+Most of the numerical methods that deal with the polynomial
+root-finding problems are simultaneous methods, \textit{i.e.} the
+iterative methods to find simultaneous approximations of the $n$
+polynomial roots. These methods start from the initial approximation
+of all $n$ polynomial roots and give a sequence of approximations that
+converge to the roots of the polynomial. Two examples of well-known
+simultaneous methods for root-finding problem of polynomials are
+the Durand-Kerner method~\cite{Durand60,Kerner66} and the Ehrlich-Aberth method~\cite{Ehrlich67,Aberth73}.
+The convergence time of simultaneous methods drastically increases
+with the increasing of the polynomial's degree. The great challenge
+with simultaneous methods is to parallelize them and to improve their
+convergence. Many authors have proposed parallel simultaneous
+using several paradigms of parallelization (synchronous or
+asynchronous computations, mechanism of shared or distributed memory,
+etc). However, so far until now, only polynomials not exceeding
+degrees of less than 100,000 have been solved.
+%The main problem of the simultaneous methods is that the necessary
+%time needed for the convergence increases with the increasing of the
+%polynomial's degree. Many authors have treated the problem of
+%implementing simultaneous methods in
+%parallel. Freeman~\cite{Freeman89} implemented and compared
+%Durand-Kerner method, Ehrlich-Aberth method and another method of the
+%fourth order of convergence proposed by Farmer and
+%Loizou~\cite{Loizou83} on a 8-processor linear chain, for polynomials
+%of degree up-to 8. The method of Farmer and Loizou~\cite{Loizou83}
+%often diverges, but the first two methods (Durand-Kerner and
+%Ehrlich-Aberth methods) have a speed-up equals to 5.5. Later, Freeman
+%and Bane~\cite{Freemanall90} considered asynchronous algorithms in
+%which each processor continues to update its approximations even
+%though the latest values of other approximations $z^{k}_{i}$ have not
+%been received from the other processors, in contrast with synchronous
+%algorithms where it would wait those values before making a new
+%iteration. Couturier and al.~\cite{cs01:nj} proposed two methods
+%of parallelization for a shared memory architecture with OpenMP and
+%for a distributed memory one with MPI. They are able to compute the
+%roots of sparse polynomials of degree 10,000. The authors showed an interesting
+%speedup that is 20 times as fast as the sequential implementation.
+The recent advent of the Compute Unified Device Architecture
+(CUDA)~\cite{CUDA15}, a programming
+model and a parallel computing architecture developed by NVIDIA, has revived parallel programming interest in
+this problem. Indeed, the computing power of GPUs (Graphics Processing
+Units) has exceeded that of traditional CPUs processors, which makes
+it very appealing to the research community to investigate new
+parallel implementations for a whole set of scientific problems in the
+reasonable hope to solve bigger instances of well known
+computationally demanding issues such as the one beforehand. However,
+CUDA provides an efficient massive data computing model which is
+suited to GPU architectures. Ghidouche et al.~\cite{Kahinall14} proposed an implementation of the Durand-Kerner method on a single GPU. Their main results showed that a parallel CUDA implementation is about 10 times faster than the sequential implementation on a single CPU for sparse polynomials of degree 48,000.
+In this paper we propose the parallelization of the Ehrlich-Aberth
+(EA) method which has a much better cubic convergence rate than the
+quadratic rate of the Durand-Kerner method that has already been investigated in \cite{Kahinall14}. In the other hand, EA is suitable to be implemented in parallel computers according to the data-parallel paradigm. In this model, computing elements carry computations on the data they are assigned and communicate with other computing elements in order to get fresh data or to synchronize. Classically, two parallel programming paradigms OpenMP and MPI are used to code such solutions. But in our case, computing elements are CUDA multi-GPU platforms. This architectural setting poses new programming challenges but offers also new opportunities to efficiently solve huge problems, otherwise considered intractable until recently. To the best of our knowledge, our CUDA-MPI and CUDA-OpenMP codes are the first implementations of EA method with multiple GPUs for finding roots of polynomials. Our major contributions include:
+ \begin{itemize}
+\item The parallel implementation of EA algorithm on a multi-GPU platform with a shared memory using OpenMP API. It is based on threads created from the same system process, such that each thread is attached to one GPU. In this case the communications between GPUs are done by OpenMP threads through shared memory.
