standard~\cite{bedaride:hal-00919507}, and supports applications written in C or
Fortran, with little or no modifications.
-With SimGrid, the execution of a distributed application is simulated on a
+Within SimGrid, the execution of a distributed application is simulated on a
single machine. The application code is really executed, but some operations
-like the communications are intercepted to be simulated according to the
-characteristics of the simulated execution platform. The description of this
-target platform is given as an input for the execution, by the mean of an XML
-file. It describes the properties of the platform, such as the computing node
-with their computing power, the interconnection links with their bandwidth and
-latency, and the routing strategy. The simulated running time of the
-application is computed according to these properties.
-%%% TODO: add some words+refs about SimGrid's accuracy and scalability.}
-\AG{Faut-il ajouter quelque-chose ?}
-\CER{Comme tu as décrit la plateforme d'exécution, on peut ajouter éventuellement le fichier XML contenant des hosts dans les clusters formant la grille
- \AG{Bof.}}
+like the communications are intercepted, and their running time is computed
+according to the characteristics of the simulated execution platform. The
+description of this target platform is given as an input for the execution, by
+the mean of an XML file. It describes the properties of the platform, such as
+the computing node with their computing power, the interconnection links with
+their bandwidth and latency, and the routing strategy. The simulated running
+time of the application is computed according to these properties.
+To compute the durations of the operations in the simulated world, and to take
+into account resource sharing (e.g. bandwidth sharing between competing
+communications), SimGrid uses a fluid model. This allows to run relatively fast
+simulations, while still keeping accurate
+results~\cite{bedaride:hal-00919507,tomacs13}. Moreover, depending on the
+simulated application, SimGrid/SMPI allows to skip long lasting computations and
+to only take their duration into account. When the real computations cannot be
+skipped, but the results have no importance for the simulation results, there is
+also the possibility to share dynamically allocated data structures between
+several simulated processes, and thus to reduce the whole memory consumption.
+These two techniques can help to run simulations at a very large scale.
\section{Simulation of the multisplitting method}
& \np{E-5} & \np{E-5} & \np{E-5} & \np{E-5} & \np{E-5} & \np{E-5} \\
Relative gain
- & 1.003 & 1,01 & 1,08 & 0.19 & 1.28 & 1.01 \\
+ & 1.003 & 1.01 & 1.08 & 0.19 & 1.28 & 1.01 \\
\item Maximum number of internal and external iterations;
\item Internal and external precisions;
\item Matrix size $N_x$, $N_y$ and $N_z$;
-%<<<<<<< HEAD
\item Matrix diagonal value: \np{6.0};
\item Matrix Off-diagonal value: \np{-1.0};
-%>>>>>>> 5fb6769d88c1720b6480a28521119ef010462fa6
\item Execution Mode: synchronous or asynchronous.