plot 'influence_nb_threads.txt' using 1:2 t "sparse 500K" with linespoints ls 1,\
'influence_nb_threads.txt' using 1:4 t "full 500K" with linespoints ls 2,\
'influence_nb_threads.txt' using 1:6 t "sparse 50K" with linespoints lt 1 lw 2 ps 1 pt 4,\
plot 'influence_nb_threads.txt' using 1:2 t "sparse 500K" with linespoints ls 1,\
'influence_nb_threads.txt' using 1:4 t "full 500K" with linespoints ls 2,\
'influence_nb_threads.txt' using 1:6 t "sparse 50K" with linespoints lt 1 lw 2 ps 1 pt 4,\