-As mentioned, upon this adaptation, the algorithm is executed as in the real life in the simulated environment after the following minor changes. First, all declared
-global variables have been moved to local variables for each subroutine. In fact, global variables generate side effects arising from the concurrent access of
-shared memory used by threads simulating each computing unit in the SimGrid architecture. Second, the alignment of certain types of variables such as ``long int'' had
-also to be reviewed.
-\AG{À propos de ces problèmes d'alignement, en dire plus si ça a un intérêt, ou l'enlever.}
-\CER{Ce problème fait partie des modifications que j'ai dû faire dans l'adaptation du programme MPI vers SMPI. IL découle de la différence de la taille des mots en mémoire : en 32 bits, pour les variables declarees en long int, on garde dans les instructions de sortie (printf, sprintf, ...) le format \%lu sinon en 64 bits, on le substitue par \%llu.}
- Finally, some compilation errors on MPI\_Waitall and MPI\_Finalize primitives have been fixed with the latest version of SimGrid.
+As mentioned, upon this adaptation, the algorithm is executed as in the real life in the simulated environment after the following minor changes. First, the scope of all declared
+global variables have been moved to local to subroutine. Indeed, global variables generate side effects arising from the concurrent access of
+shared memory used by threads simulating each computing unit in the SimGrid architecture.
+Second, some compilation errors on MPI\_Waitall and MPI\_Finalize primitives have been fixed with the latest version of SimGrid.