by construction.
+Let us prove that its Markov chain is doubly stochastic by induction on the
+length $l$.
+For $l=1$ and $l=2$ the proof is obvious. Let us consider that the
+result is established until $l=2k$ for some $k \in \Nats$.
+Let us then firstly prove the doubly stochasticity for $l=2k+1$.
+Following notations introduced in~\cite{bcgr11:ip},
+Let $\textsc{giu}(f_{2k+1})^0$ and $\textsc{giu}(f_{2k+1})^1$ denote
+the subgraphs of $\textsc{giu}(f_{2k+1})$ induced by the subset $\Bool^{2k} \times\{0\}$
+and $\Bool^{2k} \times\{1\}$ of $\Bool^{2k+1}$ respectively.
+$\textsc{giu}(f_{2k+1})^0$ and $\textsc{giu}(f_{2k+1})^1$ are isomorphic to $\textsc{giu}(f_{2k})$.
+Furthermore, these two graphs are linked together only with arcs of the form
+$(x_1,\dots,x_{2k},0) \to (x_1,\dots,x_{2k},1)$ and
+$(x_1,\dots,x_{2k},1) \to (x_1,\dots,x_{2k},0)$.
+In $\textsc{giu}(f_{2k+1})$ the number of arcs whose extremity is $(x_1,\dots,x_{2k},0)$
+is the same than the number of arcs whose extremity is $(x_1,\dots,x_{2k})$
+augmented with 1, and similarly for $(x_1,\dots,x_{2k},1)$.
+By induction hypothesis, the Markov chain associated to $\textsc{giu}(f_{2k})$ is doubly stochastic. All the vertices $(x_1,\dots,x_{2k})$ have thus the same number of
+ingoing arcs and the proof is established for $l$ is $2k+1$.
+Let us then prove the doubly stochasticity for $l=2k+2$.
+The map $f_l$ is defined by
+$f_l(x)= (\overline{x_1},x_2 \oplus x_{1},\dots,\overline{x_{2k+1}},x_{2k+2} \oplus x_{2k+1})$.
+With previously defined notations, let us focus on
+$\textsc{giu}(f_{2k+2})^0$ and $\textsc{giu}(f_{2k+2})^1$ which are isomorphic to $\textsc{giu}(f_{2k+1})$.
+Among configurations of $\Bool^{2k+2}$, only four suffixes of length 2 can be
+obviously observed, namely, $00$, $10$, $11$ and $01$.
+$f_{2k+2}(\dots,0,0)_{2k+2}=0$, $f_{2k+2}(\dots,1,0)_{2k+2}=1$,
+$f_{2k+2}(\dots,1,1)_{2k+2}=0$ and $f_{2k+2}(\dots,0,1)_{2k+2}=1$, the number of
+arcs whose extremity is
+\item $(x_1,\dots,x_{2k},0,0)$
+ is the same than the one whose extremity is $(x_1,\dots,x_{2k},0)$ in $\textsc{giu}(f_{2k+1})$ augmented with 1 (loop over configurations $(x_1,\dots,x_{2k},0,0)$).
+\item $(x_1,\dots,x_{2k},1,0)$
+ is the same than the one whose extremity is $(x_1,\dots,x_{2k},0)$ in $\textsc{giu}(f_{2k+1})$ augmented with 1 (arc from configurations
+$(x_1,\dots,x_{2k},1,1)$ to configurations
+\item $(x_1,\dots,x_{2k},0,1)$
+ is the same than the one whose extremity is $(x_1,\dots,x_{2k},0)$ in $\textsc{giu}(f_{2k+1})$ augmented with 1 (loop over configurations $(x_1,\dots,x_{2k},0,1)$).
+\item $(x_1,\dots,x_{2k},1,1)$
+ is the same than the one whose extremity is $(x_1,\dots,x_{2k},1)$ in $\textsc{giu}(f_{2k+1})$ augmented with 1 (arc from configurations
+$(x_1,\dots,x_{2k},1,0)$ to configurations
+Thus all the vertices $(x_1,\dots,x_{2k})$ have the same number of
+ingoing arcs and the proof is established for $l=2k+2$.