X-Git-Url: https://bilbo.iut-bm.univ-fcomte.fr/and/gitweb/kahina_paper1.git/blobdiff_plain/a601f08e009efccb69bc30f54a76342afca25273..d70ea05e424af6b2925d036c3ff4b7f2552da8fc:/mybibfile.bib?ds=sidebyside diff --git a/mybibfile.bib b/mybibfile.bib index b87ff2b..4759950 100644 --- a/mybibfile.bib +++ b/mybibfile.bib @@ -1,408 +1,464 @@ -@article{Dirac1953888, - title = "The lorentz transformation and absolute time", - journal = "Physica ", - volume = "19", - number = "1-â12", - pages = "888--896", - year = "1953", - doi = "10.1016/S0031-8914(53)80099-6", - author = "P.A.M. Dirac" -} - -@article{Feynman1963118, - title = "The theory of a general quantum system interacting with a linear dissipative system", - journal = "Annals of Physics ", - volume = "24", - pages = "118--173", - year = "1963", - doi = "10.1016/0003-4916(63)90068-X", - author = "R.P Feynman AND F.L {Vernon Jr.}" -} - -@Article{Aberth73, - title = "Iteration Methods for Finding all Zeros of a Polynomial Simultaneously", - journal = "Mathematics of Computation", - volume = "27", - number = "122", - pages = "339--344", - year = "1973", - doi = "10.1016/0003-4916(63)90068-X", - author = "O. Aberth", - -}x - - -@Article{Ilie50, - title = "On the approximations of Newton", - journal = "Annual Sofia Univ", - volume = "", - number = "46", - pages = "167--171", - year = "1950", - doi = "10.1016/0003-4916(63)90068-X", - author = "L. Ilieff", - -}x -@Article{Docev62, - title = "An alternative method of Newton for simultaneous calculation of all the roots of a given algebraic equation", - journal = "Phys. Math. J", - volume = "", - number = "5", - pages = "136-139", - year = "1962", - author = "K. Docev", -}x - -@Article{Durand60, - title = "Solution Numerique des Equations Algebriques, Vol. 1, Equations du Type F(x)=0, Racines d'une Polynome", - journal = "", - volume = "Vol.1", - number = "", - pages = "", - year = "1960", - author = "E. Durand", -}x - -@Article{Kerner66, - title = "Ein Gesamtschritteverfahren zur Berechnung der Nullstellen von Polynomen", - journal = " ", - volume = "", - number = "8", - pages = "290-294", - year = "1966", - author = "I. Kerner", -}x - -@Article{Borch-Supan63, - title = "A posteriori error for the zeros of polynomials", - journal = " ", - volume = "", - number = "5", - pages = "380-398", - year = "1963", - author = "W. Borch-Supan", -}x - -@Article{Ehrlich67, - title = "A modified Newton method for polynomials", - journal = " Comm. Ass. Comput. Mach.", - volume = "", - number = "10", - pages = "107-108", - year = "1967", - author = "L.W. Ehrlich", -}x - -@Article{Loizon83, - title = "Higher-order iteration functions for simultaneously approximating polynomial zeros", - journal = " Intern. J. Computer Math", - volume = "", - number = "14", - pages = "45-58", - year = "1983", - author = "G. Loizon", -}x - -@Article{Freeman89, - title = " Calculating polynomial zeros on a local memory parallel computer", - journal = " Parallel Computing", - volume = "", - number = "12", - pages = "351-358", - year = "1989", - author = "T.L. Freeman", -}x - -@Article{Freemanall90, - title = " Asynchronous polynomial zero-finding algorithms", - journal = " Parallel Computing", - volume = "", - number = "17", - pages = "673-681", - year = "1990", - author = "T.L. Freeman AND R.K. Brankin", -}x - -@Article{Raphaelall01, - title = " Extraction de racines dans des polynômes creux de degrées élevés.RSRCP (Réseaux et Systèmes Répartis, Calculateurs Parallèles)", - journal = " Algorithmes itératifs paralléles et distribués", - volume = "1", - number = "13", - pages = "67-81", - year = "1990", - author = "R. Couturier AND F. Spetiri", -}x - -@Article{Ostrowski41, - title = " On a Theorem by J.L. Walsh Concerning the Moduli of Roots of Algebraic Equations,Bull. A.M.S.", - journal = " Algorithmes itératifs paralléles et distribués", - volume = "1", - number = "47", - pages = "742-746", - year = "1941", - author = "A. Ostrowski", -}x - - -@Manual{CUDA10, -title = {Compute Unified Device Architecture