- title = "The lorentz transformation and absolute time",
- journal = "Physica ",
- volume = "19",
- number = "1-–12",
- pages = "888--896",
- year = "1953",
- doi = "10.1016/S0031-8914(53)80099-6",
- author = "P.A.M. Dirac"
+ author = "Isaac Newton",
+ year = "1670--71?",
+ title = "Tractatus de Methodis Serierum et Fluxionum",
+ booktitle = "The Mathematical Papers of Isaac Newton, III",
+ editor = "D. T. Whiteside",
+ pages = "32--353",
+ publisher = "Cambridge University Press, Cambridge",
+ kwds = "na, history, Newton's method",
+ author = "Girolamo Cardano",
+ title = "Ars Magna or The Rules of Algebra, 1545",
+ editor = "T. Richard Witmer",
+ publisher = "MIT",
+ year = "1968",
+ title = "Beweis der Unmöglichkeit, algebraische Gleichungen von höheren Graden als dem vierten allgemein aufzulösen",
+ journal = "J. reine angew, Math",
+ volume = "1",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "65--84",
+ year = "1826",
+ author = "Niels Henrik Abel",