-tolerant JaceP2P-V2 environment, described in next section.
-%This Java based platform is an executing and developing
-%environment dedicated to the AIAC model. By implementing a distributed
-%backup/restore mechanism it is also fully fault
-In our previous experiments we did not introduce computing nodes
-failures during the computation. As architecture heterogeneity
-continually evolves according to computing nodes volatility, we have
-to take care more precisely about the heterogeneity of the target
-platform. Thus in this paper our main contribution is to propose a new
-mapping algorithm called MAHEVE (\textit{Mapping Algorithm for
- HEterogeneous and Volatile Environments}). This algorithm
-explicitly tackles the heterogeneity issue and introduces a level of
-dynamism in order to adapt itself to the fault tolerance
-mechanisms. Our experiments show gains up to $65\%$ on application
-execution time, with faults during executions, which is about 10
-points better than AIAC-QM and about 25 points better than F-EC, and
-MAHEVE also outperforms them in experiments with no fault during executions.
+tolerant JaceP2P-V2 environment, described in next section. In our
+previous experiments we did not introduce computing nodes failures
+during the computation. As architecture heterogeneity continually
+evolves according to computing nodes volatility, we have to take care
+more precisely about the heterogeneity of the target platform. Thus in
+this paper our main contribution is to propose a new mapping algorithm
+called MAHEVE (\textit{Mapping Algorithm for HEterogeneous and
+ Volatile Environments}). This algorithm explicitly tackles the
+heterogeneity issue and introduces a level of dynamism in order to
+adapt itself to the fault tolerance mechanisms. Our experiments show
+gains up to $65\%$ on application execution time, with faults during
+executions, which is about 10 points better than AIAC-QM and about 25
+points better than F-EC, and MAHEVE also outperforms them in
+experiments with no fault during executions.