-This figure shows 4 curves of execution time of EA algorithm, a curve with single GPU, 3 curves with Multi-GPUs (2, 3, 4) GPUs. We see clearly that the curve with single GPU is above the other curves, which shows consumption in execution time compared to the Multi-GPU. We can see the approach Multi-GPU (CUDA MPI) reduces the execution time up to the scale 100 for polynomial of degrees more than 1,000,000 whereas single GPU is of the scale 1000.
+This figure shows 4 curves of execution time of EA algorithm, a curve with single GPU, 3 curves with multiple GPUs (2, 3, 4). We can clearly see that the curve with single GPU is above the other curves, which shows consumption in execution time compared to the Multi-GPU. We can see also that the CUDA-MPI approach reduces the execution time by a factor of 100 for polynomials of degree more than 1,000,000 whereas a single GPU is of the scale 1000.
+%%SIDER : Je n'ai pas reformuler car je n'ai pas compris la phrase, merci de l'ecrire ici en fran\cais.
+\\cette figure montre 4 courbes de temps d'exécution pour l'algorithme EA, une courbe avec un seul GPU, 3 courbes pour multiple GPUs(2, 3, 4), on peut constaté clairement que la courbe à un seul GPU est au-dessus des autres courbes, vue sa consomation en temps d'exècution. On peut voir aussi qu'avec l'approche Multi-GPU (CUDA-MPI) reduit le temps d'exècution jusqu'à l'echelle 100 pour le polynômes qui dépasse 1,000,000 tandis que Single GPU est de l'echelle 1000.