-We did not encounter major blocking problems when adapting the multisplitting algorithm previously described to a simulation environment like SIMGRI\LZK[]{SimGrid} unless some code
-debugging. Indeed, apart from the review of the program sequence for asynchronous exchanges between the six neighbors of each point in a submatrix within a cluster or
-between clusters, \LZK{Il faut expliquer pourquoi 6 points voisins (7-point stencil problem)}
+We did not encounter major blocking problems when adapting the multisplitting algorithm previously described to a simulation environment like SimGrid\LZK[]{SimGrid} unless some code
+debugging. Indeed, apart from the review of the program sequence for asynchronous exchanges between the six neighbors of each point (left,right,front,behind,top,down) in a cubic partitionned submatrix within a cluster or between clusters, \LZK{Il faut expliquer pourquoi 6 points voisins (7-point stencil problem)} \CER{J'ai rajouté quelques précisions mais serait-il nécessaire de décrire a ce niveau la discrétisation 3D ?}