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diff --git a/hpcc.tex b/hpcc.tex
index 0dccef3..e043c78 100644
--- a/hpcc.tex
+++ b/hpcc.tex
@@ -45,14 +45,14 @@
-\title{Simulation of Asynchronous Iterative Numerical Algorithms Using SimGrid}
+\title{Simulation of Asynchronous Iterative Algorithms Using SimGrid}
     Charles Emile Ramamonjisoa\IEEEauthorrefmark{1},
+    Lilia Ziane Khodja\IEEEauthorrefmark{2},
     David Laiymani\IEEEauthorrefmark{1},
-    Arnaud Giersch\IEEEauthorrefmark{1},
-    Lilia Ziane Khodja\IEEEauthorrefmark{2} and
+    Arnaud Giersch\IEEEauthorrefmark{1} and
     Raphaël Couturier\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}
@@ -71,34 +71,20 @@
-\RC{Ordre des auteurs pas définitif.}
-\AG{L'abstract est AMHA incompréhensible et ne donne pas envie de lire la suite.}
-In recent years, the scalability of large-scale implementation in a 
-distributed environment of algorithms becoming more and more complex has 
-always been hampered by the limits of physical computing resources 
-capacity. One solution is to run the program in a virtual environment 
-simulating a real interconnected computers architecture. The results are 
-convincing and useful solutions are obtained with far fewer resources 
-than in a real platform. However, challenges remain for the convergence 
-and efficiency of a class of algorithms that concern us here, namely 
-numerical parallel iterative algorithms executed in asynchronous mode, 
-especially in a large scale level. Actually, such algorithm requires a 
-balance and a compromise between computation and communication time 
-during the execution. Two important factors determine the success of the 
-experimentation: the convergence of the iterative algorithm on a large 
-scale and the execution time reduction in asynchronous mode. Once again, 
-from the current work, a simulated environment like SimGrid provides
-accurate results which are difficult or even impossible to obtain in a 
-physical platform by exploiting the flexibility of the simulator on the 
-computing units clusters and the network structure design. Our 
-experimental outputs showed a saving of up to \np[\%]{40} for the algorithm
-execution time in asynchronous mode compared to the synchronous one with 
-a residual precision up to \np{E-11}. Such successful results open
-perspectives on experimentations for running the algorithm on a 
-simulated large scale growing environment and with larger problem size. 
+Synchronous  iterative  algorithms  are  often less  scalable  than  asynchronous
+iterative  ones.  Performing  large  scale experiments  with  different kind  of
+network parameters is not easy  because with supercomputers such parameters are
+fixed. So one  solution consists in using simulations first  in order to analyze
+what parameters  could influence or not  the behaviors of an  algorithm. In this
+paper, we show  that it is interesting to use SimGrid  to simulate the behaviors
+of asynchronous  iterative algorithms. For that,  we compare the  behaviour of a
+synchronous  GMRES  algorithm  with  an  asynchronous  multisplitting  one  with
+simulations  in  which we  choose  some parameters.   Both  codes  are real  MPI
+codes. Simulations allow us to see when the multisplitting algorithm can be more
+efficient than the GMRES one to solve a 3D Poisson problem.
 % no keywords for IEEE conferences
 % Keywords: Algorithm distributed iterative asynchronous simulation SimGrid
@@ -111,7 +97,7 @@ problems raised by  researchers on various scientific disciplines but also by in
 increasing complexity of these requested  applications combined with a continuous increase of their sizes lead to  write
 distributed and parallel algorithms requiring significant hardware  resources (grid computing, clusters, broadband
 network, etc.) but also a non-negligible CPU execution time. We consider in this paper a class of highly efficient
-parallel algorithms called \emph{numerical iterative algorithms} executed in a distributed environment. As their name
+parallel algorithms called \emph{iterative algorithms} executed in a distributed environment. As their name
 suggests, these algorithms solve a given problem by successive iterations ($X_{n +1} = f(X_{n})$) from an initial value
 $X_{0}$ to find an approximate value $X^*$ of the solution with a very low residual error. Several well-known methods
 demonstrate the convergence of these algorithms~\cite{BT89,Bahi07}.
@@ -127,79 +113,88 @@ at that time. Even if the number of iterations required before the convergence i
 synchronous case, AIAC algorithms can significantly reduce overall execution times by suppressing idle times due to
 synchronizations especially in a grid computing context (see~\cite{Bahi07} for more details).