Programming Guide Version 3.0}, -OPTkey = {NVIDIA CUDA}, -OPTauthor = {â¢}, -OPTorganization = {NVIDIA CUDA}, -OPTaddress = {â¢}, -OPTedition = {â¢}, -OPTmonth = {March}, -OPTyear = {2010}, -OPTnote = {http://www.nvidia.com/object/cuda_develop.html}, -OPTannote = {â¢} -} - -@Article{Kahinall14, - title = " parallel implementation of the Durand-Kerner algorithm for polynomial root-finding on GPU", - journal = " IEEE. Conf. on advanced Networking, Distributed Systems and Applications", - volume = "", - number = "", - pages = "53-57", - year = "2014", - author = "K. Ghidouche AND R. Couturie AND A. Sider", -}x - -@Article{Karimall98, - - title = " Perfectionnements de la méthode asynchrone de Durand-Kerner pour les polynômes complexes", - journal = " Calculateurs Parallèles", - volume = "10", - number = "4", - pages = "449-458", - year = "1998", - author = "K. Rhofir AND F. Spies AND Jean-Claude Miellou", -}x - -@Article{Bini96, - - title = " Numerical computation of polynomial zeros by means of Aberth s method", - journal = " Numerical Algorithms", - volume = "13", - number = "4", - pages = "179-200", - year = "1996", - author = "D. Bini", -}x - -@Article{Mirankar68, - title = " Parallel methods for approximating the roots of a function", - journal = " IBM Res Dev", - volume = "30", - number = "", - pages = "297-301", - year = "1968", - author = "WL. Mirankar", -}x - -@Article{Mirankar71, - title = " A survey of parallelism in numerical analysis", - journal = " SIAM Rev", - volume = "", - number = "", - pages = "524-547", - year = "1971", - author = "WL. Mirankar", -}x - -@Article{Schedler72, - title = " Parallel iteration methods in complexity of computer communications", - journal = " Commun ACM ", - volume = "", - number = "", - pages = "286-290", - year = "1967", - author = "GS. Schedler", -}x - -@Article{Winogard72, - title = " Parallel iteration methods in complexity of computer communications", - journal = " Plenum, New York", - volume = "", - number = "", - pages = "", - year = "1972", - author = "S. Winogard", -}x - -@Article{Benall68, - title = " A fast parallel algorithm for determining all roots of a polynomial with real roots", - journal = " Int: Proc of ACM", - volume = "", - number = "", - pages = "340-349", - year = "1968", - author = "M. Ben-Or AND E. Feig AND D. Kozzen AND P. Tiwary", -}x - -@Article{Riceall06, - title = " A highly parallel algorithm for root extraction", - journal = " IEEE Trans Comp", - volume = "38", - number = "3", - pages = "443-449", - year = "2006", - author = "TA. Rice AND LH. Jamieson", -}x - -@Article{Cosnard90, - title = " Finding the roots of a polynomial on an MIMD multicomputer", - journal = " Parallel Comput", - volume = "15", - number = "3", - pages = "75-85", - year = "1990", - author = "M. Cosnard AND P. Fraigniaud", -}x - -@Article{Janall99, - title = " Efficient parallel algorithms for finding polynomial zeroes", - journal = "Proc of the 6th int conference on advance computing, CDAC, Pune University Campus,India", - volume = "15", - number = "3", - pages = "189-196", - year = "1999", - author = "PK. Jana AND BP. Sinha AND R. Datta Gupta", -}x - -@Article{Jana06, - title = " Polynomial interpolation and polynomial root finding on OTIS-Mesh", - journal = " Parallel Comput", - volume = "32", - number = "3", - pages = "301-312", - year = "2006", - author = "PK. Jana", -}x -@Article{Kalantari08, - title = " Polynomial root finding and polynomiography.", - journal = " World Scientifict,New Jersey", - volume = "", - number = "", - pages = "", - year = "", - author = "B. Kalantari", -}x - -@Article{Gemignani07, - title = " Structured matrix methods for polynomial root finding.", - journal = " n: Proc of the 2007 Intl symposium on symbolic and algebraic computation", - volume = "", - number = "", - pages = "175-180", - year = "2007", - author = "L. Gemignani", -}x - - - -@Article{Skachek08, - title = " Structured matrix methods for polynomial root finding.", - journal = " n: Proc of the 2007 Intl symposium on symbolic