\caption{Algorithm to find root polynomial with Aberth method}
\KwIn{$Z^{0}$(Initial root's vector),$\varepsilon$ (error
In CUDA platform, All the instruction of the loop \verb=for= are executed by the GPU as a kernel form. A kernel is a procedure written in CUDA and defined by a heading \verb=__global__=, which means that it is to be executed by the GPU. The following algorithm see the Aberth algorithm on GPU:
\caption{Algorithm to find root polynomial with Aberth method}
\KwIn{$Z^{0}$(Initial root's vector),$\varepsilon$ (error
The second kernel executes the iterative function and update Z(k),as formula (), we notice that the kernel update are called in two forms, separated with the value of \emph{R} which determines the radius beyond which we apply the logarithm formula like this:
\caption{A global Algorithm for the iterative function}
\eIf{$(\left|Z^{(k)}\right|<= R)$}{