+\item The parallel implementation of EA algorithm on a
+ multi-GPU platform with a distributed memory using MPI API, such
+ that each GPU is attached and managed by a MPI process. The GPUs
+ exchange their data by message-passing communications. This approach is more used on clusters to solve very complex problems that are too large for traditional supercomputers, which are very expensive to build and run.
+ Our method is efficient to compute the roots of sparse and full
+ polynomials of degree up to 5 million.
+ \end{itemize}
+The paper is organized as follows. In Section~\ref{sec2} we present three different parallel programming models OpenMP, MPI and CUDA. In Section~\ref{sec3} we present the implementation of the Ehrlich-Aberth algorithm on a single GPU. In Section~\ref{sec4} we present the parallel implementations of the Ehrlich-Aberth algorithm on multiple GPUs using the OpenMP and MPI approaches. In section~\ref{sec5} we present our experiments and discuss them. Finally, Section~\ref{sec6} concludes this paper and gives some hints for future research directions in this topic.
+\section{Parallel programming models}
+Our objective consists in implementing a root-finding algorithm of
+polynomials on multiple GPUs. To this end, it is essential to know how
+to manage the CUDA contexts of different GPUs. A direct method to control the various GPUs is to use as many threads or processes as GPU devices. We investigate two parallel paradigms: OpenMP and MPI. In this case, the GPU indices are defined according to the identifiers of the OpenMP threads or the ranks of the MPI processes. In this section we present the parallel programming models: OpenMP, MPI and CUDA.
+OpenMP (Open Multi-processing) is an application programming interface
+for parallel programming~\cite{openmp13}. It is a portable approach
+based on the multithreading designed for shared memory computers,
+where a master thread forks a number of slave threads which execute
+blocks of code in parallel. An OpenMP program alternates sequential
+regions and parallel regions of code, where the sequential regions are
+executed by the master thread and the parallel ones may be executed by
+multiple threads. During the execution of an OpenMP program the
+threads communicate their data (read and modified) in the shared
+memory. One advantage of OpenMP is the global view of the memory
+address space of an application. This allows a relatively fast development of parallel applications with easier maintenance. However, it is often difficult to get high rates of performances in large scale-applications.
+MPI (Message Passing Interface) is a portable message passing style of
+the parallel programming designed specifically for distributed memory
+architectures~\cite{Peter96}. In most MPI implementations, a
+computation contains a fixed set of processes created at the
+initialization of the program in such a way that one process is
+created per processor. The processes synchronize their computations
+and communicate by sending/receiving messages to/from other
+processes. In this case, the data are explicitly exchanged by message
+passing while the data exchanges are implicit in a multithread
+programming model like OpenMP and Pthreads. However in the MPI
+programming model, the processes may either execute different programs
+referred to as multiple program multiple data (MPMD) or every process
+executes the same program (SPMD). The MPI approach is one of the most used HPC programming model to solve large scale and complex applications.
+CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) is a parallel computing
+architecture developed by NVIDIA~\cite{CUDA15} for GPUs. It provides a
+high level GPGPU-based programming model to program GPUs for general
+purpose computations. The GPU is viewed as an accelerator such that
+data-parallel operations of a CUDA program running on a CPU are
+off-loaded onto GPU and executed by this latter. The data-parallel
+operations executed by GPUs are called kernels. The same kernel is
+executed in parallel by a large number of threads organized in grids
+of thread blocks, such that each GPU multiprocessor executes one or
+more thread blocks in SIMD fashion (Single Instruction, Multiple Data)
+and in turn each core of the multiprocessor executes one or more
+threads within a block. Threads within a block can cooperate by
+sharing data through a fast shared memory and coordinate their
+execution through synchronization points. In contrast, within a grid
+of thread blocks, there is no synchronization at all between
+blocks. The GPU only works on data filled in the global memory and the
+final results of the kernel executions must be transferred out of the
+GPU. In the GPU, the global memory has lower bandwidth than the shared
+memory associated to each multiprocessor. Thus with CUDA programming,
+it is necessary to design carefully the arrangement of the thread
+blocks in order to ensure a low latency and a proper use of the shared
+memory. As for the global memory accesses, it should also be minimized.
+\section{The Ehrlich-Aberth algorithm on a GPU}
+\subsection{The Ehrlich-Aberth method}
+The Ehrlich-Aberth method is a simultaneous method~\cite{Aberth73} using the following iteration
+{1-\frac{p(z_{i}^{k})}{p'(z_{i}^{k})}\sum_{j=1,j\neq i}^{j=n}{\frac{1}{(z_{i}^{k}-z_{j}^{k})}}}, i=1,\ldots,n