-Parallel numerical applications (synchronous or asynchronous) may have different
-configuration and deployment requirements.  Quantifying their resource
-allocation policies and application scheduling algorithms in grid computing
-environments under varying load, CPU power and network speeds is very costly,
-very labor intensive and very time
-consuming~\cite{Calheiros:2011:CTM:1951445.1951450}.  The case of AIAC
-algorithms is even more problematic since they are very sensible to the
+Parallel   (synchronous  or  asynchronous)   applications  may   have  different
+configuration   and  deployment   requirements.    Quantifying  their   resource
+allocation  policies and  application  scheduling algorithms  in grid  computing
+environments under  varying load, CPU power  and network speeds  is very costly,
+very          labor           intensive          and          very          time
+consuming~\cite{Calheiros:2011:CTM:1951445.1951450}.     The   case    of   AIAC
+algorithms  is  even  more problematic  since  they  are  very sensible  to  the
 execution environment context. For instance, variations in the network bandwidth
-(intra and inter-clusters), in the number and the power of nodes, in the number
-of clusters\dots{} can lead to very different number of iterations and so to
-very different execution times. Then, it appears that the use of simulation
-tools to explore various platform scenarios and to run large numbers of
-experiments quickly can be very promising. In this way, the use of a simulation
-environment to execute parallel iterative algorithms found some interests in
-reducing the highly cost of access to computing resources: (1) for the
-applications development life cycle and in code debugging (2) and in production
-to get results in a reasonable execution time with a simulated infrastructure
-not accessible with physical resources. Indeed, the launch of distributed
-iterative asynchronous algorithms to solve a given problem on a large-scale
-simulated environment challenges to find optimal configurations giving the best
+(intra and inter-clusters), in the number  and the power of nodes, in the number
+of clusters\dots{}  can lead to  very different number  of iterations and  so to
+very  different execution times.  Then, it  appears that  the use  of simulation
+tools  to  explore  various platform  scenarios  and  to  run large  numbers  of
+experiments quickly can be very promising.  In this way, the use of a simulation
+environment  to execute parallel  iterative algorithms  found some  interests in
+reducing  the  highly  cost  of  access  to computing  resources:  (1)  for  the
+applications development life cycle and  in code debugging (2) and in production
+to get  results in a reasonable  execution time with  a simulated infrastructure
+not  accessible  with physical  resources.  Indeed,  the  launch of  distributed
+iterative  asynchronous algorithms  to solve  a given  problem on  a large-scale
+simulated environment challenges to  find optimal configurations giving the best
 results with a lowest residual error and in the best of execution time.
-To our knowledge, there is no existing work on the large-scale simulation of a
-real AIAC application. The aim of this paper is twofold. First we give a first
-approach of the simulation of AIAC algorithms using a simulation tool (i.e. the
-SimGrid toolkit~\cite{SimGrid}). Second, we confirm the effectiveness of
-asynchronous mode algorithms by comparing their performance with the synchronous
-mode. More precisely, we had implemented a program for solving large
-linear system of equations by numerical method GMRES (Generalized
-Minimal Residual) \cite{ref1}. We show, that with minor modifications of the
-initial MPI code, the SimGrid toolkit allows us to perform a test campaign of a
-real AIAC application on different computing architectures. The simulated
-results we obtained are in line with real results exposed in ??\AG[]{ref?}.
-SimGrid had allowed us to launch the application from a modest computing
-infrastructure by simulating different distributed architectures composed by
-clusters nodes interconnected by variable speed networks.  With selected
-parameters on the network platforms (bandwidth, latency of inter cluster
-network) and on the clusters architecture (number, capacity calculation power)
-in the simulated environment, the experimental results have demonstrated not
-only the algorithm convergence within a reasonable time compared with the
-physical environment performance, but also a time saving of up to \np[\%]{40} in
-asynchronous mode.
-\AG{Il faudrait revoir la phrase précédente (couper en deux?).  Là, on peut
-  avoir l'impression que le gain de \np[\%]{40} est entre une exécution réelle
-  et une exécution simulée!}
-This article is structured as follows: after this introduction, the next  section will give a brief description of
-iterative asynchronous model.  Then, the simulation framework SimGrid is presented with the settings to create various
-distributed architectures. The algorithm of  the multisplitting method used by GMRES \LZK{??? GMRES n'utilise pas la méthode de multisplitting! Sinon ne doit on pas expliquer le choix d'une méthode de multisplitting?} written with MPI primitives and
-its adaptation to SimGrid with SMPI (Simulated MPI) is detailed in the next section. At last, the experiments results
-carried out will be presented before some concluding remarks and future works.
