\caption{CUDA Algorithm to find roots with the Ehrlich-Aberth method}
\KwIn{$Z^{0}$ (Initial root's vector), $\varepsilon$ (Error tolerance
Copy results from GPU memory to CPU memory\;
-\RC{Au final, on laisse ce code, on l'explique, si c'est kahina qui
- rajoute l'explication, il faut absolument ajouter \KG{dfsdfsd}, car
- l'anglais sera à relire et je ne veux pas tout relire... }
\section{The EA algorithm on Multiple GPUs}
%% roots sufficiently converge.
-%% \begin{enumerate}
-%% \begin{algorithm}[htpb]
-%% \label{alg2-cuda-openmp}
-%% %\LinesNumbered
-%% \caption{CUDA-OpenMP Algorithm to find roots with the Ehrlich-Aberth method}
+\caption{CUDA-OpenMP Algorithm to find roots with the Ehrlich-Aberth method}
-%% \KwIn{$Z^{0}$ (Initial root's vector), $\varepsilon$ (Error tolerance
-%% threshold), P (Polynomial to solve), Pu (Derivative of P), $n$ (Polynomial degree), $\Delta z$ ( Vector of errors for stop condition), $num_gpus$ (number of OpenMP threads/ Number of GPUs), $Size$ (number of roots)}
+\KwIn{$Z^{0}$ (Initial root's vector), $\varepsilon$ (Error tolerance
+ threshold), P (Polynomial to solve), Pu (Derivative of P), $n$ (Polynomial degree), $\Delta z$ ( Vector of errors for stop condition), $num\_gpus$ (number of OpenMP threads/ Number of GPUs), $Size$ (number of roots)}
-%% \KwOut {$Z$ ( Root's vector), $ZPrec$ (Previous root's vector)}
+\KwOut {$Z$ ( Root's vector), $ZPrec$ (Previous root's vector)}
-%% \BlankLine
-%% \item Initialization of P\;
-%% \item Initialization of Pu\;
-%% \item Initialization of the solution vector $Z^{0}$\;
-%% \verb=omp_set_num_threads(num_gpus);=
-%% \verb=#pragma omp parallel shared(Z,$\Delta$ z,P);=
-%% \verb=cudaGetDevice(gpu_id);=
-%% \item Allocate and copy initial data from CPU memory to the GPU global memories\;
-%% \item index= $Size/num\_gpus$\;
-%% \item k=0\;
-%% \While {$error > \epsilon$}{
-%% \item Let $\Delta z=0$\;
-%% \item $ kernel\_save(ZPrec,Z)$\;
-%% \item k=k+1\;
-%% \item $ kernel\_update(Z,P,Pu,index)$\;
-%% \item $kernel\_testConverge(\Delta z[gpu\_id],Z,ZPrec)$\;
-%% %\verb=#pragma omp barrier;=
-%% \item error= Max($\Delta z$)\;
-%% }
+Initialization of P\;
+Initialization of Pu\;
+Initialization of the solution vector $Z^{0}$\;
+\#pragma omp parallel shared(Z,$\Delta$ z,P)\;
+Allocate memory on GPU\;
+Compute local size and offet according to gpu\_id\;
+\While {$error > \epsilon$}{
+ copy Z from CPU to GPU\;
+$ ZPrec_{loc}=kernel\_save(Z_{loc})$\;
+$ Z_{loc}=kernel\_update(Z,P,Pu)$\;
+$\Delta z[gpu\_id] = kernel\_testConv(Z_{loc},ZPrec_{loc})$\;
+$ error= Max(\Delta z)$\;
+ copy $Z_{loc}$ from GPU to Z in CPU
-%% \item Copy results from GPU memories to CPU memory\;
-%% \end{algorithm}
-%% \end{enumerate}
-%% ~\\
-%% \RC{C'est encore pire ici, on ne voit pas les comm CPU <-> GPU }
\subsection{Multi-GPU : an MPI-CUDA approach}
In Figure~\ref{fig:09} we can see that both approaches are scalable
-and can solve very high degree polynomials. With full polynomial both
-approaches give very similar results. However, for sparse polynomials
-there are a noticeable difference in favour of MPI when the degree is
-above 4 millions. Between 1 and 3 millions, OpenMP is more effecient.
-Under 1 million, OpenMPI and MPI are almost equivalent.
+and can solve very high degree polynomials. In addition, with full polynomial as well as sparse ones, both
+approaches give very similar results.
+%SIDER JE viens de virer \c ca For sparse polynomials here are a noticeable difference in favour of MPI when the degree is
+%above 4 millions. Between 1 and 3 millions, OpenMP is more effecient.
+%Under 1 million, OpenMPI and MPI are almost equivalent.
%SIDER : il faut une explication sur les différences ici aussi.