-%% bare_conf.tex
-%% V1.3
-%% 2007/01/11
-%% by Michael Shell
-%% See:
-%% http://www.michaelshell.org/
-%% for current contact information.
-%% This is a skeleton file demonstrating the use of IEEEtran.cls
-%% (requires IEEEtran.cls version 1.7 or later) with an IEEE conference paper.
-%% Support sites:
-%% http://www.michaelshell.org/tex/ieeetran/
-%% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/IEEEtran/
-%% and
-%% http://www.ieee.org/
-%% Legal Notice:
-%% This code is offered as-is without any warranty either expressed or
-%% implied; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-%% User assumes all risk.
-%% In no event shall IEEE or any contributor to this code be liable for
-%% any damages or losses, including, but not limited to, incidental,
-%% consequential, or any other damages, resulting from the use or misuse
-%% of any information contained here.
-%% All comments are the opinions of their respective authors and are not
-%% necessarily endorsed by the IEEE.
-%% This work is distributed under the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)
-%% ( http://www.latex-project.org/ ) version 1.3, and may be freely used,
-%% distributed and modified. A copy of the LPPL, version 1.3, is included
-%% in the base LaTeX documentation of all distributions of LaTeX released
-%% 2003/12/01 or later.
-%% Retain all contribution notices and credits.
-%% ** Modified files should be clearly indicated as such, including **
-%% ** renaming them and changing author support contact information. **
-%% File list of work: IEEEtran.cls, IEEEtran_HOWTO.pdf, bare_adv.tex,
-%% bare_conf.tex, bare_jrnl.tex, bare_jrnl_compsoc.tex
-% *** Authors should verify (and, if needed, correct) their LaTeX system ***
-% *** with the testflow diagnostic prior to trusting their LaTeX platform ***
-% *** with production work. IEEE's font choices can trigger bugs that do ***
-% *** not appear when using other class files. ***
-% The testflow support page is at:
-% http://www.michaelshell.org/tex/testflow/
-% Note that the a4paper option is mainly intended so that authors in
-% countries using A4 can easily print to A4 and see how their papers will
-% look in print - the typesetting of the document will not typically be
-% affected with changes in paper size (but the bottom and side margins will).
-% Use the testflow package mentioned above to verify correct handling of
-% both paper sizes by the user's LaTeX system.
-% Also note that the "draftcls" or "draftclsnofoot", not "draft", option
-% should be used if it is desired that the figures are to be displayed in
-% draft mode.
-% Add the compsoc option for Computer Society conferences.
-% If IEEEtran.cls has not been installed into the LaTeX system files,
-% manually specify the path to it like:
-% \documentclass[conference]{../sty/IEEEtran}
-% Some very useful LaTeX packages include:
-% (uncomment the ones you want to load)
-% cite.sty was written by Donald Arseneau
-% V1.6 and later of IEEEtran pre-defines the format of the cite.sty package
-% \cite{} output to follow that of IEEE. Loading the cite package will
-% result in citation numbers being automatically sorted and properly
-% "compressed/ranged". e.g., [1], [9], [2], [7], [5], [6] without using
-% cite.sty will become [1], [2], [5]--[7], [9] using cite.sty. cite.sty's
-% \cite will automatically add leading space, if needed. Use cite.sty's
-% noadjust option (cite.sty V3.8 and later) if you want to turn this off.
-% cite.sty is already installed on most LaTeX systems. Be sure and use
-% version 4.0 (2003-05-27) and later if using hyperref.sty. cite.sty does
-% not currently provide for hyperlinked citations.
-% The latest version can be obtained at:
-% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/cite/
-% The documentation is contained in the cite.sty file itself.
- % \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}
- % declare the path(s) where your graphic files are
- % \graphicspath{{../pdf/}{../jpeg/}}
- % and their extensions so you won't have to specify these with
- % every instance of \includegraphics
- % \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf,.jpeg,.png}
- % or other class option (dvipsone, dvipdf, if not using dvips). graphicx
- % will default to the driver specified in the system graphics.cfg if no
- % driver is specified.
