Ethernet/TCP Networks}},
author = {Bedaride, Paul and Degomme, Augustin and Genaud,
St{\'e}phane and Legrand, Arnaud and Markomanolis,
Ethernet/TCP Networks}},
author = {Bedaride, Paul and Degomme, Augustin and Genaud,
St{\'e}phane and Legrand, Arnaud and Markomanolis,
- George and Quinson, Martin and Stillwell, Mark, Lee
+ George S. and Quinson, Martin and Stillwell, Mark
and Suter, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Videau, Brice},
booktitle = {{PMBS13 - 4th International Workshop on Performance
Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High
Performance Computer Systems}},
and Suter, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Videau, Brice},
booktitle = {{PMBS13 - 4th International Workshop on Performance
Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High
Performance Computer Systems}},