and algebraic computation", - volume = "", - number = "", - pages = "175-180", - year = "2008", - author = "V. Skachek", -}x - -@BOOK{Skachek008, - AUTHOR = {V. Skachek}, - editor = {}, - TITLE = {Probabilistic algorithm for finding roots of linearized polynomials}, - PUBLISHER = {codes and cryptography. Kluwer}, - YEAR = {2008}, - volume = {}, - number = {}, - series = {}, - address = {}, - edition = {Design}, - month = {}, - note = {}, - abstract = {}, - isbn = {}, - price = {}, - keywords = {}, - source = {}, -}x - -@Article{Zhancall08, - title = " A constrained learning algorithm for finding multiple real roots of polynomial", - journal = " In: Proc of the 2008 intl symposium on computational intelligence and design", - volume = "", - number = "", - pages = "38-41", - year = "2008", - author = "X. Zhanc AND M. Wan,Z.Yi", -}x - - -@Article{Zhuall08, - title = " an adaptive algorithm finding multiple roots of polynomials", - journal = " Lect Notes Comput Sci ", - volume = "", - number = "5262", - pages = "674-681", - year = "2008", - author = "W. Zhu AND w. Zeng AND D. Lin", -}x -@Article{Azad07, - title = " The performance of synchronous parallel polynomial root extraction on a ring multicomputer", - journal = " Clust Comput ", - volume = "2", - number = "10", - pages = "167-174", - year = "2007", - author = "HS. Azad", -}x - - - - -@Article{Bini04, - title = " Inverse power and Durand Kerner iterations for univariate polynomial root finding", - journal = " Comput Math Appl ", - volume = "", - number = "47", - pages = "447-459", - year = "2004", - author = "DA. Bini AND L. Gemignani", -}x - -@Article{Jana99, - title = " Finding polynomial zeroes on a Multi-mesh of trees (MMT)", - journal = " In: Proc of the 2nd int conference on information technology", - volume = "", - number = "", - pages = "202-206", - year = "1999", - author = "PK. Jana", -}x - -@Article{Weierstrass03, - title = " Neuer Beweis des Satzes, dass jede ganze rationale function einer veranderlichen dagestellt werden kann als ein product aus linearen functionen derselben veranderlichen", - journal = " Ges. Werke", - volume = "3", - number = "", - pages = "251-269", - year = "1903", - author = "K. Weierstrass", -}x - - - -@BOOK{NVIDIA10, - AUTHOR = {NVIDIA}, - editor = {Design Guide}, - TITLE = {NVIDIA CUDA C Programming Guide}, - PUBLISHER = {PG}, - YEAR = {2015}, - volume = {7}, - number = {02829}, - series = {001}, - month = {march}, -}x +@Article{Aberth73, + title = "Iteration Methods for Finding all Zeros of a Polynomial Simultaneously", + journal = "Mathematics of Computation", + volume = "27", + number = "122", + pages = "339--344", + year = "1973", + author = "O. Aberth", + +}x + +@Article{Ilie50, + title = "On the approximations of Newton", + journal = "Annual Sofia Univ", + volume = "46", + number = "", + pages = "167--171", + year = "1950", + author = "L. Ilieff", + +}x + +@Article{Docev62, + title = "An alternative method of Newton for simultaneous calculation of all the roots of a given algebraic equation", + journal = "Phys. Math. J", + volume = "5", + number = "", + pages = "136-139", + year = "1962", + author = "K. Docev", +}x + +@Book{Durand60, + author = "\'E. Durand", + publisher = "Masson, Paris", + title = "Solutions num\'eriques des \'equations alg\'ebriques. + {T}ome {I}: \'{E}quations du type {$F(x)=0$}; racines + d'un polyn\^ome", + year = "1960", +}x + +@Article{Kerner66, + author = "Immo O. Kerner", + title = "{Ein Gesamtschrittverfahren zur Berechnung der + Nullstellen von Polynomen}. ({German}) [{A} Complete + Step Method for the Computation of Zeros of + Polynomials]", + journal = "Numerische Mathematik", + volume = "8", + number = "3", + pages = "290--294", + month = may, + year = "1966", + CODEN = "NUMMA7", + ISSN = "0029-599X (print), 0945-3245 (electronic)", + bibdate = "Mon Oct 18 01:28:20 MDT 1999", + bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/nummath.bib", + acknowledgement = "Nelson H. F. Beebe, University of Utah, Department + of