+To our knowledge,  there is no existing work on the  large-scale simulation of a
+real  AIAC application.   {\bf  The contribution  of  the present  paper can  be
+  summarised  in two  main  points}.  First  we  give a  first  approach of  the
+simulation  of  AIAC algorithms  using  a  simulation  tool (i.e.   the  SimGrid
+toolkit~\cite{SimGrid}).    Second,  we   confirm  the   effectiveness   of  the
+asynchronous  multisplitting algorithm  by  comparing its  performance with  the
+synchronous GMRES (Generalized Minimal  Residual) \cite{ref1}.  Both these codes
+can be  used to  solve large linear  systems. In  this paper, we  focus on  a 3D
+Poisson  problem.  We show,  that with  minor modifications  of the  initial MPI
+code, the SimGrid  toolkit allows us to  perform a test campaign of  a real AIAC
+application on different computing architectures.
+% The  simulated results  we
+%obtained are  in line with real  results exposed in  ??\AG[]{ref?}. 
+SimGrid  had  allowed us  to  launch the  application  from  a modest  computing
+infrastructure  by simulating  different distributed  architectures  composed by
+clusters  nodes interconnected by  variable speed  networks.  Parameters  of the
+network  platforms  are   the  bandwidth  and  the  latency   of  inter  cluster
+network. Parameters on the cluster's architecture are the number of machines and
+the  computation power  of a  machine.  Simulations show  that the  asynchronous
+multisplitting algorithm  can solve the  3D Poisson problem  approximately twice
+faster than GMRES with two distant clusters.
+This article is structured as follows: after this introduction, the next section
+will  give a  brief  description  of iterative  asynchronous  model.  Then,  the
+simulation framework  SimGrid is presented  with the settings to  create various
+distributed architectures.  Then, the  multisplitting method is presented, it is
+based  on GMRES to  solve each  block obtained  of the  splitting. This  code is
+written with MPI  primitives and its adaptation to  SimGrid with SMPI (Simulated
+MPI) is  detailed in the next  section. At last, the  simulation results carried
+out will be presented before some concluding remarks and future works.
 \section{Motivations and scientific context}
-As exposed in the introduction, parallel iterative methods are now widely used in many scientific domains. They can be
-classified in three main classes depending on how iterations and communications are managed (for more details readers
-can refer to~\cite{bcvc06:ij}). In the \textit{Synchronous Iterations~-- Synchronous Communications (SISC)} model data
-are exchanged at the end of each iteration. All the processors must begin the same iteration at the same time and
-important idle times on processors are generated. The \textit{Synchronous Iterations~-- Asynchronous Communications
-(SIAC)} model can be compared to the previous one except that data required on another processor are sent asynchronously
-i.e.  without stopping current computations. This technique allows to partially overlap communications by computations
-but unfortunately, the overlapping is only partial and important idle times remain.  It is clear that, in a grid
-computing context, where the number of computational nodes is large, heterogeneous and widely distributed, the idle
-times generated by synchronizations are very penalizing. One way to overcome this problem is to use the
-\textit{Asynchronous Iterations~-- Asynchronous Communications (AIAC)} model. Here, local computations do not need to
-wait for required data. Processors can then perform their iterations with the data present at that time. Figure~\ref{fig:aiac}
-illustrates this model where the gray blocks represent the computation phases, the white spaces the idle
-times and the arrows the communications.
