-Each GPU threads in grid compute one root en parallel, if the polynomial size exceed the capacity of the grid the G.S schema are finely executed, like the grid can only compute << Blocks,Threads>> roots at the same time, if we ned to compute more roots, the grid can used the roots previously executed to compute other root ih the same iteration, like the following schema:
+Each GPU threads in grid compute one root en parallel, if the polynomial size exceed the capacity of the grid the G.S schema are finely executed, like the grid can only compute << Blocks,Threads>> roots at the same time, if we need to compute more roots, the grid can used the roots previously executed to compute other root ih the same iteration, like the following schema:
+ % \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{figures/G.S}
+%\caption{Gauss Seidel iteration}