- % \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx}
- % declare the path(s) where your graphic files are
- % \graphicspath{{../eps/}}
- % and their extensions so you won't have to specify these with
- % every instance of \includegraphics
- % \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.eps}
-% graphicx was written by David Carlisle and Sebastian Rahtz. It is
-% required if you want graphics, photos, etc. graphicx.sty is already
-% installed on most LaTeX systems. The latest version and documentation can
-% be obtained at:
-% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/graphics/
-% Another good source of documentation is "Using Imported Graphics in
-% LaTeX2e" by Keith Reckdahl which can be found as epslatex.ps or
-% epslatex.pdf at: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/
-% latex, and pdflatex in dvi mode, support graphics in encapsulated
-% postscript (.eps) format. pdflatex in pdf mode supports graphics
-% in .pdf, .jpeg, .png and .mps (metapost) formats. Users should ensure
-% that all non-photo figures use a vector format (.eps, .pdf, .mps) and
-% not a bitmapped formats (.jpeg, .png). IEEE frowns on bitmapped formats
-% which can result in "jaggedy"/blurry rendering of lines and letters as
-% well as large increases in file sizes.
-% You can find documentation about the pdfTeX application at:
-% http://www.tug.org/applications/pdftex
-% *** MATH PACKAGES ***
-% A popular package from the American Mathematical Society that provides
-% many useful and powerful commands for dealing with mathematics. If using
-% it, be sure to load this package with the cmex10 option to ensure that
-% only type 1 fonts will utilized at all point sizes. Without this option,
-% it is possible that some math symbols, particularly those within
-% footnotes, will be rendered in bitmap form which will result in a
-% document that can not be IEEE Xplore compliant!
-% Also, note that the amsmath package sets \interdisplaylinepenalty to 10000
-% thus preventing page breaks from occurring within multiline equations. Use:
-% after loading amsmath to restore such page breaks as IEEEtran.cls normally
-% does. amsmath.sty is already installed on most LaTeX systems. The latest
-% version and documentation can be obtained at:
-% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/amslatex/math/
-% algorithmic.sty was written by Peter Williams and Rogerio Brito.
-% This package provides an algorithmic environment fo describing algorithms.
-% You can use the algorithmic environment in-text or within a figure
-% environment to provide for a floating algorithm. Do NOT use the algorithm
-% floating environment provided by algorithm.sty (by the same authors) or
-% algorithm2e.sty (by Christophe Fiorio) as IEEE does not use dedicated
-% algorithm float types and packages that provide these will not provide
-% correct IEEE style captions. The latest version and documentation of
-% algorithmic.sty can be obtained at:
-% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/algorithms/
-% There is also a support site at:
-% http://algorithms.berlios.de/index.html
-% Also of interest may be the (relatively newer and more customizable)
-% algorithmicx.sty package by Szasz Janos:
-% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/algorithmicx/
-% Frank Mittelbach's and David Carlisle's array.sty patches and improves
-% the standard LaTeX2e array and tabular environments to provide better
-% appearance and additional user controls. As the default LaTeX2e table
-% generation code is lacking to the point of almost being broken with
-% respect to the quality of the end results, all users are strongly
-% advised to use an enhanced (at the very least that provided by array.sty)
-% set of table tools. array.sty is already installed on most systems. The
-% latest version and documentation can be obtained at:
-% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/tools/
-% Also highly recommended is Mark Wooding's extremely powerful MDW tools,
-% especially mdwmath.sty and mdwtab.sty which are used to format equations
-% and tables, respectively. The MDWtools set is already installed on most
-% LaTeX systems. The lastest version and documentation is available at:
-% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/mdwtools/
-% IEEEtran contains the IEEEeqnarray family of commands that can be used to
-% generate multiline equations as well as matrices, tables, etc., of high
-% quality.
-% Also of notable interest is Scott Pakin's eqparbox package for creating
-% (automatically sized) equal width boxes - aka "natural width parboxes".
-% Available at:
-% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/eqparbox/
-% subfigure.sty was written by Steven Douglas Cochran. This package makes it
-% easy to put subfigures in your figures. e.g., "Figure 1a and 1b". For IEEE
-% work, it is a good idea to load it with the tight package option to reduce
-% the amount of white space around the subfigures. subfigure.sty is already
-% installed on most LaTeX systems. The latest version and documentation can
-% be obtained at:
-% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/obsolete/macros/latex/contrib/subfigure/
-% subfigure.sty has been superceeded by subfig.sty.