Mathematics, 110 LCB, 155 S 1400 E RM 233, Salt Lake + City, UT 84112-0090, USA, Tel: +1 801 581 5254, FAX: +1 + 801 581 4148, e-mail: \path|beebe@math.utah.edu|, + \path|beebe@acm.org|, \path|beebe@computer.org| + (Internet), URL: + \path|http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/|", + fjournal = "Numerische Mathematik", + journal-url = "http://link.springer.com/journal/211", + language = "German", +} + +@Article{Borch-Supan63, + author = "W. Boersch-Supan", + title = "A Posteriori Error Bounds for the Zeros of + Polynomials", + journal = "Numerische Mathematik", + volume = "5", + pages = "380--398", + year = "1963", + CODEN = "NUMMA7", + ISSN = "0029-599X", + bibdate = "Fri Jan 12 11:37:56 1996", + acknowledgement = "Jon Rokne, Department of Computer Science, The + University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive N.W., + Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4, Canada", +} + +@Article{Ehrlich67, + title = "A modified Newton method for polynomials", + author = "Louis W. Ehrlich", + journal = "Commun. ACM", + year = "1967", + number = "2", + volume = "10", + bibdate = "2003-11-20", + bibsource = "DBLP, + http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/cacm/cacm10.html#Ehrlich67", + pages = "107--108", + URL = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/363067.363115", +} +@Article{Loizou83, + title = "Higher-order iteration functions for simultaneously approximating polynomial zeros", + journal = " Intern. J. Computer Math", + volume = "14", + number = "1", + pages = "45-58", + year = "1983", + author = "G. Loizou", +}x + +@Article{Freeman89, + title = "Calculating polynomial zeros on a local memory + parallel computer", + author = "T. L. Freeman", + journal = "Parallel Computing", + year = "1989", + number = "3", + volume = "12", + bibdate = "2011-09-09", + bibsource = "DBLP, + http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/pc/pc12.html#Freeman89", + pages = "351--358", + URL = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0167-8191(89)90093-8", +} +@Article{Freemanall90, + title = " Asynchronous polynomial zero-finding algorithms", + journal = " Parallel Computing", + volume = "17", + number = "", + pages = "673-681", + year = "1990", + author = "T.L. Freeman AND R.K. Brankin", +}x + +@Article{Raphaelall01, + title = " Extraction de racines dans des polynômes creux de degrées élevés. {RSRCP} (Réseaux et Systèmes Répartis, Calculateurs Parallèles)", + journal = " Algorithmes itératifs paralléles et distribués", + volume = "1", + number = "13", + pages = "67-81", + year = "1990", + author = "R. Couturier AND F. Spies", +}x + +@Article{Ostrowski41, + title = " On a Theorem by {J. L. Walsh} Concerning the Moduli of Roots of Algebraic Equations,Bull. A.M.S.", + journal = " Algorithmes itératifs paralléles et distribués", + volume = "1", + number = "47", + pages = "742-746", + year = "1941", + author = "A. Ostrowski", +}x + + +@Manual{CUDA10, +title = {Compute Unified Device Architecture Programming Guide Version 3.0}, +OPTkey = {NVIDIA CUDA}, +OPTauthor = {â¢}, +OPTorganization = {NVIDIA CUDA}, +OPTaddress = {â¢}, +OPTedition = {â¢}, +OPTmonth = {March}, +OPTyear = {2010}, +OPTnote = {http://www.nvidia.com/object/cuda_develop.html}, +OPTannote = {â¢} +} + +@Article{Kahinall14, + title = "Parallel implementation of the {D}urand-{K}erner algorithm for polynomial root-finding on GPU", + journal = "IEEE. Conf. on advanced Networking, Distributed Systems and Applications", + volume = "", + number = "", + pages = "53-57", + year = "2014", + author = "K. Ghidouche AND R. Couturier AND A. Sider", +}x + +@Article{Karimall98, + + title = " Perfectionnements de la méthode asynchrone de Durand-Kerner pour les polynômes complexes", + journal = " Calculateurs Parallèles", + volume = "10", + number = "4", + pages = "449-458", + year = "1998", + author = "K. Rhofir AND F. Spies AND Jean-Claude Miellou", +}x + +@Article{Bini96, + title = "Numerical computation of polynomial zeros by means of + Aberth's