# Analysis description 
set encoding iso_8859_1
set terminal x11
set size 1,0.5
set term postscript enhanced portrait "Helvetica" 12

set ylabel "execution times (in s)" 
set xlabel "Sparse and full polynomial's degrees" 
set logscale x
set logscale y

#set key on outside left bmargin
set style line 1 lc rgb '#0060ad' lt 1 lw 2 pt 1 ps 1.5   # --- blue
set style line 2 lc rgb '#dd181f' lt 1 lw 2 pt 5 ps 1.5   # --- red
set style line 3 lc rgb '#0060ad' lt 1 lw 2 pt 6 ps 1.5   # --- red

  plot'log_exp_Sparse.txt' index 0 using 1:4 t "Sparse polynomial No log.exp"       with linespoints ls 2,\
 'log_exp_Sparse.txt' index 0 using 1:2 t "Sparse polynomial with log.exp"      with linespoints ls 1,\
 'log_exp_Sparse.txt' index 1 using 1:2 t "Sparse polynomial with log.exp"      with linespoints ls 1,\
'log_exp.txt' index 0 using 1:4 t "Full polynomial No log.exp"       with linespoints ls 2,\
 'log_exp.txt' index 0 using 1:2 t "Full polynomial with log.exp"     	   with linespoints ls 3,\
 'log_exp.txt'index 1 using 1:2 t "Full polynomail withlog.exp"      	   with linespoints ls 3