-% subfig.sty, also written by Steven Douglas Cochran, is the modern
-% replacement for subfigure.sty. However, subfig.sty requires and
-% automatically loads Axel Sommerfeldt's caption.sty which will override
-% IEEEtran.cls handling of captions and this will result in nonIEEE style
-% figure/table captions. To prevent this problem, be sure and preload
-% caption.sty with its "caption=false" package option. This is will preserve
-% IEEEtran.cls handing of captions. Version 1.3 (2005/06/28) and later
-% (recommended due to many improvements over 1.2) of subfig.sty supports
-% the caption=false option directly:
-% The latest version and documentation can be obtained at:
-% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/subfig/
-% The latest version and documentation of caption.sty can be obtained at:
-% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/caption/
-% fixltx2e, the successor to the earlier fix2col.sty, was written by
-% Frank Mittelbach and David Carlisle. This package corrects a few problems
-% in the LaTeX2e kernel, the most notable of which is that in current
-% LaTeX2e releases, the ordering of single and double column floats is not
-% guaranteed to be preserved. Thus, an unpatched LaTeX2e can allow a
-% single column figure to be placed prior to an earlier double column
-% figure. The latest version and documentation can be found at:
-% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/base/
-% stfloats.sty was written by Sigitas Tolusis. This package gives LaTeX2e
-% the ability to do double column floats at the bottom of the page as well
-% as the top. (e.g., "\begin{figure*}[!b]" is not normally possible in
-% LaTeX2e). It also provides a command:
-% to enable the placement of footnotes below bottom floats (the standard
-% LaTeX2e kernel puts them above bottom floats). This is an invasive package
-% which rewrites many portions of the LaTeX2e float routines. It may not work
-% with other packages that modify the LaTeX2e float routines. The latest
-% version and documentation can be obtained at:
-% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/sttools/
-% Documentation is contained in the stfloats.sty comments as well as in the
-% presfull.pdf file. Do not use the stfloats baselinefloat ability as IEEE
-% does not allow \baselineskip to stretch. Authors submitting work to the
-% IEEE should note that IEEE rarely uses double column equations and
-% that authors should try to avoid such use. Do not be tempted to use the
-% cuted.sty or midfloat.sty packages (also by Sigitas Tolusis) as IEEE does
-% not format its papers in such ways.
-% url.sty was written by Donald Arseneau. It provides better support for
-% handling and breaking URLs. url.sty is already installed on most LaTeX
-% systems. The latest version can be obtained at:
-% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/misc/
-% Read the url.sty source comments for usage information. Basically,
-% \url{my_url_here}.
-% *** Do not adjust lengths that control margins, column widths, etc. ***
-% *** Do not use packages that alter fonts (such as pslatex). ***
-% There should be no need to do such things with IEEEtran.cls V1.6 and later.
-% (Unless specifically asked to do so by the journal or conference you plan
-% to submit to, of course. )
-% Extension pour les graphiques EPS
% Extension pour les liens intra-documents (tagged PDF)
% et l'affichage correct des URL (commande \url{http://example.com})
-% paper title
-% can use linebreaks \\ within to get better formatting as desired
-\title{Simulation of Asynchronous Iterative Numerical Algorithms Using SimGrid}
+ \renewcommand*\npunitcommand[1]{\text{#1}}
+ \npthousandthpartsep{}}
-% author names and affiliations
-% use a multiple column layout for up to three different
-% affiliations
-\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Raphaël Couturier and Arnaud Giersch and David Laiymani and Charles-Emile Ramamonjisoa}
-\IEEEauthorblockA{Femto-ST Institute - DISC Department\\
-Université de Franche-Comté\\
-Email: raphael.couturier@univ-fcomte.fr}
-%\IEEEauthorblockN{Arnaud Giersch}
-%\IEEEauthorblockA{Twentieth Century Fox\\
-%Springfield, USA\\
-%Email: homer@thesimpsons.com}
-%\IEEEauthorblockN{James Kirk\\ and Montgomery Scott}
-%\IEEEauthorblockA{Starfleet Academy\\
-%San Francisco, California 96678-2391\\
-%Telephone: (800) 555--1212\\
-%Fax: (888) 555--1212
-% make the title area
+\title{Simulation of Asynchronous Iterative Numerical Algorithms Using SimGrid}
+ \IEEEauthorblockN{%
+ Raphaël Couturier,
+ Arnaud Giersch,
+ David Laiymani and
+ Charles Emile Ramamonjisoa
+ }
+ \IEEEauthorblockA{%
+ Femto-ST Institute - DISC Department\\
+ Université de Franche-Comté\\
+ Belfort\\
+ Email: \email{raphael.couturier@univ-fcomte.fr}
+ }
The abstract goes here.