-\AG{There are no ``white spaces'' on the figure.}
-With this algorithmic model, the number of iterations required before the
-convergence is generally greater than for the two former classes. But, and as detailed in~\cite{bcvc06:ij}, AIAC
-algorithms can significantly reduce overall execution times by suppressing idle times due to synchronizations especially
-in a grid computing context.\LZK{Répétition par rapport à l'intro}
+As exposed in  the introduction, parallel iterative methods  are now widely used
+in  many  scientific domains.  They  can be  classified  in  three main  classes
+depending on  how iterations  and communications are  managed (for  more details
+readers can refer to~\cite{bcvc06:ij}). In the \textit{Synchronous Iterations~--
+  Synchronous Communications (SISC)} model data are exchanged at the end of each
+iteration. All the processors must begin the same iteration at the same time and
+important  idle  times  on  processors are  generated.  The  \textit{Synchronous
+  Iterations~-- Asynchronous Communications (SIAC)} model can be compared to the
+previous  one  except   that  data  required  on  another   processor  are  sent
+asynchronously  i.e.   without  stopping  current computations.  This  technique
+allows to  partially overlap  communications by computations  but unfortunately,
+the overlapping  is only partial and  important idle times remain.   It is clear
+that, in  a grid computing context,  where the number of  computational nodes is
+large,  heterogeneous  and  widely  distributed,  the idle  times  generated  by
+synchronizations are very penalizing. One way to overcome this problem is to use
+the  \textit{Asynchronous   Iterations~--  Asynchronous  Communications  (AIAC)}
+model.   Here,  local   computations  do   not   need  to   wait  for   required
+data. Processors can then perform their iterations with the data present at that
+time.  Figure~\ref{fig:aiac}  illustrates  this  model  where  the  gray  blocks
+represent the  computation phases.  With  this algorithmic model, the  number of
+iterations required before the convergence is generally greater than for the two
+former classes.  But, and as  detailed in~\cite{bcvc06:ij}, AIAC  algorithms can
+significantly reduce  overall execution times  by suppressing idle times  due to
+synchronizations  especially  in a  grid  computing context.
+%\LZK{Répétition  par  rapport à l'intro}
@@ -208,26 +203,38 @@ in a grid computing context.\LZK{Répétition par rapport à l'intro}
+\RC{Je serais partant de virer AIAC et laisser asynchronous algorithms... à voir}
+%% It is very challenging to develop efficient applications for large scale,
+%% heterogeneous and distributed platforms such as computing grids. Researchers and
+%% engineers have to develop techniques for maximizing application performance of
+%% these multi-cluster platforms, by redesigning the applications and/or by using
+%% novel algorithms that can account for the composite and heterogeneous nature of
+%% the platform. Unfortunately, the deployment of such applications on these very
+%% large scale systems is very costly, labor intensive and time consuming. In this
+%% context, it appears that the use of simulation tools to explore various platform
+%% scenarios at will and to run enormous numbers of experiments quickly can be very
+%% promising. Several works\dots{}
+%% \AG{Several works\dots{} what?\\
+%  Le paragraphe suivant se trouve déjà dans l'intro ?}
+In the context of asynchronous algorithms, the number of iterations to reach the
+convergence depends on  the delay of messages. With  synchronous iterations, the
+number of  iterations is exactly  the same than  in the sequential mode  (if the
+parallelization process does  not change the algorithm). So  the difficulty with
+asynchronous algorithms comes from the fact it is necessary to run the algorithm
+with real data. In fact, from an execution to another the order of messages will
+change and the  number of iterations to reach the  convergence will also change.
+According  to all  the parameters  of the  platform (number  of nodes,  power of
+nodes,  inter  and  intra clusrters  bandwith  and  latency,  ....) and  of  the
+algorithm  (number   of  splitting  with  the   multisplitting  algorithm),  the
+multisplitting code  will obtain the solution  more or less  quickly. Or course,
+the GMRES method also depends of the same parameters. As it is difficult to have
+access to  many clusters,  grids or supercomputers  with many  different network
+parameters,  it  is  interesting  to  be  able  to  simulate  the  behaviors  of
+asynchronous iterative algoritms before being able to runs real experiments.
-It is very challenging to develop efficient applications for large scale,
-heterogeneous and distributed platforms such as computing grids. Researchers and
-engineers have to develop techniques for maximizing application performance of
-these multi-cluster platforms, by redesigning the applications and/or by using
-novel algorithms that can account for the composite and heterogeneous nature of
-the platform. Unfortunately, the deployment of such applications on these very
-large scale systems is very costly, labor intensive and time consuming. In this
-context, it appears that the use of simulation tools to explore various platform
-scenarios at will and to run enormous numbers of experiments quickly can be very
-promising. Several works\dots{}
-\AG{Several works\dots{} what?\\
-  Le paragraphe suivant se trouve déjà dans l'intro ?}
-In the context of AIAC algorithms, the use of simulation tools is even more
-relevant. Indeed, this class of applications is very sensible to the execution
-environment context. For instance, variations in the network bandwidth (intra
-and inter-clusters), in the number and the power of nodes, in the number of
-clusters\dots{} can lead to very different number of iterations and so to very
-different execution times.