+Décrire SimGrid (Arnaud)
+\section{Simulation of the multisplitting method}
+%Décrire le problème (algo) traité ainsi que le processus d'adaptation à SimGrid.
+Let $Ax=b$ be a large sparse system of $n$ linear equations in $\mathbb{R}$, where $A$ is a sparse square and nonsingular matrix, $x$ is the solution vector and $y$ is the right-hand side vector. We use a multisplitting method based on the block Jacobi partitioning to solve this linear system on a large scale platform composed of $L$ clusters of processors. In this case, we apply a row-by-row splitting without overlapping
+A_{11} & \cdots & A_{1L} \\
+\vdots & \ddots & \vdots\\
+A_{L1} & \cdots & A_{LL}
+\end{array} \right)
+X_1 \\
+\end{array} \right)
+Y_1 \\
+\end{array} \right)\]
+in such a way that successive rows of matrix $A$ and both vectors $x$ and $b$ are assigned to one cluster, where for all $l,i\in\{1,\ldots,L\}$ $A_{li}$ is a rectangular block of $A$ of size $n_l\times n_i$, $X_l$ and $Y_l$ are sub-vectors of $x$ and $y$, respectively, each of size $n_l$ and $\sum_{l} n_l=\sum_{i} n_i=n$.
+The multisplitting method proceeds by iteration to solve in parallel the linear system by $L$ clusters of processors, in such a way each sub-system
+A_{ll}X_l = Y_l \mbox{,~such that}\\
+Y_l = B_l - \displaystyle\sum_{i=1,i\neq l}^{L}A_{li}X_i,
+is solved independently by a cluster and communication are required to update the right-hand side sub-vectors $Y_l$, such that the sub-vectors $X_i$ represent the data dependencies between the clusters. As each sub-system (\ref{eq:4.1}) is solved in parallel by a cluster of processors, our multisplitting method uses an iterative method as an inner solver which is easier to parallelize and more scalable than a direct method. In this work, we use the parallel GMRES method~\cite{ref1} which is one of the most used iterative method by many researchers.