-% IEEEtran.cls defaults to using nonbold math in the Abstract.
-% This preserves the distinction between vectors and scalars. However,
-% if the conference you are submitting to favors bold math in the abstract,
-% then you can use LaTeX's standard command \boldmath at the very start
-% of the abstract to achieve this. Many IEEE journals/conferences frown on
-% math in the abstract anyway.
-% no keywords
-% For peer review papers, you can put extra information on the cover
-% page as needed:
-% \ifCLASSOPTIONpeerreview
-% \begin{center} \bfseries EDICS Category: 3-BBND \end{center}
-% \fi
-% For peerreview papers, this IEEEtran command inserts a page break and
-% creates the second title. It will be ignored for other modes.
-Présenter un bref état de l'art sur la simulation d'algos parallèles. Présenter rapidement les algos itératifs asynchrones et leurs avantages. Parler de leurs inconvénients en particulier la difficulté de déploiement à grande échelle donc il serait bien de simuler. Dire qu'à notre connaissance il n'existe pas de simulation de ce type d'algo.
-Présenter les travaux et les résultats obtenus. Annoncer le plan.
+Parallel computing and high performance computing (HPC) are becoming
+more and more imperative for solving various problems raised by
+researchers on various scientific disciplines but also by industrial in
+the field. Indeed, the increasing complexity of these requested
+applications combined with a continuous increase of their sizes lead to
+write distributed and parallel algorithms requiring significant hardware
+resources (grid computing, clusters, broadband network, etc\dots{}) but
+also a non-negligible CPU execution time. We consider in this paper a
+class of highly efficient parallel algorithms called iterative executed
+in a distributed environment. As their name suggests, these algorithm
+solves a given problem that might be NP- complete complex by successive
+iterations ($X_{n +1} = f(X_{n})$) from an initial value $X_{0}$ to find
+an approximate value $X^*$ of the solution with a very low
+residual error. Several well-known methods demonstrate the convergence
+of these algorithms. Generally, to reduce the complexity and the
+execution time, the problem is divided into several \emph{pieces} that will
+be solved in parallel on multiple processing units. The latter will
+communicate each intermediate results before a new iteration starts
+until the approximate solution is reached. These distributed parallel
+computations can be performed either in \emph{synchronous} communication mode
+where a new iteration begin only when all nodes communications are
+completed, either \emph{asynchronous} mode where processors can continue
+independently without or few synchronization points. Despite the
+effectiveness of iterative approach, a major drawback of the method is
+the requirement of huge resources in terms of computing capacity,
+storage and high speed communication network. Indeed, limited physical
+resources are blocking factors for large-scale deployment of parallel
+In recent years, the use of a simulation environment to execute parallel
+iterative algorithms found some interests in reducing the highly cost of
+access to computing resources: (1) for the applications development life
+cycle and in code debugging (2) and in production to get results in a
+reasonable execution time with a simulated infrastructure not accessible
+with physical resources. Indeed, the launch of distributed iterative
+asynchronous algorithms to solve a given problem on a large-scale
+simulated environment challenges to find optimal configurations giving
+the best results with a lowest residual error and in the best of
+execution time. According our knowledge, no testing of large-scale
+simulation of the class of algorithm solving to achieve real results has
+been undertaken to date. We had in the scope of this work implemented a
+program for solving large non-symmetric linear system of equations by
+numerical method GMRES (Generalized Minimal Residual) in the simulation
+environment SimGrid. The simulated platform had allowed us to launch
+the application from a modest computing infrastructure by simulating
+different distributed architectures composed by clusters nodes
+interconnected by variable speed networks. In addition, it has been
+permitted to show the effectiveness of asynchronous mode algorithm by
+comparing its performance with the synchronous mode time. With selected
+parameters on the network platforms (bandwidth, latency of inter cluster
+network) and on the clusters architecture (number, capacity calculation
+power) in the simulated environment, the experimental results have
+demonstrated not only the algorithm convergence within a reasonable time
+compared with the physical environment performance, but also a time
+saving of up to \np[\%]{40} in asynchronous mode.