method", + author = "D. Bini", + journal = "Numerical Algorithms", + year = "1996", + number = "2", + volume = "13", + bibdate = "2015-09-27", + bibsource = "DBLP, + http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/na/na13.html#Bini96", + pages = "179--200", + URL = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02207694", +} +@Article{Mirankar68, + title = " Parallel methods for approximating the roots of a function", + journal = " IBM Res Dev", + volume = "13", + number = "", + pages = "297-301", + year = "1968", + author = "WL. Mirankar", +}x + +@Article{Mirankar71, + title = " A survey of parallelism in numerical analysis", + journal = " SIAM Rev", + volume = "13", + number = "", + pages = "524-547", + year = "1971", + author = "WL. Mirankar", +}x + +@Article{Schedler72, + title = " Parallel Numerical Methods for Solution of Equations", + journal = " Commun ACM ", + volume = "10", + number = "", + pages = "286-290", + year = "1967", + author = "GS. Schedler", +}x + +@InProceedings{Winogard72, + title = "Parallel Iteration Methods", + author = "Shmuel Winograd", + bibdate = "2011-09-13", + bibsource = "DBLP, + http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/coco/cocc1972.html#Winograd72", + booktitle = "Complexity of Computer Computations", + publisher = "Plenum Press, New York", + year = "1972", + editor = "Raymond E. Miller and James W. Thatcher", + ISBN = "0-306-30707-3", + pages = "53--60", + series = "The IBM Research Symposia Series", +}x + +@Article{Benall68, + title = " A fast parallel algorithm for determining all roots of a polynomial with real roots", + journal = " Int: Proc of ACM", + volume = "", + number = "", + pages = "340-349", + year = "1988", + author = "M. Ben-Or AND E. Feig AND D. Kozzen AND P. Tiwary", +}x + +@Article{Riceall06, + title = " A highly parallel algorithm for root extraction", + journal = " IEEE Trans Comp", + volume = "38", + number = "3", + pages = "443-449", + year = "2006", + author = "TA. Rice AND LH. Jamieson", +}x + +@Article{Cosnard90, + title = " Finding the roots of a polynomial on an MIMD multicomputer", + journal = " Parallel Comput", + volume = "15", + number = "3", + pages = "75-85", + year = "1990", + author = "M. Cosnard AND P. Fraigniaud", +}x + +@Article{Janall99, + title = " Efficient parallel algorithms for finding polynomial zeroes", + journal = "Proc of the 6th int conference on advance computing, CDAC, Pune University Campus,India", + volume = "15", + number = "3", + pages = "189-196", + year = "1999", + author = "PK. Jana AND BP. Sinha AND R. Datta Gupta", +}x + +@Article{Jana06, + title = " Polynomial interpolation and polynomial root finding on OTIS-Mesh", + journal = " Parallel Comput", + volume = "32", + number = "3", + pages = "301-312", + year = "2006", + author = "PK. Jana", +}x + + +@Book{Kalantari08, +author = {B. Kalantari}, +title = {Polynomial root finding and polynomiography}, +publisher = {World Scientifict}, +year = {2008}, +OPTkey = {â¢}, +OPTvolume = {â¢}, +OPTnumber = {â¢}, +OPTseries = {â¢}, +OPTaddress = {â¢}, +OPTmonth = {December}, +OPTnote = {â¢}, +OPTannote = {â¢} +} + +Article{Skachek08, + title = " Structured matrix methods for polynomial root finding", + journal = " n: Proc of the 2007 Intl symposium on symbolic and algebraic computation", + volume = "", + number = "", + pages = "175-180", + year = "2008", + author = "V. Skachek", +}x + + + +@InProceedings{Gemignani07, + author = "Luca Gemignani", + title = "Structured matrix methods for polynomial + root-finding", + editor = "C. W. Brown", + booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on + Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, July 29--August 1, + 2007, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, + Canada", + publisher = "ACM Press", + address = "pub-ACM:adr", + ISBN = "1-59593-743-9 (print), 1-59593-742-0 (CD-ROM)", + isbn-13 = "978-1-59593-743-8 (print), 978-1-59593-742-1 + (CD-ROM)", + pages = "175--180", + year = "2007", + doi = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1277548.1277573", + bibdate = "Fri Jun 20 08:46:50 MDT 2008", + bibsource = "http://portal.acm.org/; + http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/issac.bib", + abstract = "In this paper we discuss the use of structured matrix + methods for the numerical approximation of the zeros of + a univariate polynomial. In particular, it is shown + that root-finding algorithms based on floating-point + eigenvalue computation can benefit from the structure + of the matrix problem to reduce their complexity and + memory requirements by an order of magnitude.", + acknowledgement = "Nelson H. F. Beebe, University of Utah, Department + of Mathematics, 110 LCB, 155 S 1400 E RM 233, Salt Lake + City, UT 84112-0090, USA, Tel: +1 801 581 5254, FAX: +1 + 801 581 4148, e-mail: \path|beebe@math.utah.edu|, + \path|beebe@acm.org|, \path|beebe@computer.org| + (Internet), URL: + \path|http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/|", + keywords = "complexity; eigenvalue computation; polynomial + root-finding; rank-structured matrices", + doi-url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1277548.1277573", +} + +@Article{Skachek008, + title = "Probabilistic algorithm for finding roots of + linearized polynomials", + author = "Vitaly Skachek and Ron M. Roth", + journal = "Des. Codes Cryptography", + year = "2008", + number = "1", + volume = "46", + bibdate = "2008-03-11", + bibsource = "DBLP, + http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/dcc/dcc46.html#SkachekR08", + pages = "17--23", + URL = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10623-007-9125-y", +} + +@Article{Zhancall08, + title = " A constrained learning algorithm for finding multiple real roots of polynomial", + journal = " In: Proc of the 2008 intl symposium on computational intelligence and design", + volume = "", + number = "", + pages = "38-41", + year = "2008", + author = "X. Zhanc AND M. Wan,Z.Yi", +}x + + +@InProceedings{Zhuall08, + title = "An Adaptive Algorithm Finding Multiple Roots of Polynomials", + author = "Wei Zhu AND Zhe-zhao Zeng AND Dong-mei Lin", + bibdate = "2008-09-25", + bibsource = "DBLP, + http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/isnn/isnn2008-2.html#ZhuZL08", + booktitle = "ISNN (2)", + publisher = "Springer", + year = "2008", + volume = "5264", + editor = "Fuchun Sun and Jianwei Zhang 0001 and Ying Tan and + Jinde Cao and Wen Yu 0001", + ISBN = "978-3-540-87733-2", + pages = "674--681", + series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", + URL = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-87734-9_77", +} + +@Article{Azad07, + title = " The performance of synchronous parallel polynomial root extraction on a ring multicomputer", + journal = " Clust Comput ", + volume = "2", + number = "10", + pages = "167-174", + year = "2007", + author = "HS. Azad", +}x + + + + +@Article{Bini04, + title = " Inverse power and Durand Kerner iterations for univariate polynomial root finding", + journal = " Comput Math Appl ", + volume = "47", + number = "", + pages = "447-459", + year = "2004", + author = "DA. Bini AND L. Gemignani", +}x + +@Article{Jana99, + title = " Finding polynomial zeroes on a Multi-mesh of trees (MMT)", + journal = " In: Proc of the 2nd int conference on information technology", + volume = "", + number = "", + pages = "202-206", + year = "1999", + author = "PK. Jana", +}x + +@Article{Weierstrass03, + title = " Neuer Beweis des Satzes, dass jede ganze rationale function einer veranderlichen dagestellt werden kann als ein product aus linearen functionen derselben veranderlichen", + journal = " Ges. Werke", + volume = "3", + number = "", + pages = "251-269", + year = "1903", + author = "K. Weierstrass", +}x +@Manual{NVIDIA10, +title = {NVIDIA CUDA C Programming Guide}, +OPTkey = {â¢}, +OPTauthor = {NVIDIA Corporation}, +OPTorganization = {Design Guide}, +OPTaddress = {â¢}, +OPTedition = {â¢}, +OPTmonth = {march}, +OPTyear = {2015}, +OPTnote = {â¢}, +OPTannote = {â¢} +} + + +