%\LZK{Ma question est: le bandwidth et latency sont ceux inter-clusters ou pour les deux inter et intra cluster??}
%\CER{Définitivement, les paramètres réseaux variables ici se rapportent au réseau INTER cluster.}
-The experimental results on executing a parallel iterative algorithm in
-asynchronous mode on an environment simulating a large scale of virtual
-computers organized with interconnected clusters have been presented.
+The simulation of the execution of parallel asynchronous iterative algorithms on large scale clusters has been presented.
Our work has demonstrated that using such a simulation tool allow us to
reach the following three objectives:
This work is partially funded by the Labex ACTION program (contract ANR-11-LABX-01-01).
-\todo[inline]{The authors would like to thank\dots{}}
+%\todo[inline]{The authors would like to thank\dots{}}
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