+This article is structured as follows: after this introduction, the next
+section will give a brief description of iterative asynchronous model.
+Then, the simulation framework SimGrid will be presented with the
+settings to create various distributed architectures. The algorithm of
+the multi -splitting method used by GMRES written with MPI primitives
+and its adaptation to SimGrid with SMPI (Simulated MPI) will be in the
+next section. At last, the experiments results carried out will be
+presented before the conclusion which we will announce the opening of
+our future work after the results.
\section{The asynchronous iteration model}
\section{Simulation of the multisplitting method}
%Décrire le problème (algo) traité ainsi que le processus d'adaptation à SimGrid.
Let $Ax=b$ be a large sparse system of $n$ linear equations in $\mathbb{R}$, where $A$ is a sparse square and nonsingular matrix, $x$ is the solution vector and $y$ is the right-hand side vector. We use a multisplitting method based on the block Jacobi partitioning to solve this linear system on a large scale platform composed of $L$ clusters of processors. In this case, we apply a row-by-row splitting without overlapping
is solved independently by a cluster and communication are required to update the right-hand side sub-vectors $Y_l$, such that the sub-vectors $X_i$ represent the data dependencies between the clusters. As each sub-system (\ref{eq:4.1}) is solved in parallel by a cluster of processors, our multisplitting method uses an iterative method as an inner solver which is easier to parallelize and more scalable than a direct method. In this work, we use the parallel GMRES method~\cite{ref1} which is one of the most used iterative method by many researchers.
+\caption{A multisplitting solver with inner iteration GMRES method}
+\Input $A_l$ (local sparse matrix), $B_l$ (local right-hand side), $x^0$ (initial guess)
+\Output $X_l$ (local solution vector)\vspace{0.2cm}
+\State Load $A_l$, $B_l$, $x^0$
+\State Initialize the shared vector $\hat{x}=x^0$
+\For {$k=1,2,3,\ldots$ until the global convergence}
+\State $x^0=\hat{x}$
+\State Inner iteration solver: \Call{InnerSolver}{$x^0$, $k$}
+\State Exchange the local solution ${X}_l^k$ with the neighboring clusters and copy the shared vector elements in $\hat{x}$
+\Function {InnerSolver}{$x^0$, $k$}
+\State Compute the local right-hand side: $Y_l = B_l - \sum^L_{i=1,i\neq l}A_{li}X_i^0$
+\State Solving the local splitting $A_{ll}X_l^k=Y_l$ using the parallel GMRES method, such that $X_l^0$ is the local initial guess
+\State \Return $X_l^k$
network configuration where the synchronous mode will take advantage on the rapid
exchange of information on such high-speed links. Thus, the methodology adopted
was to launch the application on clustered network. In this last configuration,
-degrading the inter-cluster network performance will "penalize" the synchronous
+degrading the inter-cluster network performance will \emph{penalize} the synchronous
mode allowing to get a speedup lower than 1. This action simulates the case of
clusters linked with long distance network like Internet.
As a first step, the algorithm was run on a network consisting of two clusters
containing fifty hosts each, totaling one hundred hosts. Various combinations of
the above factors have providing the results shown in Table~\ref{tab.cluster.2x50} with a matrix size
-ranging from Nx = Ny = Nz = 62 to 171 elements or from 62$^{3}$ = 238328 to
-171$^{3}$ = 5,211,000 entries.
+ranging from Nx = Ny = Nz = 62 to 171 elements or from $62^{3} = \np{238328}$ to
+$171^{3} = \np{5211000}$ entries.
Then we have changed the network configuration using three clusters containing
respectively 33, 33 and 34 hosts, or again by on hundred hosts for all the
\paragraph*{SMPI parameters}
- \item HOSTFILE : Hosts file description.
+ \item HOSTFILE: Hosts file description.
\item PLATFORM: file description of the platform architecture : clusters (CPU power,
-... ) , intra cluster network description, inter cluster network (bandwidth bw ,
-lat latency , ... ).
+\dots{}), intra cluster network description, inter cluster network (bandwidth bw,
+lat latency, \dots{}).
\item Description of the cluster architecture;
\item Maximum number of internal and external iterations;
\item Internal and external precisions;
- \item Matrix size NX , NY and NZ;
+ \item Matrix size NX, NY and NZ;
\item Matrix diagonal value = 6.0;
\item Execution Mode: synchronous or asynchronous.
\caption{2 clusters X 50 nodes}
- \includegraphics[width=209pt]{img-1.eps}
+ \includegraphics[width=209pt]{img1.jpg}
- \caption{3 clusters X 33 n\oe{}uds}
+ \caption{3 clusters X 33 nodes}
- \includegraphics[width=209pt]{img-1.eps}
+ \includegraphics[width=209pt]{img2.jpg}
- \caption{3 clusters X 67 noeuds}
+ \caption{3 clusters X 67 nodes}
- \includegraphics[width=128pt]{img-2.eps}
+% \includegraphics[width=160pt]{img3.jpg}
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{img3.jpg}
\paragraph*{Interpretations and comments}
In the case of a two clusters configuration, Table~\ref{tab.cluster.2x50} shows that with a
-deterioration of inter cluster network set with 5 Mbits/s of bandwidth, a latency
+deterioration of inter cluster network set with \np[Mbits/s]{5} of bandwidth, a latency
in order of a hundredth of a millisecond and a system power of one GFlops, an
-efficiency of about 40\% in asynchronous mode is obtained for a matrix size of 62
-elements . It is noticed that the result remains stable even if we vary the
-external precision from E -05 to E-09. By increasing the problem size up to 100
-elements, it was necessary to increase the CPU power of 50 \% to 1.5 GFlops for a
+efficiency of about \np[\%]{40} in asynchronous mode is obtained for a matrix size of 62
+elements. It is noticed that the result remains stable even if we vary the
+external precision from \np{E-5} to \np{E-9}. By increasing the problem size up to 100
+elements, it was necessary to increase the CPU power of \np[\%]{50} to \np[GFlops]{1.5} for a
convergence of the algorithm with the same order of asynchronous mode efficiency.
Maintaining such a system power but this time, increasing network throughput
-inter cluster up to 50 Mbits /s, the result of efficiency of about 40\% is
-obtained with high external precision of E-11 for a matrix size from 110 to 150
-side elements .
+inter cluster up to \np[Mbits/s]{50}, the result of efficiency of about \np[\%]{40} is
+obtained with high external precision of \np{E-11} for a matrix size from 110 to 150
+side elements.
For the 3 clusters architecture including a total of 100 hosts, Table~\ref{tab.cluster.3x33} shows
that it was difficult to have a combination which gives an efficiency of
-asynchronous below 80 \%. Indeed, for a matrix size of 62 elements, equality
+asynchronous below \np[\%]{80}. Indeed, for a matrix size of 62 elements, equality
between the performance of the two modes (synchronous and asynchronous) is
-achieved with an inter cluster of 10 Mbits/s and a latency of E- 01 ms. To
-challenge an efficiency by 78\% with a matrix size of 100 points, it was
+achieved with an inter cluster of \np[Mbits/s]{10} and a latency of \np{E-1} ms. To
+challenge an efficiency by \np[\%]{78} with a matrix size of 100 points, it was
necessary to degrade the inter cluster network bandwidth from 5 to 2 Mbit/s.
A last attempt was made for a configuration of three clusters but more power
-with 200 nodes in total. The convergence with a speedup of 90 \% was obtained
-with a bandwidth of 1 Mbits/s as shown in Table~\ref{tab.cluster.3x67}.
+with 200 nodes in total. The convergence with a speedup of \np[\%]{90} was obtained
+with a bandwidth of \np[Mbits/s]{1} as shown in Table~\ref{tab.cluster.3x67}.
-% An example of a floating figure using the graphicx package.
-% Note that \label must occur AFTER (or within) \caption.
-% For figures, \caption should occur after the \includegraphics.
-% Note that IEEEtran v1.7 and later has special internal code that
-% is designed to preserve the operation of \label within \caption
-% even when the captionsoff option is in effect. However, because
-% of issues like this, it may be the safest practice to put all your
-% \label just after \caption rather than within \caption{}.
-% Reminder: the "draftcls" or "draftclsnofoot", not "draft", class
-% option should be used if it is desired that the figures are to be
-% displayed while in draft mode.
-% where an .eps filename suffix will be assumed under latex,
-% and a .pdf suffix will be assumed for pdflatex; or what has been declared
-% via \DeclareGraphicsExtensions.
-%\caption{Simulation Results}
-% Note that IEEE typically puts floats only at the top, even when this
-% results in a large percentage of a column being occupied by floats.
-% An example of a double column floating figure using two subfigures.
-% (The subfig.sty package must be loaded for this to work.)
-% The subfigure \label commands are set within each subfloat command, the
-% \label for the overall figure must come after \caption.
-% \hfil must be used as a separator to get equal spacing.
-% The subfigure.sty package works much the same way, except \subfigure is
-% used instead of \subfloat.
-%\centerline{\subfloat[Case I]\includegraphics[width=2.5in]{subfigcase1}%
-%\subfloat[Case II]{\includegraphics[width=2.5in]{subfigcase2}%
-%\caption{Simulation results}
-% Note that often IEEE papers with subfigures do not employ subfigure
-% captions (using the optional argument to \subfloat), but instead will
-% reference/describe all of them (a), (b), etc., within the main caption.
-% An example of a floating table. Note that, for IEEE style tables, the
-% \caption command should come BEFORE the table. Table text will default to
-% \footnotesize as IEEE normally uses this smaller font for tables.
-% The \label must come after \caption as always.
-%% increase table row spacing, adjust to taste
-% if using array.sty, it might be a good idea to tweak the value of
-% \extrarowheight as needed to properly center the text within the cells
-%\caption{An Example of a Table}
-%% Some packages, such as MDW tools, offer better commands for making tables
-%% than the plain LaTeX2e tabular which is used here.
-%One & Two\\
-%Three & Four\\
-% Note that IEEE does not put floats in the very first column - or typically
-% anywhere on the first page for that matter. Also, in-text middle ("here")
-% positioning is not used. Most IEEE journals/conferences use top floats
-% exclusively. Note that, LaTeX2e, unlike IEEE journals/conferences, places
-% footnotes above bottom floats. This can be corrected via the \fnbelowfloat
-% command of the stfloats package.
-% conference papers do not normally have an appendix
-% use section* for acknowledgement
-The authors would like to thank...
+The authors would like to thank\dots{}
% trigger a \newpage just before the given reference
% number - used to balance the columns on the last page
% adjust value as needed - may need to be readjusted if
% the document is modified later
-% The "triggered" command can be changed if desired:
-% references section
-% can use a bibliography generated by BibTeX as a .bbl file
-% BibTeX documentation can be easily obtained at:
-% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/biblio/bibtex/contrib/doc/
-% The IEEEtran BibTeX style support page is at:
-% http://www.michaelshell.org/tex/ieeetran/bibtex/
-% argument is your BibTeX string definitions and bibliography database(s)
-% <OR> manually copy in the resultant .bbl file
-% set second argument of \begin to the number of references
-% (used to reserve space for the reference number labels box)
-%H.~Kopka and P.~W. Daly, \emph{A Guide to \LaTeX}, 3rd~ed.\hskip 1em plus
-% 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax Harlow, England: Addison-Wesley, 1999.
-% that's all folks
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% fill-column: 80
+%%% ispell-local-dictionary: "american"
+%%% End: